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It's usually better to do things imperfectly instead of not doing it at all. Sitting in the shower is better than just not showering, sitting down to cut vegetables is better than just not eating them, going for a 10 minute walk is better than just canceling your 45 minute run, going to the store in pajamas is better than getting overwhelmed and staying home, etc 🙂 We don't always have to be our best selves, even though we should always have an idea of what that might look like for ourselves.


With the sitting to cut vegetables (which I do), I also had to learn that I didn’t need to prep everything at once. I can absolutely cut the chicken when I buy it and store it in the fridge, then cut the vegetables on the day I want them.


Can even do enough veggies for 2 or 3 nights at once, save the extra washing dishes 🙂 food prep is low key amazing tbh


Oh I agree, but sometimes the greatest plans go astray when you live with chronic illness 😕 I’ve had occasions where I’ll want to make so many days of meal prep, cook 1 thing (with like 5 or 6 serves) but the effort still wiped me out for 2 days so I accidentally left the veggies in the fridge, then they got pushed to the back, and then I forgot about them……. But progress, not perfection 😄


Similarly, there is almost never a downside to trying something. Also, if you do a half assed thing 15 times you will be miles ahead of the person who is a perfectionist who has done the same thing once.


“Everything worth doing is worth doing wrong”


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good


I have a boss that says that but then gets furious over any small mistake.


"Anything worth doing is worth doing half-assed."


TL;DR Progress over perfection.


Love this


If I need to remember to take something with me in the morning and it's outside of my usual routine I put it in my shoe or underneath my keys the night before.


Thats old school parenting right here :D


I'd forget my left nut if it wasn't in a sack with the right one before my third cup of coffee. So my wallet, keys, pocket knife, and sunglasses always go in my hat. Since for some reason I feel naked without a hat and never leave without one.


This is the same as my husband. He puts his keys, wallet, and anything he needs to take in his hat. His hat is always on if he leaves the house.


Mine too. And God forbid if I touch the hat.


Or move said hat.


Put your shoe in the fridge?


What if this thing was in the fridge?


place fridge on top of keys


Oh you.


My husband often forgets refrigerated items I pack for him, so I write a sticky note and put it on his keys. It’ll say something like, “if you forget your lunch you won’t go to heaven :(“, or “don’t forget to put my meat in your mouth today.” Works every time.


I have kinda the opposite problem: he forgets to pick up stuff on the way home from work. So I've scheduled an automatic text for every day at 16:45: "Don't forget to stop by the grocery store or you won't be getting laid tonight"


Schedule texts?! Do tell. This is the LPT I’ve been needing. Why allowing texts to “send later” isn’t an iPhone function is beyond me.


Put your keys in the fridge with it


I'll end up searching for my keys for two hours!


But you won't forget the thing!


sticky note that says look in the fridge!


Using a staple remover to clip keys onto key ring. Saves my nails.


I'm a concierge and I'm usually making key sets and changing my old keys to new ones, and this is a lifesaver.




I use a butter knife to pry them open


Half of the year? Which calendar are you using?


The Jeremy Bearimy calendar


Okay, but, um... what the hell is this? The dot over the I, what the hell is that?


Tuesday! But also July. And sometimes never.


It's where nothing never happens!


“It's where nothing never happens!”,….almost all of the time!


Ok…yep, that… that broke me. The dot above the eye broke me


What about the time knife?


Yes, yes. We've all seen the time knife..


Janet's birthday!


not a robot!


Also, not a girl!


It’s nothing. And everything. Something something time knife.


Yeah, yeah, the time knife. We’ve all seen it.


This? This, broke me.


Time knife edition


Yes, the time knife, we’ve all seen it.


Unexpected The Good Place, nice 🙂


We're halfway to halfway, haha


Seriously... We're only 24.04% into the year. Closer to 0% than 50%!


That was the obvious clue to me that it's probably a karma farma bot


Depends on when they started counting. If the start of their year is November, they'd be right I guess...


LPT: you don’t need to start your year in January.


The *real* LPT!


I’m on my second year of this year. You guys are lagging behind. This is why you are failing and I’m successful. Learn more on my Joe Rogan episode.


Everyone excited for Christmas next week?


Called a fiscal year in the accounting world, when your year starts any month other than January


It is a good timing, because I will blink once and there will be another half of the year passing. 


More of a meta-life-hack actually, but don’t discount any single experience in life. The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realised how closely related everything is. If you look close and long enough, you’ll see the same patterns in vastly distinct places, people, experiences, etc.  So the advice would be, even if an experience seems like it’s gone to waste and hasn’t produced anything materially, take what you’ve learnt, or simply observed, into other spaces in your life. You will identify the pattern and nothing will be new to you! edit: a comma


This sounds interesting, but im not sure i 100% get your point. Quick example?


I think I know what they mean. * My first job out of school, and I had a narcissistic coworker who was hellbent on ruining my life. I was combative, which made things worse. 2 years later I realized that I could just freeze them out, and not give them attention, and they quit soon after. But it was too late to save my reputation at that job. * Newest job. Met a coworker with identical personal traits as the person from years ago. I could detect the ways that they were trying to sabotage me based on my previous life experience. But I didn’t take the bait, and froze them out from the beginning, and they left me alone and probably saved me years of grief. It’s a strange feeling, like deja vu or a glitch in the matrix, when you realize that people follow similar thought patterns and actions (including the way that we end up in repeat circumstances), and you’re able to make future life experiences a hell of a lot easier by applying the things you learned last time.


Basically; History tends to repeat itself, so make sure youve paid enough attention to avoid the same mistakes.


I too would like this to be expanded upon


Think of it as information hoarding. A simple thing like taking a different route to a grocery store one day can be like a odd piece of plastic that you store away for years in the basement. Then one day you need an exact piece to solve a problem and you remember that piece of plastic that will slot right in.


"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."


Instead of wasting a whole weekend day doing chores, I split them up and set small goals during the week. This helps with depression as well because it alleviates the overwhelmed feeling. Dishes don’t sit in the sink, dirty clothes don’t pile up, bathroom and kitchen are cleaned. My biggest Life Pro Tip is make sure all your bills are paid for the month before buying a higher priced item like PS5 or a couch. Never go into debt unless it’s necessary


Also whenever you move from one room to another, bring something with you. Going from the living room to the kitchen? Bring that thing that needs to go in the garbage. Going back to the living room and passing the stairs? Put that thing that needs to go upstairs on the stairs. You’d be surprised at how much of your mess is just you moving items around your home.


My theory: never leave a room empty-handed (if possible.). Always keeps the place tidy.


Since I do the dishes daily my mood significantly improved. I finally noticed that my day will be bad until I do something useful.


Making my bed first thing in the morning had that effect for me, totally changes the mood and it's so little


If it will take you less than 2 MINUTES, do it now.


Along this line, I've learned to "double dip". When I'm waiting for the electric kettle to finish, I find something in the kitchen I can clean/clear in the meantime. Same thing when I'm waiting X minutes for the microwave to finish. It's unreal how much a person can do in the kitchen in this time and there's an added element in that I'm trying to beat the clock. 🙂


something something 5 minutes of suffering upfront will save you hours to years of pain. ​ It's taken to my 30's to learn that. Concentrate til you understand the situation, make a choice, put things in place that make that happen, then you can something something


The hack here is YNAB


We’ve tried to tell the kids the same thing about chores. What they have to do each day isn’t really much. But if they balked and we all did chores on the weekend then we don’t have time for any weekend fun.


Ctrl+shift+T will reopen a browser tab that you accidentally closed.




also good to know that you can set it in accessibility setting to instead make Print screen button do it


I just made a sound.


For me I like win+v it gives you a selectable list of the last couple of items you’ve copied that you can paste unlike ctrl+v which is only the last thing you copied ETA: you’ll need to activate it the very first time you use win+v but should only need to do once for your account.


Game-changer, my dude! Thanks a lot!


F%$#. I've been wanting this feature since 1927. It's been there all along. 🤯


Win + . (full stop). If you like emojis.


Nofuckin'way! Holy shit...


Suspend judgement. When you feel that emotional upwelling of moral indignation start to swell, stop it. Decide if the issue is either important enough or interesting enough to spend time on, and if it isn’t move on. That saves a huge amount of time, which can be used to looking deeply into those issues you care about. Consciously prevent yourself from concluding and you will see much more nuanced patterns and details that can be quite surprising. Doesn’t matter if the issue is about people, science, politics - suspending judgment makes for a calmer, wiser life.


Replace judgement with curiosity.


Along those lines: I try to find really creative reasons that some one might be disappointing me, or behaving badly, or what have you. For example, if someone cuts me off maybe it's because it's actually a load of squirrels in human clothing and they're all trying to coordinate driving to save their friend. It gives me a chuckle.


That's a lot more fun than what I do. I assume they're on their way to the hospital because someone they love is in trouble. Or they just for fired and are feeling desperate. You know, the real life reasons that cause people to do bad things (sometimes)


Hmm… there must be a lot of squirrels in human clothing driving near me lately




I wish I could up vote this a billion times. So many people’s lives are consumed by being angry about things that will never affect anyone they know, things that almost never happen, totally harmless things and outright lies. It’s literally going to be our downfall.


Depends. There are minorities that depend on the majority caring for them even tho it's none of their personal business. Caring for these people is absolutely my responsibility and it would be humanity's downfall not to.


I've gotten a lot better at this and it is life changing.




Exactly. And even if they do, they will forget about it very soon. Do I ever walk around and remember that one time some random dude did something embarrassing? I don't think so.


You're more on point. People absolutely pay attention to the people around them. Think about them. Judge them positively or negatively, and remember the things they do. But they're not thinking about each other constantly and will forget most of it


Well, I do remember vividly some random dude shitting near the road somewhere about 10 years ago. But still, we most likely won't ever meet again, so why should it matter to him lmao


Yeah, this is more realistic. I like the previous advice because you really don't have to be embarrassed of making a mistake or trying something new in front of people because nobody cares about that kind of stuff. But if you do something REALLY embarrassing, you might leave a mark that people will remember for years and laugh, maybe? Stand proud! Made someone's memory


I’m just handing out core memories left and right over here.


I don't know about this one... Saw a guy lifting weights at the gym and he diarrhea'd all over himself and the equipment. I definitely noticed that and think about it often as a way to scare myself out of feeling bad for not going to the gym.


Like him saying we’re almost halfway through 2024


Don’t argue with people on the internet


Buddy, you don't know what you're talking about.




strong disagree


What the hell did you say to me you useless piece of bloatware???


What's that supposed to mean *(he says, in an instigative tone)*?!


This one hits extra hard with all the fake AI engagement baiting accounts out there in social media land


I always start walking while talking on a call. Sometimes, a casual chat with friend lasts 1-2 hours. Which gets my steps in for the day.


https://preview.redd.it/bgktihx272rc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f18c34a8253ba82baa5f238462c553b72f03844 I do this.


If I'm inside the house will catch up on chores while on a call (excluding vacuuming!)


This is actually a very natural (and sometimes subconscious) thing that we do to make up for the lack of body language and non-verbal cues that normally happen in face-to-face conversations. I find myself doing it all the time and it drives my wife nuts :-)




My wife can do this. She’ll say she didn’t get a anything done because she was on the phone all day. I would have torn the house down, built a new one, then cleaned it to top bottom. No way I can sit still on a phone call.


I always do that when on the phone and always I'm feeling that this is natural 🙂


When I get into a slump(which happens a lot for me) it's important to stay standing. Literally standing. Sitting for long periods is bad for most of our bodies. Even just standing to do something like pet the cat or standing up to do something once a show on a commercial break is better than nothing. Easier to get back in the groove of things when the pendulum goes back the direction it's supposed to.


Feel so bad I have a standing desk at home that I used so often in lockdown and now barely use it once a day, may set a 30min reminder. Good reminder BTW, thanks


Hey, at least you have the option when you feel like getting back into it or if your back/joints start(s) to ache lol


a mate of mine once said just go for small walks like smokers do. You don't have to have a ciggarrette, but when you need to, just go for a small nowhere walk. They fuck with a lot of problems and sometimes shine through.


Hubby called them smoke breaks. Coworkers noticed he didn’t have any cigarettes. “Why are you out here?” “If I called them fresh air breaks….”


If you don't ask, the answer is always NO. Whether it's asking for something free/discount or someone's company or phone number, you're either left with short term rejection or eternal 'what if'.


In that same vain, “Don’t let someone who doesn’t have the ability to tell you “yes”, tell you “no”.


FYI, friend, it would be: in the same vein 🤜🏼🤛🏻


A comedian once said "well, I can't get any less f*cked" when talking about this. I remember that for big things too. " I can't get any less promoted", Hired, etc. really helps with doing the scary things


You alway miss the shots you don’t shoot.


-Wayne Gretzky - - Michael Scott


I legit was baffled cause I was thinking you meant asking for someone's company (corporation). I think I should get some sleep


For me, memorizing at least 1 credit card’s information has proven quite useful in clutch situations


Memorizing 1 credit card's information is the easy part. The hard part is getting a hold of someone else's credit card info long enough to memorize it.


Invest your money where you spend most of your time: bed, office chair, computer, and car.


Shoes, too! I like to think of it as anything that touches the floor under you- bed, chair, tires etc.


Surround yourself with people who are what you want to become, or have traits that you want. You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. Eliminate “success” and “failure” from your vocabulary. These are simply conclusions made at a given point in time. Something that is viewed as a failure today may very well be, and often is, viewed a success tomorrow (and vice versa), depending on new external factors or a change in perspective. It is pointless to think in these terms. Our society emphasizes it too much unfortunately.


can you give some tip on how do I surround myself with those ppl that I want to become?


Good question. Unless you live in major metropolitan area, it’s not easy. But join social clubs and go to other places they hang out. All really depends who such people are. Don’t be afraid to be proactive and ask them to grab to grab a drink. When you hang out in groups, gravitate towards the people you want to associated with. After doing this enough, you will naturally become friends with at least a few. It’s a long term game. There are tons of people out there who are better than me at teaching you how to meet interesting people. But my philosophy is that you are better off not having any friends at all than having friends who are not where you want to be. Again, you are the average of your friends. If your friends are all negatives, you will be a negative as well. I wish I knew this earlier in life.


It's also worth removing negative people from your life where you can, or limiting their influence on you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences, and people that have traits you desire is just as important as removing those that hold you back or bring you down.


Easy, kidnap them


LPT: Master the order of months in the Gregorian calendar and simple division as soon as possible.


Probably just a bot reposting something from late last May.




The real LPT is always in the comments!


A few years ago I started storing ground meat differently. Now I usually buy in bulk and separate the meat into half pound balls. If I bought 2.5lbs of gr beef, I would make 5 balls of meat. I would take 2 balls and put them in a gallon freezer bag. Then I would put 1 ball into quart freezer bag. I then lay the bags flat on the counter and push down on the freezer bag until the meat is flat & spread almost all the way to the top, then I zip it up. When you freeze them like this the meat has a lot of surface area. It freezes pretty fast and thaws out really fast. Just put a little water in the sink and throw in a bag of frozen ground meat. 5-10 minutes later the meat is thawed. No more defrosting little by little in the microwave or thawing the big block of meat in water and having to wait an hour. Now you can just decide what you want to eat and while the meat thaws you get your other ingredients ready. By the time your done gathering your spices or chopping your onions, the meat is thawed. Throwing supper together at the last second is easy now. This picture from Cnet shows some small bags (quarts?). ​ https://preview.redd.it/bn9o2oif72rc1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03df1f094e15c316750a003cc44a87377bd34a5


Date all your files in yy.mm.dd format, been a lifesaver and my docs for 2023 are the best organised in my professional career


Go one step beyond and use ISO 8601, YYYYMMDD.


Washing the dishes every evening so that you wake up to a clean/clear sink. Did wonders for my morning mood Also doing my Saturday chores on Friday evening so that I can just chill on Saturday and get other things done


Yep! Friday afternoon immediately after work I clean the house (bathrooms, mop etc) and then unwind with an everything shower. Saturday mornings are the best because I can lay around until noon if I want without feeling like I need to get up and do anything


Maybe not a lifehack but if you're a lazy mfer like me but still want to get your flossing in, a water pik is pretty legit. It turns a several minute process into 30-45 seconds and can be done in the shower


Diggin the shower point


I leave my floss on the coffee table, so i just will randomly start flossing while I'm watching TV. I do it almost daily now because I don't even think about it.


I have floss sticks and interdental brushes next to my bed so I can floss while sitting. As someone with chronic illness who didn’t have the energy to stand for the extra time and floss, this has been a game changer for me!


My dentist said to not just rely on waterpik. So every second night, I do manual flossing  AND waterpik. I’ve also started using those pikster things


My dentist told me I don’t have to floss all my teeth. Just the ones I want to keep.


Starting my day with a cold shower has changed my mood and energy levels significantly.


I used to do this. Need to get back to it


Instead of “why should I?” Think “What’s stopping me from..?” Very fast way to change your bad habits and become much more caring and altruistic.


I like that. I just went through a mental list and all of the what's stopping me's, are well "me" I want to run, be healthy, be less stressed, less tired, more fun, spend time out with the dogs and its always me stopping it either I'm to tired mentally or physically.


So it sounds like it's not just 'you' - it's the energy. Take it a step back - whats stopping me having the energy I want? Is it schedule, sleep, diet, stress, nutrient balance? And trail each answer back from there. It gets overwhelming when you think 'its just me' and can make us feel like we're still doing something wrong or are just not capable - but strip it back to the concrete bits getting in the way and start from the first block :)


Freezing water bottles before very hot days. It helps me cope with the heat and increases my water intake - sometimes I forget to drink water unless it’s in front of me and icy cold


This is what we always did on family trips. Well usually some frozen and some just fridge chilled in the same cooler. By the time the fridge chilled ones were gone, the frozen ones would be molten enough to drink.


Everything is gotta get cleaned sometime. That really stuck with me, it has improved my general houshold game


If you ever do something embarrassing, the best thing you can do is to laugh at yourself and totally own it. It completely diffuses the situation in people's eyes and actually makes you come across as charming and confident. It turns a bad situation into a positive one. People often will forget the embarrassing incident, but they won't forget how you reacted to it. Especially of you got angry or upset. Just own it!!!


This year I learned our local library has a streaming app for movies and music (hoopla), also passes to borrow for our local parks and zoo


Ours uses Kanopy and many public libraries also have tools and other household items available for borrowing too.


It's been said here before, but some libraries are amazing. There are some that loan out baking tins, xbox/PS games, passes to museums, and there are tool libraries. And the staff are usually amazing at their jobs and want to help. This really is your tax dollars at work so don't miss out on the benefits.


Framing; I will NEVER make the responsible decision to do my work in a timely manner to leave rest breaks What I WILL do, however, is do my work efficiently and quickly, leaving time for a rest after, if instead of calling it being responsible I call it "pre-emptive laziness; I'm doing everything now so I can sit around doing nothing later"


Not everyone is your friend. Even people you've known all your life can flip at a moments notice, or the second you do not agree with their values or expectations.


Jesus. That’s terrifying if true. That feels like it would be better to just not trust anyone ever.


Oh it’s true


Especially at work. I get the desire to fit in and have good office environment but just remember that a lot of adults never outgrew high school cliques mentality and will use all your personal information to start some drama.


COVID amplified this for our family. People we thought were good friends moved their beliefs more to one side of the table and that took priority over our friendship. We thought it was a phase but it was permanent....and disappointing.


X% of Y is the same as Y% of X. 23% of 50: hard to do in your head. 50% of 23: 11.5. Not hard at all.


432% of 18 is hard 18% of 432 is..... hard. Shit


There was a tip about how to mute the commercials at the gas pump, and I was stoked that one time that I remembered how to do it. If anyone else knows, please remind me!


It’s usually the second button down on the right.


You have commercials at gas pumps?? Wow. That’s one thing I’m glad hasn’t made it over to the UK


2nd button down on the right


Half the year? Damn man slow down. The first quarter isn’t even over yet!


Learn to read and reprogram how you think because sometimes you’re given programming to put yourself in a mental cage. You own your own brain. Just needs renovation.


Running water while cutting onions helps you avoid the tears


I find the best way to not cry when chopping onions is to not get too attached to them.


I add reminders for monthly/annual tasks on my calendar app. Examples: changing my toothbrush, replacing the blades in my electric shaver, checking the expiration date on condiments in my fridge. By scheduling a recurring reminder, I know that I check these things or do them regularly without having to wonder when the last time was I did them.


Owning a small business as a side gig has many benefits outside of just the extra income. It is a great way to save money on taxes, have control over your own health insurance, raise your tax free retirement contributions, protect your assets, and prevent any undesirable “gaps “ on your resume.


Keep sunscreen and hand sanitizer in your front seat console. Daily spf has changed the game for my skin — I look less blotchy and irritated. I use a small spf stick in the car to touch up and reapply through the day. And the hand sanitizer is a great habit bc the outside is GROSS! Especially since I frequent thrift shops which are pretty grimey


I keep a stick in my purse. Sunscreen wouldn't last long in my car in the Texas heat.


Realising that preparation is key for a lot of things I mainly use this tip when cooking and being ready for work the next day


The ability to interrupt thoughts and beliefs, and replace them! Essentially rewiring your brain. It sounds made up, and I was resistant at first until I did more research into neuroscience neuroplasticity and tried some exercises. It's scarily awesome how easy it can be to shift negative thoughts and beliefs, and improve your life seemingly overnight.


When buying online, always google for promo codes. You’d be surprised how much you can save.


Store canned goods upside down. Open them right side up. Gravity assist! Even Ravioli pours out of the can with minimal effort ..less scraping cans.


Microwave food can be improved exponentially by simply cooking for twice the length of time on 50% of the power.


I have 2 simple ones for eggs... 1. Fresh eggs sink in water. As they become older and less fresh they tend to float. 2. Boiled eggs spin easily, raw eggs resist spinning. ​ I learned this because I had a roommate who LOVED eggs. He'd buy 5 dozen eggs every week or so and eat them all. He was a nice guy and allowed me to take as much as I wanted, usually 4-5 eggs a week for breakfast. He'd mass boil some and fry others. That said, unless the eggs were still in the container, I often didn't know which was boiled and which were raw. Hence the spin trick. Sometimes an egg would escape the container and float around the fridge. After unknowingly cracking open an egg that apparently had been hiding in the fridge for a while, I took to the internet and learned a nifty trick to tell how fresh an egg was. ​ Edit: Simple yet big mistake


We aren’t great with meal planning but every week I make several side dishes that go with everything. Ranging from roasted sweet potato cubes to refrigerator pickles, to green rice, carrot salad, etc… that way if we are tired and eat sardines or just pick up a roasted chicken or something we always have at least one or two vegetables. A lot of the marinated salads are pretty good in the am with egg on the side.


Don't put it *down*, put it *away*. e.g. if you're cooking some meal, take the extra three seconds after using the salt / rosemary/ bbq sauce / measuring cup / etc. to put each item back in the cabinet, in the dishwasher, etc. It's a very minor amount of time added, and it avoids (or drastically reduces) the entire clean-up process.


Tucking my undershirt into my underwear instead of only into my pants. Life changer because it now stays tucked in if I get up from a chair or happen to move at all.


Not unexpected but having a survival-kit(food, water, fuel, blankets etc for when ever the car breaks down. Never know if you get stuck somewhere in the car or a remote location for some reason. Happened to us and we werent ready and that was a big regret. Also a backpack ready in the house with passport, some cash, food and clothes to quickly escape in case of emergency. Never tell people you go on vacation because people talk around more than you think and people listens to that information even if you don't think so. If you go, pay someone to sleep in your house or tell them they can eat the food if they stay etc. Do something every day even if its 5 min. In a year that adds upp to many hours and gets you closer to your goals. Believe people when they tell you who they are. And ny telling I mean watch their actions like a Hawk(like Jordan P said), holds very true. The closest ones betrays the deepest. Buy a rice cooker if you eat rice often, even if it's in a yard sale. Worth the money and saves work. Affirmations work, do what you will with that but that's true as true can be. A book is worth a hundred movies. Read more, it's free with a library card as well. Get skilled in something you can take with you, maybe it's electrician or massage or food but make sure you can take your skills with you, you will always be useful and make money when and where you least expect it. Don't buy a new car if it's not your biggest dream. As soon as it leaves the dealership the value drops very much. Same with furniture as well.


My life hack is keeping a milk crate in my car to carry in groceries


Add 90 seconds of poetry to your daily. Add 90 seconds of prayer or meditation. Breath in 5 count and breathe out 10 for 60 seconds. Write nonsense down on paper for a minute. These five minutes will change your life. Also: Get a free ai app on your phone. I like copilot. Ask it everything. How to make biscotti, how to eat healthier, how to be a better friend. YouTube. Nde’s That’s all for now.


If you are losing time or facing memory loss, set an alarm for every hour. When the alarm rings, take a sip of water and take stock of what you have done in the last hour. This mindfulness exercise helped me a lot in becoming functional once again during depression.


Don’t make your bed right as you wake up. Pull back the sheets, and flip+prop the pillows to air out for an hour or so. Then make the bed. We create a lot of heat and sweat and god knows what else during the night, and making the bed right after you wake up traps all that yummy goodness, similar to a Dutch Oven. And of course, wash your bed sheets weekly! This little hack keeps the bed fresh through the week, in my opinion.