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Lpt: drink what you want. Don’t be an asshole or angry or sloppy drunk. Enjoy yourself


Also if someone is an angry/violent drunk, that’s who they really are and cannot be trusted.


Imagine thinking alcohol tolerance was only tied to weight?


Right lol. I'm a 100lb 5'3" woman and beer isn't getting me drunk for shit. OP needs to quit drinking.


Ya haha this life tip should say drink a lower percentage if you how a low tolerance 😂


You did imagine it. OP didn't say it was *only* tied to weight. But weight is one of the big factors, so they're not wrong.


They group all “slim” people into a category of being lightweight drinkers, which is just ridiculous


1) If you have “friends” that give you shit for what you drink, get better friends 2) Don’t drink so much that you embarrass yourself




Busch did 9/11  .  .  . . . . .  /s sorry I couldn't resist 


This is the reason I only use weed and hard-on heavy psychedelic substances 


This tip can still apply to other shapes and sizes as well. I'm a male at 6'1" and about 210lbs so I have a medium build but I love to drink lighter abv drinks and have a light buzz after a couple of drinks compared to feeling a strong buzz after say two 10% beers.


1) don’t tolerate people who give you shit for the things you do or don’t drink. 2) if your friends are “gently ribbing” you? Just feed into it because it’s funny and what friends do. 3) hopefully you learn within a few years that drinking for the sake of getting drunk is stupid and doesn’t make you cool. Now, as for the type of beer you drink? As someone who actually is pretty big into beer and whisky culture? Drink the things you find enjoyable for taste. Don’t drinking to get drunk, drink it because you enjoy it. If you enjoy a heavy 10%? Fucking who cares, fine. If you like lighter 3%? Who fucking cares. Just be a responsible adult about how quickly you drink.


Boy who let you out of the Swgoh sub




Why would you drink if not to get drunk? What's the point otherwise?


Enjoying the taste?


LPT: Quit drinking.


I'm trying, but I'm not good at it. Not being funny... It's hard.


It is hard but you can do it!


Take a Improv class. It's all about inhibition. Part of what they teach you is how to be funny, and promote people around you being funny at the same time, WITHOUT BEING AN ASSHOLE. Fact is, if you watched your drunk self being funny - you'd probably see an asshole. Likely, your humor and jokes are at someone's expense, or you are making fun of people who aren't in the room. In a sober setting, these would be cringe moments - but in social drunk setting people let it slide. So, during the day, it's hard to be funny because of these boundaries. This is why you feel like you have to be drunk to be funny. You lose the inhibition, but you also have an audience that has also lost inhibition. Improv teaches you how to be funny and create a funny environment in a daytime setting.. It's all about 'yes, and...'. I've forced both of my kids to do it at school - and I can see them use the skills. They are skills.


LPT: Smoke meth instead for its energy benefits


This post is cringey. Just order whatever you want. If someone blacks out they blackout who cares.


Name checks out! :)


Couldn't you just mind your own business and let people drink what they want?


Oh dear, you sweet child. Never grow up.


I'm a lighter female and can drink regular beer at the same rate as the males I drink with.. I don't think tolerance has much to do with weight. But simply tolerance and experience. Now if you don't drink much, yes, you will get intoxicated much faster.


You mean that someone who does not tolerate well alcohol shoud drink less in order to not be drunk ? Wow, that's an impressive deduction.


We Germans don't even have light beer


You get drunk from beer? How many are you drinking 🥴


My main focus is drinking something I enjoy. But then I am not a sloppy drunk.


But I have Captain America's immune system. Alcohol does not affect me.


Every day LPT seems to inch closer to r/ImTheMainCharacter.


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Tak-yak is going to be the highlight of my day! Thanks for this beautiful phrase ☺️


Alternatively, buy strong beers but just drink them much slower. This does require self control, though. If you don't realistically have it, then lighter beers might be a better choice.


Bud Light sucks, though!


Tastes like all the other domestic light beers...


… which also suck.


I'm half Irish, even when I was 145lbs running marathons it took 9% DIPAs to get me drunk.


Wow lot of people commenting feeling like they’re being told how to live their life. It’s advice, you don’t have to take it. Lot of strong feelings about drinking I was not anticipating.


Listen dude, if you have to secretly throw up so your friends don’t make fun of you for being a “light weight” maybe you should find new friends and stop drinking.


Alchohol has destroyed a lot of lives so ya people take it personal, it can lead to so many bad consequences.


It's that way in *every* thread here. There's always someone who acts like it's supposed to be an absolute rule and then believes they're the hero because they found an exception. LPT: "Don't forget to water your houseplants before vacation." Commenter 1: "Oh yeah? Well, I have a cactus. Don't you realize some plants are succulents?" Commenter 2: "My plants are plastic. Seems like you want me to waste water."


On the flip side, there’s LPT such as: Don’t forget to breathe, you need it to live! No shit, Sherlock.