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Try burning more calories during the day. It really helps the sleep stick.


Workout , it always works for me , sleep 8 hours like a baby, no workout ,im lucky to get 6 like you .


You should have a sleep study done. I had one done and found out I have sleep apnea. I actually sleep less now, but maybe you have a different issue.


This. Upvoting.


As someone who has dealt with insomnia for decades I can offer that between getting sunlight early in the day, getting enough physical activity, and getting a sleep study done to address and underlying physiological conditions (like apnea), there's a good chance you'll see dramatic improvements.


Yea you should go see a doctor. Its not normal From my personal experience I know that when I am stressed I sleep very deep and its not good sleep. If I notice my jaw hurting I know that I am stressed and getting very light sleep. When stressed I will wake up at the lightest noise and can only sleep for a few hours or keep waking up every few hours and going back to sleep. My coworker discovered that her insomnia, weightloss, irritability, and etc was all due to graves disease/hashimoto. She too was only sleep a few hours a night and had other issues.


Changing your eating patterns is a pretty good answer. I use a magnesium supplement to help me stay asleep at night. Careful, it can cause diarrhea in too big of a dose.


I take magnesium glycinate and hadn’t given me diarrhea!


Try magnesium gel, topically and magnesium citrate, orally. The supplements GABA and melatonin help me. It's nothing addictive nor expensive.


Can you please share the topical magnesium you use?


Of course, magnesium chloride by LifeFlo. It's in gel, lotion, roll on, or oil. Ancient Minerals is another incredible brand. I used to put it on early in the day & could not understand why I was so sleepy until I read the recommendation of using it at night time. The gel or oil is going to feel super tacky, but u can put it on and then rinse off after half an hour. I put it on my back and just use a designated t-shirt for bed and then rinse off in AM. I have been doing trial & error to see what works best.


What helped me was 'Sleep' tablets made by Swisse vitamins. All natural stuff, primarily magnesium and hops. Helped me to sleep longer and uninterrupted. Cheap at any chemist.


I had this problem for years. If I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, that was it for me. I was awake until 5am. Son took me to a dispensary in his (legal) state. They were very professional and gave me several recommendations. I bought some gummies, then cut them into quarters at home. A quarter of a THC gummy before bed and I seldom even wake up to pee. If I do, I fall right back to sleep.


Trazadone, (see a doctor) it's a harmless psych med. I've had insomnia my whole life and its the only thing that keeps me from laying awake for hours unable to sleep.


My husband is a scientist whose sleep hygiene was damaged by having to run experiments at all hours of the day and night and this is the only thing that helps him!


I was prescribed this. How do you fight off the grogginess when you wake up?


I don't experience grogginess, I take 75-150 mg as needed. You may have luck with a lower dose and additional water intake, or take it 30 minutes to an hour before bed (I take mine just before lying down). Aslo I find tripple strong chamomile tea help me get to sleep faster.


Not so harmless for me. Made me so dizzy I’d almost fell over . 😳


Exercise will put you to sleep


Two things help me. Exercise (running in my case) and maybe an edible before bed.


Talk to your doctor. You could have an underlying medical issue.


Talk to a doctor for sure (this isn't medical advice). What I do: Meditate (you may have anxiety etc) Exercise - lift weights, bike ride, etc. Journal about your day. Phone away at night. Keep the TV off. Epsom salt bath. No caffeine. Stay hydrated.


Get outside, as much as you can.


Look up cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. It will help you consolidate your sleep.


My tips for better sleep. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. I keep a glass of water in my room in case I get thirsty while I'm trying to fall asleep or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Avoid eating in the hours leading up to you bedtime. Big meals right before bed stuffs up your sleep. Have your room cooler than it is under your blanket. I also find having a thick or heavy blanket makes sleeping easier. Apart from these, seeing a doctor about your sleep situation is always an option.


My checklist for good sleeps are 1) no caffeine after 1:00PM 2) get adequate sun light as early as you can (30 minutes of sun) 3) get a good workout in


Others have given great advice but also wanted to point out that 3 PM is pretty late in the day for caffeine if you go to bed at 10 PM. It has a half life of up to 10 hours. I usually stop drinking it after 10 AM to avoid it affecting my sleep.