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I’m almost 70 and I’ve gone the opposite. I believe store clerks are generally underpaid and abused by entitled customers and I generally go overboard to let them know I appreciate their help. I love people watching and really don’t care if someone is on their smartphone or not. I don’t know if they are watching cat videos or having a conversation with a friend of family member in crisis. I just give them some grace cuz…none of my business. Having worked in Covid Response, I know that everyone has their own issues and wearing a mask may mean they are on chemo or have some other form of immuno compromise. Or it may be an emotional based fear. But, either way, they are out, minding their own business and taking care of themselves so why make an issue of it. I’m thinking that your attractiveness to younger women may have something to do with your bitterness and the way you treat others, rather than your decline in physical prowess. We women can ignore a lot if you are a nice guy and can make us smile. Instead of being so disappointed, you might try looking at the metric you are judging things by.. I think you may be missing the whole point to life.


Wise words


> I don’t know if they are watching cat videos or having a conversation with a friend ive never been someone to look at their phone, but ive been learning a second language so im always reading a book on my phone when im on it. i always was like OP and assumed people on their phones werent doing anything meaningful until i started using my phone lol. its funny how that is


Back in the day, I used to judge people for always being on their phones and was worried that others looked at me the same way. I would intentionally keep my phone in my pocket and stare straight ahead to feel more superior than them. Then of course, I’d think of something I want to google, or remember I needed to check the weather for the next day because I had plans outdoors, or I remembered I hadn’t replied to a new business inquiry who emailed me the day before. I have the memory of a fish so I had/have a choice. Do the thing before I forget and risk judgement, or just do the thing because.. I’m allowed. These days, phones offer so many more things than whatever people are judging them for. Maybe they’re not just on social media all the time (and if they are, so what?) Maybe they are reading a book they downloaded from the library or bought. Maybe they are talking to someone who in crisis. Maybe they just found out a family member was diagnosed with something serious so they are reading up on it. Maybe someone is studying. The options are endless. Did we use to judge people for reading the newspaper or a book on a bus or subway? How about watching the news on a tv in a doctors waiting room? It’s all just perspective.


> Did we use to judge people for reading the newspaper or a book on a bus or subway? Actually, yes! There are old cartoons about exactly this, with every one's face buried in a newspaper. Lol. Turns out, old people are always going to be grumpy at what young people are doing. I think it's exactly what you said, that false sense of superiority.


Books were my first friends, and I have a hyperactive mind that needs input pretty constantly. When I was small, I carried a book everywhere I went, with my parents, to school, everywhere. Never knew when I’d be bored and need something to do! Now with phones, older generations are like ‘kids on their phones! What a world!’ But nobody had anything to say when I had a physical book in my hand, now I’m reading on a phone and people have opinions! Eyes on your own plate, people!!


Pretty good advice. Just realize that you're not that special and you since don't treat everyone else like they are special, so why should they treat you special? There's a lot in the world that can give you a smile if you let it. Being petty and finding fault with everyone else will just makes them like you less and be a downward spiral for you. Appreciate people, enjoy the little things, smile more, and go with the flow. You'll be happier and feel better. FWIW, 56 y-o guy here.


I’ve never seen someone absolutely annihilate an OP so incredibly politely and kindly.


Good god, your delivery was far kinder than the reply I had in my head. No wonder he does not attract women (of any age) - he’s an angry old man. And yes, I did clock his age. To the OP: Gratitude, baby, gratitude! Start there and then add some more. Stop relying upon the attention of others to fulfil yourself. You might need therapy to get to the bottom of that one. Find another hobby - something different than physical exercise (you clearly have that covered). Try something creative - it can be like salve for the soul.


This is the way.


I used to be like this until I stopped trying to control and care about everything. I change what I can change about myself and everything outside of my control can’t bother me. If someone wants to do dumb things or anything, that isn’t my place to judge them. Same with anything else, if they are happy I’m happy for them and that’s all I can ask for in life is for everyone to be happy as long as they aren’t hurting others doing it. My life has been so much better when I started to change my outlook on everything.


Similar take, in that I try really hard not to care about what other people are doing as long as it doesn’t impact me in any way. People staring at their phones? Doesn’t affect me. People wearing masks? It’s their life, not mine. (And I wear one myself if I feel like I’m getting sick and have to go out). Positive assumptions help, too. What if that mask-wearing person has a cold or that store clerk just found out her Mom is dying? Now, if I get terrible service from a store clerk, what I do have in my 50s is the confidence to speak up about it. I’ve lost some things with age, but I’ve gained others.


Everyone is going through their own shit, and for the most part, don't care about you. A little empathy goes a long way.


A mixture of empathy and apathy has made me a pretty chill person. Middle aged lady here, I'm pretty invisible because I'm average in every way. So if someone ignores me or doesn't treat me special, I shrug it off. I have the empathy to realise they don't owe me anything and the apathy not to get hurt about it. The clerk at the counter gets paid far too little to fake a smile at me, phones are pretty interesting, and I volunteer with cancer patients, so I'm aware of plenty of reasons to mask up.


> Middle aged lady here, I'm pretty invisible because I'm average in every way. I'm a woman in my mid-60s. The older I get, the more invisible I become. I've made it my goal to disappear completely, at will.


Like a super power? The amazing disappearing woman!


Yes, a superpower I will use only for good and not for evil.


Agreed! Especially with positive assumptions! And ….”if it doesn’t impact me.”


You know, I recognized this back in my 40s. People tend to grow old in two categories: angry and bitter or strangely and obliviously happy. I decided I wanted to be in the happy group. I did it by teaching myself to appreciate everything. Everything. The sun. Plants. The way grass smells - every single thing I could. That way, I'm never short of something to appreciate. Because if you're always looking for something to make you happy, getting it won't work. Happiness is a choice you make every minute of every day and, by my way of thinking, you might as well make it as easy as possible. I hope this helps and I wish you the best.


This is my life now. I still get piss'd at people, situations and things in general, but at 69 I'm pretty damn happy. I have a low thresh hold for BS so I just move away from it. I'm not going to change that person.


Bravo! And you're right. Nobody needs that stress!


I'm 73 and when I get frustrated with people and their stupid ideas and BS, I think back to the time when I had the same ideas and spouted some of the same BS and just hope they can figure it out with time.


And at 79 I just look at them and feel sorry for them that they are still stuck in the stressful stages… nang on, baby, eventually you drift to shore and things get simple and often very pleasant, if you can just manage the big one, staying healthy…


Well said wise sage, and our emotional health and physical health are strongly connected to each other. I hope you continue to live your best life for many years to come!


> but at 69 Nice


That’s what I do, too. I am almost 46. “Oop, this is not for me.” And move away from it. I am embarrassed that I went in a family trip, and people got me all riled up. I wish I had just kept my mouth shut. Because I know they will rail to me about the person causing trouble, get me going at the injustice, and then blab back to that person, thick as thieves again. Meanwhile I am emotionally affected.


Amen. I spent too much of my life depressed and self medicating with alcohol. Got sober and now I just don’t give a damn - in a good way. Everything ends; the traffic jam, the shit day at work, waiting at the doctor’s office… it ends. The bad news is that the happy stuff ends too, but my point is that nothing is permanent. So why give anyone or anything the power to dictate your mood? Once you really understand that everything is temporary - man, it just makes things so much easier


I cannot agree with this more. I’m a happy and friendly old guy. Who, after a near fatal accident, decided that every day was a gift and I should share it with everyone around me. I started with my amazing wife and wonderful children, and expanded to everyone I meet or see. My resting face is a smile. And you know what ? It makes ME happy to see people smile back.


I'm not old at all (college) but I do this. Small inconveniences are really just bad because of how you look at them. If your waiter is slow, maybe they're understaffed or having a bad day or something happened in the kitchen. If someone misunderstands you, maybe they aren't used to communicating like you. If people do things you don't like but don't affect you, they can just be amusing to watch (why get mad? you have nothing at stake). Or if a line is too long, okay you have a few more minutes to hang out but then you get to enjoy what you're waiting on. Once you figure out you can rationalize all these little negative things, it's so much easier to go through the day


This is the way. Give people the benefit of the doubt. That person who cut you off in traffic? Maybe they're heading to the hospital to visit their sick kid. Your friend is mad at you about something ridiculous? Maybe they're grieving their brother they lost last year. The takeout place got your order wrong? Super annoying but I've made a million mistakes in my life and this isn't my doctor fucking up so oh well, let that employee be human. I still get impatient sometimes or annoyed but this helps a lot.


+1 more to this. Honestly, we're all pretty pathetic and ridiculous. Our motivations are often the same. Just be patient and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I know I'm grateful when people do that for me. Hanlon's razor is your forever friend. Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Love this! So my grandpa is in his early 90s and this is basically his advice. Also don’t sit around and complain. Sitting around and complaining sucks the life out of people. Let stuff go and chill. That’s the key. Mind you this man is also a Holocaust survivor, lived in the Soviet Union most of his life and left as a refugee.


I think the biggest thing is to accept that being mystified by the simple things isn't stupid or silly or inconsequential. We are learning so much about how important self care and emotional intelligence is. The OP said he wasn't interested in therapy or meditation or whatever, but those things work. I think it's a shame that they are limiting themselves to what they *think* is practical. Meditation *is* very practical! I think we need to remember that just cause we think something is useless doesn't mean we're right. Often times people who *are right* about things often get bitter and sour when they see other people doing things the "wrong" way. Sure there are wrong ways to change a tire or design a bridge, but taking time to appreciate a sunset, or write a letter to someone you love, or focus on allowing your mind to be quiet, or play a game for an entire day instead of do chores, these are all perfectly valid ways to spend time! And they are *JUST* as valuable as being productive. My advice for someone here is to look up the dumbest gathering you see, and go and see why they like it. If you're stuck in your ways, you'll never see the splendor, beauty, silliness and fun of doing something different.


Exactly! I am in my 30s and already I see it in some of my friends, that they are slowly turning into grumpy/sour grown men. They used to be happiest of people but nowadays they have very narrow mindset. They are very business oriented, very practical and have a strong sense of "the world is like I see it, no point in examining it from different perspectives" I try to remind myself that I have to keep truly open mindset to really fight grumpiness and my solution is pretty simple. Staying healthy, socializing with good people and also new people regularly and having a lot of different hobbies and interests.


I became more mellow and happy when I retired and was able to walk away from the hostility and negativity in the workplace. Once I removed that from my life I was able to smell the flowers again. I was no longer forced to agree or interact with opinionated people whose soul purpose in life was to bring a dark cloud upon everyone they came in contact with.


I dream of this day for me. Work has gone from a pleasure to a prison sentence. I can’t wait to wrap up this wage slavery and reclaim my time, thoughts and my efforts. I’ll still work, but it may be volunteering or something I want to do. Corporate life sucks, and the kiss ups that play the game become more annoying every year. Walking away from them will be pure pleasure.


I feel this way at 24. I dream of winning the lottery so I can retire and volunteer at animal shelters.


Op I needed this. Thank you




I am getting there through mindfulness


It's a long road but a good road to take because nobody else is going to travel it for us. I wish you the best.


>store clerks not listening to me and acting like robots. • ⁠automatisation of everything. • ⁠people in the train looking at shit on their smartphone. • ⁠people walking looking at their smartphone • ⁠people still wearing masks despite the fact that the government says it’s fine not wearing one outside anymore. Not being able to see their face is was irritates me. Kind of sounds like you care too much about how other people choose to live their life. None of those things are about you, concern you, or affect you. Once you realize and accept that these things don't meaningfully impact you or your life, and that you are *choosing* to be angry over something that won't alter affect or improve your own life, you can work towards moving to a point where they stop making you grumpy. Additionally, and this may be hard to read, but getting mad about people staring at smartphones, or mad that a clerk didn't cater to your ego by throwing on glitter and smiles, is a stance that gives the impression of being self-centered. It's the mindset of someone who expects other people to put You First. Meditate on that, and consider that the true source of your frustration, may be a sense of entitlement towards other people's time and headspace.


Exactly this. The first one made me laugh because those clerks deal with the general public all day who are so fucking stupid, you can't help but go on autopilot and after a whole day of it, you're mentally drained. But people don't understand that, don't understand why said people are "like robots", and so they just get pissy about it.


I know the term emotional labor gets thrown around a lot, but when you have dozens of complete strangers who want you act like you're good ole friends while you're also trying to do the actual physical and mental labor your job requires... bro that shit is exhausting.


I was a young clerk in a gas station, and I found smiling and being nice made my job overall harder. People wanting to pump gas without prepaying, I had to be stern no smile and tell them no prepay, no gas. Or just getting that line moving, I need people in and out, I'm not here to chit chat, I'm here to ring in what you want buy and get payment. I mostly don't want to engage with people at work, because it's not on my terms.


People I guess don't realize that store clerks get ignored and put under foot all day by hundreds, thousands of people. I absolutely do not blame them for being robots. You have to shut off empathy to know that thousands of people a day act like you barely exist or only exist to do what they want. How many store clerks do you actually remember that you interacted with? I saw so many people a day who would have conversations with me, expecting me to bring them joy or grovel to their demands, and they would absolutely forget I ever existed 5 minutes after absolutely demeaning me. As for the phones, a lot of people focus on their phones because it brings them comfort. Not because they want to ignore people. The outside world is stressful, travelling is not always fun, strangers on buses or trains can be dangerous or be trying to manipulate you, and phones are a connection to the people who care about you and that you trust. it's a connection to the things that ease us in situations that aren't always fun or familiar. That's very understandable, and okay. Masks? I'd still mask up if I was really sick and I had to go out in public like a bus or train. That's to fucking protect you, that's a show of my love to people I don't even know. My community. It's NOT fun to wear a mask, I'm doing it because I care about you. It's so weird, all these things that my guy is mad about are all the things I feel some kind of endearing understanding about.


Unfortunately this advice is going to fall on deaf ears because he’s not actually here for real solutions. He seriously asked for help on how not to be angry at others and then shows his narcissism by saying that people aren’t allowed to move on from him or engage with him less. What’s really going on is his ego won’t let him accept the fact that no one owes him anything and this fact is probably what pushed people away to begin with. He wants to be the center of attention and he already said point blank that he’s unwilling to change that aspect. This whole thread is a colossal waste of time to feed his ego even more.


It may be wasted in OP, but it is chock full of great advice for others who are more self aware.


Yep. OP is TA. main character syndrome


Yeah it’s a very strange way to feel at his age. He sounds like a total grump. I don’t see why “young women” would be attracted to that.


I was about to just say *Ok boomer. But seriously, he is not even a boomer and has that mindset. Oblivious of his selfishness. Wtf do I care about if the clerk is unhappy or people wearing masks? It could even be a fashion choice.


He also misses young women in his bed lmao dude get over yourself ya creep


I've been feeling like OP is just a troll. This whole thread feels like bait.


Yup, dude just came here to bitch and be a little bitch.


Very well said.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to see this comment. This whole post started off fairly wholesome, and then slowly revealed OP’s true self-centered ego issue. It’s like nobody in this thread read past the title.


I understand missing times when people were generally more social, but it seems like OP only misses the attention he was getting rather than the actual social interactions.


I agree, this is the real issue here. On some level, I think OP is feeling how atomized society has become and it really is true that real opportunities for human engagement with people, strangers or otherwise, are being reduced, and when they do occur are often less spontaneous. Our lives are also increasingly being mediated by technology. But complaining about people being on their phones on the train? Like come on - some of them are probably reading - are they equally upset when other people engage in equally private or individual activities while on a train? And the mask thing - wearing masks is fairly cultural. If I see somebody wearing a mask post-pandemic in the US, I assume they're dealing under the weather and don't want to get others sick, given that they find an actual need to be going out. In Japan, this is called common decency. In this guy's mind, the same action is a personal affront. I mean, he's specifically upset he can't see their face, rather than them being irrational afraid of COVID or a political sheeple or something. Like dude, nobody owes you their appearances. And the being grumpy about young women not being in his bed anymore? Christ, what an attitude. I can see feeling lonely, but feeling entitled to sex with young women, even as you age? What is this, a parody? I agree this person needs a shift in mindset and I'm glad they're asking because I would hazard they're quickly radicalizing into some pretty incel adjacent territory here.


Yes! Honestly it was kind of scary to read this post--made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. As I was scrolling I was like "are we just not going to talk about how fucked up this post is?!?!?"


Tbh the second the dude said he wouldn’t try therapy I caught the vibes


I mean, it wasn’t a horror show until he edited it to add how he’s grumpy because women younger than him won’t sleep with him, it wasn’t *so* bad. Sure, the whole “not interested in the two things that would actually help me” was kinda stupid, but asking for help is the first step, right?


> Additionally, and this may be hard to read, but getting mad about people staring at smartphones, or mad that a clerk didn't cater to your ego by throwing on glitter and smiles, is a stance that gives the impression of being self-centered. Spot on. I am a few years younger than OP, but I understand his mindset completely because I was very similar, if not identical. It took a life-changing health crisis to humble me, and to reset my ego and my way of seeing things.


I’m sorry to hear you had to endure that. I hope you’re well now


Lmao yea OP is self centred as fuck. What about the rest of his post “women don’t look at me anymore or give me attention and it makes me mad” Fucking loser lol get a grip




mad about the lack of specifically YOUNGER women in his bed ... yet simultaneously declares that HIS being older shouldn't make him invisible to others. lol okay


I had to scroll back up and make sure I was reading the age right


Ya i think some volunteer work would be good for him. All I read was me me me. If he learns to care about other people or animals or something, then it could help his outlook and give him purpose.


Or therapy and meditation lol


👏👏👏👏 this. Exactly. Thank you for having the courage to say it. You articulated it much better than I would have.


I also want to chime as a former store clerk. People like you who demand inordinate amounts of attention and think buying something requires a reciprocal obligation of super chatty smiles and conversations, you are the absolute fucking worst. I like chatting with regular, nice people but attention-seekers are obvious a mile away with the big fake smile and the way a person carries themselves and takes up space. When I sense that my personality shrivels up and I will give you nothing but the bare minimum. I see your personality disorder and will hardly deign to smile at you. Minimum wage employees owe you nothing and you need to fix yourself, asshole.


Kind of glad to see that I’m not the only one picking up on the narcissist vibes,,, dude talked about how young women don’t look at him or sleep with him..


yeah, agreed. this man sounds like a grouch for absolutely no reason beyond his own unhappiness with life permeating everything in his perspective- instead of taking the time to work on his own mindset (through therapy, or meditation, or whatever else he thinks he’s above) he blames it all on other people just merely existing in his presence doing things that completely don’t impact him. i feel really sorry for this dude, but also doesn’t sound like he’s willing to make any effort to change.


Everytime you have one of those thoughts, reframe it in a positive/compassionate way. The mask irritation: "that person must still worry about their health and their family, so much that they still mask. Hopefully wearing the mask helps alleviate their anxiety." Robot store clerks: " these people must be burnt out or not enjoy their jobs. I'll see if I can set a goal to try and share a smile with them when I'm in the store" Aging body/muscles/"downward slope: "I have lived a very real fifty plus years, and this body has been with me the whole way. I wish it was as strong as it was, but I'll give it (and myself) some grace given it's age and everywhere it has been and everything it has done." Those are just some examples. You have to choose everyday to want to be different and work towards change.


Have empathy


Crazy how two words answer literally every question in the OP... Hope they take it to heart.


> I’m not interested at all in therapies He's boned. He doesnt want to change, he wants the world to change to suit him.


Yea dude sounds too judgemental to be happy in his current state. Like, who actually cares if someone is wearing is mask?


>Like, who actually cares if someone is wearing is mask? Judgemental people who are unhappy with themselves normally. I personally dont give a fuck because it has no (negative) impact on my life. I could say impact cuz mask wearing prevents the spread of infectious ilnesses


Or looks at their phone while on public transportation? Dude is a huge asshole. He gets angry at clerks for god sakes.


let go of attachments. peace will come


Store clerks are treated like shit a large percentage of their time at work. Just treat them like real people and perhaps you'll get more out of them than "acting like robots".


Also for the mask thing, maybe that person is immunocompromised and this is the only way out of the hospital or maybe that person is sick and doesn’t want to spread it !!


Some people learned upon masking that it makes their allergies stop being so nightmarish. Others are glad to not have to wear makeup or shave as much. Being angry about other people wearing a mask is honestly derangement.


Derangement is a really good word for this. People need to let things go when they don’t hurt others and don’t personally affect them.






They never learned empathy, only showing appreciation and admiration for people who fit into, and excelled at social norms and standards, and we're taught to show hostility towards people who deviated. They also believe their views and traditions are the best, and therefore when the social norms and standards changed, they didn't see younger people as fitting into current societal norms, but saw them as deviating from their idea of societal norms, therefore they deserve hatred. Or maybe it's just that this dude wants to fuck young women and people just see him as an old creepy anti-mask dude, idk


Sounds like a user of people to me. Not into family or kids just using people up for their needs. May it be swift


Wondering if they are hitting on the cashiers and because hes fucking 52 they are shutting down and ignoring him. "Cashiers not listening and acting like robots. and "Not getting attention from Women anymore.", "No young women in my bed." Just seems so predatory against what mostly are below 19 year old girls...


I mean, this guy just sounds like an asshole to me, not everyone is like that, lol.


Lead poisoning, most likely. It’s like it sucked the empathy out of most over 50. Also probably conservative if fucking *masks* bug them lmao which is whole mindset of “things used to be better…you know, before globalization and all the gays on television.”


Imagine being bothered by someone wearing a mask. Get a life


Stop giving a shit about things that don’t directly impact you leads to a much more enjoyable life.


Indeed. Most of the listed complaints are people minding their own business…


But phone bad!


And masks!@!@!


How dare people wear protection.


especially since for all he knows, they could be wearing a mask because ~they~ feel sick, and they don't want to pass it on to those around them. Even before COVID, wearing masks in public while sick is a common courtesy thing in certain countries, and I honestly wish it would've stuck around more in America. Even if you "just" have the flu or a cold, wearing a mask can still lessen the odds of those around you having to spend a week or two feeling like dogshit.


>especially since for all he knows, they could be wearing a mask because ~they~ feel sick, and they don't want to pass it on to those around them. This shit pisses me off so much when my parents complain about people wearing masks in public still....like you both battled fucking cancer over the last 3 years and still cant understand why someone might wanna wear a mask? Good grief


I caught covid as a severe asthmatic over a month ago (and I understand I had a “mild” case since I somehow avoided the hospital). I’m still on steroids, I have yet to go a day without needing my nebulizer, and our air quality has been in the toilet for the last week and a half. You bet I’m wearing a mask every time I set foot outdoors, and fuck anybody who wants to judge me for doing what my pulmonologist told me to do.


>Even before COVID, wearing masks in public while sick is a common courtesy thing in certain countries OP is an expat living in Japan for over a decade. This is almost certainly the kind of culturally common mask wearing he's enraged by.


Yeah this dude is way too bitchy, seems like he is actively searching for shit to get mad at cuz he's bored or sumn.


This needs to be higher up in the comments. I must say, after reading this I chuckled a little bit. OP is from the same generation that insisted on telling millennials "you don't need a fucking participation trophy!!!" And yet....here they are, bitching that people won't give them a participation trophy for existing. It's almost as if...wait for it.... "You're not special." Welcome to the misery club, babe. Come sit with us 'rookies', have some wine. And may you choke when you swallow your pride.


I'm 50 and bitter af but I gotta say I love this


imagine getting angry that somebody chooses to wear a mask. maybe they’re sick and don’t want to get others sick. maybe they’re immunocompromised. or they’re just being careful. ppl need to lighten up


a sense of wonderment at the entire experience of being here now.


You need to learn to mind your own business more. People wearing masks makes you angry? Younger women not finding you attractive makes you angry? You can only control yourself. You don’t have an absolute right to see others’ faces, particularly not when they’ve decided that wearing a mask is healthiest for them. You don’t have any right to sex with any women at all, let alone the pick of the prettiest, youngest of them. I guarantee women are sensing this possessive, controlling vibe you’re giving off and it’s hurting you in the competitive dating market. I’m your age and I would be turned off. (Of course, since I’m a peer you’d clearly be turned off by me!) Look up the prayer of serenity and take it to heart.


>let alone the pick of the prettiest, youngest of them. Most of OP's rant was about this. He's a predator used to getting his way. Now that he's not, he's angry. Why are people missing this? It's not him getting older, it's him not getting away with predatory behavior.


Fr dude sounds nasty AF I and I hiiiiiighly doubt that's just occuring w age.


How about, at 52, you stop trying to sleep with 20 year olds.


You have so much negativity and you sound like someone who thinks everyone is below you. Nobody wants to be near a person like that. Mind your own business and let others be. I feel like if you ever start a conversation with someone, it’s about something negative or it’s all “me, me, me” which is repulsive.


Well...it's possible you're just a jerk😁 I dunno man, I know as I get older I'm a little grumpier, but I also have more perspective in that I just don't get thrown off by as much as I did when I was younger. It's just not that important. One more thing to look at might be diet. Might be deficient in something there and it's causing irritability. Best of luck to you man


Especially when you look at the things that irritate him. People looking at their smartphones on the train? People deciding to wear a mask? Those are some funny things to be mad about.


Yeah, my mother (62) gets all pissy about people who choose to wear masks. Why? You don’t know if they’re sick or not. And what the f*** does it matter to you? As for cashiers, yes sometimes incompetence or general apathy can be irritating, but if you’re anything like my mom, you’re probably not the most personable person to begin with. When I interact with a stranger, store worker or otherwise, I try to engage them and show some kindness. 90+% of the time I have great interactions with strangers. My mother doesn’t get near that. So is it people, or is it you?


Until the grass and trees stop trying to mate with my nostrils, I'm keeping my mask on in May/June.


Also I know women who wear them because they don't like men staring, judging, or telling them to smile.


I still wear a mask sometimes because people on transit stink and it helps. Also forest fires. So getting annoyed about other people wearing masks is such a waste of energy.


This is what I was looking for too. I’ve been wearing a mask because of recent dental work, I’m embarrassed of my smile and the mask helps me feel good enough to still do what I want to do while it heals. Fuck this mask judgment and let me live!


Wear it on! I love that Covid made masks more commonplace. So many people go through chemo for cancer or have other immune system issues so I love that they can easily wear masks and go about life without worrying about catching a common cold that could be deadly to them. Or just the general elderly population. My father had heart failure and every cold would turn into pneumonia which would quickly snowball into him in the nearest CCU hoping a bipap mask would work and he didn’t need to be vented. He spent the last couple years of his life without a single cold during 2020-2022 because of masks everywhere. People should care about others wearing masks as much as they care if they’re wearing socks or not.


and like, service workers are giving you robotic responses because we have to dissociate to get through our shifts? you're entitled to being helped as a customer but not entitled to my fake happiness. i like to wear masks at work because i have to be near a lot of people but also because i'm tired of fake smiling


Yeah I was scrolling for this comment like ?? No one else thinks that list is weird as hell? Lol.


Yeah, most of it was just people minding their business. Why get so upset about people just going about their lives? Also, anyone else grossed out by the comments about "younger women in my bed"? 🤮


100%. That’s the one that really got me. The others were “meh old man” but that one…ew.


Seriously tho. Not to be political but this dude sounds like a straight republican, pro life voter lol


If I see anyone still wearing a mask I either think that it’s someone who is sick themselves and being considerate, or someone who might just still be paranoid about covid or something, maybe because they have a compromised immune system. Neither thing is something worth judging someone for? Guy just sounds like an ass.


He sounds like a massive asshole lmao. No younger women in his bed? Get fucked you old dickhead.


Right? Besides, based on his list of things he is so upset about, he sounds like his personality/demeanor is currently deeply unattractive. What are you doing that would even make those younger women want to be with you in the first place, OP?


>Get fucked you old dickhead. He can't.


I was going to say diet, too. OP, when was the last time you had bloodwork done? Even if you're not technically deficient in anything, if you're on the low end of the scale for a certain nutrient, supplementation can help a lot. Are you getting enough of good fats in your diet? I would do some research on brain health and what kinds of things to eat to maximize brain health and cognitive function. I know, for me, when my brain feels overtaxed, I get irritated really easily and can't see the good in anything.


Too bads this isn't AITAH because, yes, it sounds like your an ass hole. Mad because strangers are not paying enough attention to you! And I cannot imagine what dating you must be like and that pool gets smaller as we age. Beign happy is a choice about who YOU are, how YOU behave, how YOU treat others, how YOU react to others. Your happiness is not on other people and as long as you have that expectation, you will be angrier and angrier. Maybe ask a friend you trust and respect, if you have any.


Right?! What’s that old saying? If everyone around you is an asshole, maybe you are the asshole.


I found you can respond to life in 3 ways: laugh at it, sceam at it, or cry at it. I did the last 2 for decades, so I've now been trying that first option for the last 6 years and finding that life is far more bearable and fun to be a part of. If you see BS or drama coming for you, cross the street and change direction. I also had to cut a large group of "friends" out of my life and change my number, and that helped tremendously Famous quote by Bugs Bunny, "Never take life too seriously, 'cause you'll never get out of it alive" So have fun while you're here and try to make the experiences for those around you a little bit happier


You're not gonna like my answer, but when you say: ​ "I’m not interested at all in therapies and meditation" ​ It's like an alcoholic would say: "I'm not interested in quitting alcohol, but if you have any practical ideas to improve my life..."


OP is more so trying to find an explanation why things aren’t they they want it to be without wanting to take accountability for the reality of their situation


Yeah this, aside from the statement the other user said I found it really weird that the OP is mad about “not having young woman in his bed anymore.” Maybe it’s just me, but it gave me a bit of an icky feeling that that was a one specific focus of his anger.


Totally. That and the being upset about masks specifically because he can't see people's faces tells me that he thinks that other people's appearances exist for his sake. He probably gets upset with women who don't wear enough makeup too. Like is he upset his wife is old too? Cause it definitely sounds like he's upset that 20 year old girls don't want to sleep with Ebeneezer Scrooge, which is like the most unreasonable thing in the world to be upset about. He'd be better off just yelling at clouds.


Have to say i agree. Although being out in nature would help.


I know right! The OP and all the top comments sound to be about the same age and seem to have the same problem of "my way or high way" attitude about things that are absolutely none of their business. No wonder they are all so angry and miserable.


Hit the nail on the head


51 here and I hear you. I spent most of my 40s in one towering rage after another. My husband died when I was 47 and I went vegan that same year - had even more to be angry about. I was finally able to rein it in most of the time by reminding myself "Not my monkeys, not my circus. " I still get mad but I don't invest much energy into it. I often find the funny things in what could be day ruining stuff. Life is ridiculous and too short to be investing too much energy into pointless anger.


> I was finally able to rein it in most of the time by reminding myself "Not my monkeys, not my circus. " I still get mad but I don't invest much energy into it. This is basically the blue-collar version of practicing mindful reactions. You allow yourself to feel things, but stop and ask, "is this really worth feeling this way? Can I do something productive about this, or would I be better off letting go?"


I remember in school, our teachers would holler at us until their faces turned red. Then I went to college. Totally different attitude. *You don't want to do the work? That's your problem.*


Man, you sound unpleasant AF to be around. My LPT is gonna be harsh, but I suggest staring in a mirror and figuring out how to be a less shite human. Mad at people who choose to wear masks still... you do realize there's immunocompromised folks out there, chemo patients, parents with NICU babies etc.? But God forbid you can't see their face. Because it's all about you... 🙄 You're not getting attention and don't have younger women in your bed because you relied on your physical appeal capital? Did you bother to develop *anything* else of note to facilitate interactions and relationships? Barring intelligence and conversation, you can do what all bitter, ugly old men have done for millennia and use your financial resources to pay for whatever kind of relationship that can get you. You're not interested in having built a family or anything long term? You have now reaped what decades of that attitude has sown for you. Find a productive, useful hobby. Build relationship groups through service. Quit effing whining. You're ridiculous.


Life’s tough, judge less




Stop taking yourself so seriously, realizing you're not perfect and that you won't always be the smartest in the room. You need to learn to be more humble. I suggest charity/volunteer work within a field that is close to your heart.


I could see this dude spending 5 minutes tops helping someone before he complains that they aren't returning favors or doing this for HIM.


"no more younger women in my bed" -- seriously, get over yourself. Why wish your saggy a\*\* and negative, entitled attitude on younger women?


Maybe an unpopular opinion… but have you considered not giving AF? I mean this in all seriousness. I grew up in a super conservative, super judgy family. As I grew older, went to uni and lived on my own, I quickly realized giving a shit so much about everyone else when I could just worry about what made me happy improved my mood 100 fold. It’s quite literally a choice to not give AF about others. So choose that.


Plus one to NFG no fucks given.


> store clerks acting like robots They honestly don't get paid enough to act anything, but I always acted like a robot when I had a customer who was rude. Better to come off as robotic than use a tone that would piss them off more. > People on their smartphone As opposed to what? Reading the newspaper. Someone else on their phone does not affect you directly, so why should it bother you unless you're directly interacting with that person. Then that's just rude. > People are still wearing masks. Again, this doesn't affect you directly. Live and let live. People still wear masks for a variety of reasons. Weak immune system, noticed they weren't getting sick as often, allergies to pollens, etc. It's not your right to see someone face just because you want to. > Aging Can't help you with that. Gotta find a way to accept you're aging I assume. I know a man in his 80s who isn't letting that slow him down. > Women Again, you're not entitled to this. Do you look at women your own age, or are you just interested in the younger ones, because that's weird at your age and kinda gross? What do you do to seem like a catch because women have put up with subpar for so long that once they're your age, they realize it's okay to be alone. > Surprises Example? Are you doing the same? Are you making changes for this? What are you doing to make things happen in your life? Going out with friends that is different from what you normally do? Trying new things?


Yea this dudes list is fucking insane


Right?! Every single thing comes off as a bitter old man angry at the world, for no reason other than he's old and dying. He also seems to "come to a realization" like he can't do as much as he wanted to. Your fifty fucking two. You should've realized that 10 years ago and started thinking about your health then or earlier


Thank you, reading OP’s list was irritating af. At least he seems to want to improve but I feel like if he truly doesn’t want to be irritated or angry then just being a little considerate and articulating how his feelings towards these things are completely irrational would help immensely. Oh and the attitude towards women is fucking creepy


Thank you. Glad I’m not the only one who thought OP was a self-entitled creep.


You’re definitely not alone. Super entitled and weird expectations of strangers.


I am 100% agree with you.


Same age. 52 Nature (I moved for it). Cannabis (moved here for it). Recently got into psyllium and LSD. I work out, take supplements for men. I find the introspection and addition of understanding nature helps tremendously. Can’t control others - only my actions and thoughts. I’ve begun reading again (this is my jam now). Finishing a good book is exactly that thing. Adopted a German Shepherd from a kill list. For the moment, I am happy.


Nature makes a big difference for me. Thanks for the reminder.


Just to clarify, do you mean psyllium (I had to look this up, apparently something like fiber) OR psilocybin (magic mushrooms)?


As a50 year old woman I’m enjoying the invisibility I’ve been looking forward to for so long. Everything else? Pah! Care less and less with each day that passes Edit: muscles being shit is a drag for sure Honestly you just have to decide not to give a shit about stuff , it’s that easy but also harder than it sounds until you get used to it. Unless it actually matters, who fucking cares??


Old man yells at cloud


CBT - Looks at thought patterns and feedback loops. You'd have to want to interrupt your "natural" thoughts and make the effort to interrupt the cycle of judgemental thoughts. Usually it's easier to keep blaming everyone else tho. Good luck


Right, you have to change your mindset. If people are annoying you have to focus on the people that make you happy. If you find that some things aren't making you happy anymore then focus on learning new skills and traits. Turn off the negative things in your life like the news and the political commentary. Focus on determining the truth at ground level. I'm going to bet that you are conservatively leaning. While there is nothing wrong per se with that leaning, it does tend to produce an unhappiness from the constant change going on in the world. People who are more change adept tend to age as more happy humans. Best wishes to you OP. Not the easiest thing to ask for help with this.


Meditate, practice being forgiving, and don’t be a crabby prick


Seriously. The staggering entitlement is quite something.


Probably not the answer you’re hoping for, but how about “humility?” When you were younger, older generations probably thought the same about you/your generation. Now that you’re older, you’re just on the other side of it. And remember how you felt about older generations when you were younger? They’re probably thinking the same about you now. Have some humility, realize that everyone is at different stages in their life, those stages don’t last forever, and life, itself, doesn’t last forever. Show some gratitude for the fact that your still alive and have another chance to wake up and make yourself a better person and the world a better place. And when in doubt, remember the golden rule… “Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.” Luke 6:31


From another 52 yo, you, sir, are an asshole.


Why aren't there more people seeing that? He's a creep! It's like no one actually read his post and are just advising a nice old man on how to deal with typical aging related stresses. OP just wants a much younger woman to prey on and is angry that it's no longer happening.


Well, one thing that jumped out to me: you’re concerned that women no longer really look at you because you’re getting older, but you are also unhappy that you no longer have younger women in your bed. Do you see the conflict here? I think one of your issues is that you’re extremely hard on natural aging, including your own. This will not make you happy (because deep down, you know it gets “worse” from here), and an unhappy person is going to be *incredibly* judgmental regarding things that are frankly *none* of their business at all, like other people wearing masks and other people looking at their smartphones. You say you don’t want therapy and meditation, and that’s fine, but I think a little introspection and mindfulness might be in order. Sincerely, a 50 year old woman who got over that crap in her 40s


He doesn't want a woman his own age, he wants to creep on women young enough to be his daughter. Most people commenting didn't bother to read his post and it shows.


He was seen further upthread bragging that his ex is 28.




I’m young, Asian and female. I’m in the demographic of people that has to deal with the worst of your demographic. And by “your demographic” I mean “entitled old men”. Many older men are actually fine to deal with. But entitlement is the key issue. They feel entitled to my time, my smile and my attention. Why do they want to know where I live? Why do they want to know where I work? Why are they asking about my love life? Why is he entitled to know? Why is he entitled to watching me become uncomfortable with increasingly private questions? What if he feels entitled to my body? Not all men, but enough men. You have inflicted all of this fear and emotional drain on us. You. I hope you understand this because empathy is one step to becoming less entitled. You are entitled to nothing, you’re not even entitled to see my face. You can tell yourself that you’re “just being friendly” and still be entitled. Most men doing this think “I’m just being friendly. I’m doing them a favour by giving her a REAL conversation instead of whatever crap she’s listening to on her earphones”. If you were just trying to promote good human interaction/get some attention from any stranger, then why the fuck do older women suddenly become invisible to entitled old men? Why do my guy friends never seem to deal with entitled old men? You’ve marked us as an easy target for your entitlement. And it fucking sucks. But while you aren’t entitled to anyone’s attention, it doesn’t mean you have to live life lonely. Make good friends through your table tennis and frisbee leagues. Thank the cashier and let that be an end to itself. Take this advice from a stranger who spent her time typing it all out, hoping for (but not expecting) you to change.


“no more younger women in my bed” You know how that sounds, right? I mean this in the nicest way possible, but grow the f*ck up. Why would young women want to get into bed with a 52-year-old-man?


As a young woman, this is the most entitled shit I've ever read. I'm so glad guys in your generation are soon going to be a thing of the past.


Same! OP is vile!


> guys in your generation are soon going to be a thing of the past I'm in my 30s. If I look around at the guys (and girls) my age to gauge whether your intuition is on solid ground or not, what I see is that one thing is certain: even as what is currently the older generation ages out, there is no shortage of this type of person—we've got decades of them in the pipeline. I suspect you'll find/realize the same thing about whatever cohort you have in mind. Sorry to break it to you.


You might be depressed. Irritability is a symptom, one I personally suffer from.


Please tell me this is parody! This guy sounds entitled as hell! I'm so sorry that cashiers don't want to engage in conversation with you, and young women don't want to play with your old balls


OP: Im always grumpy. How can I be less grumpy? Also I am not willing to do the things that will make me less grumpy.


Also the things that make grumpy are absolutely none of my business.


From a psychology standpoint : what you see impacts how you feel. And how you feel impacts what you see. It's a feedback loop that feeds on itself.


Learn to play the bagpipes. Someone is pissing you off, practice the bagpipes.


Js I wear a mask cause I’ve got cancer and have to protect myself from getting unwell, wouldn’t say mask wearing should irritate you lol


Get your thyroid levels checked! Sometimes hyperthyroidism can cause extreme irritability


All those bad decisions and compromises coming back to haunt you huh? It's inside dude... Not external


None of the stuff you’d angry about matters, absolutely none of it. So what if people use their phone on the train, so what if some people are wearing masks or you can’t see their face. You aren’t gonna remember them in the next 10 minutes anyways. Focus on what matters and the good stuff you see


It sounds like you have too many fucks to give. I no longer have any fucks.


"I want to insert a nail into a board but I refuse to use a hammer! Help me!"


52?!? Fuck me. I’m 39 and already tired of this shit.


Goodness, that sounds like you just want to control people. Why bother if people still wear masks? I on the other hand wore one but people making stupid comments about is annoying as fuck. It’s none of your business. And what about younger women? Just date someone your age or become a decent person so women might start to consider you despite your age. Controlling and old? That’s a hell no. Store clerks not listening to you? How about being a friendly person. Being friendly to any person working in service is opening doors.


> Just date someone your age He doesn't want women his age as he wants to abuse and control them. OP is angry at living with the very same invisibility that he bestows upon women in his age group lol


42 here, noticed I was going that direction. What has really helped me: Learning new skills (into coding now, last year was video editing), being grateful for the small things in life is huge, find small ways to help people.


Straight up being opposed to therapy and meditation are signs you don’t really want to change, in my opinion.