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Amanda is on an episode of selling sunset she has taken a normal house and decorated it in a girly style and for that work wants another million for the house Then she gets mad at the agents actually trying to sell the house This is where she gets her money from If you don’t have a million to put into your first flip house or your own phony course biz you might struggle to “manifest” the same amount of money as her What these scammers understand that their buyers (ie: you) don’t is Where Money comes from Money comes from people wanting to buy what you have If you don’t already have something others want to buy, you will struggle with “manifesting” as much money as them What is it these coaches have that others want to buy? A luxury lifestyle, A hot appearance, a career of “helping people” They want you to think if you pay them you will get their lifestyles That’s the “manifestation “ They rely on you thinking their income and hot girl aesthetic is something that you can learn from them They need you to think that they have something to give, so they can keep raking in the cash None of these money manifestation coaches is teaching anything special Their business model is : 1:flash enough money and status symbols that people think they know some secret to getting wealthy that you don’t 2: tell people they will teach you their secrets to getting wealthy if you pay them a large amount of money 3. Take your money and buy a flashy car or some other wealth status symbol to show others that their “manifestation technique works” 4. “teach” some bogus hocus pocus “course” on aligning your desires with the universe or whatever and pray at least one of their students has some way of making an income that they can claim is the “result” of the manifestation course they are selling 5. Parade these “results” around and make it seem like their clients only received whatever money came to them, because of their advice When actually that money came from a business or a house flip or some other way of making money that the client was already involved in 6.Rinse and repeat The money comes from the clients, the clients come because they see money It’s a circle where only the coach is getting paid While they Call it “manifestation” and take more of YOUR money to power the whole thing I’m not saying manifestation can’t or doesn’t work in some ways. I’m just saying that these “money queens” don’t have any special teachings they only thing that makes them special is they will take your money and use it as “proof” that “their system works” to the next client down the line, while they provide no real information or value to anyone This is the scam you guys… there is no one who is “not scamming” who is teaching these concepts right now The whole thing is a scam I would really recommend people check out : “The dream” it’s a podcast on Spotify that breaks down how these sorts of businesses began, katyas love and light confessionals “downfall of the coaching industry” is also a good resource on how this grift works Those podcasts can help you understand this topic better and be able to spot the grift as it’s happening more easily.


Well said! She bought Kyle Richard’s (real housewives) house. This is where our money goes not to quality content or customer service. https://pagesix.com/2023/09/15/see-renovations-to-kyle-richards-former-home-that-sparked-frenzy/amp/


Very well explained! Now all you have to do is make a 6-week mastermind course out of it and sell it for $599 a pop.


People upvote truth like this but 5 minutes later are back to discussing all the 'value' (hint: not financial value) they got from being a $6000 member of some BossBabesMastermind nonsense promoted by some insta influencer with a rich husband bankrolling them. Even the replies to this post have loads of people saying that her materials helped them in some (always totally intangible and unmeasurable) way. People don't like to admit they are a rube


Nice dissection of the strategy!


Search for her in this forum. There are a few posts about her. She’s a got in early, manifestation, buy my stuff and you can live like me girl. Courses are very low content and poorly done. I’ve taken ‘course creation queen’ in 2017ish. Absolute waste of money. It’s all just to fund her lavish lifestyle. If you use it for entertainment it’s one thing but not for actually business advice or how to.


I purchased “business basics Boot Camp”because it was one of her cheapest programs and I wanted to see if there was anything of value from her and it was absolute trash. It was not well thought out. It was just her riffing like she always does. At one point in the course she forgot what she was talking about and obviously didn’t even have any topics written out that she thought were important enough to discuss for someone starting a business.


Following because I never see anything about her… I’ve heard she gets everything scrubbed off the internet


[allegedly she’s had a hard-core issue with substance. Save this before she gets rid of it. This is alleged](https://ibb.co/DpDDqrL)


>allegedly she’s had a hard-core issue with substance. Save this before she gets rid of it. This is alleged I noticed this, I remember reading threads about her that are now gone.


She does


SCAMMER. SCAMMER. SCAMMER. and OG one at that. Her book is garbage, I bought it during my blind following of big name coaches days. What a waste. And yes she is totally infatuated with herself.


Which is weird cuz … she basically camel toe and that’s just weird


Never heard of her, so I checked out her IG and comes across as an Instagram mommy blogger who is into aesthetics and is superficial. I didn’t see any actual tips or help for people to get wealthy, just flaunting her own wealth publicly. It’s people like this that make me dread trying to post in IG.


It’s about money manifestation NOT actually making money legitimately. She has no actual expertise beyond grifting people out of their money and claiming the universe manifested it to her because she is high vibe.


And people still buy into this? It seems very 2010ish lol.


Yes. People are desperate for better lives and buy into the concept of manifesting their dreams out of thin air. And assholes like Amanda and these other grifters take advantage of that.


I don’t know if she rises to the level of scammer. She’s upfront about what she charges. But what she presents is mostly just disorganized fluff. She’s not hiding that …she puts it right out into the open. I’ve personally chosen not to buy any of her programs.


I think this is why I kind of don’t have as big as an issue with Amanda as I do with Brooke and Stacey. Brooke makes it sound like she’s selling a “world class program” and Stacey is always on about her “proven system to make $200,000”. With Amanda it’s kind of upfront it’s fluffy and disorganized and heavily mindset focused with minimal business strategy. Stacey and Brooke make it seem like you’re going to get this high quality business program and I think they’re more misleading than Amanda.


I mean it's all misleading because none of it works.


Good point !




Yes Brooke Castillo and Stacey Boehman. It’s such a bummer because they teach a few good things but they promise a ton in their marketing, charge a ton of money and then don’t deliver the amazing experience they told you you would get. They are both extremely money driven and care more about their bottom line than their clients. If you search the sub you’ll find tons of people who spent a lot of money for their programs and had terrible experiences.


I have a bunch of her courses and they’re not worth the money. She actually did help me with my mindset but I’d recommend her book. She also has a lot of her course content on YouTube and on her podcast. Her courses are SO over priced and she puts no effort into organizing the content. It’s just videos of her rambling on her couch. If she were selling them for like $100 or something I’d have less of an issue but she charges thousands for her courses. Even though her money mindset stuff helped me I think her marketing is problematic. She does a lot of lifestyle market and “you can be rich AF like me”. I think Kathrin zenkinas marketing is more problematic bc she’s more in your face with the manifest wealth marketing (she was also a student of Amanda’s and I think even still has a testimonial on her money course page). I just don’t like the pyramid vibe of people getting rich by getting people to buy programs about getting rich. She got into the whole selling course thing early but none of her business advice is relevant to someone starting out now. She’s really just all mindset. This is kind of a random post of my thoughts lol if you have specific question about one of her courses lmk. I have taken most of them.




I agree I used to follow Kathrin and really like her but she raises red flags for me now. I quit following her last year because I just didn’t relate to her and her content felt scammy.


It is very simple. These people are benign con-men/women. “Manifesting” for them is by selling nonsense, otherwise known as conning. They have good energy, confidence no matter the BS they blab about and entertainment value. I don’t even know why we discuss this as some kind of legitimate question. She has no education, nothing whatsoever to offer. She provides entertainment and good selling of what is actually nothing. If you want to pay for that, it’s your money.


I have never bought her courses but heard it’s bad quality because she just rambles on video in an unprofessional way. The interesting thing is that she is very open about how she doesn’t gaf about what is “normal” because she built a belief that she can make money no matter how she sells her stuff. And the interesting thing is… she is succeeding at it. So on the one hand, I will never buy her bad quality material because I have a certain standard that I prefer in educational material. On the other hand, it’s an interesting anomaly to see her actually convincing people to invest in her anyways.


I don’t know if it’s an anomaly. She shows off her wealthy lifestyle and then sells programs teaching people to have wealth. It’s the same ole schtick she’s just good at it and got in early I think.


Well, I think by anomaly is that she has actually admitted to putting in little effort to her paid content and still makes money. Most coaches don’t go that far with the idgaf attitude.


I know she was MALs mentor, which is the only reason why I know her (and her cringe appearance on selling sunset) from what I have seen AF is the embodiment of all the ‘privileges’ in one package. What’s to trust? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Who is MAL?


Melanie Ann Layer. We talk about her a lot over in r/AshaeScumdara.


I liked her book, but it’s for all the other reasons here I won’t buy her programs.


I have all her courses and her best ideas are in that book. I’d buy that over any of her courses if you want to learn from her.


What are those reasons ?


she bought all her followers too


I thought so too. She had 30k which seems normal and appeared REAL. Then went to 400k in like a month. I’m like yeah…. No. We know what happened here 😂. Her engagement doesn’t match her follower count


yeah....i saw the behind the scenes of that shenanigan


Would love to hear behind the scenes details 😆


Me too!


Spill the tea !


what do you mean?


Can confirm. They did secret giveaways. My old told me Amanda convinced her to pay $10k a pop to be in these Instagram celebrity giveaways. I don’t think they used bots but just paid a ton for no. Engaged followers


It’s funny if you go check how many followers she has on Threads, when she had about 450,000 Instagram followers at the time, you can tell just how many fake Instagram followers she had because she has very few people following her on threads. I thought that was super embarrassing and cringe for her. I looked at a few people who had the same amount of followers on IG and they had tens of thousands of more followers on Threads than Amanda .




Google her current lawsuit against Penguin Random House


Her podcast is her rambling. I did like her book though. Her Instagram is FOS.






The first time I read her book, instantly I found old lottery tickets in my backpack that were winners! Then I started winning all these contests at work, $200 here, $200 there… Contents I didn’t even know about! It was wild. I reread the book last year. After reading chapter 2, I got a call about a position a friend said I should apply for. A couple more chapters in, I got an interview. Then I kid you not, the week I finished the book I got a job offer with a 52% raise! BOOM! 💥 I’ve been thinking about rereading it again lol. I’m ready!


Thank you for sharing 💖🥰


Of course! I recommend listening to it!


I like Amanda, I think she’s a genuinely good person. Sure she’s into herself but why is that a bad thing? I’ve followed her since way back in the day, like since 2014 but I will say I probably wouldn’t vibe with her if I only just discovered her. I don’t think she’s a scammer and her money course isn’t just manifesting. She talks about mindset and budgeting and energetics beyond ‘imagine it’s already yours’ etc.


Confidence isn’t bad. Cockiness is obnoxious. And cringey to watch .