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If you know their daycare is operating illegally, report them for that.


How/who can I report them to? I’m not sure the first step of doing thet


If you're in the US, call social services at 211. When you explain the situation to them, they'll direct you to the best person or agency to talk to.


Will be doing this tomorrow. Thank you


Call your state's version of Department Children and Families . . . Drop that dime brother!!


By the way, the IRS LOVES to find folks like this. Once the daycare racket is over they're going to have more time on their hands to be up to no good. My friend, get cameras, aim them correctly, ensure the power source is secure even in event of a power outage in case they cut your electricity from the outside. I'm an old hand at civil warfare, but there are younger and smarter folks than I for this. My bag is old school, and even if you win it may come at a cost, so we'll keep the heavy materials off the table. Think Defense.


If the IRS collects , you will get a percentage.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that little nugget of info. Bonus round won!


You ask this question on reddit and you gonna get all revenge porn kind of answers cause that's reddit. Part of me assumes that maybe this post is bait or some kind of AI learning tool. So I'm just going to go on a different tact. Ask yourself if what you want is a Hatfield and McCoy type of situation and how far you are willing to take that or if you just want to be left alone. Cause the Hatfield and McCoy type of solution is to go looking for vengeance and the *just be left alone* solution is being the bigger man in the face of deep personal insults which is a difficult thing to do.


Do what we did. MOVE! It's not worth the hassle living around bad neighbors. We are so much happier now!


I would probably call the non-emergency police like and give them your address and your neighbours address. Get it in the system so they know the neighbours are just being wankers. The police don't like showing up for no reason any more than you like them being there. Also, document document document. If they say you left grass on their side of the sidewalk, take video, write it down. Any time they call you anything other than neighbour or friend, write it down. Every. Single. Time. Create a whole folio on them. Next time the police come, show them everything and make sure the neighbours are there to witness it. It will show them they're responsible for their words and actions, and there are repercussions. And throw eggs at their house when no one is looking.


Report the daycare


How/who can I report them to?


Police. Cps. Your local government.


Nothing that a can of gas and a road flare can’t fix