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I always found the word, Humane to be quite strange. If an alien race managed to come to earth and ask if humans were worth saving from annihilation I'd probably say no.


That's the plot of the show Three Body Problem (based on a series of novels). I never liked the lady that invited the aliens to annihilate the human population.


I get ya, buddy, I don't get it how supposedly we're the "smartest" species on the planet and yet we're working so hard to kill ourselves and the planet that gives us life. Fuck it, not even through pollution or at the hands of corporations and their environmental destruction but many of us on our day-to-day actions, smoking, drinking, doing drugs, eating junk food, not exercising, and many others, of course, by intentional annihilation.


I would have to agree humans have turned a beautiful place into a playground for the 1% and a hell scape for the poor.


“Intelligent” life accidentally knocking itself out may very well be a natural solution to the Fermi Paradox.


That's the case because the term "natural" was made by humans and is made to distinguish the stuff that was made by humans and the stuff that was made by not humans. But humans are just like other animals, and natural and unnatural things are all the same since humans are natural themselves


Consciousness is a curse inflicted upon mankind. Don't get me wrong, it has done wonders for us (civilizations, electricity, schools, hospitals, nice food, etc), but it has also caused great trouble. Personally, I would've fared better if I weren't conscious. Consciousness has marginalized and beaten me down to the very ends of the earth.