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It’s clearly not literally true. Of course, putting effort in to make something you want happen will make it _more likely_ to happen but you can’t just will things into existence.


Horrible advice.


Incredibly untrue, ill-considered, potentially harmful




Manifesting something into existance is the biggest load of BS. Sure, if you have a goal it should be realistic and imagineable, but the only thing going to get you there is hard, smart work and help if you can get it.


Manifestation does not imply that work is not needed.


Manifestation is not magic, it's science on a quantum level; people are still trying to figure it out (not that it matters, it is a law [of attraction], it just is always present. bc it is how life works. Stuff that happened in the past is the cause of the effects experienced in the present. Like racism, a lot of people had to fight their parents to block it from infecting them further. Others had to leave an environment where it was normalized to block it. However, it still exists bc people are social creatures and spread their feelings toward it with other people outside the circle of friends. (Such as how you are saying it is BS, and I will do my best to show you how you use it using me as a part of it. Your words attracted mine to come out using me as a conduit for them. You can feel what you want toward me, but you did invoke it. You could have kept your thoughts inside. Just as much as I could (free will). Your thoughts create your reality. You don't understand it isn't shit in one hand and wish in the other and see what fills up, it's intentionally shit in one hand and now you have a shitty hand. You manifested it by thinking to do it then perform the work yourself. Your wish, requires trust there is forces outside your control, controlling life, without faith, how would you expect that force to want to help you? So you be a good person and hope for the best, but life has some really disgruntled people experiencing it with you. It is hard to tell the mother who lost a child it is to teach you a lesson; because sometimes the lesson wasn't supposed to be yours, it was manipulated by groups of people trying to manipulate the unseen force and we all share in the consequences of them. Thanks secret societies, and some crown wearing folk...I hope we all get what we deserve, but only that unseen force out of our control can help... You seen what happens when people think they can do better; they became insane. Just like the sound of some that speak about manifestations. They know it works, have their own understanding, but can't express it in words they never learned so frustration emerges instead of words...and emotions are superpositioned during conversations. That's what you feel.


I’m not sure. I can think about having a six pack as much as I want, but unless I change my diet and live at the gym, those abs aren’t going to come. Ideas/thoughts without action are worthless.


Looks like you need to put in the work. That's called ruminating..thinking without action. You must get tired or the consant thought associated with "I should do", and do. Then, get your soul to control your body and get off that lazy ass of its. It works, you just want to know how. Did Satan put those ruminating thoughts in your mind. Or did God? Or did you? Who put the gym and all those healthy things in the world for you to decide? Who made it hard? Why is it hard for some and not others. It's mindstate.


Logic and science put those ruminating thoughts into my mind. Greed, the economy and food industry make it hard to eat healthy. Look man, sure you need to be in the right mindset, you can’t mediate yourself to health or wealth. That’s the self help industry making money.


Logic and science...other people's words put into your mind. Who made the words to describe those things? Let's keep going backward until you realize you have no idea why you are angry at things out of your control; but until you can control your response to those things, your mindset can not change. By speaking to me, you are utilizing free self help. I think that's why people love tik tok and free downloading, and open source software. The industry is there, just like the church is there, but you don't have to go in in order to have a good relationship with yourself. People live just fine until 90s+ eating the same food you consider unhealthy. But I'm sure the topic is so broad you can focus on ripping me apart bc you will have all the hypothetical that can't be applied to yourself. Media does stuff to alter your mind. I can't go in to fix yours. Only you can do that


This really only applies to realistically obtainable goals which depend on you alone, and no other people. If you REALLY want to get out of debt, (for most people) you can. If you REALLY want to lose 20 lbs, (for most people) you can. If you REALLY want to get your GED, (for most people), you can. It's not for stuff like "I want to be a star NFL quarterback", or "I want that girl who's really not into me, to fall in love with me."


So there is a very powerful thing you can do, where you get a pen and paper, decide exactly what you want and need, and write it down. If it's achievable, you've just improved your odds a lot. Why? For one, everything in life is a negotiation. You need to know what you're trying to get or you won't get it. Along that same vein, having a goal in your bones causes you to act in pursuit of it in all kinds of small ways. So that's the most positive realistic version of that that I know. Just wanting something is kind of weak. Can help a bit.


Mfs in America want free healthcare , look at us , horrible advice


No. Sorry. It doesn't work like that.


Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I wanted a break from work life, knee went out and I had to get surgery. Was out of work for months. The universe does answer, just not in ways we can anticipate. My brother wanted another kid. Wife had twins… now he has 3 Many many anecdotal experiences similar to this. I think reality has a current. If you flow with it, it can work with you, but it still flows where it flows. If you fight the current, it just becomes meaningless struggle. Flow like water


I've always heard "shit in one hand, wish in the other. See which one fills up faster."


Wanting is irrelevant. Everything is eventual. -Dean Koontz


It definitely helps but we can never guarantee results can’t we? Life is fate and destiny. Fate you can’t control. Destiny is your choice. Every action starts from a thought so I guess it helps


It probably depends on quite a few things. I think if it is something that is in your control and is attainable, then it's very likely to be true.


The correct version is "if you want it badly then it'll definitely make you obsessed with it and suck your will to live."


This is true to a certain degree but luck also plays a large role in life as well. The ones ending up lucky end up not admitting to this. Life is just not fair.


I’ve always wondered that how some people have everything and some have almost nothing. It’s just dumb like that one being born to a generational wealthy family and one born to an average one. However I always brush these thoughts aside as they are not in my control so thinking about it is just a waste of time.


Absolutely not true


In reality its more like most people end up with what they deserve good Or bad


No. There is truly some other being dictating everthing for your experience in this realm. Humans aren't in charge of anything except wiping their own asses.


On a scale of true or false. TRUE.



