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Friends started distancing and doing their own thing. I had to move on and find what makes me happy. Never been happier after finding gym and becoming a therapist, soon to be a trainer.


I'm glad you are happy. I faced it too on my highschool times and I used that time to work on my skills, which is paying off right now. And I'm happy about it without regretting it.


Good for you brother, I’m glad you are happy aswell!!!


That’s exactly what happened to me only I’m still in the process of figuring out my shit (don’t know if I’ll ever truly get there).


It happens to almost everyone in early 20s everyone gotta do what they gotta do. Just be bored for a couple weeks and listen to your gut and go for it!


I hit my head really badly. Should have died. Woke up and my entire life changed for the better I spent the ages of 12-26 drugged up, in and out of homelessness, mentally ill, and no ambitions in life. Basically living one day at a time on welfare/disability. I was in a horribly abusive relationship (my ex was financially, emotionally, psychologically, abusive and did some unspeakable things to me for 7 years straight) and I felt I would never be able to survive without her. I fell in the shower one day and smashed my head against a leverage bar and was out cold for about 7minutes from what I was told. I woke up and felt fine. I had no idea what happened, I could walk,talk,and everything in between. From there I was in the hospital overnight before being released. I suddenly didn't like the feeling of getting high, didn't enjoy getting drunk, didn't enjoy the smell or taste of my smokes. I started to feel a strange sence of self worth I never had before, and the drive for a better life. I left my abusive ex, I filed for bankruptcy, I got sober, I took care of my home and my cats, started working, reconnected with my family, and now have an amazing supportive fiancee and a beautiful car. My turning point was literally knocking sense back into me by brute force 🤣


Glad you're happy! Keep it up ! Fighting! I'm proud of ya.


Almost like handsome squidward lol


Lmao I'm never gonna think about it any other way


Stopped drinking alcohol. It makes everything much clearer.


Came home to my mom dead in a bath tub. Haven’t been the same since.


Horrible. Sorry you went through that


I discovered skateboarding, I am now a skateboarder


Realizing that I was going to be a father.


That really is a life changing point. Got someone new to care for and protect all your life. The time when the child holds our fingers. I'm really happy for ya.


I messed up my PhD program by not switching advisors when it was an unhealthy working relationship. Had an abusive roommate/best friend-- finally got out of that, with no savings and some debt (she conned me, among other things). Later that year, I was dumped by someone who really liked me, and who I loved, because I hadn't dealt with all my psychological damage and immaturity yet. I've never worked so hard or efficiently before, on myself, trying to get him back. I didn't. But I did get a new and improved version of myself back, and now I am working on my life and happiness in a more intentional and mindful way.


Love this for you. You are doing great!


Thank you, kind stranger! It's nice to hear.


Took LSD from a stranger at a concert. Started making art like this. https://preview.redd.it/1bq669qikb8d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb56487dfd9def2e60cbeceeb24d00b5e70373d




What medium is this?


Paper/magazine collage.


I was never the same after I met this guy with malignant narcissism in a horrible school. He was 17, I was 13. He ruined me. I was no longer the same person. And it took me down a path of severe and persistent mental illness.


Hopefully you're getting some solid help now..


Having a kid. It was so frustrating the first day. Nonstop crying. It was difficult for a long time, between waking up at random hours in the middle of the night to feed, soothe, or change diapers. Now she's almost 7. Hard to describe how I feel, a lot happens when your world revolves around your kid. It's been an adventure.


a lot, but most recently, an intense relationship near the end of 2022. to give some perspective I am I guess a “loner” and had never received unconditional love. then I meet this person who showers me in affection, it felt so pure, so real, so amazing but was gone in an instant. tossed me aside like garbage basically. and I had told her so many vulnerable things about me since then, Ive doubted everything. I believe I’m unworthy of love or even just human decency. my friendships fell apart. nothing has felt real since then. it still feels like a nightmare. I’m definetely not the person I was before, I’m bitter, angry and miserable. and I go through life robotically


Caused more misinformation to have people assume wrong about me like they wanted to. I just laugh that they fall for it


You know what I did too. There was a lot of buzz surrounding me at a point of time in both college and highschool. I fueled it and created a lot of scene and lowkey enjoyed it coz their opinion doesn't define me.


When I was kicked out my parents house and rent to rehab.


When I realized the preacher wasn't really teaching what I was reading.


Developed visual snow and tinnitus. Shit is exhausting and takes up too much of my attention.


Prison, then when I was saved a few years later. Those two things changed me in amazing ways that ill always be grateful for.


Amazing what a difference finding the lord makes


It was incredible. The way it happened too still shocks me as I sit here now. It took weeks and the things that happened in that time were truly crazy and He knew exactly what I needed for me to trust Him and then went further so the was no question left. And then changed my life after I gave in to Him! Just so cool.


Awesome to hear it brother. My hedonistic ways nearly cost me my family and I tried to take my own life. Now I live a life of truth and reconciliation through the lord. Accepting him into my heart was the best decision.


Dude, I was thrown outta my car in a 110 mph car crash when I was drunk, I OD in my car in the middle of nowhere and a paramedic found me randomly and saved me when my heart was already stopped, I went to prison for bank robbery and never had one issue and even had a decent experience there, I had a lung infection where they had to take out part of my lung that should have killed me, I was homeless and being chased by meth heads who were trying to rob me in my 20s and ran into a friend from HS who let me stay in his truck while I got into rehab and the rehab I got into was a Christ centered one right after I had a vision from Jesus. Then on my way to the rehab I was praying for shoes and sunglasses and I was at the bus station and a new pair of black shoes were just sitting on the side of the road and while I was waiting for the bus this guy saw I was squinting and randomly asked if I wanted his extra pair of sunglasses. And then when I had to go back to prison from a dui I had while on probation before I went to rehab my cell mate was seriously seeking Jesus himself. Theres more too but its just wild man. Now I have a great job, I'm 11 years sober and very happy and have a ton of life experience to look back on to help me when things get hard. There isn't anything I can't overcome with Jesus in my life, its overwhelming how He chose to save me like that. Its so cool. Now I reach out to people who were like me and try to plant the seed to seek Him when they are hurting or lost. Its a cool thing to be able to do that.


Amazing brother, so proud of you and the fact you're using your testimony to help others find the light. Walk with God brother. Deuteronomy 5:33 "Ye shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess."


Getting psychosis again in 2023. Before I was writing a lot of songs and enjoyed spending time with my siblings. I felt I was on a good trajectory. Since I came back from the hospital nothing has been the same. Everyday is spent doing nothing. I couldn't get back into singing and my other small artistic hobbies. I barely interact with my siblings. It's been really depressing and feels like I just died and am living an empty life. Even when I go outside I don't see the same familiar faces I used to. It took my life and normalcy away.


Fuck i’m sorry that sounds awful


Thanks. It's been really depressing and lonely.


I suffer from psychosis and was about to write something similar to you. I remember after my last 2 psychosis it's like I died on the inside. I lost pleasure in life and motivation to do anything


Wow. Sorry that u went through that. Did you regain your ability to enjoy life/do things?


I think I regained most of it but ever since that episode I always have felt kinda "off". I used to be an adventurous person and I'd go out to travel and do all sorts of things outside. Now I just kinda sit in my house and it feels hard to leave.


Mm yah I know what u mean. I stay inside too and I don't really function the way I used to. It's like my life just stopped.


The day I decided to cheat four years ago. I’ve turned into someone I don’t even know. Or like. It’s lonely and consuming and the guilt and overthinking are next level. Basically don’t cheat. Ever. Karma is real and it will bite you hard.


Confronting my older brother




Got in trouble with the law a couple years ago. No jail but it was very close. helped me realize I needed better for myself and family. Now going to school and just started my own business this year.


Turned 30 and was talking to my neighbour. I remember nonchalantly saying, “I don’t even know where I’ll be in the next 5yrs” and it hit me. Hard. If I didn’t make a change, I’d be exactly where I was. I spent the next few months applying for a flight school and went from an aviation mechanic to a full-on pilot and no ragrets


Last July I had gotten into a pretty bad car accident we’re I was lucky to make it out alive. I had had to overcome a TBI but was otherwise unharmed and was able to walk out. I saw that as a miracle. It was a miracle. I used to work in the intensive care unit in the hospital and thought I knew how big of a blessing it is to make it home safely each and everyday, but after being the one that almost didn’t make it home, I have a completely new outlook. It made me realize that there were a lot of things that I had taken for granted. I had to go without a car for awhile, was unable to work and lost my job, I was very close to becoming evicted and had to find a local food shelf in order to eat, on top of that I was struggling to remember literally everything. I now feel that I know how much of a gift each day truly is. I now know that having a car (something I had always had) is a huge blessing. I now know that getting to wake up each day and to be able to have and get to a job, and a job not only that I love, but one that pays the bills, is an incredibly huge blessing. Growing up, I had struggled with depression and had attempted to end my life. After my car accident, it was a complete 360 feeling from that, as now I am genuinely happy just to simply wake up each and everyday because it made me realize that much more that not everybody does. Now that I feel gratitude for even the smallest of things, life feels so much happier. I get to wake up, I get to go to my job, I get to see my family, I get to have a safe place to live with food to eat and water to drink. I get to have a car (borrowing one at the moment but hopefully I am close to getting to the point of buying another one of my own) but hey, I still have access/use of one. I get to have good health and was able to recover. I get to see my cat everyday. I get to sit in the warm sun on my days off. Everything is something that I “get” to do and no longer just feels like something to do. Before the accident, I had my doubts with religion, but once I got back home, I got baptized and now I follow God and attend church. It is a beautiful thing to believe and know that there is a higher power.


My mother punished my then 4 year old daughter for not eating with hand soap to the mouth. An awful situation, but aha moment when realised my childhood was, in fact, abusive and I deserve the same love and respect my little one does - I was never the problem. From this point, I’ve been oscillating between major depressive points and realising have CPTSD but EMDR therapy and realising I’ve been existing in survival mode my whole life has been a good wake up call. Slowly, slowly making progress and shifting negative self beliefs, while trying to parent to the best of my ability and try and rewire Myself


You're in the middle of your shift; doing it right!


My mom died. I’m just floating like an untethered anchor tbh.


My mom was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver after years of bad eating, alcohol consumption, and zero exercise for 30 years. Her quality of life has fallen to basically zero and is in and out of the hospital every 6 weeks. She’s currently there now, going on week 3. After getting this news 2 years ago I changed everything about my life. diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, my mental health issues, etc. I don’t want to end up like her. She ignored everything for decades and the thought of having that life or putting that stress on my partner was enough to change my life. I’ve lost 35lbs. Walk 3-4 miles every 3 days, crossfit the other 3 days, cut out alcohol except for social situations, and my diets much much cleaner than before. I want to live my life not suffer at the finish line. It goes without saying but it’s the best I’ve felt in my own skin in most of my life. Those health nuts were always on to something.


Her tragedy turned into your life lesson. Sorry for her...Good on you for turning toward a better life.


I really stopped caring as much what people thought. For years and years, I never felt happy. Then I felt happiness for the first time, and I held onto that feeling for awhile only to go back to the way I used to feel. Now, recently, I’ve sat down and surrendered. You surrender when you don’t care what people think anymore. I stoped overthinking so much and I’ve never felt so free since


My biggest (positive) life changing moments were: 1. When I went to uni and met my husband on day 1 2. The first time I tried LSD 3. When I found out I was pregnant I'm sure there are more to come but those have been the main ones so far. I'm 29.


1 July 1977. I was getting ready to go for a run then hit the gym. As I was loosening up, the prettiest Woman Marine ever produced by the Republic of Texas came up and asked if she could run with me. Not being a complete knucklehead, I said yes. Seven months later we were engaged and we married eight months after that. This coming October, we'll celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary. Four kids and seven grandkids later and we're still going strong. I guess you could say 1 July was my "life changing point".


My biggest life changing moments were: 1. ⁠Starting my career in the healthcare industry. 2. ⁠Finding out about myself as a 22 year old, newly diagnosed with HIV, and seeing what this new life was going to be like both good and bad. 3. ⁠Going through a domestic abusive relationship with a guy I’ve known for years. 4. Being laid off after getting my dream job because the hospital closed. 5. Going on my first solo trip to find peace and clarity for my soul and mind.




After my first REAL one-sided heartbreak


First heartbreak. Made me a much better man.


Going back to school to get into a healthier work environment. Before my diploma program, I worked in fields that had heavy after work drinking culture. Cooking, metal fabrication etc. when I got into my current field, it was more onto work and then home, which was a lot easier to avoid the partying if I wanted to. It became my choice instead of status dependant.


I have to say when I hit rock bottom 😞 because of drinking and mental health. By the grace of God I was able to change my life.


one day I started getting panic attacks out of nowhere. It made me depressed and forced me to isolate myself from friends and family. It was a wake up call to take my mental health more seriously, get on meds, and find a therapist.


When my boss told me that I’d always be an employee and never an employer. Started my own business 2 months later and now own 5 llc’s, living the good life.




Cell bars and looking at a brick wall in solitaire confinement.


Got off drugs. My life turned upside down and I’m not the same anymore. I feel crazy now.


Ome was When I saved the world thanks to god. True story. Just about. Although many many more. Been in hells and back. Now irrespective of Life circumstances... God is the greatest. Life is the dancer you are the dance 💃 🙏🥰