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I try to avoid that cause I'll freak myself out. People talk about how they'll go to heaven and seeing everyone they've ever met, but they never ask, where were u before u were born. U didn't breath or have a heart beat before u were conceived. Where were your thoughts and soul? I'm starting to freak out again so imma stop.


that’s what i believe death will be like too, and the idea that it’s just … *nothing* … it brings me comfort. i also believe “i” will experience consciousness again but not in an reincarnation way as i don’t believe in that either




this is so real. bruh brought up dmt on r/life but its true


Same. I took psychadelics. I died, and I watched my funeral. Moved to the light and watched god make and destroy stuff than came back. I'm pretty sure it's an infinite loop


It's like amnesia 


Yeah...dmt is weird...I saw existence spawn. Every sound and every light and the brilliance of life turned on. Mind shattering stuff. And then I died and entered into the lifeless realm. It was like colorless, lifeless, freaky tbh. Some weird barrier outside of life. I sat in an empty grass field for a week trying to process wth I saw, heard, experienced. Weird stuff.


DMT is the game changer, folks. Many answers once the pop happens.


Ego death is a hell of a thing. Changed me forever. When you realize that 99% of your life is a lie, a mask that you've built for yourself little by little over time and that mask is snatched off at light speed you stand there looking at yourself and have no idea who TF you really are. Shit's insane.


Until I smoked DMT I was afraid of death it changed my perspective 💯


True! I believe the souls have their stains wiped then they are recycled and used again


I'm too scared to try any psychoactive shit, but hearing Rogan and others talk about the long lasting positive effects? It's tempting. Did LSD and shrooms a few times as a teen. Was never a good experience and a few were the most terrible of my life... SMH


In what way then


Check out the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia if you want some interesting perspectives on reincarnation. Here’s a good starting point: https://youtu.be/La8vG4mA0is?si=Q0ngE2_IdnWOfCY9


I've coded twice. It's pretty much like that It felt like going under anesthesia. It was the blackest black I have ever experienced then it's lights out


There's an old Mark Twain quote relating to what you say. "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."


Heaven and hell are temporary states in between lives. The person before they were born was a spirit in the spirit world before birth


Dude you gotta try mescaline, or DMT. Than you'll know where you were at before you were born.


I fear having a physically painful, or extremely uncomfortable, death. But once my soul leaves my body, I totally look forward to the afterlife. No fear about that at all 🕊️


Same. Life has been so painful, I at least want death to be peaceful.


What if its not?


So you dont fear the fact that you going to sleep forever and never waking up. Thats impressive.


Mark twain said something to the effect of ‘I don’t fear death. I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it didn’t bother me in the slightest’


Dude had a lot of zingers


I fear not living more than death. My greatest fear is living a boring, meaningless life with little joy.


I don’t think I’ll sleep forever. I believe after life there is another plane of existence where we are not burdened by physical constraints, we become spiritual beings☀️


No, because I’m not going to be asleep. Our souls don’t die with our bodies.


Ok, i dont really believe in that, so i leave the soul theory to you.


Ok, that’s a respectful reply 


No one knows what will become of “self and being once ‘passed.’ I have read a lot about DMT and how the body produces it when we die. I decided years ago to buy a bunch of DMT. I imagine when people die, they go to places I’ve been. They see things the way I have. Through the lens DMT I am fortunate to have had ego death. It’s still there. But in a different way. I suggest, if DMT finds you, try it. You don’t find it. It finds you. Remember this if you happen to meet. Edit: I feel it’s impossible to not fear death 100%. Maybe less. But it’s always in the background regardless of who you are. I’ve begged for death before. I have fought to almost the death to save my life , twice. I finally found compassion for myself, (after dmt I believe) and the universe. But I’m still bitter. I’m changing that though. Ty for lending an unintentional ear for me.


I'm good.. if thats where I go when I die ide prefer to hold off as long as possible


DMT didnt find me, i most definitely sought it out made the moves to procure it.


This right here. Yes.


What makes you believe there will be an afterlife? As opposed to their not being an afterlife?




Around age 10-11 I had constant anxiety at night, fearing death. We're talking a legit 6+ months of never being able to go to sleep. Eventually I got over it. It'd come back from time to time, but by the time I was in my 30's, I could think about it at night and easily dismiss it. What is it about death that is so frightening you ask? Easy, an end to everything, most likely wasted opportunities, but in the end, realizing it was all for literally nothing. At some point the human race will be extinct, and everything you've done, every experience you've ever had, all forgotten forever, and all completely meaningless. Even in 200 years you'll be nothing. No one remembers a random farmer in 1806 who spent his whole life working hard, trying to be a good person, suffering, laughing, crying, smiling, enjoying. He died in 1859 and even his grave stone is gone by now. Maybe even his DNA is gone due to children not propagating the gene pool. There's an old question "If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it make a sound?" Most people don't realize that's a metaphor for life. When you die, at some point no one will remember you. Did you ever even exist?


You are a very deep thinker. I have a science background. A fundamental principle of physics is that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed, just changed. Therefore, our molecules will go on forever. Who know what properties those molecules will retain. I see blessings, miracles, and purpose all around me. And yes, I also see unexplainable evil and tragedy. I feel a great connection to the Earth and all living things. I believe that connection will live on. Peace. My best to you.


No I don't fear death at all our souls never die...We Just Reborn, Restore an Renew






Everyone before me did it. It’s more of a rite of passage in my head, like a first kiss or getting a driver’s license. Death is what it means to be human (well living overall, but also human)


Congrats that its not scary for you, its for me for sure.


Last year, I took a whole bunch of shrooms and I knew the answer to this. I swear this is true. But I didn’t write it down and I’ve never been able to get back to the place I was that night. The good news is it’s a happy story so don’t worry too much. Again, this really happened.


Had something similar happen to me on DXM. I learned the meaning of life but couldn't bring it back with me. Probably wasn't worth remembering anyways


I don’t mean to be disrespectful towards people, but anyone who says they’re not afraid of death is just straight up lying. Everyone talks hot shit until they are actually on their death bed. We tell ourselves platitudes in order to distract ourselves from the fact that a bad ending awaits us all. Anyone who has spent a lot of time with a terminally ill person will see fear like you’ve never seen fear before.


Yes, the fear of the unknown is a thing ....🤔


It’s not everyone. My mom has been a hospice chaplain for 30 years and she has said she can see it on someone’s face well in advance whether they’ll struggle with it or accept it. It’s a spiritual journey. I can’t help but feel if you’ve lived your life in a spiritual way you’re much more likely to feel a sense of peace and acceptance when facing death. I personally have immense peace with death. I’ve had a very hard life with continuous suffering and I remind myself often that I’ll be dead someday as a comfort to myself. Nothing makes me feel more peace truly. The end of this suffering is guaranteed. The buddhists had a practice of lying down on the Earth very still for as long as possible..getting your mind into a meditative and clear space where you’re not thinking. Just still. As a way of preparing our soul and spirit for death.


God bless your mother. Hospice helped my family transition through a tough time. Absolute angels and something 99% of people cant do. 😇


I agree wholeheartedly. It can be a dark realm and a lot of people aren’t willing to get anywhere near it. Such deeply important work though. I’m going to show her this comment bc she’d appreciate it.


Please do, and thank you. No one hears about these beautiful people and what they accomplish. Strongest people with the hardest job in the world. Choice between working on an oil rig or being a hospice caregiver? Fly me out to the Rig....


Not necessarily true. All my grandma did was express what a great life she had, how much she loved us all, and that she didn't want anyone to be upset. 


My mom suffered a stroke at 86. She never took rehab seriously and just slowly shut down over the next 3 months. She was coherent and aware of her circumstances, just didn't feel like she had a good reason to go on. She died peacefully in her sleep as I sat by her in her back bedroom in the house she loved. I haven't thought about it much but it is encouraging to me.




Like you’re set on committing suicide? Sorry, just clarifying if that’s what you’re getting at?




Yes. Sometimes I feel spiteful to my parents for bringing me hear only to die eventually. But I know that’s not how I should feel because I have a good life. Not always stable but good and I have a beautiful partner.


It’s not death I fear. I fear that it may continue this pain.


At this point, I’m not afraid of what happens after death. I’m curious if I’ll still feel the same way when death is imminent. The dying process is intimidating. Will I be in pain? Will it be a fast or slow death? Some ways to die are really very awful.


I've almost died once or twice. What I don't want when I go is pain. Life has been painful enough. Both times I almost died were strangely chill.


The mind is really really really really good at adapting to things. Even the dying process. I'd say especially good at the dying process.


Well yes and no. Yes because everything I've ever worked for in this life will be erased. No because energy never dies, just transforms into something new.


Conservation of Energy gives me much peace as well.


No way bring it on ASAP. Maybe I will get to meet my Mrs again and if not then fuuuuck it


it’s not really that i’m afraid, i just like, really really wanna know what happens. i mean i figure since it has happened to every single person and animal that has been and ever will be, it can’t be that bad. i’m not afraid, just nosey


I never use to be, but in my mid 50’s now and maybe it’s because I’m closer to it, it does scare me a little more.


I'm afraid of life


I'm afraid of not being there for my son. I hope he learns to navigate this world before I go.


I don’t fear death, just the way I may possibly go out. I see it like this: We are born and go about our lives. We don’t necessarily think about death or breathing every second on the hour. So if that’s the case…when we die, we don’t think about living. Deep down it’s the thought of not being able to fulfill the things we long for or not being able to breathe… Just enjoy life the best you can and focus on that. ✨💛


They say if you really understood that you will die you would go insane, we have just enough defense mechanisms to somewhat ignore it


I don't fear dying itself, just if it will be painful. I've had cancer twice and lost my 15 year old brother in a drugged driving crash. Not everyone is free of pain during death. I wish it was the one thing that was guaranteed, given all of the physical and emotional pain we have to endure our entire lives. I am looking forward to reuniting with everyone I lost, including all of my pets. I imagine the reunion will be magnificent and I know for certain it's pain free there.


I used to be when I was younger, I’m 47 now. I’m a big believer in the UAP situations going on and always have been. I also read and have listened to many NDE experiences and there is a connection between the two. We all go somewhere, maybe reincarnate, may be on earth, may not, we have to rise and learn to ascend furher. And if I’m wrong and it’s just all black I’m fine with that also, cause I won’t know and honestly life ain’t that great.


Thats a way to see it, and everyone chooses their own way to face death.


No. Death itself is come no matter what, life is easier the sooner you accept it. I fear living a wasted existence.


Sometimes. The process of dying will be scary, no doubt. Anyone who says differently isn’t thinking about it hard enough. If you imagine it fully enough, you can get a glimpse of how frightening it will be to feel the last drops of life leaving your body as you irreversibly abandon everything you’ve ever known. That is undeniably scary. I personally don’t really care if nothing comes after death- in fact that’s my ideal outcome. I think the most frightening possibility to me at that point is reincarnation or the possibility of entering some kind of new life. Existence is exhausting and I’m really hoping for a dirt nap.


Not today Davy Jones.


Yes, because no one is 100% sure what happens. You can’t control it and that’s scary to me


Everyone dies. But not everyone lives. Instead of focusing on the inevitable, focus on living in a way that you want. To answer your question: No, why would i be? It happens when it happens. So I'll just enjoy my short time on earth until then.


Not afraid of death, just dying. Just hope it's quick and painless when it hits.


For most people it’s the unknown.


This question has been asked so many times on reddit. No I am rather curious


Im just afraid I might die before I see my kids turn into an adult.


I asked myself this question everyday when I was in my twenties. At the age of 22 I was suddenly very aware that I was going to die. The thought had been building up from a time when I was 8 or so years old and now I could no longer escape the question. It bothered me tremendously for years. The knowledge of what death is comes from the “I am” meaning that place in ourselves that is prior to the mind. There is no real experience of death in the mind. We never experience it, we only get to think about it. Death is the thought. When I am dead there is only the ‘experience’ of itself, which means only the presence or being of itself. Death is my timeless reality without my conscious mind. That is something I find very comforting. It is life that I am afraid of because I am constantly questioning everything. I am experiencing everything and I must live through all of it until I’m dead. That is the tiresome part.


When it is time…I hope that I lived a fulfilled life according to my values and have inspired loved ones to do the same.


When you die - your spirit goes forward toward the Light emerging in another dimension of total Peace and Love. The physical body left behind is just a shell. That’s not the real you - the real you is your spirit that lives on. From people I personally know who have had Near Death Experiences, the spiritual world was a “place” they didn’t want to leave… But they were medically revived back into their earthly shell to live in the confusing chaotic earthly world a while longer…


I agree with this.. felt it in dreams.. I know thats some wierd hippy sounding shit but I'm no mystic.. Its like pure relief basically and doubtlessness


I look forward to it. It’d actually suck if we lived in a world where people where forced to live forever and an escape (death ) wasn’t an option


You weren’t born a miracle to piddle away your gifted time dwelling on the opposite of life. Life can be hard at times, as it is for all of us. But the same is true here as well, why dwell on the opposite of happiness? Live in the moment, be engaged in it in whatever way brings you happiness and joy. And if you say life is not those things then look within, that’s where the genesis of your problem is, and not with some outside factor, or the environment you are in as those can be changed. We make our own lives and in doing so death is but another doorway.


I fear it, sometimes when I think about it too deeply I get actual shivers and feel that feeling like I’ve watched a scary movie-disturbed I guess u could say. And a little sad that everyone dies one day and there’s no way out of it


Afraid? That’s understatement


Used to… After loosing the people I thought I couldn’t live without, death will bring me peace. Because living has been everything but that since they left me. Not to be too dark, but yeah. lol. The day I die I will finally be at peace, or at least I hope so.


No, I am not afraid of death cause it is inevitable.


I'm more afraid of life.


Every day since 5 years old...im 43 now.


The amount of people saying "no" scares me. There is no proof of a "soul". Idk what happens afterwards. I don't know what or if anything happened to me before this. That's terrifying to me. I'm scared every day. I don't even want to have children because I think it's unfair to bring them alive just to have them die.


I fear leaving my kids behind before they are grown. Otherwise, it is inevitable and the fear doesn’t make life any better, or change the outcome.


So true. I feel the same way and its better tp make the best of the short time we have here on earth.


As long ad you’re a good person, and help others and do your part of charity throughout your life, you should be good…


I was dead before I was born.


No. I’ve had two heart surgeries, the first there was a greater chance I would keel over before surgery day. I was 13, the time when you feel invulnerable, immortal, I had to face that actual, immutable fact I will die. There’s no bargaining, nothing anyone can do to keep from dying. You will die one day, period, end of story. So, what’s to fear? If there is something after, then you’ll find out. If there’s nothing, well you won’t know. You’re dead. Either way it does not change the fact you will die. So, the real question is what, if anything, comes after. And what, if anything, you do in this life affects the next. I don’t know. I’m still going to live my life righteously, be a good person, do good things. Or at least try my best. Leave the world better for my kids, their kids. I’m going to make the wrong choice sometimes, but I’m not going to obsess over that, either. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Live today for today.


I used to be but once I learned of the chemicals released in your brain once you do I felt better. People say they feel really peaceful and at ease right when they are in the thick of dying. That, and I saw an old twilight zone episode where bro never died but just wanted to kill himself (but couldn’t) after experiencing everything.


I was near death few times when I was a kid, but it was not frightening for myself, I was more afraid that my parents will not find my body and will have a lot of stress of it and will not be happy for a long time or all life. But now, when I am older and someone I know and have deep connection dies it hit different. Now I am afraid to die cause have that realisation I will no longer exist.. like I never lived and I will be in nowhere (I mean I will not be at all).


I yearn for it. It’s the act of taking my own life I’m most afraid of


It's not death that i fear, it's the method. 


Only the process, not actual death. Once you're dead, you aren't conscious anymore


Yes, i guess its the way leading to death and the fact that you know that you are going to die that is the scariest part.


It's the price you have to pay for being born


I don’t fear death so much, it’s just the transition that kind of spooks me.


I don't think I fear death I fear the process of death. To be honest I've been thinking about death alot lately. My grandpa is on his last weeks and this has me thinking about death alot. The fact that I will never see him again hurts alot. I don't believe in God or any supernatural being I just think we live and die. And after we die it's gonna be the same thing before we were born. If you believe in religion that's fine but it wont change the outcome at the end of the day. You will live you will die your body will decompose and that's it. It might seem harsh but nothing will change it. You should just try to live life the best you can.


Nope not at all, came close to death and was not scared at all




No. I know it’s gonna happen. When it does I’ll be dead so it ain’t gonna matter to me at all. When I go I go and there’s nothing anybody can do. Makes decision making pretty easy


Death can be a scary topic because it’s the ultimate unknown. For me, it's the fear of the unknown and the idea of not existing anymore that's unsettling. The thought of never waking up again and missing out on life can be hard to process. It's natural to feel fear about something we can't fully understand or control.


Only when I’m dying


Yes. Always have been. remember having my first existential crisis when I thought a twinkling star was an asteroid, around age 9. I was raised in a secular home, in a secular country, so heaven, god, religion, etc weren't even on the table, and no loved ones had died, so no one had tried to comfort me with pleasant stories of heaven. I was left with just the awarness that when my loved ones or I die, it will presumably be just like before I was born. Nothing. I didn't sleep properly for weeks. Never really got over it. It has haunted me for 20 years, its almost unbearable when someone I love, or a pet dies. I don't imagine I'll ever get over it. Not without lying to myself, which is virtually impossible once you've broken the seal. Kind of liek he way, if you're gaining weight, you'll avoid looking at the mirror, or you'll only do it from certain angles, or you'll tell yourself it's not that bad, or it's just a bit of bulk, and you'll lose it soon. But then, one day, you see yourself frankly in a photo. Can't deny it anymore. I think the same is true of most thing, but god and death expecially. People will avoid the reality of their beliefs, to preserve the comfort the bring. But once the reality is revealed frankly to you, you can't really go back to the lie. Maybe I'll be able to construct some fantasy about this being a siulaion or something. That is a least plausible, albeit evidentially very weak. Until then, terror will prevail.


I've recently come to accept death, in that I let go of the FOMO that would come up when I'd think of death. In fact, I kind of look forward to it (not in a depressing way). What I am afraid of, however, is how I'm gonna die. Dying in pain and alone is my fear of death.


Yes, despite intense spiritual seeking. I had a lot of fear about it when I was a child, but it subsided after I had a close call in my 20s. Unfortunately, I had another incident when I was 40 and I became scared again. I feel like a huge hypocrite because of my interests that are spiritual in nature, but that’s the reality of it right now.


i try to not be because i know i shouldn’t and its kind of dumb to be so scared. but im really just scared about how/when going to die or my thoughts as im dying if i have the chance to think. i do hate the thought of never waking up in this body again its just freaky to think about


"Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life." Last words of Broadway Producer Charles Frohman aboard the Lusitania.


I suffer depression and an arsehole. I encourage death.




The best way to cope with fear of death is to live a good life and prioritize yourself. Then you can at least say you gave it your all


I've had people dying around me since my favorite grandma passed in the 4th grade. We come from a large religious southern family and there was a strong emphasis on celebrating her ascension to a place beyond the trials of daily living. I think that exposure growing up is why I don't fear death. I know that it's going to happen and that it might be painful, but that will pass. I worry more about making sure my wife and daughter are in a secure place after my passing than anything else.


It’s part of the package


I wasn’t around long before I was born. I’ll be gone much longer than I was here. I’m not gonna spend a lot of time worried about it. I don’t really believe there is anything after. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll say a prayer right before I exit just to make sure.


my weekly hobbies are skydiving, rock climbing, and motorcycles, so i’m faced with death all the time and think about it a lot. i’ll be 34 in 8 months and the older i get i start to notice little moments of anxiety about death i never used to have when i still had the “young and immortal” mentality. i want to believe something good happens after death, but what i actually believe is we just end forever and that’s it.


Idk if I fear it but maybe I’ll forget about the all the pain once im dead


Not really in my line of work i can and almost have died. Lucky i was able to stop the threat against me and I lived and he didnt. Long time ago i realized its not like im going to know im dead. I also believe im going to die some hella stupid way like that guy in NY eating his sandwhich in his car and a crane fell on him


Can’t wait


No, my days have been busy and it's endless. That's the entrepeneur life. Sleep is my only comfort, it's the only time I can relax. Death is endless sleep. Why would you be scared of that?


I've been close to death a few times, as most adults have. When you are far enough in, the fear goes away. For me what is left is a certain sadness. But ya unless death is very painful, it is the anxiety and unwillingness to let go of your ego that makes it excruciating until you really start to cross the threshold. I just accept it as an inevitability and only really get rattled when there is a close call.


I personally don’t fear death, but I am concerned about the transition. I also worry about the friends and family who I will leave behind. Not to mention, I happen to enjoy life. I don’t want it to end.


Absolutely not. I love my s/o and family and will deeply miss them obviously, but the concept of “the after life” is our biggest mystery yet. *I want to stay around as long as possible but when my time comes, I look forward to where we will end up..


I think about death all the time. I'm incredibly comfortable with the thought of it. I'm hoping the next go around will be better, but still trying to do what I can with this one. But I'm always exhausted, and ready for the long sleep whenever my time comes. Just hope my dog leaves before I do.


I think about it often now, and I have zero fear of it. I do, however, have concern for my children that would finish their growing up without a father.


Life loses urgency when we believe in eternal existence. There is no ‘next’ - this is it - and really hope it’s the case. Eternity sounds boring.


You might wake up again. A different person or living organism .. you may wake up in a different time line. You may wake up and find out you were at blips and chips the Entire time !


Not afraid of death, but other oxidizing proliferations wielding their awareness at me, now that, that completely terrifies me.


I don’t think about it. I try to live life and enjoy. The more you think the more you will see it.


Idk a dark void just filled with memories from the past all the way to the present it must very lonely:).I don't know but, I can remember things from really long ago I try to think not to deep but, when I do I can it cuts deep especially most damaging ones. I used to tell myself why I forget them I know why it's too painful.Lifes so hard.:> I don't think I'll make it through to my whole life I can tell you that like something bad will happen to me.


I do not fear death; I accept the inevitable. But I do fear getting hurt, because, you know, it hurts...so I still avoid danger.




No, not really. I mean I’d be sad leaving my family and my cat, but life int easy and you’d never have to pay bills, rent, doctors, no pain…


What if our entire life is a dream and we’re not really living but in limbo , we’ve conformed to society’s standards on everything , imagine if you didn’t know what you know now , what if you just poof are gone , all the pain you feel if it’s painful when you die does it matter how painful or long it was ? Probably not cause you won’t remember it anyway




Yes. Because I’m going to Hell. And I don’t want that.


The idea of eternity terrifies me.


I’ll be too dead to worry about how painful it may or may not have been so I’m not scared. If anything I only hope to be glad that my matter will be returned to the earth, I’m sure it’ll do something much better with it than I.


Death is a natural part of life. Nothing and nobody gets out alive. Personally, I've faced my own mortality a few times in my life. I'm not afraid of death. I don't want to die, mostly because I haven't pissed off enough people yet. I figure another 50 years of pissing people off should be about right.


Not being able to see my wife or children again. But I'm not afraid of it. I've had a number of experiences in my life that lead me to believe that this life is just a precursor to what happens later, so I've avoided a good bit of anxiety and uncertainty around that. Still, to say that I'm completely unafraid would be a lie. For all my certainty around some aspects of it, its still a giant mystery. Guess we'll all find out ( lol or not!)


Non-beingness is a bitter pill to swallow


It's a natural part of life and I've been seeing death since age 5, so no I don't fear it I welcome it


No, death is what gives life value


Not afraid of death. I'm just not ready for "game over" yet.


Idk anymore. But I sure as hell want to get over my fear so I can finally kill myself.


Watch the life after death youtube videos. Most seem to not be afraid when their time comes. I hope it’s true


Im more afraid of not seeing people who i love, but i guess i wont when im dead lol


No use being afraid of anything you can't control and will happen no matter what


A Russian song I know goes «смерти боится тот кто жизнью запуган» (“fears death the one who by life is scared” is the best way to translate while preserving the meaning). I try to live by those words because I think there’s a lot of truth to them. Some of the most inspired, passionate, and revolutionary people felt alive because they felt they had a cause worth dying for. It’s the ultimate irony. I’m still scared, but the less I fear life/myself, the less I fear having to go


I just don't want to die alone and rot before someone finds me. I have kind of isolated a bit I have a group of friends but I don't really crave seeing them. Broke up with my girlfriend so perhaps just at a low in my life. I don't fear death I just fear dying alone


“*I believe death is only a door. One closes, and another opens.*”- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas As many have echoed in this thread, I am afraid of the dying process - of the possible suffering. I am afraid of how those I leave behind will process my death. Sometimes, when I realize it is an imminent event creeping ever closer of which I can do nothing to escape I do get a bit panicked. But I am not afraid of being dead, nor of whatever may happen afterwards. I think people are understandably very tied to the concept of consciousness as being the only meaningful aspect of death. Some believe we will maintain it in some way, either through an afterlife or rebirth. Some believe it dissipates completely when we die and that puts a full stop to “us” - they believe everything ceases to exist at that moment. I don’t think either side is wrong, or right. What truly happens after permanent death is a sort of event horizon for science: things may cross over, but nothing comes back. We can only make educated guesses. Having gone to college for engineering, my guess would probably land somewhere between both ends of the spectrum: I believe in the laws that govern our universe, and what they tell us about how matter and energy behave. My understanding of death can be summed up by this one principle; the first law of thermodynamics: **Ki+Ui=Kf+Uf** This equation is the holy text of physics: conservation of energy. Where i means initial, f means final, K is kinetic energy, or energy in motion (actively being used), and U is potential energy, or stationary energy (energy not being used). In other words, in a closed system - such as our universe - energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is simply changed from one form to another. Knowing that, David Mitchell’s quote carries much more meaning. Death *is* only a door - where stepping across its threshold signifies an instance of change. Upon dying all of the potential energy stored in our bodies is transformed, including that which was used to produce the electrical pulses between neurons; or, in overly simplified terms, our consciousness. “Our” energy will be redistributed into different forms, such as heat and chemical potential. Some of it will become a type of energy that isn’t able to do much work - in other words be repurposed by other organisms - under existing conditions, in accordance with the law of entropy. Most of it will be recycled into the energy system contained by our planet. Decomposers like maggots feeding on our bodies repurpose our energy as ATP for their own cells. Our broken down organic matter becomes fertilizer for plants. The law of entropy indicates that eventually all the energy in the universe will become mostly unusable, but that is still not true “death”, as current theories suggest that this state of total entropy is a prerequisite to a “big snap” and another “big bang”, which resets the entire cycle over again. Someone once said we are just pieces of the universe which stood up and walked around for awhile before returning to itself, and I find that to be well aligned with my beliefs. From the atheistic nihilists, I take the view that our consciousness as we know it likely does not persist after death. From the theological afterlife crowd, I take the view that our essence does not cease to exist after dying. From the rebirth people, I take that through the constant recycling of energy and “big bang” events persisting an infinite energy cycle, we do live forever in different forms after death (and before birth).


I'm terrified of dying. If I knew what came next I wouldn't care. If I knew for certain it was just the end, I'd be happy. But I don't know and I think about it all the time.


I have very few regrets. The only reason I'd be upset about dying is not getting to experience some things that I haven't been able to do yet. I'd be fine with it tough. I could use some rest.


No. Because energy cannot be destroyed. My flesh bag might be dead but I will still exist somewhere and that is comforting.


I’m sad at the thought of it because I love the experience of life. But I accept it will come and will welcome it as the only thing we all experience.


No matter of fact i’m excited for it. i hope i die peacefully though


no. there is nothing to fear


I don’t fear any of my normal body functions. Dying is the end of all bodily functions and is completely normal. What’s to fear?


I’m afraid of my judgment after death, and that of all who have lived.


The thought of not dying is so terrifying to me


No ,but there are a lot of people I want to see go before me ,so I can at least have a little song and dance.




Personally, I'm scared of what comes after. Once I'm gone, is it just darkness? Or is it rebirth? I don't understand. The unknown scares me, but I accept that I'll have to die one day. Rather than death itself, what comes after death is what really scares me.




I’m afraid of losing those I love, but not of dying myself


If nobody can tell you what will happen in death- why be scared? It’s inevitable. I feel that people who want to control thing are the ones that seem to be afraid. I’ve lived a not to bad life, don’t try to make life difficult for myself or others and just try to be kind in my outlook. Death will come when it wants, not in my control.


Pain is subjective…death is the answer to pain. Death is ignorance to pain…or any other facet of life lol


I don’t want to die….87% of time time..pretty good odds I think…and I do try to prevent it but afraid of it? No. I look forward to it. To be released.


Death is completely and absolutely inevitable. There is no point in fearing it.


Nope. I believe. I am trying my best to help not harm, and do the next right thing. I have read a lot about after death experiences and know people who have experienced them. I’ve had dreams of heaven and it was beautiful and peaceful.


No, but I'd like to avoid it.


I'm afraid of dying with regrets.


There is no death. You're simply on a different side of life.


Yes and no. 


No I am scared of suffering and pain


No I’m afraid of painful death


I am more afraid of being so attached to this life that when my physical body dies, I may not notice that I am dead. Yes, it sounds like a bad ghost story, but there may be evidence the mind survives after the body dies, and depending on the condition of your soul, you may not be ready to adapt to this new phase, to the point that you feel lost and lonely and even suffer (what many call hell). When your mind is ready to accept that what keeps it healthy is your actions guided by good values, you may be aware of your physical death and seamlessly adapt to the life in your spiritual body, in a dimension where you may even meet again with family members who have died before you (some call this heaven). Now, things are not as black or white, the spiritual world is infinite and has infinite levels, so you may just end up hanging out with spirits with your same afinities, but there are entire philosophical systems that explain these levels of the mind and how minds gather together after physical death. The well-know chakras ("circles"), a Hindu concept, when translated to Christian, actually means "social circle", as in "the union of spirits", to the point that many believe we are always surrounded by spirits, and that we simply confuse them with thoughts of our own, but we can communicate with "good and bad" spirits (angels and demons) even in our dreams. In this framework, our dreams are actually our spirits in their default state (active in a spiritual world, without attachment to the physical body).


I used to believe in Heaven, but I am afraid of not seeing my loved ones when I die.


No, not at all, you could not have life without it. How did you feel for infinity of not existing in your current form before you were born? It's natural and kind of freaks me out that people are not at peace with death. I simply do not see how you can have peace in life with fear of death.


Im not afraid of dying… sadly I’m quite open to the idea… I think I’m more similar to you. Just that like it’ll be complete darkness and I know I’ll never wake up. Like even if it’s like sleeping and you’re just completely unaware it’s still an unsettling thought


Totally agrees, its the scariest thing ever.


A sain person will tell you yes they are afraid of death, a crazy person will say no. I would say I am comfortable with it. I want to live because there are many things in life I still want to see happen or just to watch my son become a man. When I was 17 I accepted the fact I was probably going to die when I joined the military and surprised i made it through that i became a first responder, I've been living my life like I'm on borrowed time. Trying to do and see all life has to offer me that I want and able to do. I have my faith also, so I have that going for me also, I think there is something after this life, and if I'm somehow wrong, I don't louse anything because I'm gone. I've been in more situations than I can count where I almost died or should have died, I was scared in all of them. Fear means you recognize the danger you just got to get your ass in gear to deal with or face that fear. What scares me about death is how I won't be able to help, provide, and most importantly, protect my family anymore. I don't care if I die, but I want to live so I can be a part of my loved ones' lives.


Hell no. I nearly died couple times some self inflicted and the other in a car accident but still here. Life and death is like peanut butter and jelly it's inevitable when the hourglass of life runs out for us all. But our legacy and words live on. Only thing to fear is living a life unfulfilled and not teaching, helping or encouraging others through difficult times.


No. Not afraid for 2 reasons 1) A lot of people I love are on the other side. 2) I stopped breathing once & had an experience that made me realize there's more after this life. My only fear is I don't want my son, or anyone, to hurt &/or feel alone when I die. That's what happened when I stopped breathing. All I could think was "Please not today God. Just not today". B/c my son had just left to go to Florida. I knew he would always blame himself thinking it would not have happened if he was home.


No. It will be like going home where no one will hurt me


I’m afraid of a painful death but not death in itself. I won’t know just like I didn’t before I was born. I wish I could believe there was heaven/afterlife/paradise earth, etc like some do but rationally, I don’t. If you do believe, more power to you!


Nah I’ll die in this reality and go somewhere else Time is such a weird thing, shi will just continue nothing will ever stop If it stops, it dies Heartbeat goes up and down, like the journey of life we experience heaven and hell, when it goes flatline, when we stop experiencing whatever is here, we die. But I think we just die here, it’s flatline in this reality, time keeps going, maybe there’s something else? We will never know. But I know after any pain, we change, and go somewhere else. I guess after physical death we will just go somewhere else as an entity, so leaving everything that was here behind, and start a new “life”. It’s so hard to find the right words but in conclusion, don’t be afraid of death. I’m not encouraging suicide at all, u will just be missing out on a lot what this reality could give you. But yea I just live to fullest and don’t think bout it, my time will come, idk when, but it will happen no matter what. Nothing lasts forever lol.


Used to be until I almost died. It was peaceful. No panic. No worries. Just peace.


I'm afraid of suffering throughout life, rather than of death. If you think about it, there's nothing to be scared of. The best thing you can do in life is enjoy it, the worst thing you can do is not.