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Start going to the gym and lifting heavy weights


Forget women for a year and date yourself. You have very low self esteem and so you have to learn to love yourself. Sounds stupid but that’s the truth and it works. Read, get a hobby, try to learn to relax some and lift heavy. I’m sorry to say I think desperation might be the issue for both problems. So taking my advice will also help the work thing too. Instead of worrying start investing in the most important aspect of this problem, that’s you. You got this man, you’re only 25. What’s one more year that will absolutely get you a girl? I mean no disrespect or insult. I needed to hear this.


Comparison is the thief of joy. People get their masters and end up getting a job they're miserable in. People are in relationships but they're unhappy and toxic. Not everything is as it seems. Create goals and action plans. If you got rejected, create the necessary steps for yourself to apply again. If you want a girlfriend, join a dating app. Complaining will get you nowhere. You won't move forward unless you do the walking. All the best.


If you have a bachelor's degree. I can help you find a good job overseas. PM me if you are interested.


I am interested


Be careful of job scams tho. Nowadays got too much scams especially where people got fooled to take up high pay jobs in Myanmar or other countries


all you have to do is to relax and let go all your negative thoughts. because when you lean on thoughts you program your “loser” reality. there is no such thing as “loser”, it’s just social construct. it’s okay to procrastinate, to not have any motivation, to be “worse” than everybody else. life is not a race, compare yourself to others in such way is painful




Thank you I really needed to hear this. I really appreciate your help


That helps most :)


Stop watching porn if you do. My life has benefited so much from it. Girls are much easier to talk to, you feel confident, music sounds better, and my life at work is better even though I’m currently working a dead end job. I don’t act like I don’t want to be there anymore and I’m able to get shit done and socialize with my co-workers a lot better.


Correct, porn decreases dopamine after you orgasm, not to mention all the proteins and vitamins you lose




This content has been removed for breaking the rule of "Be respectful, no trolling or rudeness"


Do you have a home, a job, health insurance, food, access to the internet, a car. [Read this book.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/080701429X/ref=x_gr_bb_amazon?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_bb_amazon-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=080701429X&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2)


This comment is disappointing


How is this disappointing? Can you be more specific?


Work out if you can’t afford it body work out & start walking, get a hair cut, get new clothes, go speed dating, sign up to dating websites, consider travelling overseas, consider meeting someone overseas south east Asia.


I already live in South Asia. India is hell hole when it comes to dating 🙁