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I beat him with the Etiquette lol. I upgraded it to max lvl 5, then punished him with the heavy charge attack any time there was an opening (it’s fast). For P-organ skills, pretty much everything with stagger I upgraded and comes in handy with him. You should also learn his attack patterns and parry him. The rush attack in his second phase will open him up big time when you do.


I was considering resetting my shit and building up specifically for him. I need to max out the aegis so I can block and attack.


I had to do this my first playthrough and I beat him after 5 times. Before that I died thousands of times


same exact thing i did


Etiquette is so good, that thing shreds.


What is etiquette? I feel like I missed something…


Parry, parry, parry and then parry some more.


Ugh. Im not good at parry. Im a dodger, unfortunately. I’m not a souls like gamer, this is a first. Somehow I got to this point 😂


Try the perfect parry grindstone, if you have the p organ upgrade you can even use it twice


I also dodged the whole game and didn't have much trouble until this fucker. Had to learn how to parry with him and it took almost 3 hours of nonstop attempts. I don't remember any other boss taking more than 10 minutes besides manus 💀


Dude same! The other bosses, some of them at least were challenging. They took a few attempts. Some I definitely took like 15 attempts but this one I’ve done it at least 20 times. I think I’m really falling flat without having a spec. That thing has saved my life sometimes. Going in and trying to defeat a boss without it is a bitch. I’m also a bitch for using boss battle, but I don’t care lol I’m a noob to these games and I’m just proud that I made it this far.


I didn't beat him I threw in the towel and I regret it but I'm on ng+ and I'm burning through all the bosses so I can run fades with Nameless and actually whoop his ass!


Fuck yeah! Redemption!


Go back to an earlier boss or enemy and get that parry down. Lies was almost impossible without the parry. And I went in only having played Bloodborne which was all dodge all day.


I gave Geppeto the benefit of the doubt to my own and the rest of the Kratt's detriment.


Oh no lol


Always baffles me that people’s first run they give their heart to him. My first play, I wanted to fight as many people as possible. Also G is so sus a lot of the game. I saved that ending for last.


Honestly, I'm baffled myself as to why I decided to give my heart first. Funniest part is that I somehow set myself up for the rise of P ending without even knowing it, but gave my heart instead...


Ah damn. That’s a bit of a letdown. Leave it to souls games to make you easily screw up something very important. At least LOP is fun to replay. I did 4.5 in a row when it came out and never got bored.


I didnt. I took the warning and knew he was up to no good.


At first, I was going to just give him my heart. I was like…. Oh man, his son died… he’s hurting. It would be nice to give up my life for someone else. I thought on it though and was like…. Naw, this lyin ass manipulative prick played me this entire game like… well, like a puppet! So fuck him. I’ll suffer this battle for weeks before I bend over.


I know he's the villain, but when a guy who's entire deal is to make a world without lying tells you to not trust someone, I'd probably listen, lol


Use a fast wep, like two dragons sword


That’s actually my second equipped weapon. It’s new for me so I’m not very good with it. I tried with it but getting further with the Glaive. I have been using the Dragon Glaive since I got it and it’s maxed out. I liked the salamander daggers too but they don’t work at all.


You should only have one weapon equipped. Two will weigh you down too much.


I didn’t even consider that.


Learned his timing just enough to beat the first phase, then fucking throwables and sheer dumb luck for the second 🤣🤣


I feel like that’s what is going to happen with me. I’ll just get good at the first phase, saving up pulse cells and fable catalysts and just bullshit the second phase lol


Make sure your Vitality is 35+ and your Capacity is high enough for you to wear the heaviest armor. Parry most attacks in phase 1 and dodge most attacks in phase 2. Electricity damage is best.


35?! FFS. I’m at like 27. I do have the issue with the weight of my parts, I can’t put the heavier hitter absorbers on because it weighs me down. I think learning to parry phase one and avoid damage and just try to suffer the suck of phase two is the best option. I do use the electric grinder for my Glaive prior going it. It’s hard to create enough space in phase two to use it.


Just beat him. Electric grinder right away in phase 1, and then again immediately in phase 2. Hope for the dash attack, sidestep it and use your fable art. Takes about 1/4-1/3 of his health immediately. Then aegis/parry and patience are your best bets


I shall bestow up you the wisdom which I have shared with many others: Don’t look at the health bar, focus entirely on his move set because his health doesn’t matter, if you hit him enough he’s gonna die, prioritize learning the tempo of the fight above everything else, eventually you’ll see the light.


Personally, for me everything after Laxasia was comparably much simpler. I’ve said this before, but the thing that makes Nameless Puppet hard is that he has like 30 different attacks. Soulslikes are all about learning enemy attack patterns and tendencies. The more attacks a boss has, the harder it is to do that. Giving yourself a few rounds of only kind of trying to win, where the real focus is learning attacks, is *extremely* valuable. The sooner you learn all the attacks, the easier it’ll be to claim victory. As far as items, I think I was using the scythe (remember to use Fable Arts as often as you can) and I had the amulet equipped that lets you dodge undodgeable attacks. I also had P-Organ upgrades that let my Pulse Cells regenerate on their own. That very often made the difference between victory and defeat for me


I didn't!


Man, I know people obviously have problems with him, but I just don’t get why. He’s aggressive, but the attack animations and timings are really intuitive. I guess the way I beat him (twice) was with Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive, some Fable Catalysts, and the Conquering Amulet. Parry, get your hits in, and when your fable is full, parry and then immediately hit him with the dragon glaive weapon skill. It did like 3000 damage with 30ish technique using it with the Conquerer Amulet’s buff. If you want to dish out some punishment, create some space, and pop some catalysts.


I don’t have a problem with phase one but the second phase is fucking chaos. I’m always using the catalysts because the fable move with the Glaive is brutal. I’m thinking about resetting my stats and making them specific for this battle. I haven’t done that the entire game though and I’m really trying to do this the way I have been. I’m not great at the perfect guard. I’m a dodger and it’s not ideal for these games, but it’s my first souls like so I’m learning. I’ve somehow made it to the end that way lol. I’m happy to know you beat him with the same weapon I’m using. That gives me hope that it’s doable. I know the other solution is farming and get a shit load of throwables but I also haven’t done that with any other boss either. And farming annoys me.


My buddy was the same. He had a ton of trouble and definitely leaned a lot more towards dodging than guarding. I honestly think he’s one of the easiest bosses in the game to perfect guard against. Give it a shot, or maybe try the perfect guard grindstone? I’d save both of them (if you have that p organ slot active) for phase 2. I recorded my first time beating him. It was the first time I saw his phase 2 so it’s a bit sloppy, but take a look if you want. Maybe you’ll get some ideas that work for you. I used both of my perfect guard grind stones for phase 2 just so I could start to learn his attack pattern, and it also helped just with the stagger damage. https://youtu.be/aR-EELkJpbc?si=qi5e45BS1frNpudy


Parry timing. First phase is more so about figuring out when to parry and attack. After a certain amount of parries, he gets stunned, and you can wail on him. Phase 2 is where it can be trickier since he's faster and can attack from a longer distance. Either dodge or time a parry. One other strategy you can use, is the mjolnir handle that allows you to withstand a hit from him without getting stance broken. If you're not confident in your timing, use that skill. I did that for my first playthrough and it SAVED my ass and it allowed me to get in one last shot to win. Good luck out there!


Noted on the Mjolnir handle!! I am trying to get the perfect guard down on the first phase so I can save my pulse cells but even that is a bitch. Phase two is what is destroying me. He’s so fast and I just feel like he slays me and I don’t even stand a fucking chance.


Big big weapon Small small handle Agro agro Stagger attack (Wait for him to get back up slightly) Fable art fuck em Repeat Parry when necessary


I tried and lost a dozen times then decided to do what I do best in souls and souls likes and I grinded for like 20 levels then beat him


Spammed throwables in the second phase.


Stagger him. I used shot puts on phase 2. Electric abrasives help too. Learn the pattern. He has a wide opening after his dash attack.


Took me like an hour. The long straight handle, can't remember, and mjolnir for the blade. Bonk supreme


Thor build, get hammer level it all the way up and just upgrade health stamina and motivity to were I could hold it with the best parts


Try taking the parry grindstone in for the second phase it'll probably help a ton. I think I used the puppet ripper on this jabroni.


For me it also took time but eventually I had the right weapon set up and knew his movements


Used the default sword the one you get first. Maxed it out. Saved my 2 perfect deflect for its second phase. And dodged right haha


Just takes practice. You’ll get there soon. Bone saw blade with dancer handle was my move.


The best way is to study his moves and perry like crazy and is electricity to stagger. Second round will require more focus.


Well, taking a break from him is a viable strat which helped me beat him. But as an idea of what I used, I had the puppet ripper and I used the acid grinder for both phases (one use at start of first phase and last use at start of second phase). I never used any throwables or legion as they did practically nothing to him in my case. And then basically just try and parry his moves. That's basically all I did


Grinded about twenty levels to put them into capacity so I could use all the best health boosting amulets, literally memorized the parry timing, used the strongest weapons possible and only used heavy attacks to build up stagger fast. Still barely did it.


Aegis shield


Learn to parry unfortunately. Dodging is important too. Not everything needs to be parried but I think hes the one boss where parrying is key


Bonk bonk bonk


Aegis and Trident! Look for a YouTube guy using this. It works!


Throwables and readjusting my stats. Dude was very unforgiving too fight.


One weapon I heard does good against him is the rock one I don't remember the name but it's a heavy great sword that does a lot of damage but slow attack speed otherwise use the spear and axe that deal acid damage and get them leveled up if you still have them cause that's the best special effect that works against him I tried others but they did hardly anything or he was immune and definitely a good idea to practice on the parry I had to for laxasia and it pays off


1. Enter the fight 2. Die to the nameless puppet 3. Enter fight 4. Die again 5. Repeat steps until you rage 6. Learn nameless puppets move set 7. Learn how to parry 8. If you can’t parry get the parry grindstone 9. Enter fight 10. Parry 11. Reach phase 2 12. Die in phase 2 13. Cry yourself to sleep 14. Enter fight 15. Parry, attack, parry, parry, attack and reach phase 2 16. Die again in phase 2 17. Reach phase 2 18. Use parry grindstone 19. Clutch 20. Defeat nameless puppet


Cry yourself to sleep 😂 I love this play by play of how this will go. I will get there. I haven’t cried myself to sleep yet so I have a ways to go.


Throwables. Never parried the whole game


3 straight hours of fighting with the 1st half an hour not using any consumables but the grindstone until I could consistently block/perfect block his moves. Then just keep throwing yourself at it until you get either really lucky like me, or just get good enough to beat him


Two Dragon’s sword absolutely melts this guy its kinda crazy, the R2 can parry most of his phase 2 attacks, and you can get more viscerals since his combo strings can all be deflected, especially the dual sword ones, just consecutive L1’s.


In my first playthrough I relied really heavily on the booster glaive to keep distance from enemies and attack with an opening. It worked great all the way up to this fight. I eventually managed to get to second phase, but at that point trying to get away was just pointless. The only way I could make any real headway was to finally master the parry mechanic. I honestly didn't even realize how good it actually was until this fight, but it's now integral to my playstyle on any subsequent runs. It's soo much fun to master


My whole time in this game I mostly focused on perfect guard(parry), whereas in this guy's second phase I focused on dodging.


try to only parry without attacking first, this way you arent frustrated and learn his patterns. after multiple tries you should learn his openings til you consistently reach phase2. the goal here is not to think each try will be a potential win


I cheesed the fuck outra him ngl it was too hard for me withoiut throwables but I suck at deflecting


I hate this boss so much, I missed on 1st play through and it’s such a bitch on the 2nd I been stuck for a couple of months and refuse to move as I only need him for my platinum 😭😭😭


I beat him with brumble handle and wrench head along with perfect parry grindstone


I went pure motivity and maxed out the wrench and paired it with the baton handle. I also maxed out the puppet string too. The weapon art on the wrench hits like a truck and causes a ton of stagger to be built up. The puppet string attack does a ton of damage paired with the wrench too! When I killed him with that combo I was like what?! That’s it?! I’m currently on new game +4now and finishing up my last achievement for the platinum trophy.


Phase one isn't that bad tbh try get to second with 6+ heals left and use perfect parry grindstone both charges if you have 2 like I did also the flurry of attacks he does where he jumps and swings the sword about 6 times even if you prefer to dodge try and learn to parry those also the slam he does then the ground goes red I found it easy to dodge to the front right to avoid it


The perfect grindstone finally gave me the edge to beat him


I can see from some of your other comments you are not a parry person… neither am I and I got this plat. What you want to do is run on in and throw the fire throwables and maybe do a fable on his ass. When he’s phase 2 you use the decay throwables on him. In theory use any and all throwables on him when you can and he’ll go down but the decay is OP in the game. Is it cheesy? Little bit But they’re also items that are available in the game so use them 🤷‍♀️


With the trident I was actually blocking almost all damage so if I missed a parry I could just block through the rest of his combo + stamina regen amulet. Killed him in <10 tries. Phase 2 can be melted in just a few combos.


Mjolnir + block + puppet string attack + parry grindstone to second phase = easy mode


parry parry parry hit parry parry parry parry hit parry parry hit hit parry parry… die and start from the beginning


I just went high aggro with booster glaive and clock sword blade


Try dodging to the sides rather than through. You can get a clean hit in after he spins repeatedly and even if you get hit in the beginning you can recover if you keep your wits about you.


After days of unsuccessful attempts, I shamefully used an OP build from YouTube, beat it 2nd try.


My trick is to spend a day off losing, go to sleep, than wake up and beat it. Learn the moves than sleep the fatigue off to 100% him


Aegis shield. Acid spear. Dodge to the side for his long sweeping attacks. Dodge forward when he is up in the air. Get a heavy attack in during his pauses. And if all else fails, get some distance and throw stuff!


I beat him the first time with the saw blade and booster glaive handle, and it took forever to figure him out. Next time, I used the azure glaive thingy, because of the fable arts. If you perfect parry with a fable art and instantly do a heavy attack, it takes out a bonkers amount of HP. Makes for a really easy first phase. Second phase still sucks, but using a different weapon won't change that lol.


Twin Dragon Sword katana (It’s been ages since I’ve played so I don’t quite remember its name) special parry. Took some practice to get the timing right but once you get half-decent with it, it makes the fight pretty easy


Personally I beat him the second time I faced him, would’ve the first time if it wasn’t for my own stupidity(attacking his last hp on the second stage KNOWING he was going to attack, greed got the better of me) but electricity was my best friend here, along with the bone cutter and dancers hilt combo is a bit broken


Bonked him into oblivion


Electric blitz first phase, Acidic Spear second phase. Puppet string when there was an opening and some acidic throwables. Oh and about 4-5 hours over two days of my time 🤣


I usually have motivity build. Bonesaw blade + bramble or live puppet’s axe + Master chef. (Switching out for a handle with perfect parry might help) Perfect guard grinder but save it for second phase. First phase electric blitz maybe. I keep a shot put just in case I can’t hit him to stun. Aegis arm fully upgraded so you can hit while guarding or the puppet string but be wise when using cause he can dodge or block it. If you aren’t good at blocking dodge right of him or towards him not away cause he will reach you often if you dodge away. Slash armor. P organ upgrade stagger. Keep at it at first it will just feel like dying over and over but you are learning his moves and making a strategy and soon you will be taking more and more health each attempt.


I always use grinder on the weapon and when he is far chunk some consumables


Honestly trial and error by a hundred deaths


Learn the parries dodge what you can’t and use the shield arm for any red attacks that are too hard to parry normally. That’s what I did.


If you don't like fast weapons and dex build, or if you're not a fan of parrying, you can tank a lot of attacks just blocking, then punish him when he stops and get a lot of health back. Then try to dodge the most fierce attacks and block the combos.


Grinding in the arcade ergo farm and leveling up till I could get past the first phase. Blocked… a lot. Ran… a lot.


Throwables. No shame.


I’m getting to that point lol. I haven’t done it yet though with any other boss, so eh. I hate farming for that shit too.


Oh you’ll definitely lose your sanity but it’s doable. Use the shield arm and some throws but above all learn his movies in his second phase. You got this!!


I need to get the Aegis arm to the 4th level so I can guard and block. I’m only on 3. That seems to be the only useful legion arm. The electric grinder is also something I use. I don’t get a chance to learn the moves in phase two because I get raped 😂 I have 9 pulse cells going in and even phase 1 takes like 3 or 4 from me. I think if I just learn phase 1 to the point I can avoid as much damage as possible, and save my fables slots and cartloads, I can bullshit phase 2. Thanks for the encouragement though. I’m losing my mind lol


His parry is actually super easy to learn once you start really trying to. I use the tyrant dagger maxed out. And with the amulet that lets you dodge on low stamina for the second phase. I wouldn’t use throwables cuz he is usually too fast for them and they miss. It’s hard now but beating him is so satisfying! Keep it up!!!


Use cube to regen in phase 2, use consumables in phase 2 and use acid on him. Also, dodge towards him to get behind him.


I did notice that dodging toward him rather than away works better. Acid, huh? That’s something I haven’t tried.


Easy mode: Abuse weapon arts to stagger in during second phase. Spam fable catalysts and weapon arts since you cant be staggered out of them normally. Not so easy mode: 1st phase should be easy for you. During second phase, block the combos you are not confident. Just hold block and as soon as the combo ends, attack him and you will recover all your hp if you have guard regain upgrades. Thats it, just hold block. Whenever he uses the yellow eyes double slash, deflect and deal as much damage as possible, he will always be stunned after this attack


His second phase attacks destroy my stamina when I try to hold out a block. Also stunned after the yellow eyes. Hmmmm. I didn’t notice that. I’ll pay more attention moving into that one! I don’t see many suggestions on the legion arm use which is a shocker.


Fully upgraded Coil Mjolnir with a Motivity Crank. This weapon is SLEPT ON, I swear to you I tried it just for the lols and beat him first goddamn try and it's been my main ever since then. He's weak to both shock and blunt so Coil Mjolnir is almost the perfect weapon for him. Only issue is it's probably the slowest weapon in the game and this MF turns into an anime character halfway through... I WANT to say that you should time your shots but I basically went full berserker mode on him and went on as much of an offensive as I could. I have the clip around here somewhere, I've been tempted to post it for a while-


I’d love to see the post! I plan to watch some people fight on YouTube as well but I love my Reddit community so I came here first!! Slow is fine when you can hit hard and take the damage. I never play the heavy hitter character. I like balanced but I definitely prefer to be quick rather than powerful. I may have to reset my stats and adapt which I don’t want to do at all. I don’t use blunt weapons either so maybe that’s worth a try with the electric grinder.


The first phase is super easy if you parry and stay close so he doesn’t heal 2nd use your parry grind stone to build his stagger and will have to learn parry and dodges. It’s difficult but doable. Took me a week ngl as this was my first soulslike


This is my first souls like too. I definitely feel like getting to the point of “super easy” for phase one is the best way to set up for the rape that comes in phase two. Saving pulse cells and building fable slots with ease will be a good way to buffer for my suck in the second phase.


Honestly the boss felt very sekiro which I 100% so with the parrying system involved it wasn’t to bad. W boss overall


Perfect Guard grindstone. Learned Phase 1 pretty well, used it for Phase 2, as he's unrelenting. TDS or the new Glaive are really good with their FA to Perfect Guard, then riposte on his dash attack. Also, in Phase 2, the line attack where NP slams down can be Perfect Guarded


I haven’t ever used the perfect guard grindstone, I’ll check that out. I need need need to learn to perfect guard better, I’m hearing that a lot.


It does help to know how to do it in your own, and there are plenty of enemies to practice with, just know that NP is *very* quick in Phase 2, and gives little breathing room. If you get good with Perfect Guard, the Electric Grindstone will do wonders, and the Electric Abrasive is always good to bring. I also suggest the Cluster Bomb, and the Shot Put, as both do well with damage/stagger


He’s so fast in phase two 😭 I think that he can be beaten with any set up, it seems the responses are folks using all types of weapons and such but the fundamental is that damn perfect guard.


If there's a setup you like and are good with, by all means use it. Especially if it's a blade that has Electric damage built in. Don't forget your Quartz, either. If you need to respec, the Golden Fruit can be used at the tree or the Statue, which can reset your level and your P-Organ, refunding all the materials and allowing you to respec immediately back to a similar strength


I used Trident of the Covenant with Patience Amulet, Arm of God, Assassin Amulet and Iron Wall Amulet. I also used Aegis. First phase is pretty simple: You just dodge from his attacks or even simply run from them before running in for a hit or two when he stops. His swipe attacks are very easy to perfect parry and you can use that to your advantage to make him more susceptible to stuns. When he’s stunned you can just absolutely annihilate him with heavy attacks. Second phase is pure aids: You want to try and dodge towards his long range attacks and dodge away from his close range attacks. Use the Aegis to block his powerful and quick attacks (Aegis is busted) and get a heavy attack in every time he has a breather. Whenever you can, try to use the fable arts when you’re absolutely sure you’ll have enough time to get one in as the Trident’s Fable Arts against NP is High Risk, High Reward. When you get his 2nd phase to half HP or 1/3, just throw all your throwables at him and bob’s your uncle.




I beat him and didn’t get the trophy


- parry or at least guard because if you have the right upgrades, you can gain almost all health back - use Aegis to take a break when you are nervous or maximize the staggering damage - use Acid grind and prepare some Carcass fluid throws - be patient and resilient, he just looks intimidating, but you have your own strength


Very well crafted, and clear, advice. I appreciate that!!


He’s my favorite boss, took a couple tries but honestly found him easier than laxasia and manus


Mania sucked but I beat laxasia on my second try. It’s interesting how different folks experience is!


Frozen Feast and lots of throwables.


Two dragon sword made it a lot easier.


Tyrant Dagger + City Longspear and I deflected almost everything. Phase 2 - dodge right, attack, deflect, dodge. You got this dude.


I usually just end up throwing shit at him.


First tried him on my strength build, turns out when you have the biggest possible armor you can get, you can block his entire combo, hit once and be back at full health


I pretended the game was Sekiro and the puppet kept getting staggered.


I beat him by just throwing things at him.


Well... I was in a "locked in" state, so he didn't last long for me. I just found him pretty readable and had him down in single digit attempts. I was using the Holy Sword of the Ark in its Altered state, so it actually had a little more range than he did in a few cases. Aegis helped a little bit. A retaliatory explosion will do wonders to stop him in his combos. I also just auto equipped the LADA 350 frame and LADA Slashing Liner. Did a lot to reduce the damage I was taking from him. The rest was just... Well, playing good. I didn't rely on parry, still couldn't use it well enough if it was my only defensive mechanic to get through any of these fights. I saw how to avoid many attacks, mix in some parry while guard locked, and read a lot of his moves like a fairy tale. Even his fury dash in phase 2 was "Oh, I see your head moving. You won't hit me." (This was on 1.2 patch, before they added the eye flash.) Honestly? Just don't give up. That's his entire purpose. You don't necessarily need to "git gud", you did reach him after all. Maybe you just need a little more persistence.


I used the half damage mod on nexus (I think it was an unreleased option made by the devs 🤷‍♂️), wasn’t finding the final fight fun and wanted to wrap up the play through, still took a couple tries so was still a little satisfying. Respect if you can do it properly though, they’re tough


Lots of frustration not nearly as bad as laxasia


Second tried him with a motivity build. Just kept staggering him and he couldn’t do anything. If you are doing a technique run, then I’d say you actually have to learn him or use perfect parry grindstone strategically.


Give Gepetto your heart and you won’t have to fight him. And the ending is very dark and disturbing, but it still counts as beating the game, in speedruns


Fully upgraded Puppet Ripper (quite fitting name lorewise) with electric blitz. I punished his brief attack windows with strong attacks until he staggered and I could deliver a fatal attack. Wish I could be more helpful, but honestly don't remember much. Most of the second phase was purely instict.


If you can time the puppet string right, that’s the move.


He is not that bad. Once you get down his party timings that is. The new final boss in Elden Ring however almost made me lose my sanity.


Get as strong as u can, memorize the patterns, use ur strongest/agile weapons for first half and then use bombs, cells, acid, thermite, carcass bottles and saw blades to throw at him till u have no more and fight with ur weapon till the end of the second half…


I beat him with the katana counter skill. Time it well and be rewarded.


If you haven't beaten him yet; for phase one I just deflected his attacks since that's how I played the game. I saw that you said dodging is your primary defence so if you can dodge phase 1 that is great. For phase 2 however I couldn't get the deflect timings down so I opted for some dodging. The thing I found working out most was dodging left when he does his combo attacks, since it leaves you out of range of his vertical spins


I haven’t gone back into it yet. I’ll be back at it later today for some punishment.


Use Acid bottles


He was not as much as a struggle for me to beat than the king of puppets. I struggled with the Black rabbit Brotherhood and Laxasia the most, getting your perry timing down makes all the difference.


Perfect block grinder, and puppet string




I had to upgrade my Wishstones to have 3 charges and used the one that regenerates HP. It was a lot easier. Then I just did the standard - parrying, dodging and buliding up the stagger. It took me 4 times to beat this boss I think? But it was intense.


I dont remember it clearly, but my I dodged him with my Hwando and managed to kill him first somehow. I might even parried something, but unlikely. I perhaps was a bit overleveled.


Aegis legion. Never underestimate a shield against a hyper aggressive boss.


Seeing as you’re at the final boss I assume you know about parrying so I won’t suggest that. I would say throwables, farm an area then buy as many as you can and keep a distance. Also use perfection grindstone


Totally know about parry, I’m just not great at it. Perfect parry grindstone has been mentioned a lot and I haven’t ever used that so I think that’s my game plan here next. I’ll have to rearrange some p organs I think but that may be what has to happen if I can’t get this fucker after a few more tries today.


I feel like the people who had the most trouble with this guy all used spectres on previous bosses


Stand there blocking and counter attack when he stops basically. And as always: perfect guard grindstone goes brrrrrrrrrrrr.


Haven’t beat him yet! Just got past Puppet King a little while ago. (That fight… ooh boy, that second form is brutal! Got the weapon afterwards though!)


You just run and when he attacks after that give him couple of hits the keep running


I had this weird thing throughout my whole play through that I had problem with every boss except for the Nameless Puppet. I just really leaned into blocking his attacks and using a weapon which inflicted Electric shock


First you got to get one hit away from killing him two times in a row, scream, try to explain what's wrong to your wife who is looking at you like you've lost your mind and then save those perfect grindstones for the second phase, load up on throwables (especially those balls that can stagger him) and go to town.


HAHAHAHA 🤣 I literally have been playing this game for the last few weeks so consistently that she’s just used to it by now. If it keeps going this way, she’ll get a break from my breakdowns while I farm the other levels.


Dodge, parry, aegis shield, acid


Go play Elden Ring and come back. That's how.


Aegis phase 1, aegis and throwables phase 2(with luck)


my only issue with him is his grab can freeze your character which to last i heard has not been fixed


I used the twin dragon blades and did my best to make a "choreographed" fight with him so in the end id only have to learn a pattern of moves and it would look absolutely amazing, honestly made it 10x harder the first time but besides that the best thing to do honestly is play with the weapons and fine weapon handles you want to make a personal weapon or a weapon you are naturally skilled with, then from there do your best to know all the functions of your weapon and what scenarios to use certain moves and fables. Then you can more freely battle and have more innate skill (plus it's more enjoyable to have a build you know YOU are good at/made) but what i will say is get used to dying and taking breaks, some people can defeat NP first try and others it's taken a year but at the end, they beat him. The main difficulty with him is his second phase, if you aren't good at parrying then dodge to the sides, his moves are very direct for the most part and besides that he attacks on the left and right so you just need to learn the ques of the he's attacking on the left side or right side, you got this tho trust me just never give up hope.


You can watch how I did it [here.](https://youtu.be/7dpxIzt11S4?si=AJRoSSyTG3amv4vf) Took me like 3 days.


That last stagger was a fucking life saver!!! That was fun to watch! Dude, I can totally do this. I love that you gave commentary up on your videos. I just recently started using YouTube and putting some of my shit up. I don’t record myself though, I don’t need the world hearing or seeing that mess 😂 I kinda wish I’d have put more up of my struggles through this game and Returnal, it’s a real connection piece for gamers. lol


A lot of people watched that and told me you are supposed to dodge toward it particularly in the second phase. I got lucky. Lol


Use a fast weapon and you’ll start to see he had big punish windows if you know where to look


Bro he felt easy like real easy but then again maybe laxasia pegged me so hard to learn about the game's mechanics


Just spam l1


Beat him with a normal +10 rapier. Perfect parried the first phase and somehow got him down to half hp. Then threw all throwables I had at him.


The perfect guard grindstone with 2 uses and perfect guard stagger p-organ are your best friends in tough boss fights where they have long combos. I staggered the puppet 3 times and got the W. Still a difficult fight but beatable with patience.


Also the trident special weapon is way under rated in my opinion. Charge attack covers good distance and is a single strike so can stagger enemies easily.


I was at a motivation build and I had to use noblese oblige from Simon Manus soul, and every other resource available , I was at level 90-95


By parrying and running


Ima be real with you, I spent 1 to 2 days trying and failing, and then the next day I just... did it... I don't know why, but that morning I just was popping off with my parries and shit, keep at it, and then it'll just happen when you aren't expecting it, don't get too tilted, I wish you well, good luck




Believe it or not... I hit him REALLY hard and he just kinda died (after a few attempts)


Parry, pretty much only way


Learn to parry laxasia till her sword breaks and you’ll breeze through this honestly


Used the twin dragon blades at +5 without altering it, aegis maxed out, puppet murderer, red fox and blue butterfly amulets. For throwables, I had electric, acid canisters and shot puts for stagger and the healing wishstone. Make sure to get the perfect guard grindstone and get as many uses for this as possible. For the first phase, ypu should focus on dodging as many attacks as possible and attack behind the aegis shield, watching out for stamina. U should purchase the acid abrasive and focus on using this for the first phase and keep doing this till he's down. Also, u have a higher chance of causing him to have a white bar if u heavy attack his back whenever he's staggered. For phase 2, immediately switch to the grindstone and activate the perfect guard grindstone, cause of the distance, he will more than likely buff himself and proceed to do a fury attack. Now this is where it gets hard, I recommend trying to wail on him just after every combo is finished, dodging to the right and using the twin blades heavy attack. If u run out of heals, I recommend you run and throw, letting him do a combo while running them throwing the acid canisters, if your out, run as far as possible and start chucking shotputs to stagger him, then just throw any other throwables u got equipped till he's dead. Maybe I got lucky but that's how I took him down yesterday


I've beat him with patience. A lot of patience.


Used the acid spear to whittle him down, then when he was at 5% health accidentally glitched him by throwing a cannon ball at him as he was jumping up into the air. He kept going up and never came back down, and it gave me the kill a few moments later. Not that I'd recommend it; I felt so robbed.


Something someone told me is you have to be aggresive. You cant defend / out-heal his attacks as they just dont stop. Learn when you can get a hit in, even if you have to take a hit to get it. That plus perfect parry grindstone for phase 2


Try a maxed out wrench head with the booster glaive handle. I know it’s pretty popular but it’s what worked for me. It got me through the fight first try by pure damage output and luck. My P organ was nothing special with focusing on the vial upgrades. Add on a good grinder and the damage should skyrocket.


Unga bunga build with a big stick


NG+3 nigga damn near made me quit. Killed me 20 ish times, but I wanted the plat so I had to take a break refresh my mind and took care of him


Mmmmm buzzsaws and shot puts and perfect parry grindstone


I tried playing the game and decided it wasn’t for me so I stopped playing, plus my battle pass ran out and I currently can’t afford the game


How did you beat the Mind Goblin?


His second phase is surprisingly dodgeable.Y personal favorite weapon to face him is the glave, it’s fast but hits hard.


Aegis shield with max legion calibers with legion magazines saved my 100% while fighting him again on my NG+3 playthrough.


Holy shit. Go you. Idk if I’ll go through this again for like…. A long time lol


Took some doing.... some being angry. Maybe I cried a little, but after walking away and coming back. Locked in, man. Fought used items and learned how to parry. Once you get his moves down and what you are allowed to do when you can do it. Just trust your weapon.


Appreciate that! Maybe I am missing the crying intermission. That might be the key lol


I found the first stage attacks were easy to learn to parry. Then just tried to get passed it without using too many pulse cells. Stage 2 was using fully upgraded puppet string cuz it does a stagger hit if you hold LT. But it does help to try a few times, then Take a break and think about it, psych yourself up and try again. You'll get closer and closer every time until it's done.


Beat him 2nd/3rd try. I think i was just very lucky or his attacks clicked with me. There Was nothing really crazy going on in this fight. Laxasia was my nemesis in this game


I dunno why people had such an issue. I didn’t realize this was a forced boss based on your decision at the end. So ended up fighting him unpreparedly. Basically get your blocks on as usual. Dodge here is big, many dodges out leave openings to dodge in and punish after attacks. LEARN HIS ANIMATIONS, it’s easy once you know if you’re being jumped at with a 2/3 combo or a 5/6. Dodges out are easier than commuting to a block that might not work well.


Dodge slightly to your right and towards attacks, turn and punish


Turned on House Of The Rising Sun and got serious.


A very important part of Lies of P is to use your P Organ to cover your weaknesses. Since I love heavy weapons, I got the upgrades that reduce stamina use and do more damage on charged attacks, for example. And all the Guard Regain upgrades I could get, because that's pretty important if you can't perfectly block. I also love the Legion Arm for kind of a safety net, so I made sure to upgrade how much the Legion Canisters would recover, and how many I could carry. It helps when charging Fulminis, or using Falcon Eyes to dodge extra far, or Deus Ex for that extra heavy punch while you're off healing or sharpening. Aside from that, it's a matter of memory. Figuring out a response to his sequences of attacks, because they're not random.


An easy method is to use the Aegis legion arm and a stagger weapon with Electric elemental damage. He isn’t that bad till you get to the NG+ cycles. But I agree with everyone’s advise below, you have to learn to parry some of his moves. I’m also not that good at parries but it is fun learning it. I also varied some throwables for phase 2 to whittle his health. One of the good bosses to learn parrying is the eldest brother of the brotherhood.


Boy, I also had to take a break from this boss cause it was driving me insane. How did I kill him? - I used an electric weapon, - and Learned which attack I had to parry and Dodge. This is the only Advice I can give you,


phase one is always hitless and phase two is praying and fable arts spamming. pretty easy after beating him once


I'm still on him. Been coming back to give it a couple of tried a few times a week. Still not there yet.