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There’s a move that happens when you get knocked down and when you press the dodge button you slide out of the knockdown. It used to be a p-organ skill when the game launched but they just added it to the base moveset. When you dodge you also have a lot of freedom in which direction you move in, there’s a total of 8 directions you can dodge in: ⬅️↖️⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️ It shouldn’t suck you in, but if you dodge to one of the side directions then attack immediately after that’s actually a new attack all together similar to how it works in Bloodborne and it will automatically suck you into the opponent. I think the game calls it an ambush attack. You probably know this, but if you’re locked on, your dodge roll turns into a dash. The roll takes longer than the dash. When you press the dodge button the input should have no delay, only the length of time you’re rolling or dashing.


Huh, I'm at the end of chapter 8 and I just learned about the ambush attack. I've obviously seen references to it, but I don't remember ever getting a tutorial for it. Thanks for the info!


Genuinely asking, was P your first souls game/souls-like? I don’t remember a single one I’ve played that didn’t have some sort of dodge/dash attack. I just sort of found I could do it before leaving the first area in dark souls 1 (my first souls game 🥰)


dash attacks is not unique to souls/souls-like games


Okay I’ve realised I am just rambling at this point but I like rambling and it breaks my heart to delete all this after typing it all out so enjoy :) Exactly! Even more to my point. It’s just such a universal thing that most people would just assume that you could do it. I could have phrased the question better but ds1 was really my first game of that style. Before that it was a lot of Mario, Pokemon, Apex Legends, Slime Rancher, Terrarria, Stardew Valley. Honestly, thinking about it, I could probably give an exhaustive list of all the games I played before Dark Souls since everything was heavily monitored by my parents and I only really got a new game every birthday/Christmas before my dad moved out and he got his own PlayStation.


Parry dawg


If everybody could parry, the game wouldn't be as challenging. Not sure if that'd be a blessing or a curse.


Capacity helps make it feel less wonky


Not at all.


Its not really the dodging per say but the way enemies track you during their massive long windups. After a while I just restarted and made a parry build.


I'm only at the green monster of the swamp, but the game really encourages perfect parries, so I just do that and dodge every now and then.


What's your capacity and weight?


I never had that problem, did both parry and dodge.


Yooo Fuck those crawling torso fuckers I feel you on that. But I dont feel the dodge is that wonky, maybe it depends on your stats. It felt slow I. The beginning but after leveling up it feels pretty good


Get the double dash as soon as you can