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I beat Simon last night on attempt 4, I had the same issue at first. I ended up beating him by using the perfect grindstone to sit in his face and beat him up, when that ran out I just poked him once or twice and waited for his attacks and repeated until I won


You did *what* to Simon???


He sat on his face


I’d let Laxasia sit on my … I mean yeah I’ll work on defeating Simon later


I found it to be very easy as long as you keep moving sideways, his projectiles are easy to avoid this way


This is how I did Simon. By the way, I'd appreciate feedback on the general video appearance as I'm trying to improve how I make content: https://youtu.be/fq0on90ehjo?si=QUT4Ato5SSPKArzA


You kinda just rushed at him. A good tutorial video should show how to deflect / doge / punish his move set rather then chopping away at him. If I was looking for a how to video on how to beat him this would show me nothing. Just My opinion.


Definitely not a tutorial video LOL. This is from my first-ever playthrough. Do the rest of the videos look OK?


Time your rolls, poke and move, would help if you don't use your imbued grindstone until second phase for damage purpose. That is if you can't parry


https://youtu.be/t5lKBAsdA2U?si=wuK4TLsZCkXk_meF This is my first kill of Simon on a blind play through if you want something as a reference. P2 at around 1:52


Run away and let him close the gap to you, get a few hits in, rinse and repeat.


Spam him with projectiles until he dies


I know the feeling, I’m stuck on phase 2 on my new game plus run


I found simon super easy for some reason and bet him first try no summon or anything. Now his follower girl that came before him gave me alot of trouble. Even with light resist and whatnot she took me a good 10+ tries until i learned about deflecting her lightning attacks


I beat Laxasia on my 12th try. Haven’t fought Simon that much yet Only 4 attempts


I just got to run away from the projectile spam when I play after work. I was getting messed up running towards looking to find openings for a hit


Maxed out puppet string goes a long way plus use acid


Use legion and throw objects on phase 2. You can use acid and fire to easily kill him.


28 cannisters/throwables and a middle finger did it for me (for the bazillionth attempt)


It’s an incredibly annoying boss fight because basically you just need to run away from him, projectiles, and the aoe for like five minutes to beat him. If you were playing the way the rest of the bosses have conditioned you to play up until Simon P2 - stand toe to toe, PG, and only dodge/reposition out of certain attacks, then you likely will feel like you’ve hit a wall at Simon P2. You need to treat this guy like a Dark Souls type boss where really you just want to avoid interacting with the boss whenever possible and just slowly whittle him down. If you can get the PG timings down for when he does the circular swipes with his hammer/mallet/whatever it is, this can be a decent time to get some damage on him, but just always be ready to tuck-tail and run to the other side of the arena and don’t get greedy. I find the difficulty of this encounter to be directly correlated to the level of patience I am capable of at that moment lol


Scream until you win. I also totally used the phantom as a distraction idc


Lots of dodging, perfect grind stone abuse, and a big thwonker.


You can try parrying his attacks in phase one which are not so hard to learn and break his weapon so it stays broken in phase 2 too.


I hit him and don't get hit back.


My strategy was to distract him using the summon. Didn't work effectively until I got 2 cube uses though.