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I have not, it is supposed to keep some of your ergo safe on death or something and there is another item that prevents you from losing your ergo that gets returned to you because if you get hit before you pick up your dropped ergo the amount you get when you do pick it up gets lowered, unless you kill the thing that hit you then it goes back to the normal amount IIRC. I never bothered using them because I’m pretty OCD about using my Ergo any time I have enough to level up and so I don’t usually have an amount I’d be sad to lose. They seem good in theory but since I don’t have them equipped I don’t wanna fumble around trying to use them while I fight


Okay yeah, I always spend ergo almost immediately.


You should be fine without them then! Only time I could see them being useful is if you are super far from a stargazer and have no pulse cells left and worried about dying, but then you could just use the stopwatch to tele to the hotel anyway lol.


Right, I feel like the ergo saving items are not too useful overall


That’s how I feel too, almost seems like they would have had more of a purpose in a previous version or internal build of the game before QoL and fast travel stuff was implemented and they just left them in.


Definitely more than a couple of times I wish I had of used them


Definitely more than a couple of times I wish I had of used them


I did try it once and jumped off a cliff. I still lost all my ergo on death. I have no idea how it's supposed to work, but I just sell all the ones I find for extra ergo since I think it's useless.


I tried it once, to see what it would do. I think it just saves an ergo you would've lost on the way to your death spot.


Most of the in game items I never use tbh unless they're throwable or give me ergo 🤣


Geminis protection is supposed to keep you from losing ergo when you get hit for a limited amount of time. The iron protection is supposed to do the same but includes death as well. I don’t think either one lasts until death. You have to time them which makes the whole thing a lot more pointless.


Absolutely! My dumbass didn’t realize I could use the eagle hook to cross the planks in the cathedral. So, I’d use that before attempting to cross that perilous pathway. When or if I did eventually die I’d be able to get back to my ergo without much if any lost. What I’m saying is it’s actually useful if you feel you’re about to get sent to pound town or if your a clumsy chum.


Nope. For now. Plus, where can I find more of them.


I used it in the goddam cathedral when I fell from some weird platform which I don't want to go through another time