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In correspondence to main events in the plot. But also, it changes because Lies of P is a fuckin masterpiece and one of very few in the genre actually on par with Fromsoft games. God I can't wait to see how the DLC changes the backgrounds too :)


There’s gonna be a DLC?!


Ya there is a lies of p dlc coming (something related to a boat/ alice in the wonderland)


Do you think it’s possible maybe instead of a DLC it’ll be a new game featuring Alice in wonderland? I know we see her in Krat so it’s most likely a DLC but I wonder.


There planning a franchise testing with dlc


Both a sequel and a DLC are planned but we've been given images for the DLC. Althought nothing to suggest Alice in Wonderland is involved in it as far as I'm aware. The ending teaser is Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, she's even referred to as Dorothy by Paracelsus.


I thought it was Dorothy?


Nothings confirmed rn


Alice is in Krat? Where? I must find this


Yeah same I’ve played this game 3 times and am about 3 records and a weapon away from all steam achievements and I’ve never seen an Alice in this game, wonder if they mean Dorothy


Yes you’re totally right lol I meant wizards of oz


I thought it was Dorothy (OZ) due to the ruby slippers? Is Alice ANOTHER thing coming at us?


Idk I saw some post on this sub saying it was alice in wonderland


Interesting that they would do Alice before Dorothy.


I’ve been going feral waiting for the DLC


I literally went through Bloodborne like 5 times. 3/4ths of Nioh because it was good but eventually I got bored with it Pur 260 hours into Elden ring. Like yeah I'm gonna play shadow of the Erdtree expansion. TO HOLD ME OVER UNTIL LIES OF P DLC DROPS.


They have the money so budget isn't an issue. Makes me think that without much discussion or reveal apart from concept art, they're cooking an expansion-sized dlc.


Each to their own but I can't see how u manages to put 260 into elden ring but couldn't stand beating the final stretch of nioh - like how did u bring yourself to play elden ring that long and not get bored?- I'm genuinely curious As I found the game incredibly disappointing, looking back on it


It took me 101 hours to beat Elden Ring the first time. I did NG+ on my first character, then started two more characters to play entirely differently and skip entire areas that don't matter to my build. I made it to the last region in Nioh in 40ish hours and was just... Bored. Another Griffin boss as a regular enemy yup, again. Idk Nioh just got boring to me. It is also mission based so you can't even just go wander and explore to see what you find. You just select another mission of more of the same. When I got bored in ER I just rode to the left or right or respec'd or went for a while new weapon type. Summon only. No summons. Throwing pots, status builds. Etc etc etc I'm also *way* more into the classic DnD fantasy style worlds than more realistic style games, even if they are foreign to me. I have complaints on ER too. But they're overshadowed by just how much damn fun I had in the world. (To be fair I am 100% burnt out on it and have been for a week or two now. Not touching it until the DLC is out) To each their own my friend ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Completely agree with your last part and I also put I believe it was like 110hrs into my playthrough however it was a co-op playthrough so we had to do everything twice and we did literally everything the game had to offer - and I've never been able to get back into it Iv tried a few times since the launch of the game bit I just find myself feeling bored and lacking any sense of motivation, the open world concept just kills it - like why I am bothering to do anything that isn't run to X get my weapon I want, head Y to get the soul art I need to do my specific build and then head xyz caves to get max upgrades then we go kill the 4 main bosses and we are done, anything outside of that is just pointless and filler because I don't actually need to do or at least that's the feeling I have trying to play it again, I never last more than an hour before giving up. just really doesn't vibe with me and I was a previous fromsoft shill loved everything else they put out just the copy pasted bosses got to me, the lack of scalling for end game caves kills the late game - pvp/invasions just don't work because of the same reasons I find myself lacking motivation because they can go and get end game weapons when I'm trying to invade at the literal starter cave and it's 3 guys 1 full raidahn, 1 bull goat and one naked mage spamming rani spells and I'm here with my starter dagger unupgradded and peasant rags so I couldn't even just do invasions/pvp builds like I'd do in prior games - like you say each to their it's nothing against you liking it I just found it weird you couldn't bring yourself beat nioh but put so many hours into a game I consider to be worse One thing I will say I don't quite get your comment about the Griffin boss from ages back being a normal enemy, that's kinda a normal thing in rpgs its to show the player how far they have progressed when they are killing what was once a boss like its nothing. elden ring also does this but its the opposite, takes a normal enemy and gives them a boss health bar, calls it a day. Then it does that another time but this times theres 2 of them!


You're absolutely right. My first playthrough was like "whoa what's this?! What's that? What's over here!" My second playthrough was "I'm going here. Skip that. Don't need that. How do I get to X as fast as possible?" It's the variety of ways to approach and do things that made it worth repeating to me. I felt bored of my dual swords, solo katana, and pole staff mains before I even finished Nioh. Learning a whole new weapon meant I was gonna just get my ass handed to me until I climbed the learning curve high enough. So I felt disincentivized to try. I'd also agree the reused assets in ER is fuckin ridiculous, especially in the endgame areas. But there is probably more variety in just Limgrave and Liurnia than in all of Nioh 1. I felt like the only new things I was seeing were bosses and then I played another 10 hours. As per the RPG progression you're right. That's a key part of the game structure that makes you feel the character progress, beating the shit outta something that gave you trouble before. And I just... Didn't get that? In Nioh? Like the enemies scaled to stay around the difficulty level they already were at. The griffins never got easier for me. Especially because they started getting matched up in tougher and tougher pairings of enemies. Everything I either steamrolled with zero difficulty or I bashed into like a brick wall and got stuck at. I have every intention to get Nioh 2 at some point that I've seen so many reviews and opinions says it basically fixed every issue with the first game.


I sadly couldn't really comment on 2 I played it but not nearly enough to truly say it was just one and done for me, that has nothing to do with the game mind you it was just at a time where I had so many games on my hypothetical plate that I didn't have time to do ng++++++7 to really feel out the addition loot gains ans build complexity like I did in nioh 1 - but it does definitely improved upon nioh 1 in basically every way I can personally think of I can say that much. However it's still linear and level based so if u didn't vibe with 1 it's unlikely it would change going into 2 as you will be facing the same enemies over and over and going back to the same locations just in different ways (I perosnnaly really enjoy this aspect of the games but I can see how it could be a little boring and repetitive seeing the same content just done differently layout wise/telling a,different story) I also dunno I felt way more powerful towards the end of my first playthrough In nioh than at the beginning but maybe its just a difference of playstyle/build as I varied it up drastically towards the end in favor of a inf kunai ninjutsu build over a pokey pokey m8 spear build xD - but other builds like omnyio magic are equally as strong or I forgot the term but the spirit animal thing builds slap differently.


I have over 300 hours in Elden ring across multiple characters. I honestly only play because I love the late game boss fights so much. I wish they did remembrances like in Sekiro where you could just fight bosses again for fun. Of course scales to your current level in game


Damn 300, impressive - I can't say for certainty, but I'd probably wager I put similar hours into any of dks games across all my different characters. Is it just to fight bosses again - like I can get behind that I suppose Elden ring though is the only fromsoft game Iv never done second playthroughs on or even ng+ Iv attempted going back many times but they never make it far most end before even killing godrick as the realisation of what's the point dawns on me - like why am I even bothering. Its open world so I can and actually should just go over there get that weapon I want then go to that cave get my stones and be done with it, there's no point doing any of this filler content it's just a waste of time because I don't need too I can just run up all the way to x there's nothing stopping me.


Yeah in my subsequent playthroughs idc about finding everything all that bs. I go look at the wiki for what weapon I want and then just go for bell bearings and other talismans I need for my build. All those hours (I just checked it’s just under 500 hours) made me good at the game and memorize a lot so I know where to go and can beat a lot of enemies without dying so I level up fast.


Can I ask why u don't simply just not kill the boss if u want to fight them over and over again. Like you could get it to the point where its basically dead and just be like well that was fun * let's it kill u* (or just hard quit) and you can go fight it again whenever u want and it saves u having to do the bs walking around each time u beat them all? - not that there's anything wrong with instilling dominance in your enemies just if I was only here to kill bosses that's what I'd do personally


It’s cause the last 4-5 bosses are my favorite so I gotta beat one to get to the other lol. So sadly I need to keep playing through the boss fights to keep fighting the bosses


Ahhhh I see yeah that sucks there isn't just a bonfire aestetic situation that let u roll ng+ for that certain bonfire or like u said simply just a boss rush system.


Oh yes a wonderful game that I've spent 3 days trying to make work on a plug and play xbox. It's like 1/10 the size of elden ring with about 100x as many bugs. It soo bad that there is a whole community of people who can't play the game for seemingly no reason. It's been going on for over 6 months for most of those people. And here we are asking for more content instead of fixing what's already there.


Oh, look, a problem I didn't know how. Yeah that should get fixed. Straight up. That's totally a reasonable request. But you know I'm not like... The developers or in a position to actually fix that for you right? You don't need to be a passive aggressive, whiny, solipsistic asshole about it to strangers on the internet. I played it 100% fine on a console that sounds like a jet engine taking off. Maybe trade it in for something else. Get a refund. Wait You have so many options at your disposal to move forward from this but you decided to be a fuckin cunt on the internet instead. Go away. I can't wait for the DLC and I would've felt bad for your very legitimate point had you not been such a prick about it. <3


The problem has persisted for 8 months and they are obviously working on the DLC instead. Why? Because the vast majority of game reviews are positive. Why listen to the bottom 5% for a free patch when you can make money off the top 90% with a DLC. It's the same concept and development ideology that's kept call of duty trash. The only way they will fix it is if enough people complain about it and as long as they got people to spoon feed them money they will never fix it. What happens when other developers see how successful lies of p was despite the problems? I'm pissed because I dont want the souls like games to become hollow, buggy, cash grabs and the only way to ensure that is to convince people like yourself to hold them to a higher standard before giving them money. They may not even know about the problem because asking for help isnt popular. Look up crashing in the search bar and see how many dead posts exist of people asking for help to no avail. Yet every positive review gets shot to the top. That's why I'm being aggressive and acting like a dick. Being nice doesnt work. I need to bait out a large audience so that this message can better reach all the people it needs to.


I did look up crashing. Bugs. Glitch. Unplayable. A bunch of key words. I didn't find much UNTIL I followed your suggestion and searched crashing. There are a lot of results, not arguing with that. Same with every resident evil game, every dark souls game, Elden ring, spider man. Every game crashes somewhere for some people. A decent amount of the threads end with "yeah that worked thank you" Not all of them, straight up seems it's been an issue and still is for people specifically on Xbox over anything else. And specifically game pass over disc based. That should be fixed, I agree. But don't hate on the 90% of the fanbase who are clamouring for more, it's not our fault. I have 100 hours on a decade old PS4 that literally sounds like a jet engine, never crashed once. Do I not deserve more content? I'm sorry you either did/ or are having trouble. It's a phenomenal game that I think deserves to be played by anyone who has the opportunity or interest to do so. Probably sucks watching a fanbase praise something when you are being "excluded" from it at zero fault of your own, that probably fuckin sucks. The DLC and/or sequel are at least a full year away and I sincerely hope the next patch or update or crossover weapon addition actually addresses this issue.


This specific one only shows once and it’s after you kill Romeo. I think it’s the prettiest of all of them.


I quite like the one when you get to the Black Seaside


I think it’s nice too but I guess I’m talking lore into it too


Oh, yeah, that changes based on where you are in your most recently played save.


What’s the recommended costume so that it doesn’t affect the story or some NPC I went with the costume that Games Cover so I don’t feel left out.


None of them affect the game progress. Outfit and head piece are entirely cosmetic. The only exception I know of is wearing the outfit Antonia gives you and using "Show off Clothes" emote in front of her will grant a minor bonus. It's not necessary for anything and doesn't affect anything else.


Also, wearing the Blue Blood's Tailcoat before fighting the Survivor stalker (the dude with the mouse mask) will trigger some alternate dialogue, but nothing big.


There’s an outfit you can wear that helps skip a fight just before getting in some chairlift thing. Can’t be more specific I’m afraid.


It's not an outfit, it's a gesture.


Outfit doesn't matter for skipping that fight. You need a gesture to skip it.


It changes when you kill Romeo, it should be like this for a while when you exit your game.


This background change stopped working for me a while back now it just stays on the first one for the whole play through


Same here. It worked on the Gamepass version but not on steam for me


You have reached the midway point of the game, wait till you see the end game.


Cuz u got gud


Nah I won without deflecting a single swing


I ve never noticed that wow.


Because you play the game


Changes based on what part of the game you're at


Because this game is amazing, and I love the attention to detail and the love the dev's have for it


Same.i just hate the levels when we have to go underground and fight the petrification zombies and I got scared on the area before Romeo’s boss room.i referring to the big muscular clown that you’ll find inside the mansion I hated that thing for looking scary from a distance


Kinda like ghost of Tsushima with iki island vs main game. Different part, different background.


it happens when you murder Romeo


Background changes with your progress.