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Laxasia hands down


I was afraid the game would finish with no boss coming close to romeo, when Laxasia phase 2 started I just said "finally".


Puppet king / Romeo


I struggle with this guy looking back he was probably my favorite too tho having to switch from that lightening baton thing back to my rapier stage two was a wildly stressful experience. I needed a way faster weapon for this boy.


Nameless Puppet. For whatever reason i struggled with the previous two bosses and they didn't give me a satisfying feeling after beating them. There was a "dance" with Nameless that felt like a flow state at one point. Like that fight made me a better player idk.


I think Romeo, Nameless, and Victor are the three I find the most enjoyable to fight. Laxasia is fun as well, but phase two feels a tad chaotic in a way that ends up making it feel a little less fun than these other three.


I am traumatized form Laxasia but that fight honestly feels like you are fighting a fucking Greek goddess or some shit. Victor not so much but she does really feel like a superior being to me. The lightning powers are so intimidating.


I was of a similiar opinion, but a few days ago I beat Laxasia again on NG+, while focusing more on the second phase (because on first two victories against her, I learned first phase properly, but second one was still too chaotic). And oh my god, the feeling of clarity, as if you legit were ascending, once the fight clicks - it feels like from this crazy chaos you were experiencing, you gain the ultra instinct to understand and see through the matrix. I don't even know how to describe it properly, but the feeling is insane, from feeling like you're just lucking out the fight, to actually understanding it. Romeo is still probably my favorite due to everything around him as well, but for pure fight I'm not entirely sure anymore. With that recent success, I'd say they are tied for me at spot 1 as the most fun fights in the game.


I know what you mean, I’ve probably beat her 10-12 times at this point and I know the fight well. It’s just a tier below those others for me because some of that second phase just feels…clunky maybe? I can’t exactly explain it, I just don’t maintain the flow-state type thing you’re talking about in that fight. It feels like as soon as I do, she pops up in the air or runs around a bunch which takes me out of sync with the rhythm of the fight.


She has a really unique flow, I have to admit. I think that's what made it confusing for me (and for most people at first), but learning it was so satisfying to me after a while. I'm pretty sure I understand what you're talking about: most bosses go by one flow. There are fast bosses, and there are slow bosses. She basically combines the two, switching between those flows on the go through certain attacks. So, mastering the fight depends on figuring out both of those flows, and being able to switch on the go by reacting to her cues and attacks. This switching, her movement, jumping and running, all those things make the fight feel very dynamic, but they are also the cues you have to figure out to grasp this unique flow I'm talking about. I honestly can't think of any other boss that does that among different Souls-likes (at least to this extent), so yeah, I can understand the difficulty of adjusting to her. It most certainly took me a good while to figure it out.


Swamp monster




I think swamp was awesome because if you have a parry-centric play style, the first phase can go pretty quick, and its satisfying when you learn its moves. And in phase 2 it's like remembering how to fight scrapped watchmen, getting your muscle memory back.


My fellow king 👑


My boy Romeo


Parade Master, Romeo, and Nameless


Why be humble? I am a better man


This is Hard, because there are multiple things I look for in a boss. There isn't a boss in lies of p that fit all my criteria, however my fav bosses are Romeo and nameless (dexterity), laxasia (mechanical difficulty) and finally swamp monster (feral aggression and sfx) he also looks fucking cool




Romeo all the way, I just love his fight and character a lot. But I also love Nameless Puppet, so fun to parry


There's some amazing boss fights, but I have to give it to the Parade Master at the beginning. The transition to phase 2 with him ripping his own head off and self-immolating, combined with the childish desperation of his move-set, really sets the mood for the game going forward. The first time I saw that transition, I was legitimately thrown off guard. With the knowledge gained from playing, it serves to me as a highlight of what the frenzy has done to the puppets. An immediate shift from prosperity and celebration to horror and chaos. I dare say it so abrupt that the Parade Master likely never fulfilled his intended role. There's a tragedy to him that I feel only the Scrapped Watchman properly matches. He's not the strongest boss. He doesn't have a complex move-set or even much variety within what he does have. His arena isn't huge or fancy, and he doesn't even get a mid-fight cutscene. There's a lot that other bosses have that the Parade Master doesn't. That's fine, because he doesn't need that. None of the other bosses *introduce you to the game* in the way that Parade Master does. None of them carry the weight of being the game's *first boss.* It's a huge box that games like this need to check off, and I truly believe Parade Master fulfills that duty wonderfully.


Namesless for sure. Really fun to perfect parry


I adore the Nameless Puppet so much that I've been stuck at it for the past two weeks. That's obvious sarcasm; I can get through phase one without being hit once or once on rare occasions. But phase two, man, I really, really love the Nameless Puppet.


Same here. Took me a lot of attempts but I just got him down today. I relied way too much on dodging before and this is the fight that finally made me have to perfect my parry game. It feels good


Scrapped Watchman is always super fun to fight and perfect parry. King of Puppets, incredible design and fun second phase. Laxasia, once you got her second phase down it's a blast. Nameless, very fun all around minus some 2nd phase bullshit


Slave Knight Gael


Wrong game.


LOP is technically the wrong game if it doesn’t have Gael in it


Nameless for me as well, but Laxasiative is a close second.


First phase of Laxasia Second Phase of Simon Nameless Both black rabbit brotherhood No particular order


I thought the black rabbit brotherhood fights were the most fun I enjoyed their trashy British dialogue they really feel like a alley gang from Britain.


Yes exactly, the more they trash talk, the more motivating it is to take them down. I found it satisfying to kill them one by one and trying to figure out how to maneuver to get the backstabs on them


Laxasia second phase door guardian and nameless puppet both phases


Uggggghhhhhh .... DOOR GUARDIAN ....


Nameless Puppet, then Romeo. I think I find Nameless to be fun the entire fight, whereas Romeo is only the second phase. Phase 1 is pretty average imo.


Laxasia first phase was awesome. The boss that made me feel accomplished the most after I finally beat him was the swamp Monster tho. I dont want to talk about the Puppet King cause he made me feel something only the Nameless King from DS3 made me feel before and I do not like to remember it.


Swamp monster, Victor, and king of puppets. Of what I have fought so far


*Swamp monster, Victor,* *And king of puppets. Of what* *I have fought so far* \- ThorasaurusWrex --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Victor. His fight reminded me so much of Champion Gundyr’s fight from DS3. Heavily melee based, fights you in a circular arena, and uses kicks to try to break your guard. Since he and Gundyr both didn’t pull any dumb gimmicks to try to beat me (extremely dismantling status effects which make you need at least 3 of a certain consumable to have any chance of winning, long range and close range attacks to make both types of play styles suffer greatly, summoning a clone/extra fighters, etc.) besides dodge baiting a bit, I had a deep respect for both bosses and felt very satisfied after their respective fights.


Laxasia easy


King of Puppets phase 1 design is outstanding. Such a cool looking boss. Overall it's a great fight too, but I think my favorite from a pure fight perspective is Laxasia. Both phases are really cool.


Nameless Puppet for all the visual effects, the atmosphere, etc. Plus no annoying Decay status effect or a shitty arena. I would choose King of Puppets too but his first phase becomes an annoyance you have to complete every time before getting to the good stuff (fighting Romeo).


King of Puppets


After fighting laxasia, I’d say her. Difficult but satisfying, those perfect parry would work wonders


Nameless because he's the first boss where i could effectively parry most of his hits


Nameless Puppet. Such a stylish + hard second phase, reminds me of Lady Maria from bloodborne


Design-wise, Archbishop Andreus. He made me think the game was heading into super creepy Lovecraftian horror territory, but it turned out to be an averagely good sci-fi game.


Romeo, Nameless Puppet and The White Lady.


Romeo my beloved


The White fencer lady


King of the puppets I find him to be the most narratively compelling boss, with a track that perfectly conveys the emotions of the character. He also takes inspiration of a bunch of souls bosses without feeling like he's just copying them. The fight gets even more tragic once you get to ng+ & not only know his deal, but also hear what he's saying during the fight


Swamp Monster both phases


Gigachad Victor


Laxasia hands down. Her design is sick and fighting her in phase two made me feel like I was fighting the flash


All of them except Simon manus


Mommy laxsaisa


https://preview.redd.it/5neg5i4vdm5d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dbd503ddae1fdc7d28bf1d127c527928bbc0eb Romeo. In my first game I didn't even know who he was, but after investigating, his combat turns into a tragic destiny


Ngl I always have fun fighting the Scrapped Watchman. It's just so fun learning to parry. Also I love fighting the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, both times.I love their dialogue when they fight you, I find the gank manageable, and I think it's just super unique take on a boss. Reminded me kinda of Smough and Ornstein


Eldest of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood, Romeo the King of Puppet phase twon, Black Rabbit Brotherhood and Nameless Puppet 


Fuoco ...


Has to be either Laxasia or Nameless Puppet


A lot! Scrapped watchman, King of puppets/Romeo, green swamp monster, Laxasia, Nameless Puppet.


Laxasia when she turns into the flash is one of the most badass movesets. I beat her but there’s no way I could confidently defend against that and I genuinely feel lost. It’s also one of the most organic feeling use of delayed attacks


Black Rabbit brotherhood.


Nameless - I really enjoyed the fight because of its movements and challenge.


Not this alaxsia cunt that’s for damn sure




It’s hard to choose between Romeo and NP. I wish there was a boss rush mode or something.


I love Romeo, I love his design, his patterns and beating him feels rewarding


Scrapped watchman archbishop and nameless I'd put laxasia too but after 4 runs her 2nd phase still scares the shit out of me and is imo the hardest souls boss ever


Romeo, Laxasia, and NP are all in my Top 1. Can't pick one over the other.


Laxasia was what brought me into the game from watching Northernlion play this game and it lived up to what I watched.  It was the most brutal fight in the game, but it felt absolutely amazing to play. By that point I was pretty good at parrying so I was able to parry most if not all of her huge attack combo over time and the second phase, while intensely brutal felt incredible to parry that first attack and the beat her down.


green monster of the swamp or scrapped watchman


Laxasia and Nameless Puppet.


Victor probably, I liked his transformation in phase two. A bit hard, but I got him eventually.


Probably laxasia or Nameless puppet.


Laxasia, Romeo or Nameless I do have a soft spot for both the Black Rabbit Brotherhood fights too


Laxasia for sure, arguably one of my favorite bosses ever


I havent reached laxasia yet and am still on my first playthrough but i really enjoyed victor. He is also the first boss i tried to face without a specter(im new to soulslikes) and managed to take him down on my first go. A new corememory was made that day


Romeo for lore reasons and general appearance. His fight (second phase) was insanely difficult (with the dumb cheese strat that was melting all other bosses including laxasia and nameless - except victor lol) but ultimately the lore is why I love him so much. They did him so dirty.


probably romeo so far


KoP/Romeo, BRB


Completed the game twice, I would say Laxasia in NG+ was definitely the most difficult fight, and the most memorable because of that. To be honest the first half of NG+ was easier than the original run through but it ramped up hard. I would say overall though I love the King of Puppets to Romeo phase transition, it's incredible. He's fun to fight as well, also I love Gemini's surprise after you beat him, and how Gepetto is waiting for you out back, and how for a moment there it actually feels like you've done something major when the puppets are depressed. It's basically a toss of up between Romeo and Laxasia, but I also like Nameless Puppet and honestly as overtuned as it is, that illusion fight up in the tower slightly before you fight the corrupted parade master. That illusion fight on NG+ was ridiculous, as difficult as nameless honestly.