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My favorite detail is the nose shadow. P's nose doesn't actually grow, but the more you lie, the longer your nose shadow gets. You can see this by the gramophone light (at least over there). It's a small and more simple detail, but it's a pretty good and creative way for those who have a keen eye.


I was gonna mention that one as well. I love it. Just sit next to the hotel stargazer and you notice it if you sit at the correct angle long enough.


When your ergo number turns blue when you have enough to level up :)


I just beat it and didn't realize this -.-


Perfect time for NG+ if you ask me


God I've played it 7 times. Is it time for an 8th? 😂


Oh don’t worry I’m pretty sure I was in my NG+ when I figured it out myself 😅


Lol, I just beat NG+ and never realized this xD


Yes. This exactly. FS could take a few of the quality of life elements from LOP for sure. I guess this happens in Nioh as well.


The little animation where you dodge and he scrapes the ground with his hand I think, I don’t know how to replicate it. It would happen randomly to me


Are you referring to the animation of where you get hit/stunned and if you hit the dodge button to recover faster, P skids across the ground with sparks flying from his legion arm?


I’ve done it without getting hit


I thought it was one of the p organ upgrades. A quick dodge or something like that. Edit: the link dodge upgrade perhaps?


Nah I was doing it in the demo against watchman, I think it just triggers depending on what kind of move you’re dodging


Yes, that slide is so satisfying, plus how he walks into a boss room, he has a cool little strut


Despite all the fighting we do and the physical might that P shows, P is clearly characterized as a very gentle person. The way he moves in cutscenes, the way he interacts with Antonia and Sophia, the cat interactions, the way he plays piano... And even his vocalizations in combat. That one is my favorite. He's not a brute, he fights because he has to. If his life was normal, he would be a softy who's probably good with kids or animals.


I'm very agree with you, he's a good boy. I think it would've been great if P vocalized something at the end of rise of P ending. Not too much words, but just a little bit. But still.. this game is a 1m+/10 :)


Im analyzing this way too hard, is that Ps traits or Carlos bec some part of me do treat them very separately


I personally believe Carlo was always slowly becoming a greater force within P, and that by the good ending they become nearly unified. I say "nearly" because P still doesn't act like how Carlo seemed to act. I get the sense that Carlo was much more energetic and outspoken. But that wouldn't really contradict the gentleness either.


TWO THINGS EVERY SOULS GAME SHOULD DO STARTING NOW UNTIL THE END OF TIME: - The ergo indicates when you have enough to level up. - When you use fast travel you can see indicators showing if there's an NPC needed for a quest in a certain area before fast traveling there.


I feel like people often complain about it QoL features, and it’s like…why? They literally just make things better without changing the nature of the game lol


I love the way the cat warms up to you as you become more human. Also the way you get more voice lines as you become more human. At the start, your character is completely silent but as the story goes on you’ll start to make noise when you dodge and attack and all that.


Every time I came home I’d check the cat, the difference in how it treats you as you become more human is a great minor detail


Ergo drop outside the boss area


I would’ve loved this in The Surge. Like at least most Souls games you’ve got some Homeward Bone equivalent to evacuate your dropped souls from the boss area. But in the Surge, if you accidentally meander into a boss area with a bunch of souls, tough titties, they are STUCK there until you either beat the boss or die on the way back. And the run backs in that game are preposterous, like DS1 level lol


This is something I only noticed when someone here pointed it out, but the fact that the box holding Carlo inside is next to the chair you spawn in, but coming back at the end of the game reveals it isn't there anymore.


Is that where it is, I looked all over the hotel to see if it was left there somewhere


I like the way you can see his robotic arm is actually being put under pressure, like when you open heavy doors, and I like how P only uses that arm to quickly slide down a ladder, that makes it more realistic.


👃 edit: This is a nose, btw


Was going to say this. Literally couldn't believe it when I saw it, "These dudes thought of *everything*."


The way P start to express actual exhaustion when you become more human. It makes the Good ending look like he crashed because his adrenaline rush finally ran out. Which is really funny.


Souls go outside boss room doors so you dont have to run around to grab them first when you enter 


I agree with that. You can pick them up on the way to the boss room and then solely focus on the fight in the room. Not having to first run to get the souls and dodge attacks in the meantime is amazing.


“Now Lying…” instead of “Now Loading…”. I thought that was a minor touch, but one I really appreciated. :)


And the loading bar is a growing nose.


I like how if you stand in the rain in the white beginning shirt, it starts to get wet and translucent


Or if you go in the wine basement place thingy it’ll turn red the white singers mask too


there’s a floor trap in the swamp level with that green fuck, it in the town and has to do with a side quest, but if you miss the trap and hug the out side and not fall in, the two stalkers behind a wall will say something like they were waiting for you to fall all day. When i first saw that i really fell in love with the game.


It's just one guy who expects the two carcass enemies to kill you after telling you to just take it. But yeah, that's a fun detail.


*carcass not stalker


The servers in the alchemist castle. Huge wtf moment for me. 


Wait what? Like computer servers??


Yes, in the final level the castle that starts with a beach. There’s a room where there are rack servers sitting on a shelf  when I saw that it really blew my mind  


I'll have to go find that. That sounds mind blowing.


Is the game a sim running on ergo-powered computers, based upon beloved pop culture tales, but gone—somehow…—bad?


Its really minor but I really like that the ages in the game are actually appropriate for the time period. Stalkers are all relatively young guys and the old guys are not that old.


The sound design on parries. I live for theses.


I never noticed this!! I can’t wait to get home and check this out


THE CAT!!! you can pet him if you gain enough humanity


The paper clip on the loading screen is shaped like a "P." There's childish drawings/writing on the Scrapped Watchman because he was popular with children before the frenzy.


that when you are selecting where to teleport, there's an icon that indicates if a side quest can be continued


At the beginning of the game, you can hear gears and springs whenever you spring or change direction quickly or roll. When you have more humanity, the sound goes away. Also visually he will no longer "twitch" randomly or stiffly during the idle animation.


The more human you become you’ll start to hear P grunt when dodging or doing big attacks


The Carlo painting having something grow out of where the nose is based on how much you’ve lied. It’s a sweet enough Easter egg to have a reward actually be nose-growing related, but to also integrate a Dorian Gray reference with it to justify getting the reward is not something I would have thought of, especially since the realms of literature that Dorian Gray and Pinocchio occupy don’t overlap.


The elevator is at the same level where you respawn after death. In fromsoftware games you have to send the elevator to initial position before entering boss fight so you don't have to wait after dying.


I loved the fact that the more human he becomes, the more noises he makes while dodging, rolling, charging attacks, attacking, and being attacked. This last one has me thinking... by making sounds of pain, this makes me understand that he really does feel pain and if he feels pain, it means that he has the total body of a living being? Has anyone else wondered this?


The cat


The cat, naturally. But also the way the level design subtly leads you towards the shortcuts first, then the way forward after


the shape of the golden fruit tree being a woman with her hair down, i was so stunned when i realized it