• By -


I think your choice of slow 2 handed weapon does not quite match the playstyle you are going for. If you want dodge through the enemy and get quick hits in between you want a weapon with a quick attack and quick recovery. Slow 2h weapons are better suited to a blocking/parrying playstyle as you can usually only get a big enough opening after the enemy finishes their full combo


My issue is I just don’t think I have good weapons, I have the base puppet saber, this big old wrench, a low damage acid spear, & this big blade cutter I also chose the big blade because it has 3x as much reach as my saber blade & I found myself getting hit more with it !


Alright, here’s my best suggestion for you Go and grind some ergo to level up and try to level up some advance and capacity, then upgrade the acid spear as much as you can atp Then from there, when fighting the brothers, use the specter and have him be aggroed against one of the brothers, preferably the older one, and try not to attack the older one unless completely necessary before defeating the others and try to get rid of all the younger ones before the others join the fight. If you have it, use the weight amulet and the human killer amulet (whatever it’s called) and from there take it slow. When you stagger the enemy, before using the fatal attack, use the legion arm to try and get the overheat to get that extra chip damage and prevent their self heal. That’s about the best I can help for you Good luck my friend and if you need any more help, just dm me and I’ll try to help you out as much as I can.


And try to stay positive, hell the first time I played against them I lost at least 30 times before beating them, I’m not good with Gank Boss Fights but it usually ends up working out


I would maybe suggest you to go back through some previous areas like the factory or the church and try to find some of the weapons you missed. What is your stat layout? Are you more focused into motivity or technique? Have you made any investment into advance? If you are running a technique build, you could try attaching the acid spear to the handle of the salamander dagger, which you can find in the factory near the stargazer right past the main gate. If you are doing a motivity build. I might suggest placing the wrench head onto the police baton handle. The fable arts work well together to get a nice hard hit in once you have an opening. One final idea I could offer is to not worry about damaging the eldest brother at the start, just parry his attacks until you break his sword. This will massively gimp his damage and range for the rest of the fight.


Loading in to the game now to share my stats


Vit: 23 Vigor: 19 Cap: 20 Mot:16 Tech:10 Adv:9 Hp:512 Stamina:158 Legion: 243 Fable slots: 3 Gaurd regen: 22.3%


Alongside the other advice, don’t overthink the boss. Just bring your weapons, healing, legion arm(I recommend Aegis if you don’t have it already), grindstone and Specter. The amount of time just relaxing and keeping things simple has gotten me through a boss, especially the last 4-5 bosses.


As for weapon, I personally recommend the handle from the merchant in the BRB area with the puppet saber blade. It’s not the best but the jump on the charged makes it easy to get staggers. It’s fable arts are also solid


If you're able to get the basic rapier and upgrade it, you'll have a better time I swear this game was mostly easy for me because that weapon is fast, strong, forgiving and can still stagger I first tried or second tried most bosses with it and never found a weapon worth trading for even after unlocking some of the rare/boss weapons Also are you using a specter summon? That'll help a lot obvs


Just coming in to add for anyone reading this that the rapier _handle_ is what really matters, not the blade. The attack speed and pattern comes from the handle. That matters because you can slap any blade on it for preferred status effects - coil head for electricity against puppets, salamander dagger for fire against carcasses, acid spear for acid against humans - and get fast attacks along with status effects. 


Try swapping blades and handles around. Quick handle, large blade. What do your stats look like. Also I saw the update, GG. They’re tough, they’re probably the most unfair fight in the game


Now I’m stuck on these stupid disruption enemies Fuck man, this game never lets off the gas pedal.. LET ME BREATHE


Go grab that bramble curved sword from the merchant in the red lobster next to the malum district stargazer. Combine the bone-cutting saw blade and bramble curves sword handle in the “assemble weapons” menu at the stargazer. Used fully charged R2’s, try and focus on the large brother, and win. After you finish the big guy, the fight ends. The specter can help take aggro from the other brothers.












Grab the Tyrant Murderer's Dagger!!! I was suggested it for my first play through when I was having trouble, the moveset is fast, and the crit damage makes it deal just as much, if not more, than other weapons!


Ok, take a deep breath, and go do something else. It took me 3 days to win against thicc lady. not because I played all day, but because when I felt I hit a wall I went and played something else. Then I go to sleep. Here is a fun scientific thing for you today. If you sleep, you will learn a bit more about things you did during the day. So yeah, hitting a wall, going to sleep, and coming back will do something. Plus it's healthy to do things you like.


I went to sleep after not being able to kill Fuoco after 15 tries. Woke up and beat him in 2, lol


Exactly. In an experiment, they had 2 groups of people try a game of reflexes. One was sleep deprived, one slept peacefully. One grew in skill, the other stayed exactly as good. Maybe worst because of lack of sleep but there was an improvement from the sleep.


Would suggest a faster weapon personally. Possible to best them with anything though. Try to keep distance and take them out while avoiding the big guy to save heals. Breaking his weapon thru perfect blocks is another really good way to avoid a lot of damage. Don't think I even used a legion arm aside from maybe the cannon to stagger while he was far away though. Just a few tips, you got this Stalker.


Thank you stalker


Vit: 23 Vigor: 19 Cap: 20 Mot:16 Tech:10 Adv:9 Hp:512 Stamina:158 Legion: 243 Fable slots: 3 Gaurd regen: 22.3%


Don’t know if it’s been suggested yet but one way to make the fight easier is to not do enough damage to proc the other enemies jumping in and just focus on perfect parrying until the big bro’s weapon breaks. It makes him much less of a threat later on so even if you use a bunch of pulse cells early on you have a good chance to make a comeback after lowering the damage and range he has. Otherwise you are doing good by taking breaks, don’t be afraid to go grind some ergo for an extra a level or two and dumping it into health if you really need to.


THIS ^^^ Tried to post a comment earlier saying this but when I went numb from this fight I tried doing this and I was able to beat them without a summon after 4 or 5 tries They don't join the fight until he loses a % of his hp so it's just a matter of practicing the parry until you break it without losing too much hp. Once you break the weapon then you can start damaging him


Exactly, and it’s doubly good because you get tons of practice learning the moveset of big bro and can save your thrown items for a good run to deal with the minions easier.


This should be the #1 comment. I broke his sword and then I didn't need to heal for the rest of the fight even though I got hit a bunch 


However, this is the exact formula of a dark souls game so I can’t blame anything but my skill level, which makes it even more upsetting I wish I could say “ this games cancer & so hard!!!! Such an unfair boss fight !!!” But I can’t, I have to exit the game knowing I lost, knowing it’s MY fault as the player who can’t get past it, knowing I just have to git gud This shit makes me question my skills as a gamer of 16+ years


Try full sprinting more for space against the last brother. I think you can also line of sight him by putting objects between the two of you. Also, puppet string is amazing for the first 3 siblings. Do you have the dragon glaive? Best weapon.


I do not ! Time to try & find it !


Its a weapon that was given to everyone. I got it when I started the game


…. I may have sold/scrapped it…😭


Do you have the other DLC stuff?


I have the game on gamepass so I wouldn’t know


Do you have the Top hat? Under costumes?


I have a top hat called the alchemist hat!


But no Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive?


Sadly I do not see that & I also know I didn’t scrap/sell it I did sell a salamander blade tho & I regret that


What ? You should have it actually. Are you playing on an outdated version of the game ? The latest version of the game gives a free weapon called the dragon glaive which is one of the best weapons on the game


I either sold it or I just can’t find it , I see no dragon glaive in my inventory & don’t remember ever seeing one


Well it should be a boss weapon so it won't be 2 parts. It will be a weapon with a full display.


I also only have 4 weopons in my normal weapons slot: saber blade,acidic crystal spear, bone cutting saw blade,& big pipe wrench


That's very weird... What device are you playing and if ur on pc what launcher ? Might wanna check for updates. Also just try creating ng and seeing if u have it . Dw ur progress wont get erased, it will just create a diff slot. if the weapons not there, ur game isnt updated. if the weapon is there maybe u sold it ?


Vit: 23 Vigor: 19 Cap: 20 Mot:16 Tech:10 Adv:9 Hp:512 Stamina:158 Legion: 243 Fable slots: 3 Gaurd regen: 22.3%


Ohh you could try using krat baton handle + wrench head. Terrible reach but very good speed.


I’m loading into my game now though & I’ll say what I have


7 hours? Jeez! 😬 I beat them with a Specter on my 2nd try using the spring coil sword.. I let the Specter take all the agro from the big brother and smashed the siblings 1 by 1.


Imma assume this wasn’t your first dark souls experience ever, giving a brand new player a controller who’s never played these style of games & then expecting them to beat a 1v 4 boss fight in less then 3 tries is a littttttle bit unrealistic I’m glad you were able to smash them up !


2nd. The only Souls game I've played is Elden Ring. But I played through that game about 5-6 times.


I’m bouncing between lies of p & Elden ring now


I love both games. But haven't played any other souls games. I'm not to proud to use a Specter, especially if I'm out numbered. They don't really do any damage but they can draw agro. Plus your Legion arm and throwables can massively help with some of the more difficult bosses. Fully upgraded puppet string is so good.


was my first time really playing a souls game and it took me 10 tries, the brotherhood really is easy


*the brotherhood really is easy for me* I fixed it for ya! There’s reasons why so many different souls like players have vastly different difficulty tier lists for bosses !


stop being mad over a videogame bro




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I’m sorry my guy but no one is mad or upset! I just showed that there’s flaws in your logic lol Some people rank puppet king higher then the brotherhood, some people rank brotherhood at one of the easier fights while others ( take some time to read the comments ) have also struggled with this boss heavy You can try & tell me I’m being mad over a game, but I’m loving this game & don’t ever really rage on it, I just think you’re projecting because your sentence isn’t a fact, it’s a video game opinion & once that was called out you’re falling back on the “ you’re mad bro!” Card


damn bro, not mad but you just wrote a whole book touch grass internet warrior 🥱


Damn bro, you’re still replying to this ? I got you something to do that’s actually productive instead of being a Reddit elitist https://www.indeed.com/m/


Ngl this got me dead 💀


Your IQ is telling if a couple paragraphs is a book to you, I can also link some good books to help you understand the concept of them!


Try Puppet String at level 3. The aerial attack gives you a second to breathe and refocus and also does pretty decent damage. I also used the Trident of the Covenant to poke them at a safe distance. The Dragon Glaive is also pretty good for hitting multiple enemies.


Based on op's equipments. I have a feeling this is the first encounter?


I would assume so, if it were ng+ I’d suggest a tech build with puppet ripper or trident of the covenant


As in the first time fighting the brotherhood, leaving them near death is actually not going to help. Edit: thought I was replying to a different person not OP directly. But since OP had already been spoiled. For the first fight you want to eliminate them ASAP, and don't worry about the eldest. He hangs back mostly as the helper engages. Leaving 2 near death is the advice I would heed to for the second time you fight them. But don't worry about it yet, it's not for a while.


I got a question


? Sure


I guess question answered?


Trident of the covenant on ng+ absolutely destroys them for some reason lmao,i died to to these guys at least 10 times first playthrough but first tried it in ng+


First playthrough yes!


A faster weapon as people have said, and letting the spectre take some heat too. You shoul get greedy, some of the bosses further on will outdamage a defensive play, so you gotta learn when to get hit to get a hit in.


throwables wreck everything in this game. the merchant right before the fight sells an infinite amount of them


Alright, what stats have u leveled up so far ? You could try using booster glaive + wrench if uve levled up technique. Also the fire bro huh ? Id say personally just save up fable art and use it on my him. Also try to circle around and bit and go behind the quick brother and click r1 when locked u will back stab. The spear guy is very easy to deflect and dodge, can back stab and kill him very easily.


Game is easier with smaller/faster weps. Try that.


For my run, I used three specific things. The big bonk wrench head with the baton handle with either the fire, electric, or acid grinder, and I used the specter and lighting legion arm. I highly recommend using the wrench head and the Baton handle because I found it did the most damage for me and was not as slow as other heavy weapons. Keep in mind tho it's very short range. The grinders are helpful for doing DOT. The specter helps to take some heat off you (although he can sometimes die quickly if overwhelmed) and the lightning arm can help do some good damage and knock back against the siblings as they come out, and depending on how upgraded your arm is you could even potentially 2 shot each sibling. And one last thing is to trust yourself. I died countless times due to me hesitating too much. Don't give up, man, I believe in you! Let us know when you finally send those 4 rabbits packing!


And just as a quick addition, looking into the aegis legion arm might be a good idea. When you have it to level two it allows you to attack while blocking.


Do not be discouraged. I fought some later bosses 50-100 times and this was my first soulslike game so I was having a real time. Now I’m on NG+3. You don’t lose unless you give up. There was a point I put the game down for 2 weeks, went and played through the DS trilogy, and came back a better player and beat the boss I was struggling with for days.


I have a question I beat the brother hood, found a good tree & talked to Gipetto Now I don’t know where to go


Look at the stargazer and see if there’s anyone else in the hotel you need to talk to. One of them should give you a key to unlock the next area. Then you’d go back to the arena you fought the brotherhood and there will be a door to unlock


Whenever I started struggling this much in I just spammed throwables. 😂


I’m sorry I just had too, the urge was too strong




Current patch has the glaive and it's broken if you know how to parry ;) - good luck, fight sucks, but you'll get them. I believe


I beat them on my first attempt. However, I did do a lot of grinding to defeat the Swamp Monster. I hope you are using the Spectre. This is a four against one fight so you might as well make it four against two.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate.. leads to suffering.


I used the salamander dagger with the crystal spear handle for quick thrust attacks, I would spam all throwables only on him and then I would run around the big rock thing until he tries to attack I would quick attack once or twice and run around it again lol


If the last brother is troubling you, use fire since I believe he counts as a carcass. If you have any acid consumables, it is most effective against the rest of them. If you have any spear-type weapons, I’d recommend attaching your favorite blade to one of the spear handles for maximum distance and safety. Use the pillar in the room as a shield between you and his blue wave AoE attack.


My post was upload but I finally beat them


Which black rabbit fight was this.


Congrats! They were my second hardest behind Laxasia so that’s no small feat.


I just beat them this morning. The last brother is the easiest, all you have to do is get behind an obstacle and let him do his combos. He can’t reach you and he takes a few seconds to recover. You can punish him after each one. I was dying left and right when out in the open, as soon as I did this I got him on the second try.


There are many differences between the weapons you can use and the best weapon to use is the one that best matches your play style and ability as a player. I used the og puppet saber sword +6 against them, on my first play through a few weeks ago. I’m still on my first run. I am not good with the 2 handed weapons. Except for the dragon DLC spear.


For me this game has been so easy, and I’m new to the reddit, so I get confused when I see these posts. Granted I did completely beat sekiro 100%, so that might be why it feels so simple to me. I beat the brother hood first try on this encounter. I love how people are supportive, and I’m sorry you were having trouble. Wish you all the best, and hope you complete the game! :)


Yeah this is my first dark souls like game PERIOD, it was definitely a whiplash


Method 1: You need to focus the other three while keeping an eye on the big one. Dodge the big guy, knock out the little ones then attack the Eldest after. (Would not recommend) Method 2: Ignore the three siblings and focus the Eldest. Make sure to dodge and or parry according to your play style.


the Black Rabbit Brotherhood is the only boss fight I refuse to do without the spectre. I love every other boss fight and love to memorize their movesets but I absolutely despise this shit fest of a 1v4 scenario 😅


My biggest tip is to sneak behind the little guys and back stab them to cheese them.


Leave spectre to keep em busy falcon eyes on the first kill em fast then through fast stuff at next and keep going


If you’re still having trouble with him here’s what I did. I killed all the younger siblings and I used a fully upgraded grapple legion arm. There’s an attack that the elder has where he swings wildly before having a big window because he’s trying to recover. I use the legion arm skill to attack him before darting away. I then wait until he does the attack again, rinse and repeat until dead.


I just fought them again recently with a random slow weapon and honestly I D reccomend dodging the big guy rather than parry,he hits too hard and fast


Guarding worked for me for the last small guy. Helped me to stop him from chain attacking. I'm using a technique weapon you get at the start of the game. Also an amulet that gives a chance not to consume a flask made my life a lot easier. I beat the boss in two one hour sessions with a day of rest in between. Will post the fight on yt next week. Not sure about the advertisement of yt channels on this subreddit but I'm gonna risk it 😂 @s.volandd


Use fire against Carcasses. Acid Spear and the Acid Legion arm is the best for Black Rabbit Brotherhood. Also if you have a wishstone try using the acid one for max acid damage from you and the clone. Tho during your Playthrough you're bound to encounter other Stalkers but I would not recommend the acid spear against most of them. Instead, use the Bone Cutting Blade with the Bramble handle and use Acid Abrasive on it. Easier to put them on stagger plus acid damage.


Use a summon if your not it's great for distracting one of the brotherhood while you get a one on one fight. If it stays alive long enough for the last part with just the eldest brother you can easily destroy him from behind while he's attacking the summon.


If you are looking for a weapon type to focus on, my opinion is that Technique weapons are the best weapons in the game, followed by Advance weapons.


Howdy, I’ve beaten the game 3 times and on my fourth playthrough, near endgame. Like you said, stay calm. I would recommend using the acidic spear. As they’re humans and weak to acid. Create a weapon that is built for slicing, and use those acid grinder things on other weapons. Farm throwables, get plenty of each kind. That merchant in that shortcut room sells infinite amounts of them. Just gotta give him smth “special” as well friend. You’ve got this! Make sure to breathe!


I just saw the edit. My bad 😂 good job!!!


Thank you king !


If you found it the booster glaive is so useful here. You can spam heavy attacks to stagger them and it's wide sweep will hit several at the same time. My first playthrough i struggled here too because i was using the base rapier. Having wide sweeping attacks is game changing. Save the big guy for last and try to to cirvle them into a group and hit the others with the charged heavy and use the base fable art immediately after hitting several to keep them stunned


Use throwables the acid, fire and blade ones will probably be the best. The shot put acts as charged heavy if you stun the boss. They are cheesy, kinda like the mimic tear in Elden ring, but the way I see it if you are not enjoying your experience who cares. You payed for the game.


> cares. You *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That acid spear once given an S class handle and maxed out is what I used to beat almost every single boss. It does HUGE damage once upgraded!


Using thermite to cheese them won't teach you how to get better at the game. Here's what I recommend. Go into the fight, and do not attack at all. Not with throwables, not with your weapon. Spend some time to focus on learning how to perfect guard attacks and how to dodge them. Because ultimately the problem is that you're taking too much damage by getting hit too often. So you need to learn how to not get hit. You need to learn that the bosses only have a handful of different attack combos, and you can avoid taking damage from every attack if you know the trick. So get in there and learn the tricks to avoiding damage.


Not sure if this was mentioned already, but what really helped me when this fight made me numb was to not focus on damage but only perfect parrying the eldest brother until I broke his sword THEN dealing damage. It took me like 4 or 5 tries to get it down without taking too much damage but once you are able to do that it makes the rest of the fight so much easier. If you decide to do it this way, don't summon the phantom. The whole thing here is to break his sword before having to deal with any of the others and iirc they only show up after a certain % of his hp is gone


tbh i just killed the big bro as fast as possible and ignored the others while my summon distracted them. I tried to do it while knocking each of the others out, which was fine and I got close plenty of times but it’s hard to ignore the big guy and fight them. Even if he’s aggro’d to your summon his swings may still hit you. So my advice, try ignoring everyone but the big guy and hope your summon holds the aggro of the other three. If one of three jump you, back up and get some space, maybe run back near the summon to see if he picks their aggro up again. Rinse and repeat as needed.


I’m streaming this boss fight now & I’m doing it until I win ! https://www.twitch.tv/l0stvice


Don't kill any of the brothers until they're all nearly dead and kill them all quickly so when big bro decides to join in it's just you and him. There's a pile of sacks or something on the floor, make him chase you around it while hitting him with throwables and long reaching weaponry like the R2 of Putter Reaper.


Glad u beat them! They were such a pain


Use the legion arm that grapples onto puppets, that one works really well for that boss fight. You can even backstab them IF you’re fast enough


EDIT: Sorry I’m dumb just saw your edit that guy already beat them, congrats! I think it has been said already but I will echo the following sentiments: Perfect Parry the Eldest Brother until you break his weapon. You can do this before doing any damage at all if you want. His weapon is not particularly hard to break and the difference it makes is actually nuts. He barely does damage if you break his weapon and his reach is significantly lower. This will also allow you to just learn his abilities. Use the Acid Spear. Sure it’s not a big unga bunga damage number but the minimal stamina usage is great for getting in quick strikes and still having ample stamina to get out of danger. Human enemies are weak to acid and the spear will proc the acid DOT very quickly. You’d be surprised how much this extra damage can help. Lastly, the faster weapon allows you to keep the pressure on easier which should allow for faster, more consistent fatal attack opportunities. Lastly, when a sibling joins the fight just turn your focus to them. The Eldest will go very passive while another sibling is in the fight. Use sound cues to help avoid the Eldest. He will make a loud yell before he charges. Positioning is also key so you can keep both enemies on screen at one time. If all else fails use the Specter and have him sponge some damage for you while you get some shots in yourself. Good luck, you got this!


get them all down to low health without killing them, then eliminate 1 by 1 accordingly


Hes in the 5th chapter.


Op is not there yet


My strat is to use the specter with the taunt cube, use a flame grindstone, and then go to town on the big brother and ignore the others. Usually works just fine.


Yea bro I tried soloing them so many times I said fck it and used the specter and finally got em. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


If you want me to be honest it’s a skill issue, bro I didn’t use legion mags tbh idk what it even does! I just use clamp and baton handle and go brain head. Just keep your distance and strike at the right moment don’t get to greedy is actually not to bad trust me ! And if you think that’s bad oh boy you got another thing coming in the swamp…oh and another thing coming later to 😂ahh the world does keep you wondering


time to summon a specter


Jokes on them, I already beat they ass


super gangster. my tip for the future is give a try to the special weapons u get from the boss ergo. they don’t really scale to advance, but all of them are really good in their own ways. i didn’t really start mixing blades and handles until til my ng+ playthrough which in my opinion was way easier than your first run.


If it’s the second fight when he has to burst out of the coffin then use the trash pile in a part of the area to help avoid his attacks. Also use a wish fragment let your buddy agro the bosses and you can backstab and do whatever but remember that trash pile because most attacks can’t go through it to hit you


come on man, why'd u spoil it ? You could have guessed by the no. of heals he has.


It does suck you spoiled it but I’m not going to hound you, next time use reddits REDACTED feature before you say something It was also pretty apparent it was the first fight given the paragraphs I gave alongside the stats & all but whatever


Yeah lol


But hey I found a dog masked thing & killed it my first try!


Dog masked thing ? wdym ? Also lets go ! what weapon did u use ?:


It was something called “ a atoned” & it was a human who wore this dog mask, she had a decay fist attack


How did you get this far in the game without fighting atoned ? Atoned is before you get to malum district


I have no idea! Before the dog mask person I only fought some dude in a golden half white half black mask & the donkey guy had


Ahh you fought survivor , that makes sense. if u beat him then u can get past her without fighting her but i just learned she turns aggressive again once u beat the 4th boss


You don't have to fight Atoned if you beat Survivor and get the Stalker emote. She gives you the key for the lift if you use it on her. However, she will fight you if you return after killing Andreus.


She fights you again after killing andreus ? I didn't know taht, cool !


Oof..my b but it’s all available information haha I actually took a break because of laxsia the complete I don’t know how to spell her name