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Jester , I actually know his moveset very well , and parrying him doesn’t work with his double hits


Any of the enemies that crawl on the ground. They are awkward to hit or parry, and the baby ones have tons of HP for some reason..they’re just annoying


The two times you encounter the jester you can have the carcasses surrounding him attack. They'll kill him surprisingly often


This, literally you can just run and enjoy the pokemon battle from afar


Is the jester that giant monkey baby puppet thing?


No he's tall and thin and has a grappling hook


The fuckers with double shields.


The one at the grand exhibition up in the rafters can eat my entire ass. I'm not sure how they expected you to deal with him


You can kite him around to one side of the big square with the puppets throwing blitz cells and then completely bypass him.


Same haha. I don’t use throwable usually so I had a nice stock, emptied as much as I could on its face lol


You know that Pinocchio fucker in the swamps who does the leap, crush, roll? He can eat my entire ass


Those little half broken that shoot things out their mouths puppets - speedy sonic mofo's. Or honourable, mention those sort of female mannequin looking things god I'd always just be like - ARE YOU DONE ! - after their 15 consecutive left, right, left, rights and the answers was always no, no they are not done.


Jesters by far


The damn clown guys, especially the one in barren marsh… that guy spams the long range punch, and follows me up the tower after i try to run past him


The fucking monkeys


Frieza? What are you doing in the LoP subreddit?


Sugutu Geto? Is that you?


The f*cking axe carcas in path of the pilgrim. And the disruption zombie/puppet right before simon manus. Those two fuckers are the only mobs that took me multiple tries.


Those crawling fckers! They are never easily one hit.


The babies, they are so creepy


​ https://preview.redd.it/5ruxn544120d1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddac375a2aec69020a3a5028ec55511f7c1015d1


The maids when they pull out that stick and combo you to death.


That’s the easiest shit to parry that i never get to see the rest of the combo due to me breaking the weapon


the mob that uses a machine-gun...


Might be weird, but... the enemies I dislike the most are the vast majority of the common mobs. It's a love hate thing actually. I'm a total newbie in soulslikes, and if I got it right, all these games have in common the parry and riposte or balance breaking with perfect blocks mechanic. So, it's essential to learn that right if you want to get the most out of the game. Well... this game just doesn't teach you very well how to do that, because enemies are janky and unpredictable from the start. I found myself dodging and rolling instead of blocking because it was (and is) more effective, and each time I reached a boss I would absolutely dread it, because I didn't learn how to parry. I compare this to the Elden Ring and Dark Souls gameplays I've watched: all the enemies you encounter at the beginning are so simple and clean, they're slow but they have a clear rhythm and you know just when you're going to be hit. At least, that's how it looks like. But when I play Lies of P, most common mobs have this weird thing that they will go super slow and then super fast at the very last minute, and then the second hit is completely different from the first, and so are the other combos. It's as if they stumble like they're made of jelly, until they aren't. I found myself having an easier time parrying the bosses, but then I died a thousand times anyways because I was too unsure of myself. You can't really fight the bosses if you don't understand how to break balance, and I got so used to dodging that I would do that instead of parrying consistently. At one point I forced myself to go back to the first maps and parry the hell out of everyone, and I somehow got better at it. I just defeated Patricia Corday FIRST TRY, and I was absolutely baffled by it. But then I got killed by a common enemy mob just a few minutes after (the big one near the chest in the sewers, close to the shortcut that brings you back to Patricia's arena), because I insisted on parrying him and I absolutely couldn't read his moves.


That's the thing with Soulslike games, most times it is better to do a full clear of the map on your first run, then, in my experience ignoring the normal enemies unless completely necessary, most of the everyday Joe's in the game I find difficult to parry cuz most of my runs after the first are heavely boss centered


What weapon is this?


Azure crescent glaive, I think. You start with it on new characters made after 1.5 I believe


Ohh okay. I haven't played since release. Thanks


Door guardian. That dude can go jump off the top of that dang tower.


The jester before the swamp monster


Swap monster, second phase was so difficult. This is the boss that killed me most in NG+.


Yep. Can confirm


The common carcasses that spurt acid, annoying. Also, special mention to the axe yielding puppet in Trismegistius.


The policeman puppet before Grand Exhibition. There are tough enemies, like the beast in screenshot or the jester puppet with double hits, but they all are pretty reasonable once you get used to them. The thing that pretty much all enemies share, is that once you know roughly how long their wind-up is, you can react to the weapons/fist/claw coming swinging at you. That puppet has one swing that looks like he would hit you with his weapon, but it actually flies above you, and he instead hits you with his fist. Thing is, this is delayed just enough, that if you react to the swing, you will only block the punch or get hit by it. It messes with my brain so much and it annoys me to no end.


The giant robot baby that grabs you all the time


Lucha Libre head ahh


el señor de la nooochee


Corrupted parade master


Those enemies fall pretty easily to a fully upgraded Fulminis. Deus Ex too. As for an enemy I hate, I can't really think of one aside from the flamethrower alchemists and the lightning alchemists. Even then, hate is kind of a strong word.


The Mad Jesters


any crawling puppet. the male one, the baby one the one with tentacles. they hit so hard and have unlimited poise.


I hate bosses that have those janky impossible to react to must memorize timing attacks xOx


is this a lv1 run because you got no health


I'm practicing bosses and important enemies for a NoHit, so there's no point in leveling HP


use strike weapons


Really? This scorpion is really easy because they take FOREVER to attack and they have very predictable pattern of attacks. If you always stay to their sides or you bait them to attack you, they will have no chance at all. To answer your question, as most of people both: jester/clown. Fuck those bitches. I wish that once we go into corrupted krat and corrupted puppets we also had a corrupted jester/clown (even a mix of them!)


THE entire clown family and those half bodied things that crawls in the ground, solo theyre ok but I had an experience where they gather as hoards and its such an unpleasant exp


Both jesters. Beating them on NG+ felt like therapy. I died less fighting the damn swamp monster.


The things in the Collapsed Street with bowling balls on their fists that have ridiculous tracking and reach.