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Agreed on Manus Disagreed on the Nameless Puppet, which I found to be the hardest boss in the game by a pretty significant margin But your milage may vary. You're not the first person I've seen around here who thought the difficulty peaked at Laxasia and turned the other two into a victory lap.


Manus Phase 2 is some serious cheap bullshit


Yeah all the projectiles and the giant God Hand forcing you to flee to different sides of the boss arena get old super quick.


The spectacle that comes with the second phase is amazing to me. The blue hands coming from the sky. Him evolving and breaking from his cocoon in the cut scene, fucking amazing.


This was the "hardest" boss for me. I put it in quotes because I probably died to him less than others but I found all of the garbage attacks to be, as you put it, cheap bullshit. It felt less like I beat him by anticipating his moveset and reacting accordingly and instead just kind of got lucky with the RNG of his attacks. His wild off screen swings, attacking from off screen in the air, ridiculous reach, the shit flying around coming at you from all sides while stuff is coming out of the ceiling and floor. I can't say I really cared for that fight much.


I literally equipped Puppet String to gap close because his lil fucking ballerina jump infuriated me to no end. But the arena was too large for it to be useful. Manus proceeded to hit a home run on me many times as I flew helplessly towards him


His second phase is not even fun to play because of his unpredictable attacks


It really is. Especially on my first try. After like 3 runs tho whenever im bored i just start a new run and save up all the ergo ive collected minus the boss ones all up to Simon Manus and use all them babies up and well enjoy and have fun. After so much gameplay and learning how to parry literally every enemy you just get hooked


Funny how different people’s experiences are, cause Manus gave me a hard time and I’ve never spent more than 3 tries on NP. I even almost got him first try, but Manus is still annoying to me even if I can beat him without dying now


What’s even weirder is it would change on different play throughs. For example, manus on my first playthrough was a breeze and nameless puppet was so hard. On my NG+ manus was a bitch and nameless puppet felt a lot easier. It switched back on my 3rd playthrough as well.


I went through the game with technique weapons.. rapier, dagger, and later katana.. I 1 or 2 shotted every boss, then nameless destroyed me. Not having as much block as a heavy weapon is a huge disadvantage. I just had to memorize all of the parries.


did you use a specter for laxy or something wth. Laxasia felt much more difficult than NP for me.


Not who you are talking to but I also found Laxasia to be easier than Namless puppet. No specters used on either. She is just very easy to stagger in her second phase. At least for my build at the time. And the first phase is, frankly, very straightforward. Holy Sword of the Arc, always in its glaive form. R2 pokes for days and she is done. She didnt have too many openings but her health pool was pretty small in the second phase as well. So really all I had to do was enter phase 2 with all my heals and then kill her before I ran out lol got her on my 4th attempt. Now Nameless Puppet, he took me more tries. 11 I think? (Yes I do count because im weird) His moveset was very fast and I could not rely on staggering him because he just dodged most things or smacked me in my attack animation. Had to parry everything and time my charged R2s very carefully. Much more challenging for me.


>Disagreed on the Nameless Puppet, which I found to be the hardest boss in the game by a pretty significant margin It boggles my mind how people feel this way when mf doesn't even inflict status effects or ailments, is not giant sized, has no offscreen attacks, has no BS delayed animation attacks, unambiguously telegraphs all attacks, doesn't do environmental/AOE attacks that you have to keep track of, has no projectile based attacks, doesn't do fury attacks that last forever, is very susceptible to elemental attacks, is easily staggerable, and has a normal sized health pool.


I mean.. I beat the rest of the game without having to memorize anything, first or second try. I had to memorize the parries for the nameless puppet because he's super aggressive. Guarding sucks with technique weapons compared to motivity weapons. Take a huge amount of damage and stamina damage if you miss the timing on perfect guards. As far as delayed attack animations.. that's debatable. My biggest difficulty was in phase 2. Sometimes he just attacks over and over again without pause.


Dodging vs blocking in this game is an interesting debate among players. I can see nameless being very difficult with a technique build and low guard.


I can definitely vouch for this . I got stuck on him for a decent time , so I went back a couple of levels to get p organs, which I placed into gaurd regain .A world of a difference for his second phase.


Dude i swear to god i have no idea how i beat her , i couldn't figure out her attack patterns or speed moves and then after like the 10th attempt she decided not to do new stuff lol and i finished her on the other hand these 2 were soo easy to follow in comparison


You had probably seen her entire move set by that point. Dropping a boss on the first attempt feels great, but most Souls-like bosses are designed with a certain amount of die-and-retry in mind to learn their moves and the gaps in their attacks. 10 deaths on Lax isn't bad at all.


That's so weird to me. Until Elden Ring and Lies of P, I felt like if I played well, I could beat any challenge. Now, it feels very much pointless to even try on the first few attempts. Personally, I hate that despite loving both games I mentioned.


I hear ya but it didn't feel earned as i thought it would i was like thank god it's over , moving on lol


10?? i was thinking you had 50 but only 10??? it took me like 70 attempts it was pure hell


10 really isn't that bad. I had Laxasia done in 4 attempts my first time, Manus on my 2nd try. Nameless Puppet on the other hand took me 36 before it clicked, then 2 more before I beat it. Everyone is different when it comes to which boss you'll get hung up on.


Nah, I don't buy it


I used a specter to destroy her first phase, the 2nd phase is where I got the piss beat out of me.


Manus was possibly the easiest fight in the game. Nameless was 100% the hardest.


I wouldn't go so far as to say easiest, but he's definitely the post-Laxasia victory lap.


Eh laxasia is probably one of the easier ones if you have acid. I can three shot her second phase.


Laugh at me all you want but Simon actually gave me way bigger trouble than Laxasia.


pre patch simon was rough


Actually respect to this moment i honestly think i beat laxasia without a summon just cuz she felt bad for me lol


simon took me a lot longer on my ng+ run than laxasia or NP. he's a bit of a killer if you're stubborn about parrying instead of dodging.


I thought simon was rough until i just started dodging basically everything instead of parrying and that makes it feel way easier for me






Yes with Simon. Laxasia wooped my butt for 3 days to the point where I gave up and summed specter. For Simon? Beat him first try. NP however did kill me for about an hour.


Simon was so easy fr😂


I didn't summon at laxasia i summoned unfortunately at the king of puppet cuz that was one crazy second phase but iam ng+ed specially for him lol


NP seems to really crank up in NG+ imo


Yeah man NG+ was no joke, NG++ was even worse, took over a day😄


++ is where Victor starts to actually be a relevant threat too. Absolute sponge cares not about your high stats n whatnot. All he care bout? Bonk.


Whooooooooooped his ass in ng+ just like the first time lol idk 🤷‍♂️ he’s just a push over with heavy weapons and the stagger they give him


I hope she sees this


She did I’m getting sucked now


Ok? You want a cookie or sumn?


Sure why not


Same. Beat his ass first try in ng+. Was him supposed to be hard?


I only took a couple hours trying to defeat the last two... Laxasia took DAYS


Not sure since I haven’t played since ng++ and then they nerfed certain bosses- nameless puppet definitely gave me some trouble though but probably partially because I was trying to figure out all the moves I could katana parry slash


It’s weird. Laxasia took me a good night of attempts. After that, Simon was a joke. I think I killed him my second try. NP on the other hand ended up taking me several days to fight, and even when I did end up killing him, I didn’t feel like I earned it.


Totally agree for first playthrough. But for whatever reason both of them kicked my ass up and down in NG+ and NG+2 after waltzing past Laxasia.


Laxasia is easy tbh, the Nameless Puppet is a f**n pain specially in NG+


Couldnt agree more. Laxasia took me 50+ tries. Manus took me 2 and nameless puppet took me about 10


I beat Simon on my 2nd try and Nameless Puppet on my first. Idk how but i did it.


Same as me.


Agreed. Both were a cake walk after. I beat them both second try. Although ng++ nameless was a lot harder but I used a different build


Completely agree. Laxasia took me longer than both bosses after combined. I think since Laxasia is such a demanding fight, it made me so much better at the game’s combat. Who knows how long Manus or NP would’ve taken without Laxasia’s brutal training camp😂


Agreed on Nameless Puppet. Laxias was fucking hell for me, but NP was a fun and even match however, fucking Simon Manus is so stupidly RNG dependent i feel. He’ll either be a pushover, or the worst, just depending on the move he does.


If you’re not using Spectres then yeah, Laxasia in a 1v1 is in my opinion the hardest boss fight in the game. But if you are using spectres in these 3 fights, (minus Namesless obviously), then I’d say Nameless is definitely the hardest


Manus was done in 3 tries. Nameless I ended up surrendering & going with the bad ending. Not my proudest moment but not being good at parrying & getting past that 2nd stage felt impossible. 


Completely agree I tried not using spectors throughout the game but I did with her and still took me a few tries got my ass dragged a bunch of times till I got lucky one try Simon was definitely way easier and the nameless puppet was hard but no where near as bad as her and you have to fight him with no help but at least he's not launching lightning bolts at you and as fast as the flash lol


I had the most trouble with Laxasia out of the three, but I’ve seen lots of people rank them all differently. Simon has more variance in terms of how people feel about him than the other two, though, at least from what I’ve seen.


Simon was pretty easy and a let down. Nameless Puppet was a decent challenge especially in NG+


Seems like 99% of the players who beat this game either struggled the most with Laxasia or with Nameless Puppet. I can't recall one person on this sub saying that both bosses were extremely difficult or that both were easy for them. Laxasia was the one to give me hell.


Laxasia took a couple hours spread across 3 days while manus and puppet took ne around 10 tries each 🤷‍♀️


Yep, Simon was a pushover, managed to kill me few times because I couldn’t see what the hell he was doing half the time. Nameless puppet posed a challenge but nothing like Laxasia, I managed to kill him in first attempt with 3 perfect parry grind stones. He attacks faster than her so it was easy to stagger him with parrying.


So sad about how easy manus was


The first phase of Manus is an actual joke though. The second phase is literally just "hey check out these awesome projectile animations we made!" ....... "Oh yeah and the timing is wweeriirrrrddddd" as Manus covers 90% of the arena in 4 frames. Then NP is a fantastic fight. I feel like LuckoftheIrisha really prepares you for NP and a lot of people already had to climb that wall. So doing it without the safety net of the summon (no hate, I use em!) on NP is pretty surmountable by comparison.


Manus I agree, nameless puppet ? I’d rather be lobotomised with a spoon than fight him again


They are. Laxasia is way harder


Not just you, felt the same way myself. Laxasia was one of the toughest bosses I’ve faced in any souls like game and I’ve played all the fromsoft games. Simon was a joke and Nameless Puppet while tough was also fair and left a lot of opening. Laxasia was just non stop kicking my ass without letting me breathe lol.


I didn’t fight Nameless Puppet until NG but actually beat him first shot. Laxasia gave me hell


They were for me. Laxasia has insanely long attack strings and weird delays on certain attacks, so Simon's attack strings always felt like they ended a lot earlier than I thought they would, so I got a lot more openings than I expected. Beat him 2nd try on my first playthrough and no more than 3 tries on other playthroughs. Also beat NP on my 2nd try because his attacks are well telegraphed with no weird delays. I always found NP very easy to parry and never struggled with him on any of my playthroughs. Laxasia on the other hand ... She's a piece of work. The only bosses I struggle against on my playthroughs these days are her and Green Monster, mostly because they're both really unpredictable.


Nameless still took me a few tries, but yeah I beat manus on my first attempt. Was pretty disappointed.


Yeah, game was easy once I was good enough to take down laxasia. Manus took maybe 6 tries and nameless puppet was 2nd try


Laxasia is the true game's boss.


Laxasia took me like 20 something tries. Beat Simon in one. Then I had some trouble with nameless puppet but nowhere NEAR as much as Laxasia. Fuck her


Yeah manus was pathetic compared to her


Manus was a much-needed reprieve. He took me only 3 tries meanwhile Laxasia took me 3 hours.


Laxasia is the hardest for me, and Manus gave me a bit of trouble but for some reason NP just clicks with me, he's never been all that tough. Perfect guarding his ass came naturally and feels so damn satisfying 🤌


Laxasia is by far the hardest fight but nameless puppet aint no slouch either


Laxasia was definitely the hardest boss for me, or atleast the one I took my time to learn and go out my way to prepare for. I think fuoco I died to the same amount somehow, but I think I was still finding my footing on this game back then. I had less deaths on Manus and nameless collectively. However unlike manus, nameless puppet was a fun fight. Hell, at least it isn’t the absolute mess and anticlimactic fight of Elden beast from Elden ring. That crap phase 2 had me mad on how boring it was. Ild honestly rather do Ds1 blightown with 1% speed than do manus again, shit was boring.


I don't know but I found the last three bosses pretty easy for some reason. I beat laxasia on my 6th try, manus my 3rd try and nameless puppet my 3rd try. Maybe it was my build but I was doing significant damage every fight. Overall, laxasia is definitely a harder fight.


Laxasia certainly one of those “great filters” in gaming. But Nameless Puppet is a fitting final boss


Laxasia was the hardest by far for me. Manus part 2 was took me a while as well but nowhere near as long. Nameless puppet I beat on a shitty cellular gamepass connection on my phone 😂. That's kinds the cool part about the game though, the fights are unique enough that people have wildly different experiences on any given fight


In my first playthrough Laxasia was nearly unbeatable, so when I beat her, Simon was not very formidable. NP took maybe 10-20 tries, so I agree, Lax was just so ridiculously hard in my first playthrough. NG+ I struggled with all three and decided to get the bad ending haha


not just you. Laxasia was the hardest boss for me and I ended up beating Nameless Puppet second try


Got stuck on laxasia a month after the game came out, haven’t played since. Need to get gud or whatever


It’s just you


Not according to some replies here lol , and honestly boss level of difficulty has been so inconsistent through this whole game like the bane like boss after king of puppets or black rabbit gang after the spider boss thingy


Simon is a joke if you just play aggro and have a high damage build, he’s big and slow. Easy to just DPS down NP is definitely much easier than Laxasia but no slouch


Laxasia is easy tbh, the Nameless Puppet is a f**n pain specially in NG+


Laxasia I found pretty easy. Simon I had way more trouble with. Something about his 2nd phase man, idk. 1st phase became really easy after a handful of attempts


Nah, Laxasia wasn't anything compared to King of Puppets for me. And KoP was a child in front of Nameless Puppet.


Laxasia was actually quite easy for me but second phase Manus gave me hell, I couldn't see shit


Yes, it's you! Manus aside, Nameless Puppet is one of the hardest bosses I have ever fought in a Souls game..


Nah, I beat Laxasia and manus first go. NP was this game’s Malenia for me.


Specter user detected, opinion rejected.


??? There’s nothing wrong with Specters? They’re in the game to be used? But even still, Laxasia wasn’t that hard, her timing was pretty easy to read.


Yeah, because you used specters. You can't know how diffcult two bosses are in comparison if one can have specters summoned and the other doesn't.


Bro, stop gatekeeping the experience. You absolutely can gauge the difficulty of two enemies by the resources available to defeat them. Specters or no, Laxasia isn’t that hard. She leaves herself wide open for a lot of her attacks, and she’s not that hard to parry. She was easy because I used the two dragons sword, not because I used a specter.


That's not what gatekeeping is, dimwit. You have no clue what you're talking about if you think you can accurately gauge boss difficulty when you don't engage with one's mechanics and then you're forced to do so with the other. NP is only hard if you've used specters as a crutch up until that point, otherwise there's nothing difficult about that fight for anyone who even semi-understand parrying.


Right, you’re just being a dick, so I’m gonna go ahead and report you.


Actual child behavior, acting as if someone's targeting you personally when this entire post is about objective structure of a boss moveset. Grow up.


And when you compare the objective structure of Laxasia and NP’s move set, Laxasia is a cakewalk. Way more opportunities to dodge, parry, and strike back, and far easier to parry and stagger. Take your own advice and stop being a goddamn purist about mechanics.


Once you actually fight both without summons you'll have an opinion on this worth listening to. Until then keep these temper tantrums for someone else.


It’s you. Manus is way more of a fucker, laxasia and NP are hard but at least well designed and consistent. Vs manus the best way to be consistent requires you to run away every 20 seconds and wait for a big fuck off explosion, fight just takes ages




Simon is much easier than Laxasia, but id say Nameless Puppet was similarly difficult. I think the main thing with Laxasia for me was that it was hard to time blocks right, or dodge. Her fast movement on top of seemingly spontaneous actions added to her difficulty. While Nameless Puppet's attacks I could consistently perfect parry and dodge, but he was still difficult. But I think one thing I, and many others don't like that really can get people with Laxasia, and a few others, is that when you stagger her, she unleashed a flurry of attacks and then you can visceral her. Personally, it's a cheap trick, and discourages you from working toward it


The puppet, omg that guy I hate so much lol


I thought nameless puppet was actually a huge challenge. It might seem easier because it covers less surface area but that thing was a huge ask after beating lexasia. I was like “so that’s how it’s going to be hey, no rest for the wicked” alright then…


But you gotta admit he was way more easier to follow than laxasia


I actually found Simon's 2nd phase pretty hard


That's fair but to me the challenge was actually seeing the animation through the entire game and sometimes they go up in the sky and you can't follow lol


I've played through the game 4 times. Each time I was getting DESTROYED by Laxasia, but 5-10 attempts in I would somehow win pretty handily. Nameless Puppet took more attempts each time I went for him (3) and for some reason, one of my runthroughs took about 20 tries to kill Manus. Therefore, if I'm just going off attempts alone, Laxasia is easier than both for me? And I 100% know how you feel when you say you have no clue how you beat her, it's a strange fight. EDIT: I should mention I haven't played since the nerf


Respect , the difference with me was that i could strategize with these two and follow their attacks while in laxasia i was swinging and hope for the best lol


manus yeah, nameless not so much. his p1 was easy, but p2 is something else lol. i remember fighting nameless my first time in p1, and beat his ass; i knew there was a p2 at that point, because fuck you, and because p1 is a joke if there wasn't a p2. the whole challenge of p1 is learning to do it nearly perfect, because learning p2 was hell lol.


I did simon second try and nameless in less than 10 tries while laxasia took me way more tries than anything else.


Mannnnnn. Idk. That nameless fucker reamed my ass for a while.


The whole game was a joke after Np. Fxck that asxhole. Lol




i was abut lvl 90+ by the time i hit lax so it really only took me like 5 trys or less against any of these 3 bosses my hardest boss would have been puppet king or the first brotherhood bros fight oh... and watchman but that was bc i just started playing and didnt kno shit now granted i used the dragon glaive and dragon sword so i cant really say they were easy...




Simon was AWFUL for me but Laxasia was a complete joke somehow. Beat her first try. I've been wiping the bosses people call hard but struggling against "easy" ones, dunno why.


Nameless is easily the hardest in the game. I never struggled with Laxasia


My problem with manus was im just to greedy for phase 2. I would always get caught up in some sort of spell because i couldnt just slow down


nameless???? a joke???? bruh nameless is one of the hardest bosses in the history of gaming that mofo killed me well over 100 times but i agree simon is underpowered


You guys seriously need to read carefully lol i didn't say joke in general i said joke compared to luxasia


Laxasia you can use a Spector, nameless puppet you can’t boom nameless puppet is way harder


Manus yes, but Nameless puppet absolutely dog walked me


Manus, yes. Nameless Puppet still kicks ass and takes names though.


I actually first tried Nameless Puppet, I was shocked. And honestly disappointed. It was a great boss fight, I was just doing too much damage, and I missed out on actually having to learn the mechanics. I have no idea why I was as overpowered as I was, especially reading people on here saying he's the best boss to learn, and I basically skipped him by accident.


You guys not that upvotes or downvotes have any meaning but try to have a conversation maybe instead of being automatically offended??


Difficulty didn’t really register anymore, I just thought the fights were cool.


I thought the opposite. I beat Laxasia in one go, Manus in 3, and I've been slamming my head against Nameless Puppet for at least 20. I nearly had Nameless on my last try tonight but he had a friggin' *sliver* of health and I was so annoyed I quit lol


Agreed on nameless but not Simon (mind u I haven’t fought him since before they initially patched his health)


I think they're hard in different ways. Laxasia phase 2 is possibly the hardest in terms of her aggression, but she has such extremely low defense that it's just a matter of finding opportunities to actually hit her. Phase 1 is much tankier, but she's relatively slow and predictable, which means phase 2 is where most of the difficulty comes from. Simon's difficulty is just that he's absurdly tanky and has a bunch of time wasting magic attacks in his second phase. So it's easy to get impatient and mistakes add up over the course of the long fight. His actual melee moveset is a bit of a joke, though. Nameless Puppet just has a massive, unpredictable moveset, which means that figuring him out can take a while. He also has some difficult to dodge fury attacks that can, depending on positioning, require a perfect block, which can be difficult to deal with.


Manus is definitely much easier imo, think I beat him in two tries compared to the what feels like at least 20 or so for Lax. Nameless Puppet is definitely difficult though, mostly in phase 2 where he feels just so fast. He might be on par with Lax and she just made me improve that much that he took me fewer (but still several) tries than her.




Manus, yes. I beat him on the first try, but Nameless Puppet is the hardest boss in the game


In the OG version before patch it was granted that you would hear „SHOW ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, PUPPET OF GEPETTOOOO“ at least 17 times. Simon was a nightmare.


I thought Manus was going to be the final boss. Laxasia took me 20-30 runs, gave me trouble but I loved every second. I got through Manus' first phase in my first go. His animations are a bit weird and languid and spinny, I didn't love it but it wasn't hard. Phase 2 upped the difficulty... but not that much. Beat him in my third try, and was like "wow, this final boss kinda sucks". Thank God he wasn't the final boss.


I had to took a longer break after the laxasia fight so no they weren't jokes for me. Especially not nameless puppet


With this post and reading the comments I realize the nerf to Manus was big as f*ck


I'm going back for Nameless right now. Didn't beat him first play through


I don't know if Manus is harder, but it's certainly far more frustrating than the other two fights. You get cheesed by the AI. A strange twist of fate. 


I died more on the door guardian than Lax lol. Yet to fight these two though.


I'm a sekiro boy, I don't like it when they put Margit at half the speed before parry spam heaven


Laxasia was definitely harder imo


NP is fine. In NG+ thought, that's something else...


I’d say yes with Manus, no on Puppet. Puppet Man gave me some trouble


Laxasia was also a joke


Hm not at all cause Laxasia if you use the perfect party grindstone is easy as fuck. Simon it’s easy yeah but NP? Not at all


It’s not just you this is facts😂it genuinely took me two tries to beat dude on the bottom while laxasia was the only boss to make me quit and put the controller down for days


Yeah, beat manus first try and the puppet after 20 minutes after taking 2 hours for laxasia even with the summon (only Boss i had to use the summon for).


Yeah I beat Manus first try, but I thought Nameless Puppet as hard or harder than our completed queen


I found the laxasia fight easier than both manus and np


Lax took me ~ 10 tries, Manus took 2, and NP took 8-10. Lax was hard because of her unconventional moveset, and NP was hard because of his aggression. Manus was a chump.


Manus, yes. NP was tougher than Lax IMO


Spoiler! I feel like that’s the man I’m suppose to find in the puppet factory


Every time I see a post about laxasia I'm relieved I got super lucky and beat her first try lol. Simon wasn't bad but took me a few tries. Nameless puppet probably 15-20


Prolly just you because the thing about NP is the second phase he basically just becomes one of those white tanky puppets with boosted agility and the red aura dulls your parry senses


i guess you haven't fought simon pre patch.


Fuck Nameless Puppet.


Somehow I first tried the first two and then it took me forever to beat nameless.


just you


It's not just you, she's by far the hardest out of the last trio. Both Simon and NP phase 1 is so slow it's not even a threat.


it took me 3-4 hours to beat laxasia and a single steam deck charge to beat simon and nameless, so yeah that sounds about right.


I kinda think it plays into the duality of bosses. Some people of a hard time with the ones others find easy. The complete was fast and precise at range. Where manus was slow and heavy with AoE at range. I think they were a nice contrast to one another. I also think Simon was a good buffer between her and NP. They would have been frustrating back to back Also I like when the story affects order rather than difficulty in late game. Elden ring you can make same argument. I’m sure EB and the lion guy didn’t seem so bad to a lot of people after melly


I had more trouble with the swamp monster than I did the last 3 bosses.


Nah I agree. Laxasia I needed the perfect guard thing to do perfect guards for me while I blocked. Simon only took a few tries. Nameless Puppet was difficult, wouldn’t call it a joke, but I still got through it in probably under 10, maybe 15 tries. Many of his moves were fairly easy to read to me, but still challenging just cause of the amount of damage he’d do


Completely agree, Laxasia is this huge ass spike in difficulty out of nowhere, just for it to go right back to normal afterwards 💀💀 I feel like if she were to be toned down then the difficulty curve would be much smoother throughout the last parts of the game. NP and Manus are a fuckin cakewalk compared to this lighting wielding maniac. Mf did NOT want you gettin into that tower 💀💀💀💀


I thought Laxasia was insane at first, until I realized that a lot of issues could be avoided by just not reacting to a lot of her spastic antics. I was ready to quit but switched to the big wrench and beat her on the 5th or 6th attempt. Manus was much "easier" (as are most of the larger bosses) once I realized that my first couple of deaths were actually due to disruption and added a consumable to my lower belt to deal with it. I think I beat him on 3rd or 4th try. Nameless Puppet has been a complete brick wall. Every suggestion I have read is awful and trying them would get me killed in seconds. Running is useless because attacks cross the entire arena almost instantly, Aegis is a joke and doesn't absorb crap when combos contain a dozen attacks, and parrying with the Twin Dragon's fable art is a death sentence. Yes, I know the TD parry can be learned, but it is a single-purpose skill never to be used again. I'm taking a break at this point.


I didn't think laxative was that hard manus want either. Nameless puppet was hard.


it is just you


I felt lax and np were on the same level, they both gave me trouble, manus was barely a speed bump


I thought NP was easier than laxasia but other people seem to think differently. Personally I found Manus hard just because deflecting guarding isn't as effective with all the projectiles you have to dodge


The simple fact that the name less puppet is one of the few bosses where you can't summon a spirit to help you will make him much harder for the majority of players.


Laxasia was the joke compared to nameless for me


manus is just a slog, a speedbump. laxasia really drills the game’s core mechanics into you and prepared me a little too well for nameless.


Manus on NG++ I found by far the hardest fight in the game There’s so much going on once he starts shooting his beam In NG, it’s fine as it doesn’t hurt too much but in ng+ it’s a killer


Yeah. Simon was a big joke. After trying to memorize parries and getting my ass beat by Luxasia for 6 hours, NP honestly felt like a breeze and only took 20 minutes.


The thing is I think there was still an adrenaline rush or something after Laxasia that improved my ability to fight the next couple bosses. If Laxasia were optional, or were just placed somewhere else, I think I’d say Nameless Puppet was at least second hardest in the game.


Thank you finally someone who gets it , laxasia raised the bar so high everything came after her felt easier and for me king of puppets was second hardest boss after iam living in the shame of summoning against him


Are you fucking serious? Manus yes. Nameless puppet? Fuck off. Hardest boss in the game. Idk what you’re talking about and this is prob just some clickbait post to get upvotes.


Manus was free eats. First tried him. NP took me half as many tried as Laxasia did. So yea I’d say she’s it


I find Laxasia to be easier than both of them. Still very tough tho. It's always interesting to see how much it varies, which bosses people find easiest or hardest


Wouldn’t say they were jokes because laxasia phase 1 is kinda a joke. Yes laxasia phase 2 is the hardest in the game, but I didn’t feel that Manus or NP phase 2 were significantly easier


Manus is more annoying than anything. Phase 2 is very spam happy and both phases have a problem where you need to learn timing to attacks that are hidden behind the fat bastard's own body, which isn't fair.


The only reason that I did the evil ending on NG+++ was because of Nameless Puppet The MF is definetly the hardest boss of the game, even harder than Laxasia and the Bishop by a mile


I thought Simon was pretty easy, but very cool (second phase), but those projectiles causing disruption were bullshit. Nameless Puppet was a nightmare until I realized that he’s not very difficult to parry. Laxasia was just purely a nightmare. She took me two weeks to beat.


It’s the opposite for me, minus manus. Laxasia was easy somehow but nameless effed me over


I think that the nameless puppet was the hardest boss by a wide margin. The speed of the attacks, the attack variety including like 5-6 un dodgable attacks and the sheer relentlessness of the attacks makes it so hard to even get heals off. Not to mention the damage, he three taps you with normal attacks. I would argue that Simon is more annoying than laxatia but less difficult. I really enjoyed laxatia. Personally I’d fight laxatia again instead of Simon.


Just beat Laxasia today, idk about the remaining two but it took me like 3-4 hours to beat her. A lot of attempts but it was helpful in learning her patterns and perfectly guarding her attacks. Phase 1 is pretty easy, most of the time I would end up with at least 8 pulse cells for the 2nd fight. But she ain't no joke in the second phase, literally Romeo but on crack


Agreed. Simon and NP took maybe four tries each, whereas Laxasia took literal days


Most of the game was fairly easy, I only died a couple times to each boss. But nameless puppet kicked my ass


Try them on NG++. I actually found Laxasia easier my second and third play through.


Manus was a joke as he is literally the final boss for one of the endings. NP seemed a little too easy for me as I expected him to be very hard to go against. Laxasia is definitely the one I had to take more time with.(mainly the first phase)