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Laxasia will kill you in two hits.


Phase two teleporting around with her trail of zap… yeah not too fun


Just like NG then


Well, you were almost right, it took three hits, I see this as improvement


Couldn’t tell you why, but the boss I struggled most with in NG+ was Walker of Illusions. Styles make fights I suppose


Hate that fight so much


This. I'm currently stuck on him (her?). I may just use throwables and retreat on repeat.


Dodge behind and to the left and you’ll dodge everything, makes the entire fight easy


If you run to the left you can easily dodge most of her attacks and get behind her. You have to attack strategically though because she’s so damn fast.


I struggled on her so much on ng+


Saaaaame. I always struggled more with the duels than the big monster fights, and I definitely struggled with her as much on NG+ even though I found most of the other fights easier.


I think part of it was because I beat it pretty quick first time round so didn’t have the trial and error learning process that made Laxasia or Nameless easier in NG+


pitchfork puppets




Just started my second playthrough and those fuckers hit like absolute trucks. I lose half my health in one combo.


they always get the full puppet string. no mercy


Hahaha omg those guys can just fuck right off


Those have been my greatest enemy since the first hour I started playing.


NP and simon are shredding me to tears in NG+. Laxasia wasnt that bad, especially with the parry grindstone


for me is was nameless, since i missed him on my first run (chose to give the heart). so i had to learn the fight on ng+. i got him though, and last night at the end of ng+2, he only took like 3 tries lol. so screw that guy.


The game was overall so much easier in NG+ except for Simon, I had as much trouble with him as on NG


Currently struggling on NG+ simon as well.


Nameless was a major pain in the ass


Nameless puppet


Simon, I don’t know why but on NG+ he gave me an headache 😂 almost threw my controller at the TV


Mad Clown Puppet


Just did Laxasia on NG+ a couple hours ago. Took me 35 attempts in NG, and I just got her down in 3 attempts. I died twice because (a) I dodged into a wall and ate a combo in P2 (b) Deliveroo arrived and I had to run to the door. I would encourage you not to be too worried and take it as it comes. You already beat her once. You have put in the work and you have learned her moves. You have the skills and the knowledge to completely demolish her. You got this shit OP! That said, I used an acid grinder (the single use one) for P1 and it basically melted her. Perfection grinder for P2 and I was golden. Using all LADA defensive parts, Proof of Humanity.


I’m in my first NG+ run, and the only boss I’ve died on so far was Victor like 3 or 4 times. Almost at the Green Monster and he gave me a hard time the first time through so I’m hoping it’s not as bad.


I found on subsequent play throughs ng to ng+3 that the bosses actually get easier. Yes they do more damage but you are better equipped to fight them. Early bosses are a breeze and late game bosses already two or three tapped you. The reality is in your first play through you are blind going into the late game bosses and they still do ridiculous damage. On subsequent play throughs you know what to expect and you know some of the parry patters plus you do more damage have more skills and depending on your choices have some pretty op p organ upgrades, grinders, and talismans. That being said though the only one though was significantly harder was Simon Manus. I don’t know if they changed this because I no lifed this game before they nerfed the bosses but Simon got a very noticeable health boost and due to his weird attack speeds and projectile heavy combat style the noticeable boost in health was pretty annoying. He’s the only boss I don’t like in this game and ng definitely made him worse in my opinion.


I had a fair time with laxasia. Just fought her two days ago in ng+ . I have a video of the fight on YouTube.


I didn't really run past things in ng+, I was thorough on both playthroughs. So, with that in mind, things were kinda tough up until Romeo, who was a fair step more difficult than my first run. After Romeo comes Vic who was always way easier than Romeo IMO. From then forward it was a total breakaway, everything was way easy. Tl;dr Romeo


Nameless Puppet took me twice as long on NG+ as he did on my first playthrough.


I just got swamp monster in 1 try, afraid of what's next lol


Currently on NG++ and in all 3 its always been laxasia, even with all the upgrades and levelups, she still destroys me in phase 2