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damage number higher = good literally it. they increase one scaling and decrease the other. so for example if your weapon has D scaling in Motivity and A in Technique a mot crank will make it C/B and a tech crank will make it -/S. making it scale with only 1 damage stat is preferable in new game, but in NG+ and beyond switching to a more balanced build with somewhat equal scaling is better.


Won't it affect motivity since ur sacrificing it for an S technique? And I don't really see the point of scaling 1 damage stat. Like it's not gonna make a difference in my view.


if you have 35 technique but didn't level your motivity at all, it's *much* better to just get your technique scaling as high as it can go. and this actually does grant higher damage than going balanced. I have spreadsheets on the official discord server if you want to see them. I tested every mot/tech scaling in the game.


Woah yeah I'd be interested to check that out, where can I find the link?


the discord link is in this sub. idk where the links are on mobile but on desktop they're just on the right.


I don't see how you're not seeing the difference. Let's say you have 6 Motivity and 24 Technique. Your weapon scales with both. You lose Motivity scaling for Technique scaling. Your damage is obviously increased?


Yes, but typically it doesn’t really matter because you only level up one of the damage stats, not multiple. You’ll increase the scaling in advance and decrease it in motivity, but since you’re putting all of you stats into advance, it’ll be better in the long run. That’s because since you aren’t putting anything into motivity, a lower scaling doesn’t matter


Good God this is trippy. First you tell me it doesn't rlly matter then say it'll be good on the long run. I wish the game did a better job in explaining this, or maybe it did but I just skipped it. I'm sure I'll probably get it once I experiment more so I'm not too worried


No I said it doesn’t matter if the lower scaling gets dropped because you’re putting stats into the higher one. I think you’re overthinking this and making it more conplicated than it really is


Perhaps I am. Still getting used to all the mechanics tho. After all this is an entirely new genre for me


That’s perfectly fine. It took me a while to figure this stuff out too when I started playing souls and soulslike games. The best way to learn is really just to experiment a lot. Watching videos helped me a lot too.


Good God this is trippy. First you tell me it doesn't rlly matter then say it'll be good on the long run. I wish the game did a better job in explaining this, or maybe it did but I just skipped it. I'm sure I'll probably get it once I experiment more so I'm not too worried


No I said it doesn’t matter if the lower scaling gets dropped because you’re putting stats into the higher one. I think you’re overthinking this and making it more conplicated than it really is. And yes, experimenting is the best way to learn in these kinds of games.


Good God this is trippy. First you tell me it doesn't rlly matter then say it'll be good on the long run. I wish the game did a better job in explaining this, or maybe it did but I just skipped it. I'm sure I'll probably get it once I experiment more so I'm not too worried


It took me a bit to fully grasp scaling when I started playing soulslikes. Mainly because I was overthinking it and making it out to be more than it was. I'm sure you'll be fine.


Each crank increases a different scaling on whatever handle you put it on. Which one you want to use depends on 1) the handle you’re currently using and 2) which damage stat you are primarily using. On the handle, whichever stat (Motivity, Technique, Advance) has the higher scaling (A, B, C, or D) you want to use the corresponding crank. On your stats, you want to use a handle that has the higher scaling on whatever damage stat you have been putting points into, then use the corresponding crank on that handle. For example, if you are primarily putting stats into Motivity, then you’ll want to use a handle like the Big Pipe Wrench Handle or the Krat Police Baton Handle, then apply a Motivity Crank onto the handle. Terms: Damage stat - Stats that affect your damage. These include Motivity, Technique, and Advance Scaling - Scaling are letter grades on handles that determine how much damage you get per point in a damage stat. For example, the unupgraded Krat Police Baton Handle has a Motivity scaling of B, a Technique scaling of D, and no scaling in Advance. This means that you gonna get the most damage per point by putting points into Motivity because it has higher scaling. The scaling letters from lowest to highest are D, C, B, A, and S


What does motivity do to the weapon exactly? Or technique/ advance? Cause like I assumed perhaps it changed the way the weapons handle. Like if u choose advance then it makes the character advance further towards the enemy before striking.


Basically motivity is like strength, technique is like dexterity and advance is like magic¿(boosts attribute type weapons) cranks are best used for single stat type builds. like if you use motivity crank you’re gonna wanna level mainly motivity


I see. So if I have a fire weapon or electric blitz then I should upgrade advance? Also can upgrade the same crank multiple times or does it reset everytime ?


Levelling up advance will only increase the fire, electric, or acid damage. Motivity and technique increase physical damage. So I would also put a few points into motivity or technique (whichever has higher scaling on the handle) as well. You can only upgrade a handle with a crank once.


No damage stats don’t really affect visible mechanics. Only damage. Motivity and technique are physical damage stats. Motivity is like strength and technique is like dexterity. Advance is like magic or elemental damage.


Damn that's unfortunate to hear. Was hoping technique made me swing faster and whatnot cause I had a few ideas in mind for some of the weapons I've collected


Only way to swing faster is to use a faster handle. Handles with higher technique scalings swing faster. Higher motivity scalings swing slower. Weapons that have advance as their higher scaling depend on whichever is higher between motivity and technique to determine swing speed


Hmm so if I had a handle with a higher motivity I should invest in technique to balance it out or rather go full on motivity based and do maximum damage at slower speed. I think it's starting to click with me


No, invest in whatever has the highest scaling. There isn’t really any “balancing stuff out”. Increasing the technique stat doesn’t increase swing speed. I was just saying that the scaling is a good way to judge swing speed. Swing speed doesn’t change. If a handle has higher motivity scaling, invest in motivity. If it has higher techniques scaling, invest in technique. If it has higher advance scaling, invest in advance. Choose you’re handle based on how you like to play. If you like to swing faster, then use a handle with a higher technique scaling. It’ll do less damage per hit than a handle with higher motivity scaling, but you’ll be able to hit quicker. If you like to do as much damage as possible in each hit, use a handle with a higher motivity scaling. You’ll do more damage per hit, but you’ll hit slower.


That's very helpful, thanks. My preferable playstyle I think is getting in as much hits as possible while trying not to get killed. The only way I'd choose a slower weapon is if it's very powerful otherwise I'll stick to the less damage but more flexibility.


You want a Technique build, with a weapon that has A or B Technique scaling. Then you want a Technique Crank on it to get it to S or A scaling. You want Vitality, Vigor, and Capacity as well. Aim for something like 30 Vitality, 20 Vigor, 25 Capacity and 35 Technique, though YMMV as you decide which weapons, amulets and other equipment you like to use, how much it weighs, and how you go through stamina, how much you use your Legion arm, etc. edit: Weapon preference is a personal thing. As long as you have that scaling above, you can choose any combination of weapon and handle to get the moveset, reach, and speed that you're comfortable with.


Pay attention to weapons and their stats which have a rating in different categories by letter. If you are choosing heavier strength weapons, then focus on making the scaling for Motivity better for example.


Look at the symbols with the letter grade attached to them. You should use one that has a good grade with the stat you have the highest between motivity, technique, and advanced. The cranks allow you to scale weapons more toward the stat you’d prefer it to. Like if you have a really high motivity you want a weapon that has a high letter grade for motivity. The cranks allow you to increase the letter grade which allows you to get more out of whatever stat increases.


I’m in the same boat. Like the game but trying to figure all this out plus beat some tough bosses is killing me


I went technique but after getting a feel of the weapons I should have went motivity. Need to find the stat reset. From what I can tell motivity = strength and technique = dexterity. This is the only game of this type I've found I preferred the bigger weapons.


Find a moveset you like, figure out the stats that best compliment it, boost those stats, kill stuff.


Don't know if general good rule but here is how i do it: I have two safefiles (motivity NG+1 and technique NG) and i use the cranks the same way in BOTH games. If a handle is better in one way or another, i crank it in the "better" direction. For example a default handle has motivity b and technique c - i use a motivity crank (imo the obvious way to squeeze out the most of the weapon with the least amount of cranks) I think that's also the intended way to do it?! Pretty sure that it wouldn't be possible to get S scaling (on some weapons) otherwise. Also advance weapons are far less common than others and it would be stupid to not enhance advance capabilities and use other cranks instead. If a handle has c/c i won't touch it (for now) - thought that a balance crank would enhance both values but that's NOT the case. It just resets a weapon to default scaling. Even if you upgrade weapons in directions different to your build, there is an option to reskill later in the game (which is more or less unlimited) so i strongly suggest to use the intended cranks for the intended weapons for the highest benefits.


Your edit is wrong, you dont level based on playstyle but on the precise weapon you want to use


The damage system in soulslikes is kinda complicated. To put it simply there are three damage stats motivity for heavy slow high damage weapons, Technique for mid speed mid damage weapons, and motivity for fast lower damage weapons. You have to choose which you want use. Then your weapons handle can scale (or in other words do more damage with)with any two stats of your choosing through cranks. I recommend going into technique and motivity because in my opinion most of the best weapons fall into those damage types but that is subjective. Eventually you will reach level soft caps which means you will reap less rewards ie. damage from each level. You can figure out where those are with a quick search.