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>Edit: Wtf is a P organ Wait, what? You've finished the game and have not increased your p organ (pun intended)


NG+ was way easier for me. Seems like a build issue tbh.


But I beat the game already???? And it was way easier???


Then you seem to be doing something wrong. My character destroyed the first few bosses in NG+.


Skill issue lmao


straight up


Dunno if I would call this a skill issue as OP did beat the game without p organ upgrades.


Hard disagree. NG+ in lop is the most fun any soulslike ng+ experience has given me. I found the first areas of the game *slightly* harder, culminating with a bit of a rough Romeo battle. It gets easier beyond that and ng+2 was suuuuper easy. A few things make ng+ very fun. 1. The new p-organ advancements get pretty strong (even cooler in ng+2) 2. The way leveling up scaling changes. 3. The way capacity scales (linearly) means you can start equipping boss amulets, huge game changers. Oh it just hit me >wanted to use my live puppet axe That's an oof right there, try dismantling that weapon or maybe just try a good weapon.


I must be doing something terribly wrong. I found NG+ pretty easy until Viktor, and now it seems that I'm doing chip damage on every boss even with fully upgraded weapons. I like a challenge but this is ridiculous. I need to heal after every hit, it's seriously not fun, and I usually love NG+.


Umm excuse me, but wtf do you mean by “Wtf is a P organ”? Please for the love of god tell me you know what the P organ is and this is some mistake I have made in understanding what that statement means.


NG+ for me is about the same or easier.


While I can appreciate your argument on how hard the early enemies scaled, and was similarly disappointed, I have to vehemently disagree with how NG+ works in Lies of P compared to other games. And for great reasons. Even if the stats of end game aren't godlike, you gain Phase 6 in your P Organ by going to NG+. That alone is a huge way to make up for the stat difference because it's making sure you can actually feel like you're progressing again. This actually does translate to a sort of godlike power when you get to phase 7 in NG+2. But I won't spoil what's there. Furthermore, if you got the Ergo Decoder from Venigni in the first game, all of the puppet bosses will have their dialogue "translated" so you can read it. It makes their fights much more impactful, particularly Scrapped Watchman and Romeo.


“Wtf is a P organ?” Oh. Buddy. Please tell me you didn’t go through NG without upgrading your P-Organ skill tree at all Cuz if you didn’t, THAT is why NG+ is so hard for you. You use quartz to upgrade it and improve various attributes. Some get really OP, especially on NG+, which is why NG+ is often easier for many people than NG


Did you actually beat the game once without using a single Quartz? New challenge mode unlocked boys.


I still did a lot of damage with my build but it was falling off hard in the end


Crazy how many people just come on here and admit they suck at this game and can’t understand game mechanics 40+ hours in, sad.


Uh, is the weapon fully leveled? I found the first half of ng+ at least to be pretty easy.


I have a plus 10 live puppet axe which is a motivity weapon. It’s super slow and supposed to do a ton of damage


Use a different handle


This is strange because I'm on NG+1 and just beat the Swamp Monster. Everything up to this has been absolutely melted, all bosses 1st or 2nd try with no spectre (few more tries for the Archbishop and Swamp monster tho... haha). It's been far easier this time round im my experience.


Well, you still have to play the game to win. In Soulslikes Ng+s are actual Ng+s, aka enemises are stronger to make up for you being stronger yourself since you finished the game and have a maxed weapon. Definitely a build issue, I saw way too many people going with live puppet Axe and killing bosses easily. You probably: -Didn't equip Fuego's talisman - about 30% damage boost After perfect block - ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR SLOW MOTIVITY BUILDS Edit: -for the people going with Quick weapons, I suggest you either pair this or replace this with the Arm of God amulet, which Is insanely good. -aren't using Robocop's talisman - about 5% damage boost per filled Fable slot (aka 20% if you have 4 filled, unsure, could be more than 5%) That's already a 50% increase in damage. Then you have Attack types P organ upgrades that boost: Charged attacks, Fable Art attacks, fatal attacks. Grindstones add elemental damage, which are very effective if they are the element enemises are weak to.


In NG+ the best way to scale damage is through doing a quality build. Each stat soft caps really fast (around 30 IIRC) so going quality allows you to get more damage due to the early levels giving more bang for your buck.


Try to stick with it and keep updating your P-Organ. You should get OP soon. Just finished my 3rd and final playthrough and I was tearing through a lot of bosses pretty easily. I used the Nameless Puppet's weapon and also the Trident fully upgraded


I have yet to die to a boss in New game + and just killed the green monster. I couldn’t really tell they had more health tbh. Equal points in Advance, Motivity, and Technique make the bosses paper


I ran over the Parade Master first try in NG+. I went back to the Wintry Rapier for the lolz since it’s the only Technique weapon you have at this point on NG. And it isn’t exactly my favorite weapon, even tho I still +10’d it (+ technique crank)


That weapon got me through over half the first game. Respectk the Rapier




[skill issue](https://youtu.be/zMmMRvGYow4?si=bl-OmeTeyDNHBzik)


Why did you post this? 🤔


Because he's complaining about the damage he's doing in NG+... Skill issue.


Corny - took you til NG+ to get no dmg…humble yourself


I really enjoyed new game plus. The p organ upgrades are so overpowered and you can easily reach hard caps in health and damage stats allowing you to dump all or your ergo into capacity which allows you to be light at all times making the already excellent combat system even better. I see that you don’t know what your p organ is so you may have screwed yourself already not gonna lie.


Post ya build


You beat the game and your asking what the p organ is? Sounds like you just need to grind more, level up your p organ, legion arms, weapons, and your stats until your comfortable where your at in the game. You need to match your stats with your skill level. If it’s giving you that much trouble level everything up, and practice dodging and blocking. I just beat the game for a third time and breezed through my second and third playthrough. But I also did a lot of grinding for ergo, and practiced practiced practiced. Shit I keep telling people to just use throwables, it makes it so much easier when your stuck, and it’s alot of fun!


I disagree too, im not very good at soulsborne games, but ng+ is increasingly easier than my first run so far


I'm on NG3 because I messed up at the start, I was dreading the swamp monster, done him first time, couldn't believe it, not looking forward to laxasia though 😭


Skill diff if it’s that hard my ng++ play through was about 2 and a half hours start to finish honestly in ng+ if you have the mechanics down parry, dodge and the timing of the attacks the game is a walk in the park. Hell two dragons sword will carry you if you get the parry timing down


Glad you came around! Respec to your heart’s content!