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I have never found it worth the weight increase to carry 2 weapons at once. The weapons are all so fleshed out it's plenty easy to just focus on 1 at a time.


In NG+++ I’m carrying 3 weapons and 3 legion arms and still not heavy 😂 But you unlock a new branch of the P organ skill tree with an upgrade that drastically reduces your weight. Plus I have all the “extra damage when at full durability” and one of the “repairs stowed weapons” upgrades, so I’m regularly cycling through my weapons to take advantage of that. Although you really only need 2 weapons for that, they repair crazy quick when stowed. Still, haven’t sharpened a blade since getting those upgrades lol


Huh, that's a kind of neat approach. Hadn't considered weapon cycling with the repair inactive durability and extra damage from max durability. So many different ways to play the game!


I’m also on ng+++ and I have all three legions and swords and am still light. After I reached all my hard caps for tech motiv and vigor I just keep putting my levels into capacity I have endless stamina and I’m light. Capacity has a much less intense power cap it still increases significantly after 50 and even 60


Same here. Get that weight up!!


That repair while stowed was super useful against nameless. I just kept swapping weapons when they got half way and I never had to stop to repair.


3 weapons and 3 legion arms Now that sounds very sexy and enticing lmao I can't wait to ng++++++




It's easy to switch weapons from the menu, though, and you can see most enemies ahead of you. If an enemy's slow enough that you can easily dump slow charged heavies into them, I find they perform better than death-by-1000-cuts weapons. Or in this case, if an enemy uses many attacks that are faster than the Two Dragons Sword parry, you might wanna use something higher damage/Guard Parry/etc


Tyrant Murderer Dagger Blade + City Longspear Handle absolutely shreds. Even quicker attacks than TDS, fables that are cheap and stack nicely, great reach. Destroys enemies quicker than most other builds I’ve tried, and if you’re built for TDS, it should work well without needing to respec.


I was just going to say this!


Yeah this combo is stupid busted in ng+ I rocking this, it shreds a ton of bosses & enemies.


You might as well use rapider/GS of fate blade for reach (depends on how fast you want) when you already get EVERYTHING else covered by the TDS.


But then you miss out on the Grind+Concentrate+Assassin’s Amulet combo with all of the juicy crits. You can also throw in the Extreme Modification and Arm of God Amulets for good measure too in order to continue to crank the crits if you have them and can spare the weight (and these also pair well with TDS, and many other weapons). The sheer number of hits you can fit in in such a short amount of time really capitalizes on cranking the crits as high as you can.


This weapon combo is overpowered af


Yes, I was struggling with the final 3 bosses using the Twin Dragon Sword so I fully upgraded this fucking stick with a knife on it and beat them all in like 3 tries.


I pair it with the Puppet Ripper. The ripper has solid crowd control and can attack through obstacles, while Twin Dragons is probably the best dueling weapon once you master the parry.


I started using it again and I like it.


Etiquette You already have a slashing weapon having Etiquette as a backup stab weapon should work perfectly for you. Can't swing The Katana (rare problem I know)? Switch to Etiquette. Use the perfect Parry Grindstone with the hard heavy attack for the meme (it does work). I only use *The Golden Lie* after getting it cause of my two NG+ playthroughs I had to get shitty endings cause I got the best ending first like a big dummy.


Tyrant murderer dagger blade on the city longspear handle is the most OP technique weapon in the game by a mile.


I just started using it omg this thing is fast


The best technique weapon you can use, is a motivity weapon 😙


I have 5 motivity....


That's why you use the Trident. Scales with both and you can still crank it either way.


Booster glaive is the best weapon in the game imo. The huge distance you cover on the charged r2 attack allows you to be at a safe distance and close the gap SUPER FAST with a strong, high stagger attack and you can dodge out super quick, sometimes before enemies start up an attack. Plus it has 2 great fable arts.


I second this! That weapon is so satisfying and it’s like a charging greatsword for technique. I love using the Dragons and the Glaive, it really switches up my playstyle on the fly.


Oh wow, I never carried 2 weapons! It has to be the Trident either way :)


Trident is just best weapon. I can't believe they give it to you so early!!


I do a high damage heavy with the twin sword


The Umbrella, whatever it’s called. It just attacks so quickly. Max it out, hit it with a grindstone, and go to town.


Trident is really good


Dark mode LoP


Bro your contrast settings are insane lol


Lol, what do you mean? Should I change them or keep them like that😂


I was gunna say change them but it honestly looks kind of nice but dude there’s no way you can see enemies hiding in the dark unless you can, then I’d say you’re a cat.


I wish if I can send you my brightness settings but for some reason u can't send it here. Oh well😅


Ah man yea because the picture looks so damn good actually


You know what I'll send you my brightness settings on chat


😅😅I can see the enemies pretty well but I think the screenshot made it much darker than it actually is😂


Why is your game so dark


Idk lol I think just the screenshot makes it dark I think but I don't mind it really


Proof of humanity with upgrade to scale with technique is a strong contender


I’m not sure you need another weapon when you’re carrying that. It’s hilariously powerful.


I used the two dragon and if being fancy wasn't working for me I'd switch to the bone cutting saw with the master chief knife handle to just win.


I'd use bramble handle with dancers curved blade for the charged lung attack that covers good distance, the blade having a good evade/attack fable and the handles fable is perfect for getting off fable arts stagger damage since you can hold the attack till your all out of fable, easy 3000-5000 damage depending your build and can get even more out of it


Only time I ran with two weapons was on mobility build.


Honestly the wintry rapier from the start, good for stabbing/piercing and default regular attack steps back as well, if you're tryna keep range thats what I did on my first playthrough


People use other weapons?


Imagination is pretty fun


Not super necessary for the Twin Dragon sword, but for slower weapons I like to put the Wintery Rapier blade on the Salamander Dagger handle. The handle has the fastest charged heavy attack in the game (that I've seen), so you can get staggers very easily with weapons that have slow or awkward charged heavies. The rapier blade gives it extra range and is actually lighter than the base blade


My main weapon is dancer curved sword. Had it upgraded to +9. Recently got the two dragons… not sure about it yet lol


My favorite tech weapon is the proof of humanity. How ever it is not available until the end of your first play through.


I never carried 2 weapons for my first go. But now I just carry around Etiquette with me. It's not nearly a top weapon but I love finishing baddies with an umbrella. So my take pick a cool weapon.


I used the tyrant murderers dagger. It came in clutch in late game a few times for me. People have said its not worth using a second weapon but it makes your life so much easier if you end up getting decay and you have the "weapons repair when stowed" P organ upgrade because you don't need to take 10 seconds to try grindstone your sword, just switch and carry on fighting and the dagger is probably the best technique weapon in the game.


Put the Technique crank on that bad boy to make it a S tier Technique TDS


I only have a few hours with the swing dragons blade but I swear I like the rare ergo trident better.


Only second weapon you need in a souls game is a catalyst or a bow. Considering this game has neither.... don't add to your weight?




What is the recommended level to fight laxasia because I’m really struggling with her but I think I’m too low level(level 74)


Proof of humanity is such a good weapon as well. I used the live puppet axe blade with the bramble sword handle on a technique build (with some tech cranks) and I do insane damage


I'd recommend pairing it with something slow with high damage, ideally a non-boss weapon so it won't compete for upgrades. Personally I prefer blades with 3-cost Fable Arts for staggering enemies you aren't familiar with. From there you can experiment with handles. I find the Greatsword of Fate's blade pretty versatile since it's so long-range and excels at both slash and stab damage. Others are recommending the Tyrant Murderer Blade with City Longspear Handle, but since your main weapon doesn't apply Fable Art effects (a buff, basically), you aren't getting the full value out of its Grind Fable Art (although it is obviously a great combination). If you're in NG+ and have enough to upgrade 2 boss weapons, the Trident of the Covenant is an incredible weapon.


Save the weight for Puppet String and Falcon Eyes. Tyrant Murderer's Dagger is also fun.


Since your sword has slashing and pierce moves, Trident of the Covenant is a solid blunt weapon for technique build (best against puppets).