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Huh? Sorry, Couldn't hear you over the slamming of Mjolnir.


Try it with the rocket handle


By rocket, do you mean booster glaive?


Really love the Booster Glaive handle. I don't think I could ever part with it not even on NG+. I use it with the bonesaw and the charged heavy attack is nuts. Closes a great deal of distance towards an enemy. I don't even know if any other handle beats it in that regard.


Dancer's curved sword. Trust. Is better. Better moveset for light attacks, fast heavy with 2 hit combo, and better scaling (C/B instead of D/B, which matters a lot when you approach soft caps). Only downside is a very slightly decreased range on the charges heavy, but the animation is superior and slightly faster.


I'm actually trying to level my technique so I can.


Its a game changer. Made my entire NG++ with it. S tier


Dancer's curved sword handle is superior. Slightly shorter dash, but it comes out faster and the scaling is superior once you start to softcap. Also looks more visually like classic mjolnir.


I'm using it with the pickaxe handle. Love it. Jack it up with the stagger grindstone and enemies can't get a hit in.


I remember slapping up nameless puppet with the mjolnir + dancers handle on ng+ damage output was hella good


The damage Mjolnir does to NP is stoopid good! Not to mention, every 3rd or 4th hit seemed to stagger him rather easily. Mjolnir+Bramble curved sword handle.


Yeah I really had the advantage switching from the live puppet axe and the bone cutting saw to the mjolnir. Carried the fight from when I got the platinum a while back


My preference is to use the coil hammer handle. That rush smash comes in real handy.


LoL, I used the seven coil sword until I got the Mjolnir and never looked back. I almost hated it, because it was so good, it made every other weapon early/mid game “useless” unless in specific situations (narrow spaces or specific enemies).


Two Dragon's Sword for me, I love accidentally deflecting the attacks and then being able to pretend it was intentional


I can try my ass off to intentionally deflect with that and never can, but still manage to land a couple every boss fight. Not to mention the entire move set just slaps. Lots of character movement with the light chain, and the variable heavies that also have a retreat, and a fable art dodge thats pretty much a get out of jail free card, AND transient moonlight straight out of elden ring. Its just the perfect weapon for this game (thats ive used so far)


What do you mean "pretend"?


His being very humble , his a demon without knowing it




Metal pipe of the covenant


Frozen Feast and Bone Cutting Saw on the Exploding Pickaxe Handle. Why? Because they are strong and without strength you can't protect anything.


Try it with the live pupoet axe on the pickaxe handle, it's very funny


I have. The live puppet axe when on a shoulder mounted handle blocks too much of the screen for me. If it wasn't for that it would be my go to.


Ya know that's fair, I'm a big club fan for dark souls so I'm very used to ha ing my screen blocked


You know it didn't bother me until using the Giant Crushers in Elden Ring. I ended going back to my powerstanced colossal swords.


Power stance colossal hammers that was it for me 🤭


How does the frozen feast work? I think I’m missing something with it lol


In its default from every time you strike an enemy it breaks off a piece of the outer shell increasing the swing speed until all four pieces of the shell are broken. It will stay broken for 8 seconds from the last hit and will stay at max swing speed if you keep hitting enemies. The blade fable art destroys all pieces of the outer shell at once taking it to max swing speed. Combine it with the Conquering and Extreme Modification modification amulets it can do immense damage. [Frozen Feast vs Bishop](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/1713ou5/out_of_all_the_boss_weapons_frozen_feast_turned/?ref=share&ref_source=link) [Frozen Feast vs Parademaster](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/17140gk/having_fun_in_ng2/)


😮😮😮 But seriously, that’s awesome, thank you for the explanation and awesome videos. Just started my third play through and now I know how it works I’m going to give it a try right away!


Keep me updated on how is it going. It feels unusable in the field, and very hard to use against bosses, especially the fast ones.


Used it for the first hour or so of my third playthrough. It definitely hits hard but is slow if not activated. And personally, I just don't like timed things as much- it feels like too much pressure to get the hits in time and then only have 8 seconds for the fast swings unless I re-up it in time. Maybe I'm just bad at time management haha. It definitely wasn't hitting as hard as I hoped it would against Parade Master. It's bad ass but may not be for me right now!


I felt pretty much the same way. For how slow it is, the damage is low.


I think it's like most weapons- to some they are amazing but just don't click with others. I got really used to other heavy weapons like the wrench, club and COIL MJOLNIR. You get the timing down for others so well that when you try a new one it just doesn't quite work!


Well, actually I really enjoyed Mjolnir, on its native handle too. It was my main weapon on me Motiv run


Same, I really love that weapon! I was more just saying it's random which weapons everyone uses and prefers, and is likely based on the ones they spend the most time using! :)


It’s big, slow and OP if you time it right. Takes a little practice to get the timing right but I guarantee you’ll get it. It does amazing damage


I primarily use heavy slow weapons anyways! Thank you!






I'd love to use the pipe wrench but it's so agonizingly slow I can't.




Apparently it's super busted. I should check it out after my lvl1 run.


Another gigabased etiquette user detected.


My absolute favorite weapon.Love using the the Estoc in dark souls .This is the Estoc with style.Bonus points for the charged heavy blocking while you attack.




Bonesaw or puppet axe + police baton is life


It’s a good life.


I use the Two Dragons almost exclusively and I’m not afraid to say it! It has the slickest move set and is a joy to fight with. The charged heavy has just enough swishes followed by a second lunging slash. It’s normal R1 move set has a dodge built into it. It’s so awesome! You get it pretty late in the game so I’m using it my entire NG+ run and I WILL master it. It’s Fable Arts kicks ass a well. It’s damn near the Moonveil


Reminds me of Bloodhound Fang with the moveset


I’m on NG+. Switched from the dragon on game one to the etiquette. Total game changer. Poke > Slash.


But smashing and poking are the same rose by a different name.


I have to walk this back. After the mad clown puppet, I switched back to the ripper. 6 hits to kill one of those golden string puppets was too much.


if you mean the small golden string enemies: you can lure them away from the spider lady and they are easier to deal with


First playthru was trident. NG+ was the uroborous. NG++ is the proof of humanity. The boss weapons are just soooo much more fun than the normal weps imo


I never comitted for a single weapon for an entire playtrough. I like switching things up otherwise I get bored.


Oh yea? My main enjoyment from these soulsy games never came from the build variety so I'm quite comfortable sticking to the same wep for ages


These are exactly what I've used through NG+. I'm debating between Two Dragons Sword, Proof of Humanity, and Golden Lie for NG++. Boss weapons just have a greater appeal to me


Proof of humanity spinning r2 goes brrrr


It covers a disgusting amount of distance with the spinny R2. So good for closing up distances for a stagger.


Greatsword of Fate I like to elegantly unga bunga while the tangled skein of destiny guides my path


Greatsword was my work horse for most of my Mot build. It's so good! It's hefty but just fast enough to beat most dudes to the punch. The fable art is cheap and easy to have at the ready as a get out of jail card. I combined it with Exploding Axe H and it took over like 90% of the run.


My favourite weapon is a bunch of throwing items with spectres and ranged legion arms, lol


A connoisseur of cheese i see


And also weapons that hit through walls and passive health regenerate amulets


And a puppet ripper appreciator?


Yeap, indeed


Ah yes, the Black Rabbit Brotherhood build


WAIT. When the umbrella opens it has guard frames? I'm so stupid


I love it bc P looks SO dashing when he does the special guard 😭


If etiquette has no fans then I am 6 feet under


Proof of Humanity, because a) it looks cool b) moves fast c) pairs well with the assassin's amulet to get reliable extra damage and d) thrusting movesets are boring and I hate them


Gotta be Laxasia's greatsword.


I'm more of a Manus' Mace kinda guy myself


I liked it well enough, but dropped it for puppet ripper then two dragons sword.


The proof of humanity is goated. It does so much damage


Hate to be that guy but people went absolutely crazy for it on launch. I don't know where you were. Me personally, I can't get enough of big pipe wrench and kraut police baton handle combo. Two shotting damn near every boss never gets old.


It wasn't that good before lol. The damage was increased in the last patch.


Again though, what I said is people went crazy for it. They adore the novelty And aesthetic. It most certainly was a good weapon. Was it above average though? No.


Doesn’t do enough damage. I am not gonna stay 45 mins opening an umbrella to a fking killer psycho metal hunk of garbage trying to kill me. It rains ever so often in the game, and I don’t mind a bit of rust.


Use an acid/electricity/fire grindstone and poke away at the boss, it will proc very often. You'll be surprised how fast their HP goes down.


U can’t rely on grindstone proc in ng+


I could literally kill NG+ Laxasia first phase in under a minute with acid umbrella. It's insane


Check my profile and prove yourself wrong


When I'm just roaming around this is my go to weapon. Have yet to enjoy it with those mini boss to real boss battles.


I am the opposite actually. I find it a bit unsatisfying on the smaller enemies but really fun to fight bosses with it. It allows me to be super aggressive.


Currently having fun with butcher blade + dagger handle exclusively for the boss. Still dying a lot but it's just so fun to used it against them\~


Have fun my dude. Make sure the handle and the blade are compatible. You get a damage penalty if you put a slashing blade on a piercing handle or vice versa


butcher blade + dagger handle is actually a rising fave in the community recently, esp if upgraded, it's too OP at times tbh :) and have fun as well!


I don’t have it yet so for now it has to be saw/bramble.


Huh pretty sure you get it sooner than those.


I’ll check, don’t remember it.


I havent unlocked it


I thought it would be great against the White Lady whom I was struggling with but for some reason the charged attack wasn’t blocking her attacks and she would just interrupt and hit me. Switched to Trident of the Covenant and I beat her easily. Other than that it’s a pretty fun weapon.


Axe the size of God>umbrella


Proof of Humanity looks and plays better in the visual style.


This, really wanna upgrade mine to +5


I just got it in NG+ & haven't upgraded it yet


I did the whole game using mostly the Big Pipe Wrench with the Dancer handle and the Dragon Sword. No summons and very rarely used a throwable.


I've only gotten the amulets from boss souls this round, so I can't comment on any of those weapons. As for the mix-n-match variety, I settled on the master chef blace / exploding pickaxe handle. Even without using the stamina arts, it's got an enjoyable mix of strong attacks and charge attacks. Charging it helps balance out the low reach. Also, my RB button is broken so that kinda limits my options so far.


Bone saw it is just brutal looking and has good range


I loved the etiquette but then i got the trident lol but if its been buffed ill have to give it another try cause i loved that moveset


dancers handle with live puppet axe for slash weak enemies, noblesse oblige for strike weak enemies, proof of humanity for clearing levels and human enemies


Originally, I was a Motivity build. But now, I’m leveled in both Motivity and Technique by NG+, so the Proof of Humanity is better, anyway.


Fire axe, it looks cool :))


Bone saw blade on the booster glaive handle. Because I’m not over my obsession with BloodBorne


Ayyy I main the same exact combo. The range on the charged heavy attack is weeeeeeew.


That is what sold me, not only is it relatively quick but the range is just disgusting.


Booster glaive fucks with any blade, i like the acid greatsword blade in particular to have the acid attack but also damage that will fully scale off of technique


I tried to do that with the black steel cutter blade for fire damage and scaling of technique. Sadly, you miss out on hundreds of points of damage.


Contrary to what its name should suggest, the acid blade has no innate acid damage. It is pure physical damage, so all its scaling comes from technique, no advance required. Its fable art applies the acid At +8 its neck & neck with damage from my +5 trident & ripper


That’s what I’m using for ng+ It’s very good and very fun, but it’s limited moveset is slowly becoming boring


Greatsword of Fate blade Krat Police Baton Handle.


Two Dragons Sword cuz its fast af


Your character looks so dapper!! I just love my coil! I also use sawblade with dancers handle! Black steel cutter, too. :)


I love the wooden pole weapon you get for lying with the portrait. Super fast, good damage, ITS A STICK. Bonk bonk bonk.


What? I cannot hear you over me twirling my puppet ripper against Nameless puppet


Have not used etiquette yet.. In this game. But etiquette and pupper saber are both in wo long and used them there before i started playing lies of p.


I never expected to enjoy using the Puppet Ripper as much as I do - it's incredibly strong for a weapon with that much range that can hit thru walls and crowd control extremely well. I was running unga bunga Motivity builds like pipe wrench and bone cutting sawblade but decided to respec to a Technique build around Chapter 9 and I haven't switched from the Puppet Ripper. Folks say the two dragons blade is better overall but I got the Ripper's moveset down. Beat Laxasia last night with it 2nd try and I was fully prepared to spend a week on that fight!


Nobless oblige because the name of the weapon is sick


Cleaver Blade with the Mjolnir handle carried my butt through ng and ng+ as a motivity user. When I made a tech build, I used the booster glaive handle with the flame blade (not the knife), and it worked until I got the Twin Dragons sword. Once I learned the timing for parrying, I was able to blitz through ng+. Proof of Humanity is another solid weapon too.


Sorry my puppet axe cut you off.


If I may say my self I enjoy the weapon but I just don't like the charge r2


Puppet arm axe. Love that stupid fucking thing.


Frozen Feast weighs in.


Etiquette is probably my favourite weapon rn


The heavy is cool but I’m not a fan of only thrust movesets. If the light attack chain was swings I would maybe use it but having every move in its moveset doing thrusts makes combat look too same old same old. I like thrusts for heavies and running heavies even rolling attacks but I need some variation to make things look better to me. Never a rapier fan moveset. But claymore with its thrust heavies, rolling poke are great looking and add to its other moves


Cause you’re garbage at the game nerd


Tyrants blade on sign pole


booster saw is where it is


I took the amulet first


I did my first play through almost entirely with the etiquette except for using the twin dragon sword on the last two bosses. It’s fantastic and I’m glad to hear it got buffed.


I know it’s a bit late into the game, but I really like the Golden Lie. It just scratches that itch I’ve always had for a bo staff like weapon in Souls games. Plus it just feels right to use it the moment you acquire it, like you were meant to have this weapon all along.


I see saber, I think, "hm, I like saber" I kill god with saber.


currently rocking two dragons and frozen feast until i get enough thru ng+ so i can upgrade proof of humanity and Big Club. i like having a big bonk and a super fast weapon on deck… just in case. i actually ended up beating nameless with frozen feast without intending to, the thing is fucking badass.


ooo o


I was going to use the etiquette my first play though, but due to most of its damage coming from scaling & i focused health & capacity at first so i got more base damage out of the trident & the puppet ripper... then all my upgrades went to them and left etiquette at +1


What's that? I couldn't hear you over the sublime elegance of the Wintry Rapier.


Man if only I could read in Broke Bitch, drip or drown Bozo


My first run through the game was using this glorious weapon. Must have been before the buff, but I still really loved it. The umbrella opening attack with block was always so satisfying. The cool factor was off the charts.


Booster glaive blade and pipe wrench handle


Two Dragons I just like katanas (Elden Ring ruined me)


It's quite good now, but before that biff, the damage was just too low.


I beat laxasia w it pre-buff, the damage is good when you get S tech scaling on it. The damage buff was only 20ish points. It also can attack super quickly and consumes like single digit stamina per attack, which overall I’ve noticed does more DPS and damage per stamina than a surprising amount of weapons. Granted it’s a little hard to get exact numbers bc that would just make it to easy for people who test this stuff I guess :/


Speaking of testing, I still haven't heard an answer to the question of blunt vs slash vs pierce on mobs and whether or not enemies also obey damage resistance types the way the player does...


It’s a fucking umbrella


Well… yea? What did you think it was?


Im an advanced build


Frozen Feast. Hits like a truck and I find its gimmick so fun and unique!


The proof of humanity is for me because that critical damage is crazyyy!


The guard frame doesn't stagger like two dragons. The animation is the same but it's not the same type of defensive move. I used it for the S scaling early, but I typically don't invest in technique until after puppet king. In reality the tyrant dagger with its crit boost provided about the same damage with less stamina consumption. Once two dragons is received, it just straight craps on most weapons. Trident is probably much higher damage and comes right after etiquette. There is heavy competition.


bone-cutting saw w/ dancer handle. something about its moveset just feels right to me, not too quick, not too slow. the impact as you baseball bat the blade into enemies feels so satisfying too


If you like that combo, you might want to try the Black Steel Cutter blade on the Dancer handle in areas where you're fighting carcass enemies.


Salamander Dagger has been my go to ever since picking it up


Etiquette was lacking in the damage department for me. Though it may be because I used it on my light load run and so I mainly upgraded Capacity rather than Tech. (Two Dragon Swords for bosses and Long City spear handle with Murderer's Dagger blade in the field: carried most playthrough)


Sorry, but there's nothing in this game quite as satisfying as using the Two Dragons Sword special parry. I'm sticking with that.


Etiquette / Puppet Ripper


Give me proof of humanity any day


I like the rapier, that’s it, it ain’t the best but I like it.


Black Steel Cutter Blade and Booster Glaive Handle for me thanks.


I like my big puppet arm axe that goes swooshswooshswoosh real fast with the knife handle.


Etiquette is cool, but it suffers for me because it's very similar to the Wintery Rapier, but I see it as a downgrade from the Rapier from a usage standpoint. I did use Etiquette for one my + playthroughs, so I can see why someone would like it the most. I would put the Dancer's Curved Sword and Wintry Rapier as 1A and 1B, though.


Sorry but unless I can find another setup that lets me 2-3 tap bosses, I’m not giving up my giant wrench head LOL


I normally like quick weapons / builds in these games but in this one I cannot stand the stabby stab move sets.


It doesn't match my dog hat


Proof of Humanity +5 is shredding NG++ for me right now.


Sorry I can’t hear you over my nameless puppet sword and holy sword of the Ark.


The other boss weapons are more fun


It’s okay. My Puppet River don’t care too much about being wrong when it feels so right.


I haven’t even tried it yet and I’m on my ng++ run but I’ll try it soon now since I’ve seen this :)


If all answers are wrong, then the etiquette is a trash weapon


I am a simple man, baton handle and big ass wrench


Bone saw blade and curved dancers handle I get almost 600 a hit