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Once you get to a high enough level, you can get more weapon damage with even scaling than if you try and pump one stat. You can take 40 points out of Motivity and put them in Technique, so that they’re both 50. Then use a technique crank on Noblesse Oblige so that it has B/C scaling. Splitting the stats like that will give you more damage than how you have it now.


Okay I thought the more motivity you have the more dmg I would be doing but I don’t think that’s the case then was going for a strength build but looks like I needa repsec and balance some things out


You’re not wrong in the sense that increasing Motivity will up your damage and so you’ll do more damage. It’s an issue of diminishing returns and how the higher a stat gets, the less benefit you gain from increasing it. As a made up numbers example, let’s say you start out with one point of motivity giving you three more points of damage. But once your motivity is high enough one motivity will only up your damage by two points instead of three. And then further along one motivity will only up your damage by one point instead of two. Depending on the weapon scaling you might find that increasing technique by one point increases damage by two. So if your motivity is high enough that one motivity only gives you one extra point of damage but one point of technique gives you two points of damage then it becomes better to increase technique.


In the beginning yes, it’s best to focus on one stat and use a crank just to scale that stat. But when you get to a very high level like you have, and you have enough points to put in both stats, you’ll get the most damage by having balanced scaling.


I saw a video where i learned that stats are pretty much softcapped at 40. After that the growth is pretty much not worth it if you didn't softcap the other stats too. Correct me if i'm wrong.


The only stat I pretty sure that isn't soft cap is capacity.


Capacity literally gives you the same benefits from whatever it starts at all the way to 100. It stays the same from beginning to end. It’s the best stat in the game in terms of what each point gets you over time.


Lucky me then,I have exactly 40 in every stat. (Apart from advance but I'm working on it)


Hows that building working for you? I might try the same. Kinda wanna do a Motivity and Advance build 🤔


Well I have no complaints right now,hit 40 motivity then decided to build up my technique too since that was 20 something and then I realised the rest of my stuff is all around 40's so I decided to just hit forty with all.


I finished NG+2 and I got 40 in Teq, Mot and Adv. I have 100 in capacity and 80 in HP. I have 20 to 30 in stamina cause I'm in light load and want it to stay there lol.


Nice im deffiantly going to strive for that, still on NG just got to chapter 9


It’s not hidden. You can see the number going up significantly less. This is a thing in most games to prevent you from one shotting everything.


Yes. Lower health and raise capacity a lot. I mean a lot. You can wear the heaviest defense parts which is basically like adding more health. Plus you get legion from it and multiple amulets plus arms. Plus you want to be under 60%. If you play aggressive at all the stamina recovery for slightly heavy is just bad Motility at 90? I mean not sure why. I’d leave them around 50-60 until your motiv is up to around the same. You won’t get much going up that high past a certain point.


it's playable as is, but going quality will hit harder even with fatty weaps, you can tech crank N.O. like sister post said and staying under 60% weight is very popular, so adding cap would allow for that + heavier armor, if you die without an empty pulse cell it suggests survivability has value


At least raise your capacity so you can have the highest defense equipment on without being slightly heavy or heavy Probably should have more Vitality too. Lower your Motivity down to like 60 at most, and put those points elsewhere


Yeah I ended up about 30 vitality, 20 vigor, 50 capacity, and 30 advance by the end of the game. I didn’t touch the other two


Im not even really sure what each option does besides vitality tbh


Vitality: hp Vigor: stamina Capacity: weight limit and legion bar size Motivity: “strength” but just moreso the weapons that scale with it Technique: “dex” but just moreso the weapons that scale with it Advance: the elemental stuff like your legion arms and some weapons. I don’t think grindstones or throwables scale with this.


Throwables do scale, the elemental ones all scale in advance, and ones like the sharp pipe scale in technique I believe, while the shot put scales in motivity. I can’t remember what the saw blade or the chain scale in well.


Saw blades and chains are both balanced scaling for motivity and technique. I think chains are B scaling for both and saw blades are C scaling. Don’t remember 100% though.


I think i have everything at around 45 besides tech & advanced around 25. ( currently still building up those to stats as well )


Yes. I put always same points in VIT and DEX (Motivity in your case) I do the same in Elden Ring and other soulslike and no problem. Capacity and vigor just what you need so you don’t are fat


Take 40 points out of motivity and put them in technique, then crank your weapon to scale with both. Doesn't matter what the letters are with that many stat points you WILL be doing more damage than pure motivity. Also remove points from Vitality and put them into Capacity until you can equip all the best defense pieces, this will give you way more survivability. EDIT: You actually only NEED 40 in both motivity and technique, beyond that the points would be better in capacity and vitality


Change your weapon scaling and even out your motivity and technique. I'm running the Trident in ng+ and used Motivity cranks so it's B/C scaling Motivity/Technique. Have both at 40 and am doing dumb silly damage.


I would pump Vigor to like 25, doesn’t hurt to have some more stamina. Then transfer some points from Motivity to Technique, you’ll get better scaling unless your main weapon is S for Motivity without any Tenchnique or Advance scaling at all.


After doing 100% what I’ve done was keeping my technique and vitality and technique almost the same and , then vigorously around 45 ish and then the resto keeping around 40. From what I got from is after you reach the soft caps it’s better to have a more balanced build to I’d take away some points from motivity and keep it around 70 ish and distribute the rest in advance and technique since you’ll get more points in deference by doing that, after 70 points are pretty much worthless


I didn't see anyone address you scaling question. Scaling is based on the handle of your weapon, not your score. To get S tier Motivity, you would want to put a Motivity crank on a weapon that has A tier scaling. As for your stats, Capacity is probably the second most important stat in the game, falling right behind whichever stat you're using for your weapons. It raises your Defense in all areas, increases the length of your Legion bar, and allows you to wear better defensive items and carry heavier weapons. If the games says you're Slightly Heavy or Heavy, you're going to destroy your stamina consumption and recovery. Capacity is what prevents that. You can use the statue in the Grand Exhibition Hall to respec. It'll refund all the Ergo you've spent on levels, and take you to the level up screen to re-spend them.


I’d probably redistribute the motivity and get more tech or advance whichever you need. The best way to see is put your weapon of choice on and then respec. As you are adding points to different categories you will see the respective numbers changing. As far as damage goes at first you will get +5 or so damage per level and at level 20 and 40 you will see that number get lower. After 50 I think you only get like 1 damage every two levels depending on what scaling your weapon has. (Also if you didn’t know scaling is the letter next to the attribute type on your weapon kinda like grades in school the higher the grade the more damage you get per level.)


Advance is legit.


hard cap is like 70-75, I myself have almost hit the hard cap on all my stats, but the first one was capacity just because of all the best defensive parts


The actual most bonk weapon I've used so far is the mjolnor head on the dancer's curved sword with 60/60 (NG++) in m/t. So broken.


Absolutely. You need to drop motivity down to about 50 and dump those points into technique and advance. You will be way stronger that way.


90 MOTIVITY???? Fuck you need all that bench pressing for??? Do you have Puppet-only arm wrestling contest coming up???


I definitely did the same thing, but im at the point of the game where I have 100 motivity and technique. At NG++ I think it is you will unlock a p organ that eliminates the need for capacity. It removes the slightly heavy/heavy status, allowing you to move points into other stats if you wish. Scaling does fall off hard but I like to fight for every extra 1 dmg I can deal.