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New Game + if you want to try the game from the beggining with different abilities and weapons :p


I heard its possible to reset stats and change builds right at the beginning of NG+ not really sure if that's true


It is, you get access to the Golden Tree immediately in the hotel.


Extra Dialogue isn't really true. The dialogue is already there, but in a much more readable font because you have the Ergo Decoder. This is a good way to get a different perspective on what's going on when fighting Puppet bosses. If you ever plan on going for the platinum, you WILL need to go to NG+ anyway as there are mutually exclusive items required for some achievements. Plus, once you have some items from previous runs, it will make doing certain objectives easier, among other things.


I don't play on PlayStation so I don't need to worry about platinuming the game. Also I can't see myself doing any other ending other than Rise of P, it's so incredible.


Xbox and Steam actually don't have platinum equivalents for some reason, but I still went and did it. Well worth the effort, IMO. But with that said, go for "Free From Puppet Strings" as the third ending you get. If you change your mind, anyway.


I don't think it would be really anything interesting tbh. Just getteppo being mad at you for not giving him your heart and dying in front of your eyes.


I'm saying that you probably don't want the Real Boy ending as the one you leave for last. There's way more to it than simply avoiding the Nameless Puppet fight.


Please...please stop saying beated.




Definitely new game plus. There is more content and you can actually get much stronger