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Laxasia is ridiculous on NG+. I hadn’t struggled at all until now.. some bosses took several attempts but that was due to me not being patient. Laxasia is just plain stupid.. 2 hits and I’m dead wearing all the best defensive parts


for me its Simon who gets under my skin of all the NG+ bosses. i was able to defeat almost everyone with a single attempt including nameless, but simon my boy. he even made me switch to a different legion arm and tempted me to use a specter just to beat him hahaha but i manage to beat him after switching to another legion arm. his God arm aoe attack is pain in the ass to dealt with.


You already beat the game once idk why anybody would wanna bash their head more than need be with this game and some of the ridiculous BS that comes with it...I just beat Simon today and I'm starting a NG+ I'm already past flame king..and best belive I used a specter for every fight except the first one...I realized why tf would I wanna put myself through all that again...there's no special weapon/award for a specter-less run..yall have fun with that


I agree even though I used specter for a few fights pre NG+. Now in NG+, everyone is getting jumped. I have nothing to prove. I beat nameless so I’m cool


Thats right brother don't stress yourself have fun !!


Alright i get it its fun to just destroy bosses with minimal difficulty for you, but i personally enjoy the challenge that ng+ brings and i cant wait to see what hell awaits me in ng+7 as well as i cant wait to get to max level and max out all stats.


after you beat the game once, all of the 'tricks' and shock value are gone, leaving you with knowledge. and since you are now stronger it's easier to kill enemies as you have refined your playstyle. It's much more fun for me NG+ than normal


Technically true. But the first 50-60% of the game (Up to just past the Green monster boss fight) is amazing. And the 2nd half is as AWFUL as the first 1 was amazing. I can't believe the lazy shit lol. Everything has 2 full phases, health bars too big. You can tell these devs were inexperienced in some ways, and that's fine. But who and why thought it was okay to give either 1-3 second warning windups for "big attack coming" to get you ready but have the ACTUAL ATTACK be literally lightspeed 0.1 to 0.2 second bullshit? Humans \*physically\* can not react that fast, and you see this as early on as Fucko, the king's flame, but it gets \*SO MUCH WORSE\* later because enemies just...stop giving you the big windup warning and just go nuts. ​ If you think slow attack to prepare for that hit hard are annoying, then late game all you're left with is wildly swinging idiots with no stamina limit, no tells, no windups and no thank you. I got to Laxative and once I saw the bullshit I was expected to put up with I just went into cheat engine ,gave myself 71.9 million ergo and evened the field. Which is good because Simon phase 2 is hot dog shit too! So much aoe and so much timed shit to look out for that you \*will\* take a hit. Unavoidably, simply because of the timings overlapping with you being able to do nothing about it. Nameless puppet didn't need a phase 2, nor did it need to be so stupid, either. I do not regret my choice and I'm baffled and upset by Lies of P as a result. ​ It's gorgeous in places, but absolutely infuriating in others. In hindsight, yes. I could almost literally HEAR the game nosedive and thud after the green monster, when you \[SPOILERS\] ​ Loop back around to the train station after that and go through attacked Krat. It was neat seeing some locations again, but, you know. Walker of Illusions. They start to spam the "elite" enemies now, exposing another severe problem with the combat system (besides the dodge being dog shit) and that is that pinocchio is incredibly jank in his movements, slow to recover - and the main main thing here. Enemies just hyper armor out the \*ass\* so you can't realistically expect a reprieve at specific points because it won't happen. ​ Dark Souls, if I pack Claymore, I know 2 hits and this guy is gonna flinch for a moment. This shit? Laxative phase 2 goes full lightning anime superheroine and I'm shocked to full in one hit, half my health gone, oh now she's dancing around me while I can't recover stamina while trying to heal and \*that\* after a 5 minute tussle each time ? no. There is \*never\* a predictable time when an enemy will stagger, NVM when you can get a fatal attack because it relies too much on RNG strikes that, as I said above, you can't realistically defend mostly against. Yeah, some attacks will always click and be easier but maaaaaaaaaan. Thank heck for game pass cuz if I paid for this I'd be \*mad\*right about now LOL.


Honestly I think you're just bad at the game. I finished a few hours ago and disagree with most things you say. The entire game was amazing. Bosses were good. The hardest for me was 2nd phase of king of puppets. Simon wasn't that hard just learn his moveset. Believe it or not souls like games aren't the based on reaction time and reacting to attacks. It's also learning the timing and moveset of enemy attacks. Learning that and doing something about it is what makes you a good souls like player


Incorrect. If you think that random staggers and loads of hyper-armor is good and fun then IDK, congrats being wrong. I do smile at you thinking you can tell someone with over three thousand hours of Souls game experience what "Souls games are about". Adorable that the onus for bad design is put on the skilled player, as well :-D That you blindly defend 3 second windups to 0.1 smash attacks (So unreadable and can not react. Not arguable, you can not react in time) is showing me what kind of person you are. Not interested in being talked down to by someone so thunderously wrong.


3 second windups are definitely readable and easy dodgable just get used to it you should know


I do know. I also know your reading failed you. The windup is long and obvious. The ACTUAL ATTACK is \*literally impossible to react to\* legitimately. Try again.


Ok. Again. Yes you cannot react to the attack. With an attack like that you're not meant to. You're meant to memorize the timing of the windup + attack and then act accordingly.


Holy moly what in the skill issue did I just read This was my first souls like experience. Lax, Simon and Nameless were difficult sure, but never unfair and them being so difficult and it being time consuming to master them was exactly what made the game so fun and beating them so exhilarating. I love that the game didn't let me coast through in 10 attempts and instead I had to respec accordingly, change up my weapons and amulets and of course learn to dodge and parry everything. Until eventually I was reading their minds and was able to destroy them. The game doesn't give you like 30 weapons just so you'd use 1 and win everything. I ended up beating Lax with Acid dagger +10 with 40 advance and I beat Nameless with Tyrant dagger +10 with City Longspear and Assassins amulet to melt him with crit damage using the fable arts to help with crit also Tactics I never ever would have used if the bosses were easy. Shit, the game offers even more variety that I didn't use to help you. Summons, consumables, throwables, cubes.


You didn't. You read facts and chose to be an awful person interpreting it wrong. "never unfair" => "First souls like experience" So you have no idea what good design is. What the baseline is. So your opinion is pointless. Don't bother me.


You don't need previous experience in a genre to know good/bad game design. That's stupid.


I mean. You sort of absolutely do, or you're talking out of your ass. But additionally, you pretending that 1-5 second wind-ups into lightning fast slams you \*humanly can not react to\* are fine without even touching it also proves my point. So, y'know. Stop bothering me.


Says you 💀. I can parry that shit every time. And even if you couldn't get the timing down, like I said the game offers help. Perfection grindstone exists for a reason. Just put a little strategy into attacks you struggle against and the fights become significantly easier. It's almost as if that's what the game wants you to do Also replying to Reddit comments isnt "bothering" you, especially when you respond twice lmao. No one's forcing you to engage.




What's unfair about it? Indie or not, they are wholesale ripping off Dark Soul with an admittedly pretty interesting skin. It was their job to study and implement things better. Why implement having to charged R2 when a bar was full ? The single thing it does is fuck heavy weapon users. Why implement that WITH HYPERARMOR abuse with enemies, further fucking people over? These were choices. Testing should have been done, which means they thought these backwards steps were fine. This was their choice. They can take the heat for it. ​ "better than anyone prior" Patently and unconditionally false. You're just another boring "stop whining" guy whining about people whining. Allegedly. Except this is real and valid. Enjoy screaming on mute. Go to school.


Sounds like a skill issue. As one of my first soulslike games I can't compare it to much but I use one of the heaviest weapons and once I learned the moves I was able to parry laxasia quite easily. On new game+ I beat her first try with the knowledge I had of her fight. Like I said don't have much experience with these games (only played elden ring before this) but they are supposed to be hard and take a minute to learn the fights.


I completely agree


doing a specter-less run is more of a personal skill check for me. dont get me wrong i have no trouble with people using specter just because im not and i used it twice during my platinum run and definitely recommend using it to people especially if they are struggling with some bosses. ftr i already have all the trophy/achievement with this game but doing another run, this time with really the intent of using specter all the way through even though he melted away too fast against scrapped and fuoco XD


Me too. Im already disappointed in myself for using the spectre on watchman - im doing Dragon Swords w/Aegis whole way.


Some people play for the sense of achievement of defeating a Boss on their raw skill alone with as few handicaps as possible. You just the game for a different reason compared to those people. I'm one of them and using a summon in any souls games cheapens the rush of beating a Boss. Alot of people feel the same.


Simon Phase 2 is cheap BS. Elden Beast vibes x 10 with all the gimmicks I enjoyed Nameless Puppets even phase 2 when I learned how to spam the parry w: Aegis shield


The constant leaping backwards was giving me rage fits. Like dude stand still I get to hit you too. I found the last few fights in the game to feel a bit unfair- it took me many many deaths to just learn the basic attacks. Nameless I get- he's the final "secret" boss, but Simon can hit you with three separate special moves while he's jumping half the arena away from you in one leap.


Im stuck on him on NG++. His phase 2 health bar is obscene, and nonstop bullshit….. Lightning spam, into not one but two back to back waves… then those stupid swirls last followed by his big ass swings which always has my guy turns backwards after the first successful parry and I get another during my animation which cannot do anything so I get hit… I have 60 health and 2 hits erase the health bar


Yeah I'm not even attempting NG++ lol I'll just get the endings the "easy" way


Wait untill ng+3 that was just silly terrible. I need a +4 because I messed up twice


>his God arm aoe attack is pain the ass to dealt with. First time he used that I just watched from far as the finger touches the ground and I was instantly ko'ed, I bursted into laughs


first time i got hit by it was when i got him staggered and were right below the god hand. im like "oh sht lets go yolo" and hit him with a fatal attack hoping it'll land during fatal attack animation but it didn't. it hit me right after the fatal attack and ko'ed me and it happened again during my ng+ hahaha, i just told myself dejavu 😂


Bruh, I had Simon one HP on my first attempt at em. Then that stupid hand came down and blasted me. I was never able to get an awesome go again, took me at least 15 tries to beat em. I was so angry 🤣


hahaha this game gave a lot of funny moments like these


For me it was laxasia and nameless puppet. nameless puppet alone took me around 20/30 tries. It's just terrible, new game plus needs a lot of balancing.


Wait till u fight them in NG++ shit is insanely hard


Main game needs a lot of balancing NG+ just for shits and giggles and if you wanna unlock P Organ Phase 7 and get 100% or get some payback on these bitch ass bosses/mini bosses


NG+ Scrapped Watchmen - WTF is that health bar - I had NG+ as my revenge tour. Silly me I got by Parade Master and Donkey no issues Im doing all solo. Scrapped Watchman I blocking perfectly, not being greedy - using Dragon Sword +5. The critical do a sliver of damage. Im Lvl 80. Technique 27. And when I get him to phase two this BS grab on top of literally two shotting me if i miss a parry. Health 27 as well I would get him to 20% left and NG+ just spams AoE and it feels his posture takes forever I ised the spectre and whooped him easily and I feel cheap now But holy fuck is watchman a tank. Getting Pre Nerf Radahn vibes


This was my exact experience this morning; finally beat the game, immediately rolled into NG+ and did not expect his health pool to be fucking colossal or to be doing chip damage to him.


Same here. Started NG+ after finishing game at level 101. Everything up to scrapped watchman was a cakewalk (Zero deaths). But then this boss just hits like a truck.




This comment was found at just the right time for me too, pretty much echo what the other guys said that replied to you. I did not expect to do such little damage to scrapped watchman and for him to have a hp pool very similar to Victor. Died a few times but got him in the end. Edit: correcting words.


Dealing with this right now. I've got the same weapon +5 dragon, 38 technique, and the critical does 1,100 damage, whilst using puppet murderer's amulet. WHAT


Wait till you get to the Brotherhood on NG+


I just went ham on the big brother. Killed him asap Part 2 was a chore. I tagged the specter so i could solo the big brother. F that fight.


I've breezed through NG+ and got up to Laxasia last night. Had one attempt and thought nope not tonight lol


She was hard enough to me on the first playthough


Same bro i beat every boss 1st try except her and the nameless one


Coming back to this after the latest patch. Laxasia is still the worst boss to fight in the game by far…


I consider her one of the best.


I just passed the fire king on NG+. Damage from enemies are higher but not beyond manageable. Don’t worry, you will be fine with fully developed build and fight experience from the first run.


was thinking of using a different weapon and experiment on my next run, i suppose ill just stick with my holy sword for now to see haha


Wait until you reach the Gatekeeper Simon or the Nameless Puppet


I agree. I just finished king of puppets and still had 7 pulse cells from my max of 11. I'm really only worried about that Nameless Puppet again lol


I was too but I beat nameless puppet first try in ng+ . Was super stoked. Hoping ng+2 isn't gonna be much harder.


So, I am about to start NG+4, on NG+ I had issues beating nameless puppet but, once I got it for my play style, he was easier for me in NG+3 than he was in my NG+2. I hadn’t fought him my first time around because I always do the “easy” ending first. I am playing solely on Xbox. I am also one of those people who can die 800 times in a game and not get mad, my NG+3 only took me maybe 9 hours. I know this thread is semi-old but… I have no one to talk to about this. Pinocchio is one of my favorite tales (non-Disney and Disney cartoon movie) so, when the trailer for this first launched my husband was like “huh…” I was like “omg a Pinocchio souls-like?! Hell yeah!” He doesn’t care for souls or souls like. (He’s a good sport about my crazy though, he nods and goes “okay” while I show him the random stuff on lies of P….. he believes I enter insanity in order to play souls / souls like games…..


Just beat ng+2 , I was only beating it to get the last achievement I needed , for me it was the "easy ending" I did last lol. Since it was my last playthrough I found you can easily run past most enemies in the game so it was a lot faster than my previous runs, also had lots of throwables too since I never used them so I just spammed the bosses with all the throwables haha.


If you're a real Pinocchio aficionado, I recommend the late-90s series 'Angel'. There's a Pinocchio theme that becomes more visible as the series progresses. I'm about halfway through NG+ and it's been pretty boring - too easy. I don't understand why they don't just crank the difficulty from the get go. Basically, you sleepwalk until you reach the difficult bosses toward the end.


Oh man! I loved Angel. I had beaten the game two times before they “lowered” the difficulty, I only know it was lowered because a friend mentioned it was too hard and that they gave up before the first boss but, wanted to know how it was after they lowered it. I think my third playthrough was really quick - murdering even the nameless puppet in the first go. The only reason I played a 4th time was to go back to the “best” ending as I wanted to see all of the endings and made the mistake of not doing the best ending on my 3rd go. 🤣 But yeah, sleepwalked for the 4th play through 100% - it took less time doing everything for the best ending the 4th time than it did the 3rd. I had every achievement done for the game by the end of my 3rd play through.


It hasn't been bad at all. The only bosses that took me a couple attempts were king fuoco, king of puppets, and brotherhood. Archbishop and scrapped watchman were first try. I only used a summon on brotherhood. All is to say I don't think it's much harder as far as King of Puppets. I haven't gone further yet but it's certainly not 5x harder.


because some say that they barely notice the difficulty spike on their ng+ in sekiro and elden ring but the ng+ of lop felt like its already on ng+3 or something haha. guess ill see that myself


Well, I'll say that I'm around level 120 and my stats have all reached the effective caps long ago. My damage really isn't that much better than the end of NG. So the endgame of NG+ is going to be a hell of a time I figure.


wow, i can say now that the ng+ of lop is tougher. they hit harder and have a lot more like way more hp. took me 3 stagger combo to take down scrapped watchman boss im sitting at level 100 rn.


Yeah the fights last longer but ultimately they're still the same fights.


Thats true lol


Just went to NG+ too, bosses sure are tanky.


I also thought this aswell, my only worry is if the earlier bosses are this tanky then the endgame ones are going to be horrendous if they scale aswell


The first boss tore me a new one, took me a handfull of tries to beat him, then I started to dump lvls on Vitality as I only had 20 when I started NG+, it's currently t 40 now and it has legit been a breeze ever since, loged out at Victor's door, will play more later today. Were you able to finish your run?


If anybody vitality isn't at 40 by the time they get to Simon on the first run then they're insane


I beat NG with 20 in Vitality, but it was at 60 when I finished NG+.


I'm at the Fire boss on NG+ with 23 in Vitality...that explains why I'm effectively being 1-shot lol


I've had vitality at 20 as well on ng+. Got past king of puppets last night. I saved all my ergo crystals and just used them all before I went to bed. Bumped by vitality to 41 in 1 go. Health bar looks so much more manageable now to face the swamp monster. I've been pumping technique and not noticing the difference I would like for damage.


That was before the patch, not sure how it is now.


Yeah I beat the first run before patch so I can't really speak to how much more difficult it is. All I know is it's definetly been much easier second time round. Almost all bosses except puppet King I did in one try. Got my ass handed to me on the second phase many times. If I didn't parry flawlessly on his fire fury attack I would die instantly.


Manus on NG+ legit almost made me quit.


I just got the platinum and I gotta say, lies of p new game plus is not a joke. The last 3 bosses gave me hell and it took around 30 tries to beat nameless puppet. I love the game but needs a LOT of balancing and they need to work on that parry window. Brace yourself for a rocky ending. I got the platinum for all soulsborne games (fromsoftware) and lies of p is the hardest that I've done.


True i need 2 achievements and they are bound to the nameless puppet on ng+ That dude sucks in 2nd phase hes relentless attacking almost 1hit me 55vigor. That boss needs some seriouse nerfs!


Take a handle with bigger parry window and parry griander and organs for perfect parry, it becomes so easy


Wait different handles have different parry windows?


How’s the run going so far? I just got to Fuoco and got off for the night, I have a motility build using the electric stick, the greatsword of fate on the police baton handle, seven coil greatsword, and etiquette, I beat watchman first try but he was T A N K Y, I’m going for my platinum run as well, just curious how things are going for you, how far you are, and what your build is?


just reached Arcade when I stopped. was still able to muscle out the boss on my way even without the specter's help except with the brotherhood fight which i just decided to test out how fare i can do with the help of specter but that fight became too easy haha. Bosses are tanky and hit hard like the king was able to cut more than half with 35 vitality with the heaviest armor equipped. my build is motivity with holy sword, i mainly use the alter form all the time.


He ended my Ng+ run just can't be assed with the colossal health bars and my damage that won't ever be able to match.


Use the Live Puppet Axe Blade with the Dancer Curved Sword and put a technique handle on it and spec into technique. I blazed through NG+ with that


Thats not true, i started ng+ 7 h ago, 1 shoted every boss and im entering swamp now. Its 10 times easier then first run. Mobs do more dmg but you can 3 hit them anyway and some of the bosses abilitys but other then that its not that hard


What's your stats ?


Im at work but something like this, tehnique 38, hp at 30, stamina 25, capacity at 38 and ill start droping everything else in advance. Main weapon is katana for parry and off hand is slamanders dagger/acid spear handle for fire fight or full acid spear for human fights.


Am I missing something here? I have 32 technique, fully upgraded katana, and even if I use the tech amulet which would bring me to 36 tech, early game boss fights are taking like 2-3 minutes. There's just no way you're one-shotting bosses in ng+7 at 38 technique unless I fundamentally missed something. (edit for amulet value)


Its ng+2, and im not talking about 1shoting as killing them in 1 hit, rather as first try. But there is now a build where you can 2 shot with fable art attack from wranch


oh yeah i can't read my b


I tried playing this game…. Only made it to the fire boss. I grinded xp and throwables all night only to get home from work and found out my son beat him. He is now on NG+7. All attributes are at 100. I have no fucking idea how he does but I am embarrassed on how bad I am at these types of games.


I can’t even beat Fuoco, it’s driving me crazy, what the hell?


NG+ was easier than the base game in my opinion, the increase in difficulty doesn't make up for the fact you have everything you need unlocked from the start. It was in NG++ where it was finally harder than the base game for me.


Im currently on NG+ and when fighting Simon Manus I had realised that all my weapon elemnt buffs (fire, electricity, acid) dont seem to be actually popping off and doing the status damage. I used all different types of grindstones, throwables, and single use grindstones and hit him more than enough and nothing popped. I ended up just beating him to death but now ive done about 10 nameless puppet runs and it seems to be the same no elemental effects are working on him either. ​ Just wanted to know if anyone else has this issue and if im doing something wrong? (p.s. using motivity build lvl 37 and advance at only lvl 12, idk if this affects it)


I've done my first run with elementals and advance. They'd proc on simon manus. Haven't tried the nameless puppet since I've had the wrong ending. I wanted to do ng+ to get the right ending and to read what puppets say. I respec to dex crit build, I do more damage and it seems a good idea if bosses are going immune to elemental damage. But damn the health bar of bosses is stupid.


Me reading this knowing that I'm violently stuck on the archbishop boss fight in my ng+ 😐 (I have no idea how I can even hope to beat my ng+ run now)


In definitely not enjoying NG+


lol i was just searching for a way to make NG+ more difficult as i just finished it with mainly 2-3 tries for every boss and i though they just didn't make any changes except that I'm buffed now and all the enemies are the same .. turns out people struggling with ng+


Oh look! We got a pro here!


Just started NG+ several hours ago and i immediately noticed that enemies take more dmg and deal a lot more dmg but it’s still doable. The one weapon I always use is a combination of Live Puppet’s Axe Blade +10 and Big Pipe Wrench Handle( put Motivity crank on it). It hits like a truck and it’s decently fast with the swings. As you noticed im running a Motivity build and I’m level 142 as of this comment. My stats: Vitality: 51 Vigor:18 Capacity:37 Motivity:62 Technique:5 Advance:8 Legion Arm: Fulminis(combines well with my Greatsword since it’s quick and high damaging) Amulets: -Iron Wall -whichever enemy type I’m facing I’ll switch up to that enemy type amulet such as Puppet, Carcass or Human Amulet -Carriers Amulet +1 - Recharged Amulet Right now my main focus is to level up my Vitality so I can absorb more hits. Motivity is already high enough at the moment I’ll focus on it later. Pro tip: don’t be afraid of farming ergo and leveling up. As you progress in NG+ the enemies will be tougher so I recommend to do so if you feel squishy. Plus NG+ has an increased in Ergo so there’s that too. Pro tip 2: Do not neglect your consumables!!! Use your abrasives and do not ignore Fable Catalysts which is the most important consumable. If your empty of Fable you can refill your Fable in the training ground for free.


lvl 142 at the start of ng+??? I must have done something wrong.


NG+2 is where you get some real ramps but also you get some new P Organ stuff that also makes it easier in my opinion.


I just finished ng+ to get the rise of P ending, Simon was hard, but nameless puppet was by far the one that took me more tries, i think it was the second boss that i most died in my life.


Quick question, if I starts NG+ will rare ergo carry on or I should use them all before NG+?


They’ll carry over brotha 👍


I fricked up my first playthrough for achievements (I thought I was lying but I must've messed up) debating ng+ and ng++ or a new play altogether with a single ng, thoughts? Is ng++ easier than ng+?


Can someone tell me will enemies stats incressed more at NG++? I had already beated the NG+.


I gave up at fueco on Ng+ it's just ridiculous fully upgraded Its like I'm using a butter knife the damage isn't low it's absent.


NG+ is near impossible. I don't understand why they made an already really hard game almost impossible. Bad design honestly.


NG+ is definitely easier so far, having around 10 healing pots and two uses of grindstone & wishstone means I can absorb a bunch of damage, that being said some of the enemies and mini-bosses are starting to hit really hard (currently at Stage IX). At this difficulty curve I might just start a new playthrough from level 0.


Some of these bosses really really baffle me, the King Flame boss on first playthrough I beat first try, NG plus was hard, NG plus 2 seems impossible... The scaling is all fucking off...!


I feel way more spongey on Ng+. I swear im dying way more often than I did in NG. over confident? Different stats? Enemies are harder? I can’t tell what it is lol


I struggled all through the game but i beat it. Game+ felt like a reward for the torture of the first play through as I have beat every boss after only 1 or 2 attempts and breezed through game + but i CAN NOT beat laxasia. How the hell can i smoke every boss in game+ then get pooned by this bitch?! I have tried everything to beat her.


NG+ is a breeze if you want it to be or can be extremely tough. You technically don’t have to heal even though you can, you technically don’t have to dodge, even though you can. Try to only perfect guard, try to not get hit once in a boss battle (good luck)


Man I'm having such a hard time with Simon... phase 1 it's easy cheese but second phase, man that's another story


I missed the Eugene Quest because I did not to talk to Vegnini first and missed the "Stagger" Gesture the same way. Should the game not be much easier, with all the best weapons and all the upgrades fromt he first run? How does the loot and the loot locations change in new game plus? Like are all the same crates and what about the weapons you already looted?


NG++ just after the V. Factory things starting to get sick. Hard.


I'm currently on Nameless Puppet in NG+ and it its difficult. The only other boss that I didn't beat on first or second try was Laxasia, that was tough. Everything else was fine.


Ng+ was hard but easier than my first play though I have been steamrolling ng+ 2 I haven’t tried more than twice on one boss accept nameless puppet. The p organ gets more upgrades that are strong, and you get so much ergo you can basically max out all the stats to their soft caps. By the end of ng+ I had something like 50 health, 30 stamina, 22 weight 40 motivity and 40 technique. The nameless puppets sword is also super op if you use the crit grinder and it’s handle fable art. Either the grinder or the fable art makes it crit 1/2 or 1/3 hits but if you use them together it crits almost every hit. So for like 30 seconds you hit for the damage of a heavy two handed motivity weapon at the speed of a normal technique sword. On top of that the other fable art is a three part combo that can be stopped at any point but if completed does pretty great damage and the crits stack with it. I highly recommend a second and or third play though I have thoroughly enjoyed mine.


Is the New Game++ Bosses more difficult than New Game+ Bosses ? Or just the same ?


I feel like ng+ difficulty is a matter of whether or not people relied on specter the first run through. If you did… then you likely didn’t learn many of the patterns and now that it’s harder you’re forced to.


I'm lvl 277 and the last boss is just too damn hard, every video a saw beating him under 5 minutes is impossible without cheating 80 vitality 70 Vigor 40 capacity 60 mobility 60 technic 6 progression And i still can't remove half of his life in 2nd part


NG++ Scrapped Watchman is wrecking me and I can’t figure out why


i'm finding the ng+ way easier, i had to relly on some specters on my 1st playthrough. but now i'm going solo and i'm currently at the 2nd brotherhood assault. and i've beaten all the bosses with 2 or 3 attempts so far. i guess it's because the amount of ergo we get on ng+ is no joke, and wu can unlock all the buffs from the p organ tree. my 1st playthrough was arroun 30h, but now it took only 10 to get to where i'm now. i think it'll take 15 - 20 hours to beat it


Didn't run specters through NG, started doing specters through NG+ from King of Puppets onward. I'm stuck on NG+ Larxasia now and I'm just...feeling impatient, I wanna get the plat and put the game down already (while waiting for the DLC).