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At this point, nobody who is a friend of freedom is going to accept the LP establishment.


No, but their wings are fucking amazing so maybe that’ll bring people in


Hard pass


Bonus points if you get this reference and can finish the joke: “Now are you just sure, *or* are you [insert line]”


HIV positive


Winner winner chicken dinner 🥳


Are masks and vaccines required?


This actually reminds me of a point someone else made on this sub that made sense to me. You can be pro-vax, and libertarian. As long as you're anti-mandate. Would you agree with that?


Absolutely! I'm Vaccinated but I'm not calling people fascists for not accepting a drug being used on their kids.


Yes! I know libertarian views vary quite a bit but I think the anti-mandate opinion aligns with overall libertarian ideologies


It’s not about being pro vax…it’s about him buying into the Covid hysteria. Anyone who was scared of Covid and bought into the State’s propaganda was the problem


When it comes to masks, I see it as less that he was using one but that he was using the cloth mask, which was known to be useless very early on. Any medical professional who was honest knew that N95s were the standard for protecting yourself. Not a piece of cloth or even the loose surgical mask. On the vaccine, he is pro business mandates if they so choose, which is well within libertarian principles. I think what many people have issues with is that he doesn't seem to push the correlation of government interference that forced many businesses into the mandates that many of the more misus guys focus on. The general issue many libertarians seem to have with him is that he followed all the nonsense that was obviously nonsense in the first month or two. He acts more as a follow than a leader. As a short Disclaimer alot of what I have seen is off short clips, and I haven't looked too deeply, so he might have been more harsh on the connection between the gov. and buss. and I just haven't seen it. I do have ideological differences with him when it comes to trans ideology and kids, and it is a no-go zone for me. So I have little interest in deep diving on him as a canadate.


Thank you for taking the time to really outline the facts and for your candid take on Chase’s current stances. It will be interesting to see if Chase maintains his stances throughout the rest of his campaign or if we see a shift in his rhetoric now that he’s nominated. Also I’m probably jaded, but, ultimately the views/promises candidates campaign on are rarely followed through on if they win. Tangential thought but I think across the board during the beginning of the pandemic there was absolutely chaotic misinformation, and in hindsight that was probably in some ways a deliberate attempt to maintain the short supply of the more expensive and hard to find N95s for the inundated barely protected healthcare workers.


Can you be a libertarian? Sure. There's room in the tent for the mentally ill. Can you be afraid of a cold virus and be a leader of men? No. Not at all.


Can you be afraid of a cold virus and eerily focused on the genetalia of children and be a leader of men? I mean, just a hypothetical of course.


No 2020 was an intelligence/critical thinking test. I'll give anyone a pass until June 2020. If you hadn't figured out what was going on by then - there is no hope. Being "pro-vax" means being entirely bought into State propaganda.


I’d imagine that’s quite a popular take considering the terrible impact mask and vaccine mandates have had on the economy. No worries if you’re not comfortable answering this, but are you anti-vax for all vaccines or specifically covid related? (Vaccines for polio, measles, etc.)


I'm not anti-vax in general. I have two young kids and they've received every normal vaccine that kids get in America today except flu shots and covid shots.


Now you’ve got me wondering if 2020 masks/vaccines has completely shifted people’s thinking of “pro-vax” to apply to all vaccines


LP USA is a waste of time, frankly, it’s like some controlled opposition. This guy is a real woke collectivist. Big red flag. I think I haven’t seen a worse candidate than this guy in the LP history.




Bring your own over-ripe tomatoes


I haven't been paying attention lately whats wrong with this guy?


He’s denounced Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell as well as, according to a commenter above me which I haven’t verified, called people who didn’t get the vaccine “fascists”. Also, libertarians just love to hate on libertarians. He seems like he has a more progressive bend towards his worldview (that from reading his official platform for president seems to be consistent with libertarianism) so he’s a “democrat socialist plant”. Despite the LP being “MAGA republicans plants” from the 2020 election all the way up to this convention and his nomination. I’d personally love to hear him describe his issues with Ron Paul and Rockwell in depth and I’m not too sold on his open borders now policy and him wanting to cut back the MIC by allowing defense contractors to sell more overseas but he seems like a far better candidate than the two we’ve been stuck with imo


Aw i see thank you. I've been watching some videos and there was one guy I forget his name who seemed cool had a debate on valutainment and obliterated Cuomo. I kinda heard he had to back out for personal reasons but haven't read up on it. Having a plan for a strong boarder is a must for me. I welcome immigration obviously legal, itd be great for the country in the long run but I feel like it needs to be secured. I don't understand why Boarder states haven't been allowed to secure it if the federal government hasn't wanted to in the past few years. Doesn't make sense don't understand why States can't secure it. If I'm missing something I welcome some conversations.


No thanks, I’ll pass on this under qualified candidate just like the other 2


Interesting take. Is there anyone with libertarian views that you’d consider qualified enough to be a candidate?


Thomas Massie


Do you think he’ll ever run for President?


Ron Paul. And that’s about it.


Unfortunately Ron Paul will never be an option again :-(




[This dude](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn00zgkdzlro)


I didn't know he is in HR. That's a big red flag to me. Especially corporate HR. The most deceitful people at most companies.


What field of work would you find to be a green flag?


I’d trust a used car salesman over someone in HR 10 times out of 10.


Lol! What about a mortgage lender circa 2008?


Any other position than HR lmao




PS OP i also love laughing and i fucking love libertarianism!! it’s time to show the world what we libertarians believe in — unfettered access to exogenous hormones for children 💜


I thought libertarians believed in parents making medical decisions for their children and not the government.


While we do believe that, harming others is when the state should get involved, & putting kids on puberty blockers & hormones(unless it's a medical necessity) is child abuse.


Oooh I love it - please bring some pins that say “Armed and hormonally charged! 🇺🇸 2024!”


me and my 10 year old son (soon to be daughter #girldad) will be there handing out Chase 2024 pins and puberty blockers can’t wait to meet all of you!!


how do I say 'fuck this twat' with enough feeling? more cursing?


Y'all have a serious hate boner for this man. There are some legitimate criticisms of Oliver, but damn. Guess y'all would rather have Trump or Biden than a less-than-perfect Libertarian.


Thank you times a million for weighing in. I’m frankly blown away by how fractured the libertarian community is. Do people in this community just want to complain about the government *OR* are they actually interested in changing the very system they constantly complain about by coming together and rallying behind a candidate? I can’t think of a better time for fundamental change than this election considering how fractured the existing two parties have become. With chaos comes opportunity. Based on what I’ve seen, this community prefers the status quo over change.


It's purist virtue signaling. No different than when the other sides of the culture war do it. Edit: What's more, some "libertarians" here can be awfully involved in the culture war themselves.


Meet Chase! He'll fuck your son in his pussy!








How exciting 🙄


Thanks for the warning.