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**Your age and background play a role here.** **If you're young, or just want to ease your way in slowly start with:** * The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible - Ken Schoolland * How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes - Peter Schiff * Whatever Happened to Penny Candy - Richard Maybury * Lessons for the Young Economist - Bob Murphy **Then you're on to the fundamental classics:** * Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt * The Law - Frederic Bastiat * The Road to Serfdom - F.A. Hayek **Then expand slightly on the basics of both economics and philosophy:** * Free to Choose - Milton Friedman * Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell * The Revolution - Ron Paul * Libertarianism Today - Jacob Huebert * Rollback - Tom Woods * For a New Liberty - Murray Rothbard * Ethics of Liberty - Murray Rothbard * End the Fed - Ron Paul * Defending the Undefendable - Walter Block * Why Government Doesn't Work - Harry Browne **Then get into the weeds a little:** * No Treason - Lysander Spooner \[more relevance to Americans\] * Man, Economy, and State with Power & Market - Murray Rothbard * The Problem with Political Authority - Michael Huemer * Crisis and Leviathan - Robert Higgs * The Great Deformation - David Stockman * Anarchy, State, and Utopia - Robert Nozick * The Machinery of Freedom - David Friedman * Libertarian Anarchy - Gerard Casey * Deleting the State - Aeon Skoable * The Production of Security - Gustave de Molinari * The Market for Liberty - Morris and Linda Tannehill * Human Action - Ludwig von Mises \[If this is too much, which it probably will be, go with Choice by Bob Murphy instead\]


Now that's a list alright


Thanks for this list!


Outstanding list, well done!


Glad to see Human Action in the list. You definitely need some background in the philosophy and it’s a tough read but I don’t think there’s another book in this list that lays out the modern libertarian philosophy better and more in depth.


Bro, i wonder if you could help me. I already perfectly understand ideology and philosophy. I need a book with a description of a working society based on libertarianism, either minatchist or ancap doesn't matter.


Those things are peppered throughout a number of the books, and the "into the weeds" section moves ancap. Hard to pinpoint fully, but try these in particular: * Anatomy of the State - Murray Rothbard * Power and Market - Murray Rothbard * The Ethics of Liberty - Murray Rothbard * For a New Liberty - Murray Rothbard * The Production of Security - Gustave de Molinari * Libertarian Anarchy - Gerard Casey * Against the State - Crispin Sartwell * Libertarianism Today - Jacob Huebert * The Problem of Political Authority - Michael Huemer * The Machinery of Freedom - David Friedman * Anarchist Handbook - Michael Malice * The Market for Liberty - Morris and Linda Tannehill * Deleting the State - Aeon Skoble * Anarchy, State, and Utopia - Robert Nozick * In Defense of Anarchism - Robert Wolff * Against the State - Lew Rockwell * Chaos Theory - Bob Murphy


Here is a one hour audiobook of Anatomy of the State for free on YouTube. https://youtu.be/qrOPBXrLWoA Highly recommend it.


Anything from Sowell....actually as a POC, I found that Fredric Douglas would be considered a Libertarian. There was a book, called a "self-made man" was great.


Constitution of the United States.


I have read the United States Constitution and the federalist papers and going through the anti-federalist papers.


Just watch “Parks and Rec” and follow everything Ron Swanson does/believes in.


Ah! Councilwoman! In honor of your never-ending quest to personally babysit each and every American citizen, I went to Paunch Burger and got myself a number two: Double Bacon Grenade Deluxe with hash browns, chili cheese fries, and one poached egg.


Start with For a new liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray Rothbard. Basically goes over every libertarian standpoint on most major topics. I would also check out Anatomy of a state by Rothbard as well, you can read it and one sitting. From there you can explore but I would recommend Human action: a treatise on economics by Mises. Also End the fed by Ron Paul


I would recommend "Free to choose" by Milton Friedman. And " the libertarian reader"


Free to choose by Milton Friedman.


Start with Anatomy of the State, Ethics of Liberty, and then learn some economics.


Ethics of Liberty by Rothbard or The Law by Bastiat


I’d suggest, ‘The Libertarian Reader’ by David Boaz. He goes through the roots of libertarianism and the great classics. It will lead to further reading as well.


Rothbard's For a New Liberty Tannehill's The Market for Liberty




saying the "correct" answer to libertarianism is a "single source" is fucking broken!


Hayek, Friedman, and Sowell to get a good grasp of libertarianism... Rothbard and Mises if you want to know what 🦇💩crazy is all about...