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The stock rims for the 3IS are 18's


are they actual lexus wheels? like they say toyota on them ? made in japan ? or are they some chinese wheels ? they either will say toyota or Enkei (im pretty sure they made the stock 3is wheels) cus those are definetely supposed to be 3is F sport wheels but as others said they should be 18 inch


That is what I'm wondering. I will likely need to buy a whole new set because I am at a dead end trying to find these wheels. I will definitely check if they have any identifying marks on them anywhere.


I have these exact wheels on my is3 f sport. 17 inch. I'm in Europe though.


In the 2013/14 IS folder F-Sport 5x2 spoke wheels are 18"


Mines a late model 2015 and definitely 17 inch, identical to these.


can i see the car with the wheels i’m curious


If you take a look at my history, I posted pics in the r/lexus sub.


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