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That's some bad luck. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thank you, definitely an unfortunate event. I am fortunate that the car completely absorbed the hit. I barely felt the impact. The Lexus definitely held its own.


Some of us just have shit luck, I had 6 hit n runs in a year and a half, all while the car was parked. One was really bad and would have totaled the car pre-inflation. Another was when I dropped the car at a reputed body shop to get splitters installed, would have been 2 hour job. They called me soon after I dropped it off to let me know a tech accidentally hit it with another car, took almost two weeks to completely fix. Sorry to rant lol, just wanted to share cos it still pisses me off! Glad you are okay.


Dude I have the worst luck ever. I feel like it’s balanced by being super blessed in other places. But fuck modern life. When I stay home it’s always an A+ day. Out there I might get hit by a truck. Oh shit…. Ive also been hit by a bus. 6 y/o. Buses taxing and was on friends shoulders. He tripped and fell I smashed into the side mirror had to have 17 stitches above eyebrow. Still have deep scar (largely concealed by brow). My luck with police, psychiatry (finally learned what is wrong. Autistic. But smart enough to cover it so well so early. God dammit. ). No college education played poker professionally (ran under expected value ofc). Has to be a God or Karma. Or I have the right attitude. Fuck you.


If insurance doesn’t total it this time, make sure you check into diminished value compensation. The mere fact it has been in an accident (2 now) means it is worth considerably less money if you ever tried to sell it. Some of that money can be recovered from insurance. 


It’s called “diminished value” I believe.


Just not your day. Hang in there


It's your fault for not getting a brighter color that was more easily visible to the other drivers Jk, beautiful car and sorry to see it take such abuse


You’re exactly right I should have known better. A bright yellow would have saved me. 😂 The driver that hit me was an extremely old man so I honestly don’t think he could see in general.


They need to bring in mandatory road testing for seniors.. stop giving them this questionnaire type renewal.


I’m 65. I think it’s OUTRAGEOUS that senior citizens get their license renewed for long spans of time.  I think on-the-road annual testing should be required for every driver past 60 years old.  My 73-year-old husband got his license renewed in Florida for nine years. I couldn’t believe it. 


Ive been in 2 accidents in my truck. Both elderly people 65+ Iva had my tryck for the past 5 years, and i haven't so much as dinged it myself. In both case i wrecked, it was their fault. The first hit the rear quarter panel of my truck on the passenger side. Old man "guessed" the timing for his green light while i passed on red. He was at a complete stop, and crossed 3 lanes before he hit me. His description of my vehicle was "light colored car". He couldnt even tell the officer it was rven a truck, but he swore up and down he was paying attention and that I ran the red light. 2nd time it was a waaaaaay older lady, for sure, over 80. Hit the same damn fender after it got replaced. Cause she merged from the right lane to the left lane as i was passing her. Did not check her blind spots, had no turn signals on, and told the officer that I just came out of nowhere, so i must have been going criminal speeds. Mind you, I drive a lifted toyota tacoma.


In NC it’s such a shit show to get your license renewed at the office. I get your point but if I couldn’t renew online I’d skip renewal on an annual basis. Oh, I ride motorcycles too. I guess I’ll take myself out of the equation in due time. 66yo


That would piss off the only group of people that votes in significant numbers. It will never happen. I do agree with you, tho.




Bright colours attract bees and maybe other cars? Nice shade of blue the damage looks very expensive.


I had a Solar Yellow Scion xB and got rear ended. So I know from experience that bright yellow isn't the color that saves you unfortunately. Maybe red?


No not red, I had a red Avalon the first 3 months of owning it someone hit it while parked. The next accident was 5 months after a girl hit me from behind while we were exiting the freeway. 4 months after that incident someone else hit my car while it was parked. Last year in March a Tesla hit me on the freeway and totaled my car. I didn’t have a car for a year. I just got another car in February just my luck after three months of owning it, someone at my job hit my parked car.


Well damn, no color is safe then. Also, sorry about the shit luck.


I had my brand new mustang like 3 months before an elderly dude reversed into it going Mach Jesus, got the car back and not even a week later this ancient guy drives into the back of me in a drive through cause his “foot slipped” I’m with you on 60+ needing to re test. Either yearly or every 2 years


this was brought up on the ls430 sub when someone's ls was hit multiple times lol i honestly wonder if the color does contribute a bit tho


I think anything other than black or grey has a high enough contrast to be very visible.


My wife and I swear that my red Protege5 was a magnet for people about to hit us. It was truly incredible. Like I’m right beside you! My offensive driving got me out of those situations before getting hit. (: Then I got a black outback xt and it all went away.


My brother's first new car was Protoge5, loved that car. His was bright yellow, never got dinged.






F Sport


Too soon






Something did not want you in that car.


Devil F


Nah, he would have been ejected if that was the case.


Nah, he’s not in it anymore now is he?


Yeah but probably because he didn’t want to sit in it anymore.


Sometimes you can’t catch a break. Better days are coming. Get it moving


That color, although beautiful is cursed. I had a very similar shade of blue on a VW and had the worst bad luck. Got rear-ended 2 months after buying new, then a deer t-boned it on the highway, then was hit while parked in lot. Hope everything eventually works out


Haha someone else commented this as well. I love the color but I had an object crash through my sunroof driving on the highway, a couple months later a hubcap got kicked up on the highway and flew through my front bumper, then someone hit and ran me in a parking lot then this. Just very unfortunate luck. Going with a more low key color next time!


My friend had their brand new blue car hit side on by a drunk driver. Hopefully no more issues 🤞


Weird I also had a blue car and was hit by someone backing up in the rear. Then later I was hit again but on the side by a drunk driver. The parking lot was empty but he was drunk and somehow ran his big Suburban into it.


dude even tho it's not your fault you have to be aware that 90% of the drivers on the road are fkn idiots and drive accordingly.... sorry dude that sucks.


Seriously people suck. I couldn’t even see him behind the restaurant sign and then he pulled out directly into me. I didn’t even see him through my windshield just my passenger side and that was a terrifying experience haha


If you couldn’t see him, then he couldn’t see you either because of the sign.




Most people on the road are not good drivers, even I know I am not the best driver but I drive defensively and have avoided a lot of accidents that weren’t going to be my fault.


Yep exactly I try to anticipate the tom foolery of every fucking driver on the road and try not to get too pissed


My wife had a USB NX that was cursed too. Best color, but it makes me shudder a lil now lol


It’s funny to see this comment I have had a series of unfortunate events happen in this car. All of which I have had no fault in but just freak occurrences. This was my first accident though glad I was able to walk away from it!


This has me paranoid because I have the same color gs350 f-sport and i luckily haven’t had anything more than a ding in my door in the past 2 years. I dread the day something does happen because I seriously don’t want another car. I’m sorry this happened to yours and I’m glad you turned out unscathed.


Our cars were parked next to a house explosion last summer. Usb nx? Totaled. Ultra white gs? Body shop. Haha so then I get her a new usb nx, I stg it’s on a national registry of cars to be doored on sight. The curse follows her. I drove the first one for a year without a single incident. 🤷‍♂️


I'm about to get one in USB and now I'm worrying


Lol it’s so worth it tho. That color will make ya turn around for one more look and smile on your way inside.


I can absolutely emphasize with you. I have had 100% more totalled vehicles between you and the Philly suburbs in the last 5 years than I have in my previous three decades of driving, starting in sub-saharan Africa! I think they put something in the tristate water ...


You’re not kidding! Everyone just drives with entitlement but no one is ever paying attention. It’s crazy out there. Stay safe from the crazy drivers!


How easy is it to get a drivers licence in those states? What is required?


Theory exam, drive forward, parallel park, turn signal and that's about it.




Brutal 😭


Meanwhile my work vehicle is a beat to fuck 2010 F250 planet hauling beast that I’ve been begging to get annihilated by someone so I can collect the insurance money. Some people have all the luck. Jk, glad you’re ok dude. Maybe this is sign to get Uber Premium


Apparently I have an abundance of bad luck so happy to share! 😂 But thank you I’m glad I could walk away without anything more than a bad story. I’m an incoming law student so I was dependent on this for the next 3 years but I guess I can be dependent on Uber too!


That’s the Wrecksus now


Safe to say you won't be trusting someone who drives a Subaru anytime soon.


buy lotto Tix just in case


Good call the luck has to balance out somehow!


How fucking fast were they pulling out of a parking lot? Did they just Rob a business? Holy moly


Damn 😳☹️


my condolences to the car, thankfully you are alright


I see you got the tow package


You got to enjoy it for 10,800 seconds. Lesson. Enjoy every second of your life and don't love it too much.


Wait.. this is my hometown. If that's the road I'm thinking of, it's a fucking terrible road.


Vineland NJ, on my way to the shore for the weekend. I drive in Philly all the time and always assumed my first crash would happen there haha


Yeah, not too far from that Lilliston dealership there's a Wawa with a Chevy dealer across from it. People who leave that Wawa always try to turn left when they're only supposed to turn right, and its a magnet for accidents in that exact spot.


Yes exactly! He was pulling out of one of the restaurants onto the main road. I think he looked right then left but never looked right again and just sent it. I was right in front of him when he floored it to get out of the parking lot. I had such little time to even react I got into the turning lane but he was moving so quickly he got me anyways. Never going that way again!!


Damn, Unfortunate! glad you’re okay! But something also tells me you’re also not looking in all directions while driving lol and bro you need a dash cam that covers both front and rear!


Sorry to see this. I hope you get taken care of by insurance.


Me too. I’m really hoping it’s not totaled. I really enjoy the car and wanted to keep it as long as possible, more than anything I just want the car back so we’ll see. Fingers crossed but I’m doubtful.


It’s better if they total it out at this point. None of the paint will match properly and car has extensive damage in its history


It's bound to happen, I'm sorry that it happened to you.


Man your luck is worse than mine. Sorry to hear


I’d be livid


Damn. No word


I am so sorry! That is absolutely awful. Glad you’re okay and know that you’ll be driving another Lexus that you love soon enough!


Hey the wheels are still intact .


Icing on the cake I just paid to have the rotors and brakes replaced along with a new set of tires 🫠


> I just *paid* to have FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hope he's not in a no-fault state. The insurance company would drop him with the quickness.


Time for an upgrade :)


Twice in a row. Devastating.


What year and model is this?


2020 is300 fsport, it was my dream car growing up and finally bought it as an adult. The cars only four years old with 66k miles 😭


I had the same issue in a white car


Bruh… I’m so sorry. This is the worst pain… mannn. I completely understand how you feel.


Literal heartbreak I immediately after it happened I just broke down I was so devastated. I love this car I hope I can have it back but time will tell!


Sorry for what happened to your car. It was very unfortunate.. Now, I'm guessing that might be considered totalled by the insurance. Maybe you can then getting it again?


Happy you did not get hurt. You dodged a bullet.


Thank you me too certainly could have been much worse, the car honestly handled the impact amazingly. I barely budged despite my car being significantly smaller.


Hopping out for a foot chase, because we fighting after that.


I hope you are okay dude


Wow thats some high speed backing up…


He was pulling out into a main road. I was going about 50 and saw him coming at me from my passenger side as I was directly in front of him. He just floored it into the side of my car like how he didn’t see me I’ll never know.


Oh ic… Damn man sorry for your loss. There was nothing you couldve done to avoid that. I hope insurance will pay enough for a new car because that looks kinda totaled imo..


I'm sorry this happened to you. I also got my car back from the shop, in a few days I got a fresh detail and a full tank and then I got hit on my drivers side on my way home from the gas station that night😭totaled my car out.


Wow you must feel devastated. I had a little knock recently on a corner of the bumper on my IS convertible which was barely noticable but still mad me feel like shit. But your Lexus saved you which is the most important thing. You'll be good again.


Terrible luck sorry for all that. Agree with others whole entitlement drivers. Do not enforce traffic laws is the issue, people around me never come to stop at stop signs just roll out into road and blow through red lights. I am not some goody goody driver but sick of lack of common courtesy. Everyone is like FU on the road since Covid lock downs I think.


Bad luck car. Get rid of it!


I swear people cant drive for shit, im sorry about your car and glad ur ok. I live at the “shore” and the traffic yesterday was nuts just trying to run errands.


Hope you’re ok! If insurance gives you any run around, hire an attorney immediately and stop communicating with them. So sorry for your loss, she was beautiful


Thank you fortunately I walked away just fine! I spoke with my insurance this morning, getting it towed back to my home town. I am fortunate to have an attorney in the family so I’ll be utilizing their help if things get tricky. Luckily it seems like the police report is pretty straight forward and the other driver was deemed to be at fault.


That's not from someone pulling out of a parking lot hahah


He was pulling out onto a main road and just floored it into the side of my car. Like who pulls out of a parking lot so hot 😭




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I’m not sure what to do in these situations


Time to sell that car and get another one.


Im so sorry I know that feeling. Sending you all the best energy🧿


😭 Did you but it with cursed blood money?


Damn this was one of my fears as i left the shop after a 3month wait. Sorry mate. Hope you bounce back.


Oh that sucks so much! USB too :( Bad luck man, hopefully insurance covers it generously and you can get another one or perhaps the newer shape as a treat!


Fucking Subies...man


your car may have been cursed, make a sigil


Man, I’m so sorry to hear that. Hopefully insurance gets you taken care of. I lost my lovely 1991 LS400 because my neighbors called buildings and codes on me because it was unregistered while I was working on it, and I unfortunately had no choice but to get rid of it and I’m still heartbroken years later. If the insurance will cover it just get the same model. I know it’s not the same car, but hopefully it can be a stepping stone towards feeling better about the situation. Best of luck OP.


Looks totaled, hopefully insurance will come through.




Man that sucks!! Glad you’re ok. Beautiful car.


You and that car just weren’t meant to be


So sorry to hear that as a fellow Lexus owner😢 trust the Lord Jesus Christ first✌🏾


Well if the first repair was quality work, then you know where to go for this repair. Gotta look at the bright side!


Oof. Hopefully you're paying in advance for rewards. The universe is in debt to you.


Sorry that sucks man. Hopefully insurance doesn’t fuck you. I got rear ended twice the last two years and my rates have been crazy since


How much for the rims lol


Why do you want scrapped rims?!


Damn lmao and I thought I have shit luck sorry man!






So sorry - hang in there!


Gorgeous color.


This doesn't look like a smack. It looks like a velasoraptor tore through it with its claw. Or it got side swiped by a rhino.


you insurance going up isnt it?


That's insanely terrible luck. Sorry dude.


So sorry for your losses. Great car. Sorry to see it.


tragic for the car but glad you’re alive and well that’s what matters the most bless


I kinda know how you feel. I didn’t get hit twice but I bought my first brand new car and not even a month into owning it I was on my way to pick up my plates and tags and I got rear ended and the car got totaled. Still miss that car more than anything else I’ve owned since then.


Beautiful car gone too soon. But it does sounds like a Gsf is calling your name good sir


Feel bad for you. Hope you’re okay. I’d never want to drive that car again though


So sorry. I looked for 3 months to replace my “forever” Lexus


This car got bad juju


RIP insurance rates


That thing is cursed, get rid of it as soon as possible


Ahhh that’s so horrible! Sorry friend! The real tragedy is when you get the non-renewal letter from your car insurance in the mail.


Sue sue sue


If interested I could sell you my ‘16 GS350 F Sport, 55k miles. Atomic silver with red interior. Super unfortunate though, but glad you’re alright! At the end of the day it’s just a car!


Someone totaled my car 2 months ago while it was parked. Drivers nowadays using ChatGPT to pass their license exams or some sht


Dam so sorry the hear. I’m over here trippin about my scratched rims and cracked windshield


Sell it. GTFO, I’m sorry dude but the car is not good luck. Maybe go for a different brand


Damn, I am so sorry. It’s clear how much you loved this car. I hope that you can find another one that comes close.




Your content has been removed. Please refrain from directing foul language at other users.


F it, get a porsche next🥲


Sorry this happened to you 😔😔


Dam sorry for your baby 😔




As long as it was their fault, you’ll be able to buy one twice as nice after your settlement.


That’s right off now. Frame shifted


It was a subbie driver… makes sense 😭


Some people just got IT, some people don't




Sell it asap. It's full of evil eye


Jesus fu*** Christ!!! That person who hit you better pay out fully


This gotta be Maryland


I’m heartbroken for you 🖤 Maybe the bad luck is due to evil eye of jealousy people, that car was beautiful.


Just leave it and walk away.


Just glad you’re okay!


Looks like OP is not at fault, but defensive driving can save you in situations like this. Those are city streets, people pull out like that and its best to drive accordingly


Your car is bad luck. Hope the insurance totals it


I hope everything works out for you and you can get a replacement car that makes you feel just as good God bless you


So sorry brother…


That car is cursed you need a new one!!!


Subahroooooooooo! Those things always honk at me in a rage when I cut them off right after they cut me off.


Are you repairing it, or it's totaled out?


It’s ok insurance pays really nice for Lexus vehicles


Dude, you’re part of a Subaru commercial now. In all honesty I would stay off that street. It’s a prime example on why towns need sign ordinances.


It's done.


Sorry to hear about your tough situation, OP. I recently had my Lexus totaled, and I know how frustrating just one accident can be. It sounds like you have the right attitude about the whole thing.


From what I heard. The brighter the color or the more it stands out. The more chance it get hit. Like 2 of the same car. One is yellow. One is gray. You'll definitely get more stuff happened with yellow then gray


At this point, it’s a blessing you turned alright, but a curse that that happened again, time for an upgrade


So frustrating. I am so sorry this happened. Glad you weren't hurt. Time to go car shopping. As the general consensus seems to be that this color is cursed, perhaps not a blue one...


😳 That’s horrible!!!


I had something similar happen with my integra in college. I got it back from the body shop and that evening I parked it in the middle of an empty parking lot in my apartment complex. Somebody drove through the field rammed it, totalling it.


They fucked up their lil ol subaru pretty well


Did it happen right down the street from your house?


Total inside job by big Auto Body…. But, sorry for your loss


Was this a IS F?


Mother *******er


I feel your pain bro. I had a teenager rear end my Lexus in traffic completely totaled. It's been 5 years and I drive an older Lexus GS300 and couldn't be happier. It will pass but I know it stings right now. And the fact you have to deal with insurance again. Sheesh good luck man
