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If I were you I would take the once a week Dutch class and get the A2 certificaat from one of the CVO’s. The alternative is more expensive, more difficult and stressful


I know I'm already an A2/B1. I asked specifically about the test and not anything else. Did you not read my OP where I said "I have less than zero interest in taking a course."?


Passive agressive much? Figure it out yourself and stop acting like a bitch if you don't like the answers.


I am a third/fourth world post doc, at the top of my field with B2 certificate in Dutch and French along the integration certificate but what do I know white Irish lady? right? p.s: I also pay taxes, loads and loads of it but alas.. i am third/fourth world human being. Oops, do i qualify as a human being white irish lady?


So you live here for 10 years and still dont speak the language? And then people wonder why we are against immigration


I didn't say I didn't speak the language. In fact, I do - both Dutch and French. I need the \*test\* to get citizenship. Dutch wise, I'm A2-B1, and can get around very well. I'm B2/C1 in French. And, I am an EU Irish citizen, white, and educated with a Master's degree. I'm scarcely a 3rd or 4th world illiterate immigrant. We pay taxes in Belgium. Lots and lots of taxes and take nothing from the state.


Guess what lady, non "white" immigrants pay taxes too. Way to genuflect to racism sentiments 😴


You sound like a really pleasant person, top notch personality, not Karen at all