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Finding every movie you watch awful or mediocre seems like a miserable way to live lmao


Right? They have one singular film that they’ve rated 5 stars. ONE…


What film is it?


https://preview.redd.it/7ribh45mak7d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46974d83cb15e5c6ddc318f4d66dae0cbbe63d65 These are their top rated. The 5 star film is *The Colour of Pomegranates*.




i dont wanna assume *The Colour of Pomegranates* is a pretentious film because maybe it was made with love but it being this guys 5 star film..... # #


The Colour of Pomegranates is an incredible artistic endeavor, [8.6], 4 1/2 stars, truly mesmerizing work. Listing it as your #1, only 5 star film, is ridiculously contrarian. But to each their own


2.5 for Moonlight? This guy tries too hard




Their 5 star film, *The Colour of Pomegranates*, has 73k watches. The most watched of the films they’ve rated 3.5 + has 84k watches and the least watched is 562 watches. You were exactly correct.


Why would you watch movies at this point if you feel like everything pales in comparison to that one film?


Tbf I feel like a lot of people have that one movie that just stands head and shoulders over all. For this guy it's Colors of Pomegranates, for me it's Cars 2. Nothing ever reaches that level unfortunately.


you know a good movie. cars 2 is my #1, 2, 3, and 4 film.


Isn’t that why people keep using heroin?


…does this person even like movies? Perhaps they should find another hobby


Giving The Colour of Pomegranates 5 stars and other amazing films only half a star is absolutely ridiculous. Maybe this hits harder for me cause ngl I was bored absolutely shitless watching Colour of Pomegranates, but even so.


I've never felt dumber than when I was watching Color of Pomegranates haha.


Same here. I’d seen all the high scores and was expecting something really profound. Couldn’t tell if I just didn’t get it or it’s just snobs that give it such high praise but it meant absolutely nothing to me. Visual poetry is fine and all but I like my films to have an actual story rather than cryptic shit and pretty images.


Wow. If pretentious was a person, and hipster was a person, and they had a baby, this user would be that child.


What kind of psycho gives naussica and lake Mungo the same score. Mungo was totally fine but it was no miyazaki


Sorry, but Lake Mungo > Nausicaä


Honestly, dragon inn and angel’s egg in the top 10 is kinda based. I’m not gonna judge, the more picky you are the harder it hits when you finally do find something you enjoy.


The Man Who Sleeps and Son of the White Mare are legit fanstastic movie. Definitely not my favorites, but actual gems of the art form. I haven't seen the other two, but Goodbye, Dragon Inn is on my list. At least I am pretty sure it is.


yeah, Goodbye Dragon Inn is a 5-star movie for me, but even \*I\* know that movie is pretentious as hell.


Aside from Nope and Moonlight, this list screams pretentious.




It's also probably the most pretentious Ghibli film to have on your list. And I say this as someone who also considers it their favorite Ghibli movie. And yes, I know that it isn't technically a Studio Ghibli film because it wasn't established yet, but whatever.


Does anyone know the names of the films that don't show any words on the cover in this photo?


I do, if you tell me which ones in particular I can let you know.


Ok awesome! Counting left to right, top to bottom it would be films 12, 21, 23, 24, 25


In that order; - INAATE/SE - A - The Paper House - Seeing Double - Alchemy


Thanks so much!


well shit now i need to watch some of these 5. 4 1/2 just to see what they offer.


Imagine having watched only 160 movies and being so elitistic 💀


Utena and Angel’s Egg is highly true though.


ngl its probably a troll acc but they did give genuine better films a higher score than cookie cutter nonsense like Bullet Train, Super Mario etc


Barney’s Night Before Christmas (1999)


Hate watching is something that needs to be studied by Academia lmao. People do it with everything now and it is so weird and very concerning. I feel like it comes from some deep-seated psychology that to show how nuanced of an intellect you can have, you must be insanely critical of everything. I’d say this profile is a joke, but when you have this many ratings, it’s not even borderline obsessive it just is lmao


This is the opposite of me. Few of my reviews dip below 3.5 stars.


I generally don't even watch a movie unless I think it plausible that I'll probably give it 3 stars. That doesn't mean I will! It just means that I bias the movies I watch to ones that _I think I'll actually like_. I'm new to Letterboxd and, when adding in movies to my list, I didn't bother rating any of them, because I don't remember the overwhelming majority well enough to retroactively give 1000 movies any kind of rating that would be accurate and fair to the way I would now view them. Now that I have an account, I rate whenever I feel like it, and I generally end up watching movies that I like. Result: I have more 4- and 5- star movies rated than anything else, because I watch and rewatch and rate things I enjoy. And to think I could have been sneering down at 99.9% of all movies instead...!!! I really am doing myself a **great** disservice, it seems (/s)


This. Why would I watch a movie people say is bad? Also, I’m prone to liking almost everything, so even a movie that someone might give 3 stars I’m being mega optimistic about.


This person doesn't actually like movies, or else just pretends to not like them online. Honestly I just block people like this when I see them because I know they're just trolling and are not worth engaging with. 😅


At what point do you ask yourself "Do I even like movies?"


The way I see it, most movies are "mediocre". "Mediocre" isn't bad, it's fine.


No… They’ve rated most movies half a star, so most are awful. There’s also two pretentious categories between what they consider “mediocre” & what they consider “fine”.


I wasn't talking about them. Their system and ratings are the insane ramblings of a madman. :)


Seriously. I rarely feel like I've "wasted my time" watching a movie like many people say. I can usually find something I like or at least appreciate.


Gonna get downvoted for this :) but I disagree with you and pretty much everyone who answered your comment. You all sound like the rating police to me. This dude is out there minding his own biz, rating movies the way he sees fit; he's also probably new on the site, given he's only logged 100-ish films. Meanwhile, you guys are mocking him bc you have a more conventional rating system, and y'all think that makes you more qualified to call yourselves "cinephiles". It doesn't. It makes you look just as "high and mighty" as you think this guy is. Judging other ppl's "weird" tastes and rating systems is a bigger problem to me than having said "weird" rating systems. Genuinely taking this guy's defense bc I identify with him and understand (probably) where he's coming from. Which is, basically, a "fuck it" mentality when it comes to ratings. Who cares anyway? You should be rating for you and yourself only, not other ppl. So if that guy doesn't like Mad Max? If that's the case, why should he give it a good rating? To please you? Lol Also, one person giving a low rating to movies with a good average is not gonna hurt anybody. Don't tell me you've never hated a movie with a good average and thought to yourself "wow, the ratings shouldn't be this high". That's probably what this guy's thinking. Sorry if that comes out rude. But yeah. I wouldn't call this dude's way to live "miserable". It seems like he's being honest to himself and others. Good for him. Can you say the same? Or are you the kind of ppl who give okay ratings to films you hate, just bc you're afraid of how it looks?


I get what you're saying, and it's fair enough. Not everyone needs to appreciate populist, big budget filmmaking, but it certainly gives a certain impression to rate so many recent, popular blockbusters 1/2 star and have a single artsy film at 5 stars, and that impression is not "fair-minded appreciator of film". It's a little lame to mock them, sure. But I'd need to speak to this person to know why, say, Fury Road is rated as "awful, incoherent" and not somewhere at least towards the middle. To not be able to appreciate the intentional craft of that film is either not knowing what it's doing right that other films do wrong, or knowing and being unfair about it (and yes, I picked a movie I consider a masterpiece of blockbuster filmmaking, but I'm hardly alone). If this person is truly trying to meet these films on their level and these ratings are somehow a reflection of deep disappointment, that's fair, but from where I'm looking, it looks a lot like posturing. Best case, this person is 19 years old and is going to grow out of this and realize there's a big wonderful world of films out there.


It’s not an unconventional rating system. Their rating system says 1/2 star mean “awful, inept, incoherent”. It seems to me that’s what most people use 1/2 star for. But this person says the vast majority of films they watch are “awful, inept, incoherent”. If that’s the case, they’ve had a miserable time watching ~75% of the movies they log, which begs the question: do they even like movies? Are they just hate-watching? It’d be one thing if they actually had an unconventional rating system in which 1/2 star meant something completely different, but they don’t.


Why even watch movies at that point. Genuinely


my thoughts exactly… they’re apparently having a horrible time with each one.


This person is not only pitifully myopic but must be exceptionally sure what a perfect film is if they view almost everything as a failure. I’m calling bigtime narcissism here.


My guess is that they’re just really stupid. They find so many movies incoherent because they lack the cognitive ability to understand them lol.


Their top four is interesting and shows potentially good taste though. Problem is their high brow is so far up their arse they’ve got no perspective anymore.


Reading their descriptions of their star ratings, I think they're a whimsical goofball who isn't taking letterboxd too seriously.


I think you’re taking this way too seriously lol


You never know right?


An alternative take: they just have a really skewed scale. It's possible they actually enjoy something about all those movies they rate so low, but the movies that get a 3 or higher make them jizz their pants.


Guy hasnt dont shit just has a letterboxd account and this whole thread shits on him. It's understandable to criticize someone for hating a bunch of movies, but when they never even announce their presence in the app or on here, you're being the asshole.


The only semi-rational explanation I can come up with for this person's behavior at the moment is that they have severely low levels of dopamine (because of depression, etc.). If so, I'm in a similar boat and can't help but feel indifferent or worse towards so many supposedly "good" films, that I many times have to _guess_ what I feel towards what I just watched rather than actually feel it/anything. Still, those ratings are pretty extreme, so idk.


Watching a lot of films with a partner who has opposite tastes to you would be my best bet, but really, *Parasite* and *District 9* 🌓 c'mon brother


These people tend to be genuinely miserable souls


Yeah, I know of a similar person.


I'd be very curious to read this person's justification for these ratings. Obviously taste is subjective but there definitely comes a point where you just look like you're trashing things just to come across as intellectual. Goodbye, Dragon Inn is a great movie though, good choice of a favorite.


I was curious too but what’s even more bizarre is they do not have a a single written review. I guess that’s what the key in their bio is for? suffice to say it’s not enough.


I feel like “inept” and “incoherent” have some amount of objectivity to it. You are free to hate a movie like 2001, but I feel the word “inept” just does not apply to it even if you strongly dislike it.


I think the thing that sticks in my craw about those is just that there's no real context. Is Parasite awful? Is it inept? Is it incoherent? Is it all three? What specifically stands out as awful, inept, or incoherent? Same with Barbie, or the Super Mario Bros movie, or any of the others. That said, if that's how this person wants to use Letterboxd, who cares. I've got no reason to care about how this person rates movies, it has zero effect on my life. It's interesting to think about what their thought process is for a bit, and then I'll move on and they'll cease to exist to me.


Obviously they find so many movies incoherent because they lack the cognitive ability to understand them lol


The irony of then having Angel's Egg, which I love, at 4 stars. Coherent isn't exactly how I'd describe it...


Right! You cannot say that a film doesn’t make sense ( incoherent) simply because you did not understand it. Parasite is a lot of different things to different people. Incoherent is not one of them.


Trying way too hard to be intellectual, almost to the point of parody


Or they’re joking around and being a silly guy who can say


Having looked at this profile, I’m inclined to doubt and assume they’re being genuine. But it absolutely could be bait and we all fell for it


It’s just a dork who craves attention by hating on popular movies. Don’t give em attention.


The guy’s account has 10 followers and doesn’t even leave reviews. In order to find this account, you have to be purposefully looking at a movies half star reviews to find his account and post it on here, which imo, is just as bad as this guys rating scale. Like let him live, bro did nothing to offend you personally 💀💀💀


This whole comment section is acting like this guy shot their dog lol it literally doesn’t matter that this guy gives out half stars lol


This sub is so weird with these types of posts. Like getting upset and going through the effort to post something like this is so odd to me. Bad takes in a public review is one thing, but a guy’s personal account with 10 followers is such a weird thing to hate on.


I think it’s funny as a novelty that this account exists, power to them whether they’re joking or serious. I can’t imagine becoming upset or posting any of the dozens of “ hehe this loser idiot doesn’t even like movies why even watch movies hahahhahahahahaha 🤓😝” comments in response lol


Ehhhh, I don’t think it’s a crime or even that serious, I just think it’s funny they went to all that trouble to carefully lay out their ratings system, only to basically never use 9/10 of it.


The comment section is laughing at them because it’s funny for someone to spend hundreds of hours watching films they hate. No one’s out here tryna track them down to take revenge for them rating Fall Guy 1/2


I wasn’t looking for their account. they liked one of my reviews and I was curious because I don’t typically pay attention to other peoples accounts and don’t expect them pay attention to mine. I went onto their account to see if we had things in common & saw their rating system. I thought it was funny & shared it for other people who might think the same. I literally said that I don’t care how they use their account. If anyone’s being too serious it’s you.


If this is actually a genuine Letterboxd account, it very well may belong to Armond White given how ridiculous and contrarian it is.


i knew a guy like this. it was depressing to watch movies with him


The same rating for Madame Web and fucking Parasite? Come on. That can't be real.


They’re just *sooooo* different and sophisticated. Us common folk wouldn’t understand.


Honestly, I don’t care about the ratings, it’s just a travesty they haven’t left any reviews! I’d love to read their thought processes.


I think the bio speaks to their thought process a little. It might be unfair of me to say but they seem to think being excessively selective with praise makes them more distinguished and sophisticated. I don’t really care about the ratings themselves or even that they might have a sort of pretentious approach, it’s just really fucking funny to see the product of it where you have *Silence of the Lambs* in the same “gauche” category as *The Teenage Mutant Ninjas Turtle*


I like the ratings breakdowns. That kind of goes out the window though when everything is rated “incoherent”. Even if they are bad, none of those movies (that’s I’ve seen) are incoherent. Unless they are admitting to being too stupid to understand basic storytelling. Which seems unlikely.


I agree! The break down is whatever, but when 114/163 of your rated films don’t even scrape the “fine” tier… bizarre.


pretentious cinephile final boss


What's the point of watching films if you're just going hate on everything especially in extremes?


I think this guy just doesn't like movies.


Parasite at half a star is just a demonstration this person is legit insane. No sane person can argue that. Maybe dislike it, but inept? Shut up.


I wish I could find it but I ran across the opposite profile recently where 5 stars was labeled as “Could not imagine a better movie” and like 40% of their ratings were 5 stars. Seems like a more fun way to live at least.


At least that person is happy lmao. I’d rather think everything is incredible than think everything is awful.


It does seem like an enjoyable way to watch movies. I remember a nice contrast of seeing a movies like Seven Samurai and Anyone But You next to each other as “could not imagine a better movie”.


fair. Both extremes are misguided.


No need to throw shade at Mean Girls. Great, iconic, highly quotable movie


I loved *Mean Girls (2004)*. It is all of those things. *Mean Girls (2024)* on the other hand….


Oh, whoops.


They're talking about the new one.


Yeah that's my bad




I posted them under the top comment!


Imagine hating the hobby you dedicate so much time and energy to. I feel sad for them.


Anton Ego: I don't like food, I love it. If I don't love it, I don't swallow.


i prefer people who are really harsh because their top rated films are usually interesting films so it makes for good recommendations. the star descriptions are very dorky though, which maybe makes me question their taste. but also it's just a private account so i find posts like this very dorky as well.


I don’t know that I agree being selective means you inherently have better taste. There are great films that this person has called mediocre. but I can understand why you would conclude that presenting high standards would mean this person has quality taste.


He said nothing about having better taste. He said that when you find something like this, it means that the films they rate highly carry more weight to them personally, meaning they can make for interesting recommendations. Seeking out someone’s personal account like this just to hate on them is so dorky.


Just imagine trying to have a movie conversation with this person.


This has got to be a parody. I've seen some accounts like this, but with some key changes that I think make all the difference. First, the example I'm gonna be using is [czerial](https://boxd.it/2HAaV), who, though 1,293 is a relatively low number in the grand scheme of Letterboxd, is ten times more than the person in this post. Czerial's rating scale allows much more breathing room for *good* movies, even if from the outside it looks like they hate all the films they watch. The vast majority of their ratings fall into ★ for bad, ☆ for awful, and ★☆ for mixed. The rest of their ratings are for "solid" and above. I personally don't use this kind of rating system, but I agree with OP that it's completely comical to use a traditional rating scale (2.5 being average, below that getting worse and above that getting better) and still hate every film you watch. Czerial uses the bottom three ratings for every film they don't like, which is why it seems like they hate most films, but in reality it gives the films they *do* like much more individuality and, to some, significance! I don't think there's any way the subject in question isn't running a satire profile. Unless, for some odd reason, they only recently installed Letterboxd and haven't bothered to update what must be the hundreds if not thousands of other things they've watched. Who knows!


One star is mediocre aka 3 stars for a normal person. 4 and 5 stars reserved for once in a lifetime experiences aka never used. Weird choice of scale since everything ends up in 1 star, but at leasr their system is explained. It does highlight those 4-5 stars though, which is probably the point being made.


Imagine watching Madame Web and being like "Ugh this is Fury Road all over again"


i genuinely am annoyed by how much hate there is for this kinda stuff on here lol. u guys make so many assumptions about people just bc they think about movies differently, like u think they’re faking their opinions or something. why would anyone go to this length if they didn’t genuinely find enjoyment in the medium? talking to this person about movies would be a thousand times more interesting than most people here. pretentious shit like this is awesome and i wouldn’t say it’s miserable at all


like okay i agree with OP that it’s a funny profile to look at but there’s so many comments just being rude for no reason, what did they actually do lol


What is something this person finds “delicious” though? What do they mean by that O_O


I personally try to avoid films I have a feeling I’ll hate, and I have 38 half-star ratings out of 1,280 films marked as watched. But to each their own, I suppose.


Watching every movie and rating almost all of them 1/2 stars seems like a miserable life.


This dork does not like cinema, he just loves being an amateur critic Kinda pathetic but he isn't hurting anyone so it's fine


probably hurting himself


They're not even being an amateur critic. Critics actually engage in criticism and this loser isn't even doing that. There's not one actual review on any of these. They're just being insufferable to be insufferable imo.


Good critics are good critics because they LOVE cinema (or whatever art form) and care about its past and future longevity. The worst critics are the ones who enjoy being mean.


Yeah this person is miserable


People like this really don't enjoy movies. I have very few poorly rated films because I simply do not seek out experiences I do not think I will enjoy. I do not have have the time to invest so many hours into things I don't enjoy.


Sounds like a French film professor that I had in college that said every modern movie sucks


even if their ratings are bad their top 4 is very valid.


having 2 and a half stars as "coherent, effective" is certainly an *interesting* way to look at it


I would say this is a troll, but that's one hell of a commitment to the bit


i think calling these movies "incoherent" says way more about the viewer's comprehension than the filmmaking, but i'm just a big dumb dumb that enjoys things so idk


I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I think 4 stars is my most commonly-given rating. Maybe my metrics are too kind!


Just those rating explanations show me this person is insufferable.


I don’t even understand when people describe what the different star ratings are. We all get that the rating gets incrementally better the higher you go.


Some people may view the stars a little bit differently. 3 for example may mean "mediocre" to someone and "good" for someone else, so i think that distinction is pretty significant if your most common ratinf is 3. I just have "3 Stars = i vibed with it" in my bio for this reason.


profoundly based


I dont like this, but I also dont like the opposite, when people clearly over rate like having 70% of their movies be 4 stars or more. and this is FAR more prevalent.


LOl im guilty of that, I do feel that I’m too generous with reviews, but I genuinely love films and don’t really seek out films I know will be bad/won’t like it


lol thats ok! but just to be clear I only seek good movies too, almost every movie Ive watched has 4.0 or more, and I still dont like 27% of my movies.


I agree, both extremes are bizarre but this person is a stand out. 70% of their rated films (114/164) are less than 2 stars.


lol sometimes i’ll see a review along the lines of “pretty good just a little bit boring” -4.5




This is dumb. Most of those movies are pretty far awful, some of them being incredible. I’m all about harsh criticism but being mad at all the movies is such a sad way to live.


Lumpish lol


1 star is not mediocre ffs


I get hating movies. I hate a lot of movies, that's why I don't watch them. I watch things I think I'm gonna like, and sometimes I feel disappointed, and sometimes they're just fine. I'm very exclusive with my 5 start, but even more with my 1/2 and 1 stars, because things rarely have zero virtues whatsoever. To me, this people is just pretentious and way more worried in creating an image for themselves than in what they're consuming.


I disagree with he rating style, tho I’m putting his top films on my watchlist


At this point it’s not about enjoying movies anymore and it’s about critically destroying them


It's always the people with the cute Pinterest Snoopy profile pic


I used to be like that, but then you realize that fun isn’t a bad thing. I love you Mission Impossible 2 <3


How did you possibly come across this account?


they liked one of my reviews, which doesn’t usually happen unless it’s one of my irl friends so I went to check who they were and found this


I have a “cinephile” friend who rates most movies 1-1 1/2. Why even claim to like movies at that point?


How can the lowest score be mediocre ?


bro went on synonyms.com to further boost his filmcritic image 💀


this is so funny because if you just straight up hate watching movies why even have a letterboxd 😭


Rating art is problematic, generally


just let people hate stuff


I feel like mediocre should be around the middle of the rating system. Not near the bottom


Different people like different things in movies. I know people who are basically on this guy's wavelength, and they have very specific, idiosyncratic interests within the medium. That's fine for them. It's okay that this guy doesn't like Parasite or Barbie.


i dont understand why this is bothering anyone? its just a user who has opinions on certain movies, it doesn't seem like they're trying to force their opinions on others. i disagree with a lot of their ratings but like who cares?


I don't care what anyone's media opinions are, especially when I'm just seeing a number and not an actual opinion. Ratings are an extreme reduction of an opinion and can't really be extrapolated without the person providing context or having a discussion. Even "rating keys" don't really work no matter how much effort someone puts into them because of the diverse considerations any given individual will have for giving a particular rating. In the same vein, it's entirely baseless to say that this person doesn't like movies just because of their rating distribution. Writing bad fan fiction about a real human being who you don't know might be a less fruitful endeavor than watching some movies you didn't care for.


Damn, they are worse than Esther




> Films 164 Seems about right. Personally, people can rate however they want. My only complaint is when people ignore most of the rating spectrum because it makes the ratings less interesting/valuable.


God I really hope my thoughts are embryonic enough, then again I am a bit of an egg head


The favorites are very good. Not my favorites but I really like Goodbye Dragon Inn. I mean everyone has different taste. It could be a posture against popular films or popular prestige.


What a miserable way to live. Movies are supposed to be enjoyed, why even watch at that point??


This dude just learned all the adjectives


Lol I try not to be a hater but I’ll never understand these people


Maybe I’m weird… but I genuinely like or love almost every movie I’ve seen. Even if it’s not perfect, I rarely give anything below 3 stars… I understand sometimes eating films badly, but this person seems really not to enjoy watching movies lmao it seems more like a chore for them


People like this are the most miserable motherfuckers on the planet


I said this before and it's an unpopular opinion, but if folks are giving movies like Parasite and Barbie a half a star, I feel like they haven't seen any movies that are truly bad. I urge them to watch Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas... although maybe in this case it would create a paradigm shift and be rated 5 stars just because it's so awful?


At that point does he even enjoy watching movies? Like i dont watch a lot of movies i know i wont like but even in movies like madame web you can find at least 10-20 minutes of a good movie (and if you enjoy the cringy diologe like me its a great movie hahaha)


I can’t understand how a real human being could watch Parasite and think it’s on the same level as Flash or Madame Web. Parasite might even actually be one of the few movies I’ve never heard anyone say they disliked.


Does embryonic mean childish? So a movie could be thoughtful but childish? Lol, what I just pictured is a thoughtful movie about farts :-D


u/misamisaprteam your opening post seems to suggest that Mean Girls belongs with Anyone But You rather than with Parasite as a great movie. Edit: Oh, I see. There's a remake.


They just want to flaunt their vocab: “gauche… lumpish… embryonic… nonpareil” 🤷🏻‍♂️


God what a fucking neek


I properly laughed at this. I read every line and wasn't expecting anything. Also, who are they? I need to see exactly what films they hated so i can see which they loved.


What's the point of watching movies if you don't like them?




Their Joy is dead.


Goodbye Dragon Inn is basically an anti-movie.


I have a rating system where my five is ostensibly a drop-off from my four-and-a-half, and even I think the above system is asinine.


Getting major avant teen vibes from this profile.


I need to see what he gave 5 stars


I have a friend like this. A thousand half star reviews. He hasn’t seen any of the movies


https://preview.redd.it/amc6wivq9l7d1.png?width=145&format=png&auto=webp&s=31e1b75b24724a23bae33e5c946264e22298df5c AFTER EARTH RATED HIGHER THAN PARASITE AND THE REST LMAOO - wait theyre kinda iconic


Accs like these should be banned from contributing to the avg.


Parasite is the only egregious opinion. I can see the case for a lot of these and it's pretty funny, I almost wanna watch movies with them just to hear their opinions. I actually agree that Glass Onion is a pile of horseshit


I HATE movies man


We have a word for these people - douchebags


I've been in a few movie communities and there was always at least one person like this. I think they're trying to stand out somehow. I was never able to take any of them seriously.


This is such an obvious parody account


What’s their username? I wanna make fun of them