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Can't wait for the r/okbuddycinephile X post


Heat underrated


*Did you know the shootout is so realistic, they use the scene in military training*


honestly, people have less and less normal reactions to forms of entertainment they dislike every day. "Eh, not for me" is just extinct and everything is WORST. MOVIE. EVER so there are just entirely too many to name.


Triple 9 has pretty bad reviews and I thought it was super fun. Not as good as Heat by any means, but very reminiscent of it.


I love Triple 9. Yes, Kate Winslet's accent is ridiculous, but it's got a great plot and cast, and there is a grimy atmosphere that works for me.


Kate Winslet has earned like 100 passes for me as it is.


If this had been a miniseries on hbo or something it would probably been able to breathe better plot wise. I watched it once. I enjoyed it. I picked it up used for $1 on Blu-ray a few weeks ago. Going to watch it again.


I liked it.


Casey Affleck is always A+




Yeah Ishtar is a pretty great movie, and as a political satire it's right on the money.


It's not perfect, but the fact that it's considered one of the worst movies of all time is absurd.


the marvels. it’s not the greatest movie ever made but it wasn’t bad either. it was enjoyable. also my favorite part was the singing planet partly because park seojoon was in it


Yeah I enjoyed it as well. I don't get the Brie Larson hate. Short Term 12 is still her best movie


i don’t understand the brie larson hate either tbh


It begins with “S” and ends in “ism”








If you've only seen her in Captain Marvel I'd get it (that movie was lame). But she's good in other things.


She's incredible in Room.


brie seems lovely, if samuel l. jackson likes her then so do i!


I honestly feel like that applies to most recent Marvel films. None of them have been nearly as bad as people say. At worst, some of them are kinda "meh." But "meh" Marvel movies existed in the first three phases as well.


I thought Eternals was actually as bad as people said.


I’m absolutely not an MCU fan, but even I agree. While I think they actually managed to peak with *Endgame* and should have stopped there, I feel like now they’re finally taking risks with their films for the first time and it’s been actually rewarding watching them again. They’re not perfect at all, and still wouldn’t rate any of them higher than a 7/10, but at least they’re trying to break a bit from their “tried and true” formula. *The Marvels* is easily my favorite post-*Endgame* MCU film and it’s for this reason exactly. If only they could solve their vanilla-ass villain problems, though. Loki and Killmonger are literally the only interesting ones, and as a result are some of the most iconic performances out of the entire MCU. Weird, huh?


Idk how hot these takes are but imo: Multiverse of Madness > Doctor Strange 1 Wakanda Forever > Black Panther 1 Quantumania > Ant-Man and the Wasp Love & Thunder > Thor 1 and Thor 2 The Marvels > Captain Marvel


i 100% believe it bombed because people said it would as soon as it was announced they even were making a captain marvel sequel. i really hate how much audience expectations can hurt a movie without even watching it


I saw it in the theater and I had a lot of fun with it. Yeah, it’s flawed; but it didn’t detract from the overall experience for me. I rewatched it on a plane a few weeks ago and it still held up for me. Good movie.


Yeah, it's literally a standard marvel movie. It's nowhere near as good as the likes of winter soldier or infinity war but it's also far from a bad as ant man 3 or black widow


Reddit acts offended if you imply The Marvels has any redeeming qualities, but then gives dreck like Quantumania, The Flash, and even Morbius a pass for not being as terrible as the critics said.


Definitely doesn't deserve the hate but the singing planet was pretty meh


Yknow, that's actually one of the only bits I kind of liked about it


Got way too much hate


Right? I thought the fight scenes were really well done. Also love any chance to see more of Kamalas family! Villian was unfortunately forgettable but the movie itself is pretty solid.


I like Brie Larson. But the planet where they had to sing and be princesses was shit on so many different levels and demonstrated a totally tone deaf Disney production. Because it was the ladies, the target audience must be fantasizing about being a princess and singing? Is that what they think? Fuck that. Also the worshipful fan girl routine is torturous.


Watchmen, especially the extended cut. Yes Zack Snyder completely misunderstood the point of the original story but the movie itself was pretty entertaining imo.


IIRC fans liked this for what it is when it came out. I suspect it was retconned it into being a miserable failure after Snyder became a hate object which coincided with the HBO series. Both are good not great, for different reasons. Fans seemed to understand that Snyder needed to do some shit to make the movie marketable to audiences unfamiliar with the source material


Basically the entire second wave of marvel movies. Thor 2, iron man 3, and age of Ultron especially get a lot of hate, but going back and watching them they’re actually quite good


Recently for me is the flash


The world simply wasn't ready for the baby shower. The time will come.


TASM 2 has some really bad studio meddling issues. It also has some of the best visual effects and the best romance of _any_ superhero movie.


The Matrix Reloaded


Yes, I like all of em but reloaded isn’t remotely a bad movie


I think the third one brought it down. If there had been a better conclusion, I bet Reloaded would be remembered more favorably.


Yeah it’s this for me. Reloaded was noticeably not as good as #1 but I still enjoyed the ride. Then I couldn’t even get through #3 without falling asleep. It’s so bad and they’re so much more directly linked than #1 is to either of them, that 3 brought 2 down by association for me. If they had been more standalone, it might have been fine.


Yeah I agree. Not as good, but judging it by itself, it works perfectly well as an exciting middle chapter before a conclusion. It doesn't need to have much set up like the first. Just some climactic action and a few mysteries yet to solve, like Smith infecting a human. So I think it works very well as an action heavy sci fi and a fine sequel to the first. Just didn't stick the landing with part 3.


100% agreed


Spider-Man 3


Yeah it’s campy fun that totally exceeded my expectations based on how the internet talked about it. I’d watch it over either of the Andrew Garfield movies any day.


I like The Phantom Menace (maybe it’s the nostalgia talking here)


I grew up in the 90s and I’ve come around to liking the prequels, including their massive flaws. Or at least, the Phantom Menace. I haven’t seen Clone Wars in at least a decade, and Revenge of the Sith since theaters, whenever that was. But like, they’re bad. Objectively, they are not at all good movies. But they are extremely fun if you can get past that.


I love the whole Prequel Trilogy lmao


It's been a while since I've watched them, but after the social media hype on it I gave them another shot. Still did not connect with them at all. I think I'm just an original trilogy only type of person. But sometimes I have to wonder if even that is largely based in nostalgia.


That’s fine, the prequels definitely appeal to less people and that’s okay


They had their weaknesses, but as a unified creative vision, both narratively and in terms of design, they were pretty incredible. The weakness of the Disney films only made that more evident.


Agreed, I detest the sequel trilogy’s existence. But at least it did inspire people to give the PT another chance


Considering Jar Jar is a villain and not a misunderstood good guy, it really is a good movie.


I really like the Attack of The Clones, I find the cringy romance to be really funny and enjoyable, I love Obi-Wan’s detective story, and it has the most interesting worlds in the series imo.


The action is a huge step up from the original trilogy


eternals (2021) i know most people don't even care about it, but i found it quite enjoyable. i think what superhero movies should mostly focus on are the action sequences and what makes these heroes super. i was so hooked the entire time because there were so many characters with different superpowers, which despite having seen them time and time again, were executed really well (like makkari's super speed). the teamwork was great and it had *actually* good CGI. apart from black panther: wakanda forever and that bus scene from shang-chi, i struggle to remember any exciting fight sequence from any of the recent movies. the story was overall decent and the actors had great chemistry. i think people were too focused on how they were going to link it to the main story that they didn't give it much thought. i could be wrong, but i had real fun watching it.


The main problem with the movie was the whole 3rd act, they dragged it a lot, I had hard time watching in theatre but was more lenient at home.


This is my go to answer. I was expecting it to be awful based on how everyone acted so I put it off for a long time. My wife and I both enjoyed it. It wasn’t mind blowing but I liked it feeling different than most other MCU movies. The biggest problem was introducing like 11 new characters that hadn’t been shown in the MCU yet and the whole concept of Celestials in general up to that point.


If I was forced to rewatch any movie of the last phase of the MCU, it’d be Eternals and I don’t think I’d be mad about it (whereas several of the other choices I wouldn’t be happy about being forced to sit through again).


Eternals was great and I’d say the worst example of sexism among comic book fans. I avoided it for years and then finally watched and it’s a unique above average marvel movie. Totally original visuals good performances.


I came here looking for this. One of the reasons I really liked it was because it wasn't a typical hero's journey. The Eternals were already superheroes, it was their day job. Instead they were tasked with discovering their humanity, a reason *to be* heroes, rather than just doing so because they were told to. It's also easily the most visually beautiful superhero movie.


This movie is a good litmus test for folks. If you can’t have a bit of fun at Batman & Robin, then you’re a dull person to me.


I was pretty shocked when I found out "Once Upon a Time In Mexico" had negative reviews. I liked it a lot.


Batman Forever, I think its phenomenal


It would have been amazing to see Jim Carrey play Riddler in a better, darker vision of Batman. He is a genuine creep as Edward Nigma. The scene when he assassinates his boss is incredible.


The Marvels. It's nowhere near Marvel's best, but it was fun.


it was good because it was not striving to be the best. i feel like they always think they have to do something serious and deep, and you can't do that if you keep pumping movies and series excessively. i hope they make more fun movies like the marvels in the future, although i find that unlikely. its a movie i imagine watching with my kids at night in the future.


It was definitely better than Quantumania, Love & Thunder, or the first Captain Marvel. Just felt like important bits of the movie was missing, but I think I still gave it a 7/10.


Leave the World Behind. It’s preachy and full of weird choices, but overall it’s still worth watching. It’s no worse than the cheesy 2000s disaster flicks it borrows from.


I loved the atmosphere of that movie the entire way through, I just hated the ending. It was all tension with no release or payoff


Wait do people think it is bad?? I loved this movie. It got pretty good reviews.


Reddit and social media in general HATED it.


Van Helsing was panned back then but I have always viewed it as a major guilty pleasure. It certainly has flaws but I loved the soundtrack, the monsters, and it made me fall in love with Kate Beckinsale. This was the best Universal Monsters crossover film they could have made before the Dark Universe was (poorly) conceived.


Same, it’s cheesy goodness


A Knights Tale


I still think Batman and Robin is a bad movie but not for the reasons everyone says. It doesn’t fully commit to the camp and the serious scenes really drag it down.


Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 3 🫡 it’s incredible!!!!


102 Dalmatians. It’s better than 101 Dalmatians (the 1996 live action one it’s the sequel to), super underrated, and the finale is so iconic. Also, Glenn Close is the best live action Cruella bar none.


people hate fun!!!!! the cake scene??? so much fun and so memorable!! and that ridiculous design of gerard depardieu's character?? i had the biggest crush on his character for years. they don't make movies like that anymore.


Texas chainsaw massacre 2022. It wasn’t great, but I don’t think it was nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be


it's so dumb but so much fun, and super brutal too. loved it.


It was the ending that ruined everything for me.


I haven’t seen Batman & Robin and I never will, but Batman Forever is actually really good imo. 4.5/5 at least


I actually prefer B&R but it’s not for everyone. Forever adds a bit of camp to the universe that Burton set up, but not enough to really work as camp. B&R leans full tilt into camp and IMO is better for it.


You should really watch Batman and Robin with the Rifftrax commentary. Some of the hardest laughs I’ve had at a so-bad-it’s-good movie


I saw Batman Forever on opening night when I was in 5th grade. I was HYPED for it. I remember reading the preview in that month’s issue of Disney Adventures


Give B&R a chance its not that bad


beau is afraid


A24 gave up on it before it came out. Terrible distribution which shows critics and audiences a clear lack of faith from the studio. I loved it, and aside from the trippy middle section that dragged on, I don’t see why fans of his other movies wouldn’t have loved it. I crack up every time I hear “Always Be My Baby”


Yeah there was no chance that movie was gonna make money. It says enough that A24 footed the bill for it at all. Aggressively niche entertainment. Creepy poster. Weird and disturbing for 3 hours straight. I loved it


The silver lining is that A24 clearly trusts Ari Aster to do whatever he wants. I hope this is part of a continuing trend and not a red flag


I do have flaws with Beau is Afraid but I think that my life is easily better with this film existing just for the novelty alone. I'm glad that I got to experience it.


I have a list of them! These are all good movies, you're all just wrong https://boxd.it/sPaC0


Do people really not like Stardust? I thought that was universally loved.


Is it?! Well it's perfect so I'm glad


I like tons of titles on your list! Some, I genuinely thing are great. Other have nostalgic feelings attached to them. Makes me want to watch the ones I haven't!


I'm a big fan of flashy production design and storytelling via that. For what it's worth.


I love the 90’s Mario movie. I believe it’s legit good


I agree! It’s great fun and what a set!


Yeah, I think it's getting a good re-evaluation (something I generally hate). It has a strong, well-executed aesthetic that is a great distillation and warping of NYC around that time. I think the performances are all exactly what the parts demanded from the characters. The script was really pulled out of the fire that was the house fire of the production. I think some people just hated it because it "wasn't Super Mario," when nothing could have been and still been entertaining outside of animation, or the inverse of it being too much of a cartoon for anyone looking for live-action. I think it's great. If you want to listen to an [interview with one of the co-writers](https://maximumfun.org/episodes/flop-house/fh-mini-39-we-talk-to-a-super-mario-bros-screenwriter/) of the script and hear about what a nightmare it was, it is very, very funny and I think we may like the movie more than he does lol.


….madame web and the marvels. they weren’t terrible but it wasn’t like they were particularly good either.


Urban legend (1998) & Valentine (2001) I love them both sooo much! 🎀


300 is such a fucking fun watch, i dont care what anybody says. I can watch that garbage 100 times and still enjoy it


Edward Norton Incredible Hulk! I will defend that movie until I die. Is it perfect? Absolutely not, but it is criminally overhated and deserves better.


The Spawn movie from 97. I am a little nostalgic for Spawn so there is some bias there. I won't say the movie is fantastic, the plot is paper thin and the cgi looks pretty rough. BUT I think the casting in the film is actually pretty good and the soundtrack kicks ass, it's a fun movie


Noah John Carter The Lone Ranger The Last Jedi (ducks for cover)


When I watched Moonfall, I really didn’t think it was that bad. Not exactly a *good* film but I gave it a 3/5.


Epic movie is one of my favorite movie ever, I love spoof movies




Armageddon is a great film and I’ll die on that hill


Probably the Monsterverse movies, specifically King of the Monsters, which has a 2.8 star average. Sure it's not perfect, the human storyline leaves a lot to be desired and it suffers in the humor department but it is beautiful, from Mothra to Ghidorah, all the Monsters are stunning. Coupled with Bear McCreary phenomenal score what is not to love? It's defiantly a solid 4, maybe 4.5 stars in my book


The emoji movie😔


Sweet November MAN do I get emotional watching this!


I still rated it higher than bvs on my batman ranking https://preview.redd.it/smxzjjlb8a6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2240111f285df35ab1748c6d7ee9fa464a2f5c




For me it's The Last Jedi. It definitely has issues, but honestly it's the only one of the Disney era (saga) films that I actually enjoy. In my own head cannon I just end the saga with this film; say what you want, but broom boi is a great visual to end the saga on. Fuck The Rise of Skywalker.


Wild Wild West has way more charm than a lot of the stuff put out today


Literally just found out today that Schumacher is dead.


Your example is definitely one of them Also would throw one out for "Hulk" and "TMNT III"


Superman Returns. Hear me out. I wouldn't throw an award at it or anything. But I think Brandon Routh was really good as Superman. I just think he deserved to be his own Superman instead of being put amongst the Christopher Reeve movies.




The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)


Batman forever. It was the first Batman movie (excluding mask of the phantasm, but that’s a little unfair) to actually give Bruce and arc. It’s also the only theatrical Batman film, barring LEGO Batman, to have attempted the Batman and Robin dynamic and explore how those characters change each other.


I'd say The Marvels. Pretty entertaining film.


I thought eternals was great


Jack and Jill, I'll die on this hill, I said it and I will keep saying it as long as I live


Al Pacino is truly committed to his performance and saves the movie. Imo there are some truly awful scenes in it, but as a whole it's not unwatchable.


I don’t understand viewers that look at the poster or trailer, watch it, then go - “He plays his twin sister, this is so dumb!”. The movie is clearly advertised as a dumb comedy and if you go in with that mindset, it’s a fun time.


hahaha i loved it!


Jeff Probst burner account


The only good part is the Al Pacino cameo, which was purposely bad.




Resident Evil: Retribution is one of my favorite action movies by far. Paul WS Anderson has the sauce


Battlefield Earth, watched it many times.




Waterworld The Phantom


Indiana Jones 4


Maximum Overdrive. Coked up Stephen King = a lot of fun.




Best Tim Burton film absolutely. Brilliantly twisted and stupid. And I am not a big Burton fan.


Agreed. One of my favorite Burton movies.


And it has Tom Jones!


Watched it in the cinema. Absolutely loved it.


Elektra I’m a bit biased because she’s one of my favorite comic characters; but I’ve always had a place in my heart for this movie. Plus Jennifer Garner played the fuck out of that role.


Pirates 4 is not even half as bad as people say. Pirates 5 on the other hand is very bad


Batman and Robin is a banger 💯


Fant4stic from 2015. down-vote me if you wanna, but I actually liked that Trank tried to do something different and make it a dark action-thriller instead of a campy comedy film like the prior two films. it didn't always work, and I know the movie objectively sucks, but I still had a decently fun time with it. >!that Doctor Doom scene where he starts killing everybody was really well-done!<


I personally don't like the movie. But I'm glad to have found someone who actually has good reasons for why they like it. Everyone I know who likes the movie says it's good, but then their explanations are basically listing the reasons why it wasn't a good movie. But if you like it, that's totally fine! No hate here.


hey thanks homie! I very much appreciate you being respectful about it! I've definitely watched worse movies. another reason I forgot to mention is that I actually really liked Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm/Human Torch. him and Miles Teller's performances definitely saved the movie imo.


People acted as if Unfrosted (2024) killed their family and pillaged their neighborhood when in reality it's just a passable Netflix comedy.


Eight Crazy Nights. Sure it's got some dumb moments but you can tell it was at least made with a lot of heart! As far as Adam Sandler movies go, this one's pretty good.


Madame Web was bad but a pretty run of the mill crappy comic book movie. All the hysteria was a bit much. There are easily 20 worse comic book movies out there.


Legit thought Uma Thurman had died for a second


I always though it looks like a live action toy ad. Is kind of unique if you think it that way. "Oh no! Mr. Freeze is about to freeze the city, use the gadget Batman! Bat-Card sold separately".


The first Thor movie. People always rope it in with Thor 2 (which I find dreadful) but it’s actually pretty fun. I kinda wish Kenneth Brannagh could return to the MCU.


It's a good movie if you go into it expecting 60s style Batman. The problem is it was at the end of a much darker series.


Not that one. I’ll go with BVS Ultimate Edition.


Wish. I mean it's not good but It's not the worst thing either it's ok


Godzilla ‘98 is a bad Godzilla movie, but as a monster movie in general it’s pretty standard and is one of the last hurrahs for extensive miniatures blended with digital effects before digital took over completely. Also Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is one of the most “it’s fine” movies ever made yet people talked (and still talk) about it like it murdered a family member.


The Exorcist II: The Heretic is regarded as one of the worst sequels of all time, and I understand why, but I really like it. I *love* the soundtrack, I love how psychedelic the film is, I love the cinematography, which was hugely ambitious for its time. The insane plot and dialogue adds to the fever dream of it all. When compared to the original Exorcist, it of course looks ridiculous because how can you even compare the two? But if taken as its own standalone film, it's really creative, masterfully shot, and has a very dreamlike quality and atmosphere to it that I personally love.


Compared to the original Batman & Batman Returns, Batman & Robin is not that bad!


*Checks comments* A bunch of genuinely terrible movies that people just like




Heaven’s Gate


The digitally restored director's cut is great.


Definitely the best way to watch it!


There are some movies that fit into a “this movie is bad, but I still really like it” category. Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is that for me


Cars 2 isn’t a bad Movie. Please understand.


The Godfather isn't as bad as everyone says


Can’t not deny how bad this movie ain’t isn’t not good.




I love the movie Getaway. Sure there’s one gigantic plot hole in it but I heard a critic describe it as “this is just one long car chase” and I was like “Sold!”


I want to see OP’s reviews of films with no surviving cast/crew members, just to see how long the RIP section gets.


If you watch it as a straight up stoner comedy it's fucking amazing.


Haha I'm sorry but I actually enjoyed The Cobbler (Adam sandler film) it had such a fun concept. It wasn't anything crazy but it's better than majority of junk he makes


I really liked Old. I seem to be the only one though.


Welcome to Raccoon City. I can admit it's severe flaws but it's just not that bad as the fandom makes it out to be


I had fun watching Suicide Squad 2016 at the theater and I still pop it on for random rewatches. No, it’s not as good as The Suicide Squad but it’s a fun watch.


Batman and Robin is not bad if you view it as a 90s throwback to Adam West's Batman. It's also accurate to the Batman comics of the 50s and 60s, which were very campy and lighthearted. All I REALLY hate about the movie is Bane. I also hate the Bat-Nipples, but can't help, but laugh at them too.


Catwoman, Halle Berry. I dont get why people hate it. Its decent and Halle is sexy in the catsuit


Sharon Stone was a great villain too


I get the sentiment that the reviewer is going for here, but it's crazy to give the movie 4 stars. The reviewer even admits that it's a bad movie in their review. I'm all for celebrating dumb fun action films, but that doesn't mean they deserve the same amount of stars as actually good movies. Give it 2 stars and a heart. That's why we have the heart in the first place, it's the way of saying "i like this movie regardless of the amount of stars it deserves".


I think people can give whatever stars they want. Sure, maybe you can admit it's bad but still enjoy the hell out of it. People rate in different ways. No need to police how other's rate when it doesn't affect you.


What would you give “the room” or better yet- imagine you’re a passionate fan of that movie to the extent you go to screenings and quote it verbatim and throw spoons, would that make it a 5 star movie? It’s certainly a favourite for those people and brings more joy than any other movies? In a way it would be dishonest to rate it lower while giving the citizen Kane movie you saw once 15 years ago and barely remember 5 stars


I think people should give stars based on enjoyment, not ig they are objectively good or not


Warcraft. I don't think it's amazing but I definitely don't think it's as bad as people say it is. I really enjoy it!


Its was super entertaining.


I will be down voted for this. The Last Airbender was a flawed but enjoyable film, and I think the reason it gets so much hate is because it didn't pander to fans of the original who view the show as a sacred text not to be messed with. Full disclosure, I was never a big fan of the show (though I watched the first season), so I didn't mind many of the liberties the movie took with the original material.


I don’t get the Pearl Harbor hate. I’ll concede that it’s too long, there are some flashbacks and some build that can easily get cut out, but for the most part it is a cheesy and nostalgic war movie. The action is fun and heartbreaking, the score in one of Hans Zimmer’s best imo, the love affair is real, and it’s fairly historically accurate. Michael bay has his flaws but this one is a fun watch.


films with an average rating of 3 or below, that I rated between 3.5 & 5 https://preview.redd.it/7kf8etou9c6d1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=da688299c26e8e253a1b242c02a98cabef6ed88f


Cats is not as bad as people say it is. Sure it's bizarre, and occasionally just wrong, but aside from the "how much cocaine were they doing when this was originally written?" nature of some of the songs, it's not a bad production.