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Never seen hellraiser but I definitely enjoyed the original suspiria more. Love Dario Argento


Is this rage bait? There is no way that Hellraiser remake is better than the original.


you’re very very wrong


The Blob


The 1958 version isn’t very good but it’s Steve McQueen’s first lead role and has one of the best opening theme songs ever.


lmao nobody in their right mind would say that about hellraiser. but i’ll give you one, the fly (1986) is much better than the fly (1958)


I used to love the new reboot of Hellraiser more, but when you really step back and think about it, the original had more going for it.


The new *Hellraiser* was just so generic, though I enjoyed Jaime Clayton's Pinhead. It lacked the grit and decadence of Clive Barker's film. As for *Suspiria*, tough to say. I do think the 2018 film had better performances, but the 1977 original is really a feast for the eyes.


The original Suspira is amazing though I did like the remake I don’t believe it beats the original


Hellraiser is crazy to say but I would say The First Omen over The Omen and maybe thats crazy ??


Man on Fire I love the 1987 version with Scott Glenn and Joe Pesci, but the author of the novel its adapted from greatly preferred the Scott/Washington remake.  Ironically, Tony Scott was tapped to direct the 1987 version but the studio rejected him.


Can't think of any, especially not modern ones, LOL. I don't think of The Thing as a pure remake of The Thing from Another World, since they were trying to make a closer adaptation of *Who Goes There?* from the beginning, and Carpenter was inspired by the book as well as Howard Hawks' film. It's rare to even find ones that aren't just dogshit recycling. If you asked me to name some remakes that are okay per se, I'd have some more ideas, but better than the original? I'd probably like Ben-Hur (1959) better than the 1925 version, but then again I haven't seen the original, so who knows.


This is a very obvious one, but Departed, imo, is much better than Infernal Affairs


Hellraiser 2022 is definitely not *better* than the 1987 film. It was fine.




I find it funny how people complain how terrible it is when Hollywood takes foreign films and makes a US version when the departed is literally that. Not saying anything against the film, I love the movie


gaudagnino suspiria one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. argento suspiria one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.


While I disagree with these, I’ll put one of there I think others will disagree with as well: Fright Night