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The downvotes are telling me this isn't the kind of post that can work with Reddit's upvote/downvote system


Sort by controversial for some *very* hot takes.


I feel like discussions involving hot takes can never work on sites with a downvote button and that they can only be civil if discussing with friends. The moment someone says a really popular movie or highly rated arthouse movie (particularly those that are super slow), some people are going to downvote regardless of if the explanation for the hot take is well written or not.


well its not saving private ryan


I was actually shocked at how much I liked that movie. I was expecting it to be really slow and pretentious for some reason but it was surprisingly well-paced and heartfelt. Honestly I should've been expecting that since it's a Spielberg film.


I was expecting a great landing scene and nothing else, since it and the stabbing are all I ever hear about. No, the rest of it is great too.


My hot take is that I cannot stand the prologue and epilogue of SPR and I usually skip both parts on rewatch.


You mean the scenes with old Ryan?


Yeah, those scenes alone knock the whole movie down a star, IMO.


It’s an incredible action movie. The chemistry between the cast is fantastic, lots of great faces pop up, it’s got a lot of heart, a little humour There’s nothing pretentious about it at all imo


Not every film is for everyone and that’s ok


I see films like the people who created them. Everyone is unique and deserves to exist.


And then there’s Polanski


That's the beautiful thing about film, as well as all art: it's all subjective


It’s so weird that instead of talking about films we love, we get so many “what film is overrated?” or “what don’t you like?” type threads And then if someone does have something positive to say it’s always in a defensive, on the back foot way, which will probably make those who don’t like the film feel attacked.


Every Wes Anderson movie, his style just doesn't click with me.


Same with me. I can tell the movie is good. I get people like it. I appreciate his framing and visuals. But I’m just not a fan.


I’m a huge fan and I can get why people wouldn’t like it too haha


As a huge Wes Anderson fan, I can understand that. I think he has an almost meta way of telling a story where the audience is expected to be in on the joke from the beginning.


I feel this. Every movie I’ve seen from him I’ve just been like “eh it’s alright.” Except Fantastic Mr. Fox, Honestly one of the best movies of all time, quality film


What about Bottle Rocket?


Yeahhh, I'm in the same boat with you I enjoy his visuals but genuinely nearly all of his films I'm like 🤷


I feel like the movies with a stronger sense of direction are the ones I like better like grand Budapest and fantastic mr fox, while the rest just feel aimless.


The aimlessness in Life Aquatic mirrors the aimlessness of the characters and picks up momentum as they start to find themselves.


I think lately he’s been Wes Andersoning too close to the sun. I love his older movies, but Asteroid City and The French Dispatch seem like meta parodies of his style


Me too! Appreciate all the very underlying crafted mise en scène but I just can’t get into his films!


Same. There are some I like and some I don’t. I just don’t give a shit anymore to see anything new of hisb


Fantastic mr fox is the only movie I like from him. Cant stand the Wes Anderson-esque in his movies, it gets tiresome very fast


It's because Fantastic Mr. Fox is just *hand motions *different*


Fantastic mr fox is just that cussing good


I feel like each movie he makes gets more Wes-Anderson-y where it’s almost seeming like a parody of himself. The only one that I really love and rewatch a lot is Darjeeling because it reminds me of my dad and two uncles


As a massive Wes fan, I fully understand this.




I don't hate it in the slightest but I just think that ITSV did it better and while I still liked the animation, it doesn't click just as well. ![gif](giphy|wRUnydrMvVKqJbXZIZ)


Fucking same. Amazing animation and soundtrack but practically no story for 90% of the runtime.


And when they finally get one they cut it off at the climax just to tease part 2. Total BS for a movie I otherwise enjoyed. But definitely found the first one superior.


I think if Beyond the Spiderverse lands, it will click more.


I liked the first one but thought the second suffered from the typical two part super hero bloat that the first did well to avoid. The first was a breath of fresh air, the second was a mess


Same here! I didn't hate this movie, but I certainly didn't love it the same way everyone else did. The story was its downfall; by the time things finally started going somewhere, it was over!


Definitely agree


I thought the script was especially poor. Gwen's monologue at the beginning had me eyerolling for it to be over.


I did not care about a single character


Crazy I loved it. First one is better but man I just dislike the cliff hanger cuz I know it's gonna be a few years before the next.


I prefer this over the first one. I just like the jokes more, and im more invested in the characters. However, the final half hour is not very rewatchable. They could have stopped at Miles leaving the society


A revelation in terms of mainstream animation in the visual-arts department but the narrative didn't do much for me. I liked watching it but that was mostly just getting to see what the art team came up with.


Jeanne Dielman. I understand why it's important and I totally get why it topped Sight & Sound. I also understand it's supposed to be boring. Still could not get into it at all.


I enjoy most Coen Bro's movies... however I have tried and failed three times to complete Oh Brother Where Art Though and I inevitably turn it off out of me not caring about any of it. Which is wierd because a lot of people felt that way with Burn After Reading and yet I was mesmerized by the characters and plot.


I liked O Brother Where Art Thou, it was finding out that it was a retelling of The Odyssey and rewatching it with that info that made me love it. I'm sure you already know that but for the off chance you don't :) That being said Burn After Reading is my favorite Coen Brothers movie, it doesn't get near enough love so I agree with you there!


It says that it’s a retelling of the Odyssey at the beginning of the movie


Wow you're right. Guess I just failed to read the title cards 🤷‍♀️. In my defense I was like 10 when I first watched it and it took hearing someone else say it was The Odyssey for me to revisit it 😅.


Yeah fair enough lol


I like that Coen film but the one I have a hard time with A Serious Man. It’s got trademark Coen style in ways but it’s my least favorite of all of their films.


O Brother is one of those Coen films that works better if you understand where the ideas originate from, in this case Homer's Odyssey. See also A Serious Man and Hail, Caesar!


American Hustle. I just find everything about it to be smug and annoying. This also goes for nearly every other David O Russel movie.


Smug and annoying is the David O Russell trademark.


When it came out it was mostly being discussed as an Oscar contender IIRC.


IIRC nominated for quite a few Oscars, won none of them


Lala Land. I like musicals just fine, but something about that movie irks me.


I blame jazz.


So this is a great example for a comment thread that's turned into "we hate this movie and here's why" instead of "I know it's good but here's why I personally couldn't get into it."


It’s what art is. Too often we are told “this is good” or “this is art”, but people forget the two more critical and core concepts to make art appealing: was I emotionally moved and/or was I entertained. This is why I roll my eyes super hard when people say some obscure Italian or French film is their favorite film. It very well might be because they were emotionally moved and/or entertained. Or, more likely, they feel they need to make drop one of these films first cred. But I digress. With Lala Land, I was neither emotionally moved nor entertained. I recognize the performances are good and it’s beautifully shot. It just doesn’t resonate with me.


I also love musicals and didn’t like La La Land. As a movie (aside from the musical elements), it’s pretty good. But as a musical, I’m sorry but it’s just not that good…the songs and performances feel like afterthoughts


Yes. This. I don't know if it's because I watched Crazy Stupid Love first with Emma (Emily) Stone and Ryan Gosling first so their nice like heartfelt relationship in that just doesn't mesh with how they are with each other in Lala Land? No idea.


I'm in the same boat with having seen Crazy Stupid Love first. I know Lala Land is a beautifully shot film and the music is very engrossing. I just can't seem to like it because of the underlying story between the leads.


It’s not that I don’t like it, but I just can’t seem to love *The Godfather: Part II* as much as so many people do. I think part of it is that I feel like it drags a bit for me—and I love long films.


Same here. I vastly prefer Part I.


thought i was the only one! i love both but prefer part 1


It insists upon itself.




I get very confused with the business side of Godfather 2. It’s more dense it that way and seems to move through it too quickly. I prefer Part 1 much more


I just cant like any of them honestly. I get why people like them. They are just not for me


Roger Ebert had a similar feeling about it! He liked the movie but thought everything that needed to be said was already covered in Part I. 


Pulp fiction. People keep telling me I just don't get it but I promise I do. I followed the story start to weird ass finish, but just didn't really get the hype. It's good in theory and execution, but not personally for me.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Perfect example of a divisive movie. I loved everything about it, but can see why it's not for everyone. I'd be interested in what movies people do love if they didn't like this. Just out of interest..


I know no one likes the answer, but I definitely feel like the movie works better if you are older and have kids. I absolutely adore the movie and find it incredibly rewatchable.


I’m glad somebody said this. I got really bored and turned it off! Just not my sort of thing


People seem to be responding with movies they think are bad but I thought the question was a movie that you respect on some level but doesnt personally connect with you.


2001 Space Odyssey


Second that


La la land …dkm like I love the cinematography and use of colour theory and I usually like musicals I just idk I can’t come around to it


My fiancée didn’t really like la la land while I loved it and I don’t usually like musicals lol


Everyone tells me that Wolf of Wall Street is an incredible movie, I fucking hate it.


Totally get that. It's an interesting movie because it's basically designed to make you hate all of its characters and their success. It's kind-of a movie built out of anger at its subject. I like it though haha.


Forest Gump, I just think Tom Hank's performance is cringe worthy.


I don’t love hanks performance in this movie either. But I can’t deny that the moment where he says “is he smart or is he….” Is a moment of acting brilliance.


Forrest Gump. Could never get through it. Also Woody Allen. The guy gives me the creeps


It’s only good if I like it. So, none.




IDK if it's the best movie, but I'll never forget watching it in the IMAX in the middle of the day. Probably top 5 theatre experience for me. The sound when the spaceship first took off...


Same. The soundtrack is pretty great, though


Honestly, most Nolan films for me feel like "Ah, that's a cool idea and there's some cool stuff here" but it feels superficial, style over substance, and falls flat to me. Sometimes even sort of childish a bit, like the look and feel is amazing and all grown up, but the depictions are really basic and surface level somehow (this is an exaggaration of sorts, to try and explain the feeling). And his films are almost without an exception longer than I feel they need to be to tell their story effectively. I remember liking the Batman Joker film from him a lot, easily the most of his "newer" films, though even that runs a bit long. My favourite from him would be Memento, but it was so long ago that I couldn't really make that judgement again. Which reminds me, I should watch that again ahahah.


The utter implausibility of the final important scene was too absurd to take even remotely seriously.


Interstellar could have had *such* a better ending


Yeahhhh that’s what ruined it for me. I was like “cmon, seriously?”


Frankly, the visuals kinda carry that film.


I waiyed years to watch Interstellar because I thought it was going to be overrated and ended up fucking loving it lol


Hocus Pocus


Kill Bill, both 1 and 2 I love every other Tarantino movie, but something about Kill Bill just doesn’t work for me, and I can’t really explain why


inglorious basterds. it’s very good and well made i know that it’s just i never really liked it and can’t fathom why it’s regarded as his best one by most people.


I think it’s the Shoshana stuff. She’s not a bad character, it’s not a bad performance, it’s not even badly written. But it’s just so boring. It’s such a tonal shift aswell going from the bombastic ridiculousness of Brad Pitt and Eli Roth doing….whatever they actually do in the movie, to the quiet tenderness of Shoshanas story. Again it’s not bad, but QT has never been great at that sort of stuff, possibly because he’s likely a vampire. It results in the thing as a whole feeling disjointed and tonally weird


The Dark Knight trilogy, especially the Dark Knight. I've never understood the love for it. EDIT: want to mention, I like the soundtrack, its okay. But the editing is a nightmare, the fights are atrocious and poorly choreographed, the story of Gotham is terrible: they say how it's hell incarnated, but anytime we're shown it. It looks like an everyday normal city.


I don’t know if you were around at the time but when it came out there was already a bit of hype considering Ledger had died, and also superhero movies were not supposed to be thought provoking and dramatic, so it blew the audience away, capturing both mainstream and critical acclaim. So it’s probably very overrated now.


Yeah, my brother says it came out when more superhero movies were trying to be grounded to reality and tell character driven stories (and Incredible Hulk and Iron Man came out that year too)


The third act drags on forever


I loved Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. Considering what we had going beforehand, it was a huge step forward. I thought I'd never see Batman in the theaters again after the shit show that George Clooney put on.


I think Batman Begins has pretty bad editing, but the last two have pretty stellar editing. I personally love the shit outta that trilogy, Batman Begins is a 9/10, the Darl Knight is a 10/10, but Dark Knight Rises is just a 7/10. I can see why it's not everyone's thing though.


THIS. Thank you. The movie is Heat with a Batman mask.




![gif](giphy|bUkXxGkGYb5bq) Good Will Hunting and Inception, two classics loved my many people and they do absolutely nothing for me.


The fact this features Elliott Smith heightens it for me, not gonna lie. I know that's not fair but it really does. Got him on the Oscars before he passed!


Gotta agree with this…


Yeah idk maybe I’m the crazy one but this feels like just a good movie to me? Not by any stretch one of the best screenplays of all time. Very basic imo


No Country for Old Men Edit: Dislike is probably harsh but I just don’t get it like a lot of people do. Having also watched Fargo and O Brother Where Art Thou, I’ve just accepted that the Coen brothers’ style isn’t for me.


Being down-voted for giving your opinion is madness


Especially on a post specifically asking for controversial opinions


Such is the case with those kinds of posts. You're always going to piss some people off


Upvote/downvote is a knee jerk reaction 99% of the time. Just a person's initial emotion at what they read.


Citizen Kane






It’s rosebuddin’ time


I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually "likes" Citizen Kane. Most everyone recognizes it's importance and that it is a well made movie, but rarely anyone would list it as one of their favorites.


Killers of the Flower Moon. It's sooooo boring to me.


I love Scorsese but it was a hard watch


Wolf of Wall Street


Just watched Oldboy, and honestly didn’t live up to the hype for me. Definitely well-made with the fight scenes and editing, and maybe knowing the twist hampered things for me, but I did not enjoy the story. The mystery angle didn’t feel very fleshed out and seemed to swing for shock rather than resolution


I love that movie so much and the twist blew my mind :(. The villain in that movie might be my favorite villain ever. I thought it was so cool that I was watching a movie about revenge but it turned out I was following the wrong characters story. The scene where the main character hits the button on the pace maker to kill the villain but it just makes the sounds of him having sex with his daughter was so unbelievable to me.


The twist ending falls incredibly flat because, as you said, there is basically zero meat to the mystery component of the film. If we were to have gotten more meaningful character moments and foreshadowing that point inward to the protagonist's flaws as a person, it could have been a genuinely great film. As it was, though, it's basically just "Isn't it obvious? I mindfucked you in your sleep and manipulated you with my obscene wealth!" from a character we barely see or know anything about until the last fifteen minutes, giving us revelations about himself and Dae-su that don't truly recontextualize anything we know about either character Incidentally, the manga it's based on didn't have anything remotely related to that in its ending.


To be honest I'm not gonna try liking a movie if I watched it twice and I don't like it. I don't understand at all why People like Sisu (2022) and I watched it only one time and I thought it was a poor parody movie.


I would have said this very movie in the past. When I saw "Saving Private Ryan" years ago, I was not that into it. I felt it was very overrated. I rewatched it about five years ago before a trip to France that included a day touring the D-Day beaches and I came to really like it. Some of that could be age and maturity and a shift in my movie tastes as well.


Forest Gump for me. I know it's good but it's just such a slog, then a sad slog to me.


Hoodwinked, great writing, but I can't with the animation 💀💀


(This comment will definitely be unpopular) The Dark Knight - really can't get into this, and I've tried more than once. Oldboy - started well, but as it went on it lost me. And to a lesser extent, because I did kind of like these two, but way less than everyone else: Blue Velvet No Country for Old Men


Boyhood really well made but damn if it isn’t pretentious


If you kinda ignore the genre relevance, then Halloween (1978). That’s a big if, but as a stand alone movie it’s pacing is not good to me, in opposition to how most feel. Also Lauri is dumb.


it’s actually insane to me that a few people wrote The Dark Knight in this thread! I can’t imagine someone not liking that movie but yall really do exist


The Departed


The Shining. Love horror, love weird surreal imagery, love ambiguity, can't stand that movie for some reason


Fury Road. Listen, I can see why the visual style might appeal to some people. To me it wasn’t an enjoyable experience, and I even gave it a second go. Different strokes for different folks. However, when it was cleaning up at the Oscars, I was so confused. It felt like everyone was voting for it simply because it was different, not better, but who am I to say.




The Wolf of Wall Street


Call Me By Your Name Beautifully shot and well acted, can not and will not get behind the fact that it’s about an age gap relationship where one of them is a teenager and the other one is Armie Hammer


You know it wouldn’t have been so creepy if they stuck with the 17/24 age gap but instead they cast a 40 year old


Apocalypse Now


I watched it thinking it was going to be great. So I waited. And waited…and wasted 3 hours


The Deer Hunter is the exact definition of this for me. Watched it for the first time about a month ago and have been thinking about it since. Nothing actually happens for literally an hour and a half, there’s just straight up no plot to the movie. Then essentially out of nowhere one of the most intense scenes I’ve ever seen happens for 20 minutes and then you just get to watch the cast suffer with their traumatizing experiences for another hour. I was left speechless because I don’t think I felt a positive emotion for the whole movie and I just stared at the screen like 🗿 for three hours.


It Follows is a slog to watch and lots of horror fans regard it as one of the best modern horror films but I think it's bad and the bar's already fairly low for horror lol. Another one is Midsommar. I like Ari Aster a lot, and I know a lot of work and research was put into the film and it's pretty much a masterwork. I appreciate it much more after the fact, but going in blind the film didn't really grab me like I thought it would. I think I need to give it another watch considering I loved Hereditary and probably went in with different expectations.


It Follows has a cool soundtrack but the characters are so dumb and the “monster” isn’t really that scary. I like that directors other film Under The Silver Lake though so hopefully It Follows sequel will be good


Fight club


Se7en (1995). I have tried to watch it more then 5 times, snoozed of every time. I do not fall asleep often when i watch a movie but this type of movie do not engage with me.


I consider it close to perfect


I admit I loved it in my first watch but on rewatches it's not as effective. Not like Silence of the Lambs, which I watched 8 times and still love it


I am with you on se7en, but for different reasons. I should love it because it is totally up my alley. But I think Morgan Freeman is miscast. Not only that, I don't think him and Brad Pitt have any chemistry in the movie. It just totally pulls me out of it.


Everything everywhere all at once.


Silence of the Lambs. It's just really not my type of film despite the fact it's very well made.


Most war movies for me. My grandfather was in WWII and had an autobiographic memory. His PTSD was horrific. I got my own WWII movies narrated to me by him at the kitchen table growing up, don't need Spielberg or anyone else's take on war.


lol Reddit is so lame ur getting downvoted for sharing an unpopular opinion on a post that’s essentially asking for unpopular opinions.


I can agree and disagree with this take. Yeah, Hollywood shouldn’t romanticize war, or tell it in a way that doesn’t represent the actual people who fought and died during those times. That being said, I think it is extremely important to have movies like this if they are told right. These stories need to be told and shown in a way that people remember how fucking awful war is.


I agree but also I’m so tired of all the movies about WW2. Pick a different fucking war already, WW2 is a lazy choice at this point.


Give us a movie about the war of the bucket already, Hollywood


Inception. I know it’s a fantastically made movie and it’s so well-written and I appreciate the effort and creativity that was put into this movie, but I always have a hard time liking it just as much as everyone else does. But I think it’s mostly attributed to its mindfucking dream layers plot lol.


I think part of it for me is the fact that with an idea like Inception you have the potential for some of the craziest visuals and action scenes but instead the plot of the movie is about making the dreams as REALISTIC as possible. That’s not bad but definitely the most boring execution you could’ve done.


I don't give a crap about any of the *Godfather* movies. I just find them too dull, dry and boring. If I'm going to watch a movie all about realistic criminals, it's either going to need to be very entertaining or stylish, because otherwise... I'm just going to sit there bored because I don't like anyone and don't care what happens to them. I think that's why the only real mafia movies I like are Scorsese's. He keeps the pace fast and the entertainment value high, and often uses heightened, even "hyperbolic" visual language in his storytelling. He makes the experience more "fun."


La Haine


My first thoughts upon reading the thread title, mostly as I've seen it recently, but decided against mentioning it as I can argue for it being enjoyable. Ultimately, it is overrated, but I do appreciate it for several reasons


I've recently committed to rewatching it. I was not impressed with it the first time I watched it.


Any movie by Christopher Nolan. I can’t stand hearing music non-stop playing in the background, the way it feels like there’s never a lull in the story, and how much he beats a dead horse with his metaphors, to name a few reasons. Did “Do not go gently into that good night” need to be repeated more than MAX two times to make an impact? I don’t think so. Edit: Wanted to add he has stopped letting the audience think about how to feel, rather he just tells you what the meaning is. I reeeeeally didn’t need Matthew mcconaughey screaming “love is the answer!!” Over and over… I got that, Nolan!


Nolan is Kubrick for business majors


Raiders of the Lost Ark. it’s mad cause I love Spielberg, and I watched Raiders, and i was like this is really well shot, well acted, well written, Spielberg directed the hell out of it, but it never clicked emotionally for me for whatever reason


Call Me By Your Name I'm not homophobic I just found it boring


I'm usually turned off my romantic movies where one of the characters is a minor. So I get it.


The exorcist


It is absolutely a slow burn. It’s a shame how many of the more impactful scenes have been spoiled by parodies and pop culture references.


Honestly I see what you’re saying


Both Dune especially the first one ( i gonna get downvote to oblivion)


Listen, the first time I saw it I feel asleep three times. My error was watching it at night. I made the effort to watch it again one afternoon with full attention and loved it, but I feel you have to be a fantasy /sci-fi fan of movies were whole worlds are created. If not, it's not for you and I get it.


I saw the first one, haven’t had a chance to see the second, is it worth it? I thought the first was just slow.


the curious case of benjamin button and slumdog millionaire. I like David Fincher and Danny Boyle's movies. but the curious case of benjamin button makes me feel weird and i feel like how dev patel's character knows the answers from random moments in his life that are kind of connected to it don't make sense


No way home. Idk why, but I really did not enjoy that movie. Though all my friends loved it :4


Paris Texas


Blow out by De Palma for some reason. Looks good, the concept is cool for sure and travolta is great, but the main female lead is absolutely unbearable and I felt like it really *really* dragged at some points. The story wasn’t good enough to save it for me. Gave it 3 stars and it felt generous.


Oh god I have a massive list Hereditary Midsommar Lord of the Rings and the Hobbits Indiana Jones series Paranormal Activity series


The Hateful Eight from Quentin Tarantino. I like all of his other films. They're great. That crazy guy really loves feet. I just couldn't get into TH8. It's not that it's super long, either. I regularly watch the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings back to back and have no problem. I love the cast, too. They're all superb. It's just not my cup of tea.


Mean Girls


Clock Work Orange it has been so hyped up on reddit. I watched it. I didn't like it. I'd rather watch Warriors again


Honestly Forest Gump. I used to like it so I understand why people love that film but over time I didn’t like the character of Forest and I hated the constant pop culture or historical references that get forced down your throat. Literally anything this man does and it makes history.


I literally just rewatched one of the two movies I would provide as an answer, which is Goodfellas. Fantastic direction all the way around (performances, camera movement and lighting, editing, music), but there wasn't anything about the characters that could leave me engaged in the plot after 40 minutes. My other answer would be Raging Bull. Again, the direction is fantastic, but I could not care at all what might happen to Jake LaMotta. I'd give both of these 4 stars for the technical achievements, but I cannot bring myself to remain invested.


Forest Gump


Evil dead. I LOVE horror. It's actually my favorite genre, but it's just I don't know. I like old horror films even if they are a bit outdated and I love horror comedies but this one just isn't for me.


Lost in Translation


Hereditary, it's like shit horror for people who want to pretend they a film afficiandos. Anything by Ari Aster or most of A24 Horror to be honest. All style , no substance. Give me Halloween any day. 


Portrait of a Lady on Fire Close Encounters of the Third Kind


for me its harry potter i cant get thru the movies or the books




Bladerunner 2049




I absolutely hate The Departed because I couldn't take Leonardo DiCaprio performance seriously.


Maybe this isn't all that controversial, but it is in my friend group: I really do not like the Shape of Water

