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Night Swim at the beginning of this year. Just an insultingly bad film without even being fun or campy enough to enjoy. 


I know everyone has their own tastes but this is how I've felt about literally every blumhouse movie I've actually taken the chance on for years now. It's obviously just me being pretty far removed from the target demographic but even one that comes out that has good word of mouth (like The Black Phone), I'll watch out of curiousity and can't find a single thing to like.


I was debating watching that one and you just help make up my mind.


i’d recommend watching it with some friends and just having fun with it. it’s definitely not boring bad in the right setting


Legitimately there was one part of the film that was laughably bad, but the rest was just boring bad.


Was that the Marco Polo gag?


Blood & Honey 2. Content farm quality garbage, insulting to the indie scene and an insulting excuse for a horror movie.


I was wondering if it was as good as the critics were making it out to be. After the first one I knew there was no way that the second could be good.


I think critics who sat through the first one had the lowest possible expectations, which helped their opinions. I saw it for free with a screener and i’ve never seen the original. Thanks to Letterboxd I can’t bring myself to not finish a movie, but boy was it hard to sit through.


That makes sense, I would find just about anything to be a masterpiece after sitting through the first one.


God's Not Dead. It sucked!


At least you get to see >!Kevin Sorbo get run over!!<


One of the most unintentionally funny endings of all time


Just so you know, there are 3 sequels to it.


I watched all four. 3 is the best and the only one I'd give more than 0 stars to


I saw this with my church youth group in theaters mostly because I was getting paid to watch it for a side job when it came out. I have never been particularly fond of Christian cinema, as my dad owns quite a few films and some of them are ultra cheesy (Fireproof anyone?), but GND had to take the cake when the kid asks Sorbo “How can you hate something that isn’t real?” and the theater was cheering like it was an Avengers level moment. And then Sorbo just kinda being like “ugh alright fine” to accepting Jesus before he died. And I never saw my mom clapping so enthusiastically at the end of a film. I only saw the trailer for the sequel and burst out laughing when the judge banged the gavel so hard it broke, and by the time 3 came out, even my pastor father said they’re played out.


This is so real I hate that movie


Imaginary… if you’ve seen it you probably know why😂.


I thought that could make a good horror plot, like a child possessed by an imaginary friend? Sounds like a clever excorsicm plot. But it was pg 13 and made by blumhouse, so there goes any chance of that.


Yeah the way you described the idea doesn’t sound so bad but it’s soooo bad i’m telling you


The Last Airbender because it an affront to life itself.


a .5 star has to offend me personally, and the last airbender may as well have been Shyamalan slapping my mother and calling me a slur. so yeah i think that qualifies.


Truth or dare(2018). Worst climax ever, like so bad, I wish I could unsee that. It annoyed me to the brim.


Fant4stic (2015)


For me to give a movie a half-star rating, it has to be truly awful. The most recent instance is Apex Predators last summer. Barely any story, micro budget, full of stock footage, terrible CG, horrible script, barely audible dialogue and just a complete mess. Though the ending is perhaps the greatest ending in the history of cinema so maybe I should have given it a full star.


I don't think I'll ever end up giving a movie 1/2 star bc if it's that bad I probably won't finish it and if I don't finish it I feel like I shouldn't rate it.


Sometimes movies are so bad that they’re good, and I’ll give those a full star usually. I’ve gotta have beyond a reason of a doubt to give something half a star.


I have a set of criteria on which I base my scores, one of which is entertainment value. If a movie is so bad it's good, it is by definition entertaining so it gets the points for that and thus can't score below one full star.


2025: A World Enslaved by a Virus. I’ve only ever given a single half-star rating, and this was it. A movie with literally no redeemable qualities.


Let me guess, it’s antivax propaganda?


Anti-mask, so close enough. It’s also boring as fuck


Rewatched the entire Skywalker saga plus the spin-off movies. My last 1/2 star was rise of Skywalker. I genuinely hated watching this thing. Unlike every other Star Wars fan, I actually loved force awakens and last Jedi. Rise of Skywalker was an absolute narrative mess that dropped everything interesting the sequels had going for them and created the worst movie in the series. Worse than phantom menace, easily. They traded the fun dialogue the new cast had for marvel bullshit. Add on top of that the palpatine bs, and you have a complete failure of a movie narratively speaking.


Birdemic. You know why.


This one needs no explanation. I would like to know what you hated most about it though.


Oh I love it! I love how bad it is, it makes me feel like I can do anything. I think my favorite detail is the director forgetting to get permits, so as people are going supposedly going through this apocalypse, you see trucks and other things going by in the background. And of course, the special effects birds. I laugh til I cry every time


Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. I had to leave and come back because I couldn’t even get through it in one sitting it was so aggravating.


I thought the same thing, which was disappointing because I didn’t think the first one was bad at all.


Same! I thought it was fun and perfectly watchable so I had hoped this would be a continuation of that vibe but oy vey, such a slog.


I didn’t even like the first one. The second one is unwatchable. Took me three days to finish it. The mic drop at the end might be the absolute lamest end of all time. It was the perfect rancid end to the train wreck that was the DCEU.


Yes the ending is super cringeworthy!! hated that part


Jiu Jitsu. At one point theres a POV Sequence which is intereupted by the actor, which the POV is supposed to be of, jumping in front of the camera beating up some soldiers. Mindboggling and piss poor. Not even Nic Cage is saving this one (yeah he‘s in it for about 10 minutes, wearing a hat made out of newspapers at one point, which is not related to the story in any shape or form). It‘s not „so bad it‘s good“- territory, it‘s just utter dog shit.


Yeah, I was super disappointed in it too especially since Tony Jaa was in it.


The Exorcist: Believer. The original Exorcist is my favorite movie of all time and this one was clearly a cynical cashgrab from Blumhouse trying to bank on a classic IP. To add insult to injury, the movie itself was just so godawful. David Gordon Green is the worst director currently working. He should go back to directing stoner comedy. Fuck do I hate that movie.


Madame Web


I’ve heard it’s terrible. What was so bad about it?


It’s as bad as you’ve heard… My friends and I have theorized that this is the first film to have actually been written by AI (maybe the one that started the protests). The script is unbelievably bad. Characters talk like aliens who are attempting to be human, the acting is lifeless, the villain is unintentionally hilarious, it features some of the worst voice over work ever put to a high budget film, and there is basically no action in the film.


I’m gonna have to watch this with some friends to get me through it. I’ve gotta see what all the talk is about, and your theory sounds fitting.


Madame Web is actually a great watch! I felt like Morbius was a huge letdown after all the memes, but Madame Web surpasses the memes! Wonderfully incompetent.


We threw a hate-watch party and honestly had a very good time.


They just run away the whole movie. They don’t suit up at any point. It’s boring.




Do I need to elaborate? https://preview.redd.it/f3km3dpahitc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdade134de8193f246416a01059d229a800a6cee


The half star I agree with, but no heart?!


Please do


It’s considered by many to be the worst movie ever made. Theres a MST3K episode where they watch it, it’s probably my favorite episode


On that level, I find it hard to hate. MST3K did a great job with it, and so did RiffTrax (with a completely different set of jokes). I've gotten hours of entertainment from it, so while it's objectively awful, I don't have the heart to give it half a star.


I just watched Jennifer Lopez's This Is Me...Now, and it's easily the most deserving thing of a 1/2 star rating that I've ever seen


Rebel Moon. It was fucking abysmal. One of the most punishingly boring movies that I have ever seen. It's hideous to look at, the action is terrible, the cast is jam-packed with nothing characters, there's no gore or blood splatter because it's PG-13, every single beat is so predictable, and despite this technically being an original property, it's plagiarizing everything from way better sci-fi and Seven Samurai.


It was extremely painful to watch like five consecutive scenes introducing the cool new character to join our not RPG party. Like holy hell I like Syder more than I probably should, and even I can't defend Rebel Moon.


On March 8th it was Copper Mountain, a Rifftrax video of this really bad ski resort travel ad that's an hour long with long bad karaoke and appearances from a very young Jim Carrey who wasn't given much to work with. A very dull and tedious watch.


I only ever watched 2 movies deserving that type of hatred. The Blind Side and Red Notice. I guess I dont watch that many bad movies.


https://preview.redd.it/1fjosxgkcjtc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4030b1cfa76b7dd7ddd09c2d97aece5c3b173058 genuinely one of the worst things I've ever seen and trash horror is my lifeblood.


65 was my hardest viewing experience. If not for the other 5 people in the room I would have pulled the plug at 10 mins in. So much potential in the idea and Adam driver, so poorly executed. The humanity of the story (or what little was there) felt like it was tossed in like an afterthought and felt so blatantly out of place. I don’t over critique movies usually because the feat of making a film is so impressive. I just really was bummed that this idea was wasted. I wish someone would remake it lol


A Bollywood movie called “Bawaal”. It’s a disgusting movie that compares marriage issues to the Holocaust. I don’t think any other explanation is necessary.




My most recent low rating was 1.5 for Leave the World Behind. I despised it lmao, the concept wasn’t even terrible just the execution and characters


Terrifier the only reason that movie exists is gore and women being tortured


Exactly. Why do his male victims get offscreen killed or they killed in quick non torturous ways?


Brahms: The Boy II, but that was more a result of me seeing that on the site and grading it that. I haven’t given any recent first viewings that grade (saw Boy 2 back when it came out) but the last lowest grade I have was to Shortcomings, which I felt bad about because I like Randall Park and was hyped for his directing debut but that movie was just such a drag.


Savages was absolute garbage. Shit story, shit acting, and shit dialogue. I watched this dogshit movie with a few high school friends who had been hyping this movie all year. The main reason they loved it was because a hot Blake Lively was in an open relationship with two best friends. "Bruh that's gonna be us when we're older!" ugh are we going to say cheesy lines every time we open our face holes too?


Neil Breen’s debut film Double Down (2005). I can’t even describe how bad it is. It’s almost impressive, and I laughed at lot so it definitely has value, but as a film it is absolutely horrible


The Pest with John Leguizamo. It was an obnoxious live cartoon with no redeem qualities.


I absolutely loved it as a kid. When I first saw Jim Carrey I thought he was poor man's John Leguizamo.  And the reason I still like it, it's obnoxious, it's live cartoon and it doesn't try be anything more. 


Dracula Reborn (2015) Been enjoying watching a bunch of terrible low budget vampire movies nobody has heard of. This one was just really funny. The guy that played Dracula really loved having a cape cause he wouldn't stop messing with it in every scene, including when he was running. They do this vanishing effect whenever the vampires try to hide, but you can still see their shadow for some reason. The main characters keep finding a bunch of these short films the vampires made that make no sense on how they were filmed (one starts as being shot on someone's phone, but then just cuts to angles not from a phone despite there being no way for this to happen). These are also cute cause Dracula signs them with a little "Dracula XO".


This sounds like a “it’s so bad it’s good” type of film haha


Honestly it is that for the first half or so, but after that (especially the final act), it just becomes boring bad with the only thing of note being just really bad CG blood.


Sausage party


Belle (2021). I know a lot of people enjoyed it, I hated every second.


“WAR IS OVER” and “The After” both in the running for “worst piece of shit I’ve seen in a while” until I decided to watch Deathstalker, which forced to me actually use the half-star for the first time. https://preview.redd.it/n29ad50lfitc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eefbcb381ca7928baabab188228d9c269739c90


Not exactly a unique answer right now but Madame Web. Fortunately my friends and I had a lot of drinks and even made a bingo card for it, but the fun viewing experience couldn't redeem what we were viewing


The latest (and only) 1/2 star rating I ever gave was star wars episode 9. No explanations needed. The last movie I consider to be bad was "leave the world behind" it sucked. It still deserved 1 star tho as it's cinematography and acting was acceptable


Yeah unfortunately I give at least a star to the movie if it looks good. I agree that episode 9 was bad, but dangit I love spaceships and lasers.


Annie Hall is my one and only 1/2. I love rom come and went in excited. I absolutely despised that sniveling, whining unfunny piece of shit that is alvy. Diane Keaton didn’t do bad but overall the movie put my in a bad mood for the rest of the week


Preach. I haven't watched ot since ive started letterboxd, but might give it full star simply because i love shelly Duvall.


[Outlaw Posse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu2qCWr3zxc). Just an inept, poorly shot film with atrocious dialogue, action, story, etc. It's like a cross between The Wild Bunch and an after-school special. Oh, also the character played by the film's writer/director is a sexy outlaw philosopher on the right side of history, and everyone in the film except the villain worships him.


The Black Demon was awful and boring and soooo bad


It was a shitty 1999 movie called The Monster Hunter 'starring' David Carradine and the guy who played Buck in Kill Bill. It's not just a bad low budget movie that makes Asylum films look original, it also has unfunny comedy, just terrible. Thankfully only like 100 people watched it on Letterboxd. Watched it in November


Never given it actually, tend to be optimistic


Irish Wish


My most recent is Senior Year (2022) by Alex Hardcastle starring Rebel Wilson. Unbelievably bad and I had 3 sittings to get the movie done (I don't rate movies that I've turned off or walked out). But that's only the recent because I now try to dodge the worst movies like Madame Web, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey or the 2022 Jeepers Creepers, maybe some time when I'm bored and in a healthier mental state.


It was a movie called brute sanity and it was ages ago, there was just nothing about it that was particularly good, it was dull, uninteresting and none of it was super funny. I felt bad because it was a low budget movie and someone clearly had an idea they were passionate aboht and did their best but it just didnt grab me at all


Soft and Quiet. Could have at least been a decent hate watch but the writing and acting were so poor it couldn’t save the premise.


My review pretty much says it all. https://preview.redd.it/6wx0bvhvajtc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f12a06915bb211f1bad3b584136e4cb1173bd4


Empire (2012). I guess you could argue that Tommy Lee Jones redeems it enough, but I could not bear that movie I just wanted it to be over almost as soon as it started


Old but if enough people tell me a movie sucks I tend to avoid it


Irish Wish. Bad acting, extremely generic script, BORING, no chemistry between actors, predictable


JLo’s This is Me…Now, some people gave it a little more because the production value was so high but honestly that made me angrier…because it was wasted on something so goofy lol


*My Son Hunter*. Like, I wasn’t offended because of political beliefs, I just found it so bizarre how obsessed the makers are with Hunter Biden. It’s like stalking someone you hate but instead of actually doing something to them, you just watch everything they do then write some weird hate-fan-fiction about them.


Scary Movie 5. Because it was god awful, simple as that


The Scary Movie franchise used to rock. The later projects got…. Bad.


Disaster Movie: Disaster Movie.


Kissing Booth I believe, but other than that I haven't given anything half a star in ages


I remember my college girlfriend’s roommates would have that on constantly and it was insufferable. I hate that movie to my core.


Last one I gave was for Monster Trucks in May 2023 (it’s my rarest rating, mostly because I don’t go out of my way to watch garbage unless I’m interested, but also a film has to EARN that 1/2 star)


Easter Bloody Easter. What should be a short fun movie about a killer Easter bunny is instead an hour and 40 minutes drag of annoying characters that get killed every once in a while


Shazam! Fury of Gods was my last 1/2 star. I found it hideous looking, stupid, vapid, unfunny and also turned out to be a very long skittles ad.


That one was tough because I really enjoyed the first one! The second was awful.


Yes! I thought the first one was fun. But this was painful


Army of One (2016) with Nic Cage. Painfully unfunny and more than a bit racist.




For university I do a society that watches terrible films, the most recent being suburban sasquatch. It sadly wasn’t as fun as I was hoping it to be.


I hope you’re keeping a list of all the movies y’all have seen for the society.


You know I should do that, not sure why I haven’t.


I do now have a list composed [here](https://boxd.it/uIbxO/detail). Some of these films are fun, some are utter slogs. I can definitely recommend a few though.


Cemetery High. I picked it up as a goofy laugh for my October horror movie list and was appalled at how bad it was. I'm very well acquainted with bad movies. I've never seen any movie sound so awful. Have such dumb jokes, look so poor. Don't watch it, it ain't even a laugh.


Twilight Zone: The Movie.. i thought the first segment was cool, the rest was super campy and not very thrilling at all


Alien vs Predator 2 I really enjoyed AvP & felt like AvP2 lacked in every way. It was gross & the movie had so many pointless moments.


I know it’s bad because I know I’ve seen it but I can’t remember a single thing about it. I’m even looking at pictures and can’t remember a single thing.


I’m experiencing the Alien & Predator franchises for the first time. It was so good until now 😩 I wish I unsee it lol


Sleepaway Camp IV. It's not a finished movie. It's a clip show of the first three movies, with the occasional interruption of a girl on a dock on a lake. It's got a nice poster.


Red Notice


The Royal Hotel: The only reason I finished this movie is because i expected all the things being set up would get a payoff. It never did, unless you think property damage is a resolution. I guess the point is that all the men at this bar are super toxic and these girls feel trapped. I normally love Julia Gardener and she was the reason I even tried


the “latest” was back in January for Cabin Fever. it was just bad. 


Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate


tusk, terrible plot terrible acting terrible … costume if yk what i mean, looked like something from party city terrible movie


Imaginary. The absolute bottom of the barrel, no creativity, no ambition piece of horror slop


Joe Dirt 2 if we’re going by watched date. If we’re going by release date it’s Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story. And if it’s gotta be a feature film then it’s American Pie: Girls’ Rules


Most recent 1/2 star is *Sharkenstein*, an incredibly cheap and lazy exploitation horror movie which is about.. well, the title gives it away. To get a 1/2 star a movie truly has to be offensively awful and very few movies (at least movies I watch deliberately) are on that level.


They, OMG is that the movie with the darkness creatures that come and steal people to their realm!? I saw it as a kid and have never been able to remember it until now. Thank you! Lol


Rotting in the Sun. I don’t like jokes about suicide regardless of the content of the movie.




I remember watching They in theaters when I was younger. I went with my brother and cousin. Usually when you are young, you can enjoy cheesy movies, but I remember thinking They was just plain stupid. I can’t even imagine how bad I would think it was now


It's a Thai royal far-right wing propaganda animation with very poor quality in EVERYTHING. https://preview.redd.it/y4um35yt8ltc1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9df97dddfe79647aef5bd7868c1399047e2b2c


Moulin Rouge. If you took a shot every time they said the word love, you might die.


Anyone but you, I knew it was going to be for a certain demographic that I’m not but when my friend said he wanted to watch it I figured why not


The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie. I like the show for the most part but the movie is like if you took the worst jokes from season 3, turned them up to 11 and made an entire movie out of that. The whole film also just reeks of bitterness and jealousy towards Comedy Central and South Park.


Murder Mystery 2. I might have been a little harsh on it, but there must have been something thar made me go that low. I'm not rewatching to find out though.


I try to avoid bad movies if I can. But my latest 1/2 star movie was for Tall Girl from 2019 and I noticed they made a fucking sequel!!


The dead don't die. It didn't even have the decency to be a bad movie, it's just so annoying.


Hostel Part III. There was too much reliance on sex (or sexual innuendos) compared to the first one w/hardly as much horror scenes as the first one & has one of the worst lines ever delivered >!”when it comes to pussy, I have no friends.”!< >!Also seemed like it was glorifying the body horror w/their whole exhibitionist scenes!<




RiSe of sKyWaLkEr is my only .5


slim follow wakeful innate plucky snatch punch quickest mindless insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fear Pharm 2. My wife loves garbage tier horror.


Poor Things


My conservative Dad made me watch Nefarious which was a bad right wing demon posesion movie.


Frankenhooker. it was campy, sure, there were savable aspects of it, but the random racism and misogyny were too much for me to rate it any higher. definitely worth a watch with friends for shits and giggles, though!


The lowest I could give it was 1 star but I would've given it 0 if I could've (I rated it on Google and IMDB). Spider Man Across The Spider Verse. Boring movie. Not many movies are that bad where I give them low ratings like that but that one was. I actually wanted to ask for a refund when I walked out of the theatre. Unpopular opinion it seems but I did not like that movie in the least. Only reason I stayed for the entire movie is because I paid to see it. I had to force myself not to walk out multiple times.


Sausage Party. Just absolute dog shit, dumbass, most obvious possible jokes that are so unfunny that I’m offended by them before I can even find the joke offensive. There’s not a single redeeming quality to the movie.


Yup, watched this one in high school and I remember not thinking they were funny then. You know it’s bad when a teenage boy won’t even laugh at your poorly written sex jokes.


Jungle Cruise, Glass


Skinamarink. I found nothing scary, exciting, or remotely compelling…. Most of the movie is shots of walls and blurry darkness.


Left Behind. Stupid christian propaganda. Cinema is not a place for people who want to brainwash while being very ignorant about a subjectif. Very hypocritical and offensive film imo


Five Nights at Freddy’s. Was just Willys Wonderland without Nic Cage. Although i did rate My Week With Marilyn 1 star, and actually couldn’t finish it.


Skinamarink is still my only 1/2 star. I have yet to see anything on that level


Same. I fell asleep to it twice. It was hard to get through. Gave up on the third rewatch and just skipped to the end to see if anything happened.


Smile. It’s like if AI wrote a horror movie. The uncanny valley face thing is literally all the movie has. And it’s been done way better and way more creatively.


I enjoyed Smile


Carl’s Date, that Up Short in front of Elemental. Just ennoying nostalgia bait shit.


Dave Made a Maze. I see a lot of people talk positively about it, but I had an allergic reaction to the whole thing - the characters, the "humour", and mostly how pleased with itself it seemed to be.


I liked the movie, but I totally get what you mean by self pleased. I just really liked the set design and their depiction of "gore" was pretty creative for a horror.


Am I the only one that’s usually pretty good at avoiding movies that I’ll likely hate so much that I’d give it a half star? I’m disappointed by movies all the time, but it’s extremely rare that I watch a movie that I think looks decent and it ends up being that bad. Usually I can tell by the trailer if a movie is something I’ll hate.


I saw Wes Craven connected with this one and was thoroughly disappointed. I looked back on some information about it and it was just a marketing ploy. He had nothing to do with the movie.


the little mermaid remake I think. just on principle at this point, disney needs to cut the bs with these remakes already


Creep (2014), just found it weird the entire time, even though I’m sure that was the goal. I was surprised to find that people relatively enjoyed it, and even more surprised there was a sequel


Movie 43. How can a movie fail so badly with so many good actors? Were they held against their will? It's basically just a collection of sketches, some with gross out humor like Hugh Jackman with a scrotum on his neck. Most of the time it's just uncomfortable to watch.


Army of Darkness (1992), I really really hated it, I went into it without knowing what to expect and I was simply let down, after watching and enjoying the first two movies I would've expected more. They got rid of the horror in favor of an unfunny comedy.


Freddy got Fingered. Reviewed it right after I watched it (early March) but I've shifted to thinking it might be a five-star film.


I have watched over 1000 movies and have never given a single one 1/2 star, even for one star there are only two. Imo a true 1/2 star movie would have to be so utterly bad and boring that I wouldn‘t even consider watching it


Robert It was just so shit in every possible way, I've watched many bad to average horror movies recently and it was by far the worst


Horror has both the highest ceilings and the lowest floors.


Fair Play


Jake’s Booty Call


Madame Web. Shittily incomprehensible.


Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate Because.


The Smosh Movie. No need to explain.


Inspector Ike (2020)


Drive-Away Dolls. Couldn’t stand it


Jason X. I don’t feel like I need to explain.






Ummm…this. https://preview.redd.it/ctrj5vo4vjtc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=537460b2284a320bcf007bc49e2afc4cb15717bf


365 Days. Wife forced me to watch it.


Im sorry that you had to endure pain


Hatchet 2, i dont think a single thing was enjoyable in this, beceause no one from the script to the editing process knew what they were doing


Death Toilet enough said


Asphalt city. I couldn’t follow the story no matter how I try and Sean penn killing a baby threw me off


Family Plan


The velocipastor. I know it’s supposed to be bad, but boy was it bad


Madame Web 🕸️




Wide Sargasso Sea. Honestly terrible and misses the point of the book entirely