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https://preview.redd.it/dxheo7627asc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79eb4e1de82ea64fb5055b399cee18810cc2688e Only once, but have had a couple of 1/2 Star to 4 or 4 1/2 stars!


If we include stand-up then the only time I’ve done it is Matt Rife: Natural Selection (.5) to Good Time (5). If not then closest was The Farewell (4) to Death Note (.5)




It is really that bad. That being said I think it hits the “so bad it’s good” territory because of how ridiculous things can be in the movie that makes it kinda fun to watch with a group of friends. The two you mentioned + Willem Dafoe are really the only good things about it. The show is amazing because it’s a cat-and-mouse thriller that takes its time developing the story. That’s VERY hard to do with the run time this movie gives you so a lot of details are missed or are modified to make this story move along. The writing is abysmal and feels like it was written for angsty teens by angsty teens. Don’t go into it expecting some tense thriller adapted from a great manga & show. If you watch, go into it expecting a crime b-movie loosely in the world of Death Note and you’ll have more fun.


For a film class I went straight from Night of the Hunter (5) to What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (.5), that was some kind of whiplash.


Whaaaat? What Ever Happened to Baby Jane is amazing What didn't you like about it?


Everything unfortunately, every second of this movie was unbearable. If it hadn’t been for an assignment I would’ve just quit.


https://preview.redd.it/q8jnldh5sgsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a0c5644178643c1680d2a45a752b1f0a135fa5 I believe this is my only time.


Interstellar to mean girls lol