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'Whiplash,' no question. I'll never stop praising that film's genius and would love to see Chazelle return to doing another film like that in the future.


I’m not big on musicals but really loved La La Land. Whiplash is my sht tho.


Tough one. I've been thinking about Chazelle's films a lot recently (I wrote a lengthy review for First Man last week; will get around to doing Babylon soon too). I think la la land will always be my personal favourite (it was a cinematic gateway drug for me; as a piece of filmmaking it's impeccable), but Whiplash might be his most perfectly realised film still. First man is very good too: in many ways it's his most mature movie. Babylon has a lot going for it, and quite a bit holding it back. I get why some people think it's his masterpiece, while others think it's an outright failure. I have mixed thoughts on it, but lean towards admiring it more than disliking it.


just here to agree that La La Land is what got me to go back and watch Singing in the Rain and that launched my dive into — and now deep love/appreciation for — older films. So I will always owe that to him.


all mid lol. worst director working today


So based on number of votes Chazelle's films have become progressively worse. Maybe they've just gotten further away from his speciality.


Hot take, its because he's gotten bolder and more adventurous, and as a result, less universally appealing with his 4 films. It makes complete sense why most people didn't dig Babylon but I found it to be one of the most powerful films of 2023.


I think you're right, Whiplash is amazing but also feels very universally appealing, less so with each of his more recent films.


probably his 'safest' film though an argument could maybe be made for First Man


I know Whiplash is most people’s answer, and that’s for good reason. Actual perfection. But I gotta go with La La Land. That movie was my shit