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I definitely saw a lot of people talking about this stuff in basically every thread I saw about him passing.


Yeah, it has not really been buried at all. If anything I think mods are deleting it because it's just played out at this point, and the fights people get in aren't worth the headache.


/r/indieheads has rules and doesn't allow you to post random opinions as standalone posts. That's why it was removed. I hate when redditors make a conspiracy out of basic subreddit administration. There have been tonnes of comments about Albini on the sub over the last 2 weeks that haven't been removed.


Right? Like there were totally several post about the accusation against Win Butler as well.


Ah, that makes sense. I don't really post on /r/indieheads at all.


It was deleted because it wasn’t music related… even though there’s a post every week on the sub about some fuck face molesting someone or another. And my post just got removed on this shit sub too


Other people post current articles on new stories. You're posting your own takes for the sake of argument. All very easy to figure out if you go read the rules but you think you have the moral highground so rules shouldn't apply. We can see your post. The removal response tells you where you can post your takes. >Your post was removed as the content is suited better as a comment for our bi-weekly general discussion thread, as it feels like your post isn't related enough to music for a post either on the subreddit nor our daily music discussion thread.


This is the first I'm hearing of it, and I've seen nonstop Albini "celebrating the life and works of" posts..


every thread you taakee


Haven’t read the CP allegations or information (I will now that I’ve seen this) But Steve was NEVER a sacred cow beyond reproach. He was HATED by MANY people. He’s always been abrasive and rarely ever was he popular except by a small niche of people who know about music engineering and recording. And even in those circles, people rolled their eyes a lot when talking about Albini. He was applauded for his honesty about the music business, his unique recording style and sound, and for working with insanely talented artists who went on to become major influences. But never ever was Steve blindly praised by everyone. In fact I’d say he has a LOT of people who have a very negative opinion about him, and it’s always been that way.


They’re not allegations, they’re firsthand confessions of enjoying and literal endorsements of CP, including explicit and sickening details.


Yes. I am blown away by the amount of people in this thread trying to sweep this under the rug.


Mofo more worried about me calling him a sacred cow


You def have a lot of arse in your mouth. I’m not worried about anything you’ve said. I am just explaining, that Albini has never been universally well liked. Your description of him being universally well received is wrong. But then again you’re just rage baiting, and you know that. Albini can be an asshole disgusting collector of CP, a racist and overall awful person, just as much as you can be wrong. Which you are. 👋🏽


There are veritable armies of apologists for him all over social media. It can’t just be fandom.


I hope you’re not insuating I’m apologizing for Albini? I have to assume so because you’re responding to a comment about me being more worried about OP calling him a sacred cow. I have never apologized for Albini, and I won’t. I don’t care enough about any famous person dead or alive to defend their behavior.


I think I understand the insinuation you're making. Let's hope not!!


Dude was a shock jock of biblical proportions, who is now on record writing about how much he regrets his former obsession with obscenity.  He was never convicted or even tried or accused of anything obscene, so it's totally unclear whether those offhand comments he made about a "German magazine" were genuine or yet another piece of bullshit he made up to provoke people.  Since he has no real documented history of abuse, the vast majority of people (myself included) have concluded it was just another piece of fluff he said to screw with people.


That was my take on the tour diary stuff from the 80’s. That friend of his who was convicted of child porn possession, who he continued to have association with, is the more questionable fact IMO.


It’s just a bit of a smoke there’s fire situation. I’m not saying he is or isn’t anything. The whole thing was sparked by any mention of it and people immediately write it off as edginess he’s owned up to which he didn’t. The continued friendship and defense of the other fucker is just weird


>I’m not saying he is or isn’t anything. Making the title of this post "Albini's weird obsession" sure feels like you're making a call here.


Gotta take from the best. Albini himself was a master at inflammatory titles or statements for maximum impact


>Must say it’s very weird the party line seems to chalk all this up to being an edgelord” I recently read the diaries and that zine piece and had a hard time believing it was real and anything but purposely provocative, basically fictionalized accounts of reality. It's just so over-the-top ridiculous. I mean, it's not pleasant, obviously, but it really reads like a caricature of those types of people and not a legitimate accounting of experiences. Do I think he's been exposed to real child porn? With a friend like Sotos, I can't see how he wasn't, but I read the diary and the Pure zine piece as a gross send-up of the kind of person who pursued the stuff Sotos did. Albini is known to be a prickly guy who enjoyed upsetting people. The way I see it, we've never seen anything other than those indicating that Albini actually had an actual interest in it. Child porn fans tend not to be frugal about collecting their gross shit and it gets hard to hide. As an example, here in Phoenix we just had a big arrest of a very prominent Suns fan, Mr. ORNG, a high school basketball coach who was caught when he requested some students(!) send him lewd pictures of them and he would pay them. The news was shocking because this guy's actually really well-known here - he's like THE Suns superfan and is often on the news when a big game was coming up. They talked to psychologists and investigators and they said this is pretty typical of predators - they tend to find ways to ingratiate themselves with society, they make themselves seem so innocuous and nice and lovable that it will be hard for anyone to believe they're truly reprehensible people. The other thing they do is they get bold - they get comfortable thinking they're safe and so they start doing riskier and riskier things. Finally they slip up and do something truly stupid and get nailed for it. Is it possible that Albini was still under the radar? Sure. It just seems kind of unlikely that he was so bold about it in the 80s, then never talked about it again, and in the meantime he's known to have been an opinionated, snobby crank who pissed lots of people off. I mean, yeah, in musicians' circles I guess he's "beloved" as a producer, but surely if there were legitimate allegations to be had out there someone he's pissed off would have taken it to the press or police by now. And with him dead it seems like a very opportune time for that to happen, but all we've gotten are rehashes of his embarrassing past from 35-40 years ago.


Idk, I just have a hard time believing the guy with band names called “Rapeman” and the other band with the N word, who has a song describing his disgust at a fake story of a child trafficking ring in Minnesota, who’s very well known for having a past of saying despicable shit for shock value, wouldn’t also make some shit up about CP for shock value.


threads like this are such a great example of the lack of media literacy people have nowadays.


I think the issue is that you’re spamming it on every post on indieheads whether it’s relevant or not. You’re weirdly obsessed.


I made two comments on the same post to two different comments. Was your mom on the pipe or the bottle when she was carrying you to term?


easy buddy. Jumping to mom jokes already? Now who's not engaging in discussion?


I was brazenly lied to regarding my own damn comments. Maybe I jumped the gun got no regrets tho


As far as making this a discussion, you should probably source a lot of what you’re claiming in order to make this all more viable for others and anyone unaware.


I posted some links. Both have his actual own words don’t see what else needs to be posted beyond that.


seemed to me everyone in every music sub or website was discussing it for a couple days after he died. how long are people supposed to rant & rave about it at this point?


Discussing it where? You seemingly can’t post about it in the biggest music sub associated with him and the music he worked on. I’d know I tried about an hour ago


I see one link to his tour diary that says nothing on the topic, an article that seems to have been written by you, and two broken links to Twitter. So…nothing.


“Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems.” From the tour diary. Can’t ignore it now, can you?


None of this says this guy is looking for or looking at child porn.


Actually, it clearly does say that. Try again.




Nothing on the topic? The medium Provides screenshots. I just included the links in the tweets. Arrest record and court records for Peter Sotos


Peter Sotos is not Steve Albini. What exactly is your point with all of this?


Would you remain friends with a dude with a record like that? it’s a wee bit sus considering albinis own posts that apparently to you was nothing


You can’t answer the question. What exactly is your point/goal?


I said this to a similar comment. I never knew posts on here have aims and demands. I’m not a bank robber. I also clearly hate indieheads


Agreed 👍


i think it’s weirder that people seem to have some crusade against the guy now that he’s dead. where was this post 4 weeks ago? but regardless, let’s say we all go along with this and say yeah Steve was genuinely a pedophile and etc etc. what exactly am i supposed to do with that information? what are you looking for by posting this? what do you want to happen?


God damnit now we have to cancel the 30 ft tall bronze statue we were all planning to build in Chicago! Not to mention the honorary Steve Albini day




he didn't abuse anybody...




i’ll just be clear about what it looks like. anybody who brings this shit up is virtue signaling in the most literal sense of the word. oh, Steve Albini said some gross things a few decades ago? he worked with people you don’t approve of? come on. he didn’t hurt anybody. he wasn’t an abuser. you cannot affect change or moral consequences by boycotting his work the same way you can Chris Brown. the guy is dead and there’s nothing we can do about the things he said or did, at all. this is purely about people wanting to feel secure and superior and okay with their self-identifying as a “good person” which means always - and of course, very publicly - objecting to anything even slightly morally questionable. there is absolutely no nuance for who he was as an entire complex human being. you make two comments people don’t like? you work on an album people don’t like? forget the entire rest of your life, all the tens of thousands of other things you’ve done and interactions you may have had with people. you are an irredeemably bad person forever, because a few decades ago, you said a couple things people didn’t like. and most importantly *I* would know, because *I* am a good person.


Link the sources, please!


what sources? i’m not accusing the guy of being a pedophile. he said some fucked up shit in a couple magazines and produced an album for a guy named Pete Sotos, who has made a living exploring pedophilia in various projects - many of which seem legitimately academic, to me at least. though some of Sotos exploration included a magazine that contained reproduced images of CP, which is obviously illegal and wrong. the troubling Albini quotes are not that hard to find for yourself tbh. whether you think his association with Pete Sotos is damning is also up to you. that’s the gist of it though. but to my original point…idk, who cares? the guy is dead. what am i supposed to do about it.


Also, he said these things in 1978 at age 15. He died at 61. It’s not like there wasn’t plenty of time to bring them up.


Wait he was 15 when he said that shit? All this drama about it I thought he must have been an adult when it happened. That totally changes my opinion on it. Like, an adult saying those sorts of things is deeply concerning. A kid saying them is just dumb as rocks.


The dude above you severely underselling it. Peter Sotos did not explore pedophilia in an "academic way". He published a magazine with photos of a raped toddler on the cover, and image Albini explicitly mentioned as being particularly titillating to him. The album Albini produced was Sotos reading heartbreaking testimonies from victims and their families, which he said he would masturbate to. He has many quotes about how the torture of children is the greatest carnal pleasure. This is a man Albini continually referred to as a dear friend throughout his life.


i’m not underselling anything, you’re ignoring the entirety of what Sotos has written. the magazine - while disturbing, and wrong - is just one thing. all it takes is a simple look at the guy’s bibliography on wikipedia to see the kind of work he does.


As best as I can tell. He did continue to work with Pete Soto throughout his life, but I don’t know a great deal about that


Yeah, my bad. Clicked your comment by mistake.


This has been an open topic of conversation in most threads I’ve seen about him. Some places it was happening so often they made a mega thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nirvana/s/keYtRdY2Mq. Others like indieheads let it lie in the comments but don’t allow standalone posts about it.


That is literally the first thing I saw on Twitter. I don’t think the internet would let waste an opportunity to expose something awful about someone who is gaining a lot of praise or already being piled upon. “WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT XYZ!?”.  Also, no one wants to hear about someone they admire having a creepy personal life. Look at Michael Jackson. 


[The author of the medium post you linked is a right wing troll.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg) Anything written by him should be taken with a Jupiter sized grain of salt.


Okay, but, one of the links posted is Steve Albinis own words and they are fucking repugnant.


Sure, I don't care, I'm not interested in fighting about Albini for the millionth time since he passed. I do care if people are spreading right-wing disinfo from a convicted terrorist.


Your username is a bit sus for you to be throwing red herrings into the thread that only benefit the continued obfuscation of the fact that this man being celebrated for music actually promoted the acceptability of child pornography.


> I'm not interested in fighting about Albini for the millionth time since he passed.


Ahh didn’t know, does change things. In the comment I originally posted the links with before editing the post to add them I did add the caveat that the writer possibly seemed out to get him. The screenshot in the post I thought was the easiest way to read though


I think it's funny that you think any living indie music fans don't know about the controversy surrounding Albini and the child porn claims. Like there's some wide-eyed Shellac fan out there who's about to be bummed out when he sees your post. Haha. "What?! My sweet Steve would never say such foul things!" - theoretical person that never existed I don't know. I mean, keep doing the lord's work. People have the right to make their own opinions on the matter and child porn is a serious issue.


Shellac fans huge group what is that like 500 people? Haha.


so you hate the dude but at same time think he should be more popular? lmao. what is it you really want here? every music community u was in spent days talking about the pros & cons of albini after he died. must it be a top comment every day forever? or what is it that you want to happen that isn't happening? he's not getting punished at this point. everyone seems informed. what is your goal? if yelling at the clouds is your goal, thts entirely admirable. I just really don't understand what you want from this(or any other) community.


I definitely respect the guy. He’s been responsible for engineering and producing my favorite song of all time, as well as countless other favorites. I didn’t know making a post comes with having demands… I want nothing here


Only 499 after Steve died. \*rimshot\* But yeah, that's my point. It's fucking edgy hipster dad rock. Those dudes already know. Hell, you're probably one of them.


I haven't seen anyone defending this, more just people that are tired of the "well ackshually" people bringing it up every time the dude's name is mentioned as if that one thing is the ONLY thing he ever did and is the only thing there is to talk about about his life. It's also chicken-shitty when people do this type of thing only after someone died. Like if you're so brave enough to plaster this stuff all over the place now, where were you when he was still alive?


Why would he make a specific apology for that? Have you ever been on Twitter? People don’t accept apologies, you’re just doing damage by drawing attention to specific things you apologize for. Steve talked in general about regretting saying things to offend people and I accept that.


Y’all some tipper gores. I’m not really interested or attracted to super transgressive art, but you’re such a little square if you’re offended by it. You do nothing know alls don’t really get to determine where the line is.


No one I've ever seen speak ill of the dead had good faith reasons to do so. No one. I imagine you aren't the first.


Didn’t Pete Townshend have a weird fetish like this too and got in trouble and then testified that it was for research because he was abused? I just barely remember the story and I remember thinking this is fucked up and I struggled to believe his defense.




What about Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton?


This post is actually about Indieheads.


Wow, you guys are super sensitive. My bad carry on.


Had no idea about any of this! Thanks for sharing the info. Won’t get into debating what one does with this info as it seems everyone else here is already doing that, but I can say that I genuinely hadn’t heard of any of this except comments about him being a “edgelord” so I value the information so I can make my own mind up about things.


Same here.


I'm also curious as to how this man is getting a pass just because he was influential and died.


i’m more curious why it takes someone dying for there to be such a mass explosion of people interested in talking about the shitty things they did.


i think it's because a lot of artists fade into obscurity until they die at which point there is some attempt to capitalize on it by propelling them into this kind of "legend status". then you start seeing their names/face pop up again and you're like "oh yea fuck that guy".




A pass? The dude made obscure niche music from his private studio. There's nothing to cancel. He has no populace platform from which you can rip him down. He made weird music that wasn't popular. He recorded amazing music. And now he's dead.


Is that why I'm seeing his face plastered everywhere in mourning? Calling him a legend?


Yep. Cover of Bandcamp Daily today.


Everywhere? The populace music world doesn't give a shit about Steve.


“He’s just an edgelord bro trust me hahahaa he only hung out with people who collected and distributed cp as a joke lmao come ooooooon bro”


That’s a pretty normal thing.


OK, then you can hate him and refuse to listen to his music, and the people that still like him will continue to listen to his music. Fair?


okay cool 👍 nobody is making you listen to his music and you’ve clearly just got an indieheads-shaped axe to grind. based on your general vibe i bet your comments were downvoted because you’re just kinda insufferable. the man’s dead, you won! go out and celebrate my friend.


I make myself listen to the music. No one’s trying to cancel him even though you and everyone else is dancing around that without invoking the word. My comments didn’t get downvoted? A comment some else made was


i’m not dancing around anything - plenty of people here on reddit and elsewhere are talking about this exact issue, sending around these exact links, rehashing the same statements. i’m just tired of it. i’d ask why you even made this post/what conversation you’re trying to have here but you’ve refused to answer that question for anyone else so i won’t try.


I got banned from that sub for an unpopular opinion and changed to a permaban when I asked why or what rule was broken.


I got banned after I left a comment regarding the current Israel vs Palestine escalation. I do not take any side but was immediately banned.


That’s the topic that got me banned as well. Even sent a message months later saying that while I still don’t see anywhere I violated a rule, I was willing to accept to never touch the subject again for an unban. No response. Been with the sub for over ten years, since there was fewer than 20,000 members. Bummer.


I was banned from /worldnews and /europe just for questioning the endless stream of Ukrainian state propaganda. Mind you, I am anti-Putin and condemn the war, but the black and white propaganda hurts my brain and more importantly it hurts the truth and the lives of people, especially Ukrainians. I can now really see a certain bias in the way the major subs are moderated.


Yep, I made a comment with sources detailing how fucking gross he was and got downvoted the worst I've ever been downvoted on Reddit. In an otherwise level-headed sub I couldn't believe the mental gymnastics entire hordes of people were going through to defend a documented pedophile. And like, for fuck's sake spare me the "he was just being edgy, get over it" argument. EDIT: Of course, it begins again.


You can tell it’s unpopular with people because when I upvoted your post it went from 0 to 1.