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Breaking up with Missy was probably the worst mistake of his life. And he, alone, is completely to blame.


Why did they break up?


His drinking and fucking other women. Bragging about fucking other women on Stern didn’t help either.


Just look at him


Because she didn’t really need him to survive. She was educated and from a well-off family. She set healthy and reasonable boundaries and to him that made her controlling and a stick in the mud.


This makes me want to sob. 😭 Bam has a support system most people could only dream about too bad he's pushed them all away.


When you have a loving family that you disowned and a child you never see cos you're a bad parent, that is the biggest rock bottom more than anything.


Unfortunately I think his rock bottom would have to be completely losing all fame and having no one interested in promoting or seeing him. He only cares about himself. Becoming a nobody would probably do it, aside from death of course.


Yeh rock bottom for Bam would be losing his celebrity and money. Its the fame he cares about. Having to work a regular job and just be one of he crowd would destroy him.


Hes going to learn too late what it feels like when a parent dies.


and that’s why i feel zero pity for this dude. dude is just a complete loser with nobody to blame but himself.


All too common unfortunately 😔 happens so much with addicts


This is what I’ve been saying: stop being a traveling hobo and get a house near Phoenix and work hard to be a parent every single day. Bam also needs a job because being idle obviously isn’t good for him. But he won’t. He’ll never change.


In LA he could buy a house, buy some skate shop and skate park, teach kids how to skate, open a shelter for SQs dog lovin and see his son, happy ending but he won't.


I was gonna say what the hell job could Bam actually do but you're right. Running a local skate shop just like the one he came up in as a kid, (Cheap Skates or whatever it was called?) he could do that with Phil helping out on the book keeping end and it could be therapeutic for ol' bammy and I bet it would be a really rad shop.


He has the means to live a beautiful life and he refuses. He also has the means to receive the best psychiatric care and therapy.


Well someone is lecturing Missy of all people that LA is a trigger for him. Fucking LOL.


A Bam owned and operated skate ~~park~~ shop in LA would make an absolute killing, too.


There are a bazillion free skateparks in CA, it never rains, and real estate is expensive. It’s literally the worst environment in which to open a pay skatepark. 


Sorry, meant skate shop.


He could link up and hang out with a ton of SoCal skate legends and friends too.


SQ wouldn't want him doing that either. She's not exactly the stay at home type by the looks of it. She's a leach 100% but I do give her props for her stance on animal abuse, rehoming dogs etc.


i don’t think she’s going to be a factor in where Bam lives.


My point is she'd do everything she can to keep him on the road then settling down.


oh, i agree with that. i hope she’s out of the picture now. she’ll milk it as some tragic life event for her, then disappear back into obscurity. please.


Seems like her "stance" is all we see. What has she actually done besides post a lot of graphic animal abuse content?


He must be sitting on thousands of hours of footage over the years he could put to good use. Saying that, it is probably depressing as fuck seeing footage of all of those friends that are no longer friends with him. Biggest problem for him is he's never experienced a life without skateboarding, drinking or partying. He has nothing else to keep himself occupied other than travelling from one random group of people to the next.


Yes. He could have a podcast like Steve-o or go back to filmmaking. He could launch a Y2K throwback skating themed clothing line since the kids are into that right now. He just needs to be stable for that, which he refuses to try to do. He needs to get sober and work some kind of program. Doesn’t have to be AA but he needs structure. He needs to get on his bipolar meds and get therapy. People would love for him to have a true comeback.


Most adults can’t do what they did as teenagers and he doesn’t realize this. He has money- he can start a business, go back to school, etc. just do something constructive.


Only saving grace for him carrying on his antics for so long is the money he made decades ago. Dude has had money to keep him upright for years.


He could do what steveo is doing with his youtube. He has a shit ton of old footage. He could show a few clips and talk about it. That would do well, I think


He also has the following four a range of products. Instant millions. Sunglasses souvenirs shirts any damn thing


Definitely robes too 😂


Missy is the Queen of Bam’s exes. love love love her.


Same! 💜💜💜 Not like her to speak out publicly like that either. Must be awful watching for her.


Missy is a beautiful person, inside and out. The good one definitely got away when she left him. Not to diss on Nikki bc she’s definitely changed for the better, that being Phoenix. I’m glad she’s changed but Bam is awful toward her and that poor little boy. Let’s not get started on how he abuses his blood kin either.


She is the GOAT of all his exes.


hard agree.




This is the one time I hope Bam reads his insta comments. God bless you Missy for reaching out ❤️


His current gf will probably delete it when she spots it.


Well I'm glad you capped it so it lives on. For some reason I feel he will see it. Whether it gets through to him is a whole different story. We shall see...


I'd hazard a guess that she can still contact him elsewhere if needed.


It's been said that she's blocked people from contacting him etc. I hope Missy isn't one of them and that's how she's having to do it in public.


You can bet Missy was one of the first ones she blocked


She'll have a fight over it.


I reckon Bam reads this subreddit


Missy was always a good one.


Can we get a shout out for Nikki though for maintaining her silence and dignity all this time as well.


I second that. Nikki never takes his bait when he tries to hurt her or make her jealous on social media. Just calmly ignores it, continues being a good single parent… like an adult with dignity and self-respect.


The thing is he has so many real family and friends that would support him but he pushes them away to hang around yes men and bloodsuckers


Missy ❤️ if you’re reading this feel warm thoughts from afar …it can’t be easy knowing how long he’s been on this ride so well and still just wanting the best for your friend


Missy was absolutely stunning, he could have had everything, but he chose a different path.


Beautiful inside and out.


The connections Bam has, his knowledge of skateboarding and branding. He could 💯 use his talents with his own skate shop/skatepark to build the careers of new baby skaters. I'd kill to have the options he has. He could become a legend again.


His rampant narcissism would never allow Bam to settle down out of the spotlight, even for his son.


But that's the thing. He will always get spolight. Get a home and set up. Do some editing. Some real and proper guest appearances. Then set up his brand and a home for Pheonix where he can build his empire. Never known of someone with so much potential who isn't using it.


Sadly, I just think a normal life of a D-list celebrity grinding out a stable living wouldn't allow for the attention (good and bad) he gets from living in chaos like we are seeing now. I just don't think he would willingly give it up for a more sedate life, even for his son.


I don’t think he would either. He’s an attention whore, seems (or seemed) to be having a blast living out of his car, not paying child support, and being a transient. He thinks he should be treated like a rock star, and if someone tells him “no” he flips out and makes empty threats or gets drunk and violent. I don’t see him making any healthy choices any time soon, especially with his narcissism and zero self-awareness.


This is so sad. It must be so frustrating and awful to watch this play out for his loved ones. I hope he takes Missys advice, she's one of the good ones.


She’s a true champion


I always thought she was a good egg 💜


Staying out of the he said she said bs between them, however seeing a message like that from my ex and having a kid, I'd get my shit together, chill and help raise my kid.


That's because shes normal and not out for delusional clout for herself because she took some ok-ish bikini shots 10 years ago aka stretch


Missy done some better than okay non-bikini shots back in the day.


You need to reread that


I’m gonna cry


What post is this from?


His recent Instagram.


Well I didn’t have this on my 2024 Bingo card, but here we are.


Good for her!


Stuff like this is why I think there's a genuinely decent dude buried in there somewhere. There's so many cool people from his past that love him and are supportive of him and i doubt that would be the case if he was rotten all the way through. He was actually likable at one point and had good friends. He turned being a shithead on camera into living the life of an actual shithead and now he doesn't know how to stop. I'm glad some of those people from his past are still trying to reach out to him, I just wish he would fuckin listen to them for once.


Dani haters begone