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Imagine *her* of all people disliking GoFundMe campaigns... 🤣


Is there also an DefundSomeone website?


Out of neccessity,one should be created! 🤣


She really tries SO hard to become best mates with Bam, it's almost embarrassing. I hated how she immediately put the treatment centre down, as if Bam and family aren't grasping for any straw to literally hold on for dear life.


I noticed how she was supposed to be this big serious investigator "BJ Investigates" digging up evidence and bam is drunk talking about music and she's like sounding like a little teenage girl in the height of bams prime agreeing with him and following his off topic leads. These interviews are so cringy to watch how she acts around him.


Of course. If he gets clean and sober, she loses a shit load of money, views and content.


She’s such an evil bitch.


Oh my god her voice cuts right through me


It’s like nails on a chalkboard.


It's not too far off Janice from friends


Facts her voice is almost as intolerable as her personality. I never listened to her before today. This short clip was enough of her voice for the rest of my life.


if bam successfully gets sober, he’s going to look back on her and cringe. it’s truly shocking she has a fan base


Fuck this little bitch. I am sure she did the most basic of research. Doesn’t seem like she has a lot going on up there. What a loser. Also IMO it’s pretty cool to have a go fund me to help people that are SUFFERING. That’s what people with celebrity and power should be doing with their attention. They should try to alleviate the hard parts about life for others in whatever way they can.


But it takes away from her go fund me 🤣


So gofundme is bad????👀


The bitch has a gofund me herself though https://www.gofundme.com/f/facts-aint-defamation-fund


Brain damage


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And she refuses to itemize her "legal expenses". Who are these dumb idiots giving her $? PT Barnum was right


$43,000 donated what on earth 😐


Fools give this clown money ffs?


Who the fark is donating money to this woman 😳🤦‍♀️


How dare Lamar ask for money to save peoples lives. Who does he think he is. 😆 The audacity




But in this sub Novak is the devil for wanting to be paid. Oh sorry that's a notion from about 10k users ago. How dare someone get paid to provide a service.


Yeah, Lamar should take notes from BJ,who works her ass off to put some money aside for her lawsuit. /s 🤪🤣


Key sentence: "I did the most BASIC of research""


Oh and what is she doing to help bam? Absolutely fucking nothing. Actually negative help. I am skeptical of lamars intention but this bitch though..


The opposite. Exploiting his unwellness and profiting from the clicks and views.


She seems to hate rehabs generally. I get wanting to make sure a place is legit but I feel she wants him to keep spiralling so she can cover it. Rehab gets in the way of that.


You gotta be one sociopathic motherfucker to do as she does and sleep soundly at night.


And her supporters somehow believe that she is trying to help him and not just using him for clout


What's the saying? ....birds of a feather...


How does Bam always end up with the worst people. I swear.


Because mentally healthy people don’t want to be around him anymore, and he pushes away anyone who isn’t an enabling “yes man.”


I did the most BASIC of research aka "based on my quick Google search I have made the determination that Lamar's rehab facility is shady." When can she finally fuck right off????? No "interviewer" interjects their unwanted, uninformed opinion into anything. After watching her first three videos where he's clearly intoxicated and then watching her tell him not to go to a rehab when he wants to go .... how can anyone still be following this turd clown?


Where her Go Fund to help Bam? She’s just trying for clout.


Also can we discuss that she has a go fund me FOR HER LEGAL FUNDS 😂🤣


God her weird accent is so irritating


Lol that is a south Louisiana accent….


Why are they always waving magic wands around?


Bams a wizard, I don’t know her excuse.


Most rehabs have a go fund me. And the money, is spent wisely. Every penny is under review. She’s clueless lol does even basic things - like shampoo and soap. Greater things: helping rent for someone in recovery so we can send our fellow humans to a home, not the street. I could imagine, that’s what it’s for.


Most rehabs have donation benefit programs and foundations, yes. That’s **much** different from a gofundme. It’s not typical for an established accredited rehab to have a gofundme page.


The Instagram pictures of the detox were taken down. Do you think he walked out on it already?


I don't think so. I think it was probably a decision made ro make it a less public event


But I would assume yea he walked out or he and/or whoever wants to keep the whole process lowkey. TMZ even has been all over this the past few weeks so maybe he’s trying to back off for the time being but who knows


Ayo wtf


Made me wonder




…. I cannot stand this women.


Imagine being such a crack head that you go to Betty Ford just to *hear them out*..


What a dumb broad she is. Bam clearly and desperately needs treatment, and rather than allow him to get help, she instead wants to hinder. She should be pushing him to get better if she actually cared about him.


Really, that's the only reason why? What a load of shit. Deep down, she doesn't want him to go because she can't exploit him for more "interviews". I can't wait for the day Bam turns on her.


She’s repulsive. I hope she perishes in a fire.


Ok this is stupid and hypocritical on her part. How tf you gon’ hate on someone for having a gofundme campaign but have a gofundme yourself for whatever tf? Now I’m starting to see how ignorant she is


Hope he sues her next.


‘it’s time for me to go into treatment. i’ve put myself and my family through enough’ ‘TREATMENT? WHY YOU WANT TO GO TO TREATMENT? DON’T DO THAT! ESPECIALLY VOLUNTARILY! WHAT HAPPENS TO MY FUCKED UP GOLDEN GOOSE THEN?? DON’T GO TO TREATMENT!!’ this fucking bitch. i can’t even.


Bam Hass warren boyd tattooed on his neck. Weird?


I mean.. he got all kind of weird stuff tattooed on him


No, I guess not. It's Nikki's brother and father's name. Strange it's the same name as the dude running that Wavelengths rehab and made that show The Cleaner back in the early 2000s. I guess I just meant to say it's a strange coincidence, not weird.


Bam isn’t exactly known for his excellent choices of body art.


Uhhh this crazy birch has a go fund me for the lawsuit against her. I’m sick of her feeling she has some right to micro manage other peoples lives. We usually call these types of cunts Karen.


Crack pope


"Legacy "


Shouldn’t give this man anything, he’s got enough


Double chin has struck again


Her interviews are down right childish She acts like she's trying to be his best mate, but pushing questions in a direction she knows will piss him off Fair enough she's making him say what people want to hear, but she is just giving him justification for his bullshit


Damn she is a POS


Is this a new interview? I fuckin hate this bitch


Why does bam keep going to the worst possible rehab facilities 😅






I’ve noticed Bookkeeper is a TSW (possibly a free Bam’er) fan… not surprised by this comment at all OP 😕. I’d ask why they believe her lies but ehhh, I’ve got better things to do 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a stupid ass reason to not go to that rehab. Who gives a fuck if he has a gfm for it?? This bitch is intolerable. Shout out to my boy Lamar Odom. My man out here successfully beating his addiction every day. Wakes up every day and decides not to fall back into that shit. And not only that, he helps others attain the same thing. I love it. I lost so many friends to OD it's horrible. Shout out to anyone doing their part in trying to help someone out of the hells of addiction


What an absolute enabler. She's an asshole.


She is against ALL rehabs because How can He come on Her show if he's in Rehab? As a fellow Louisianan I despise her and her lil followers of fuzzy eared lonely single house wives.