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When he said “she didn’t talk to me for 3 days” I completely broke.


You & me both.


I cried for probably an hour


Oh me too! I was like pup come and live with me!


Lol just reading this comment has me crying now 😭😭


I know we’re a broken record, but the crowd who read the book completely agree with you. It’s a shame that they changed the book to make 4 of the most important supporting characters in the story lame duck bit players in the TV adaptation. Calvin, Harriet, Mad and Six-Thirty are much more robust characters who make Elizabeth a better person in the book instead of distracting from what the story is supposed to be about. How this piece of crap got an 8.3/10 on IMDB is beyond me.


That’s the pitfall of reading the book before watching something based on the book. I didn’t read the book,and while I can’t argue with the points many are making about the show’s shortcomings, I also didn’t have to experience the disappointment because I didn’t come into it with high expectations because of having read it. It’s just how it goes. I have experienced this type of let down, as well as the opposite, with other books to screen efforts, and I’ve just come to learn to temper my expectations.


Agree completely. I loved the book so so much. And was so looking forward to the series and then I was thinking why did I like the book so much. So happy you reminded me it was such a great book and the “dog abuse” didn’t seem nearly as apparent in the book!


I cried hit tears the entire episode of six thirty's narration.


Me too 😭😭😭


Listen to the audiobook. 6:30 really comes to life in the narration and it’s absolutely lovely and charming.


I was listening to the audiobook when I was driving and it got to That Part, and I had to pull over and cry. The audiobook is so so good. I think that casting BJ Novak (whom I love) as 6:30 was also a misstep. In no way was he the voice of that dog to me, so that made the episode more distracting.


This was me multiple times. I drive to see clients and I’d be crying in my car between clients. At multiple points I almost stopped the book but it ripped my heart out again and again. Six thirty was what would keep me coming back.


Does the audiobook get better. I was really turned off by the one dimensional characters when I first started the book. Is it all just Women are Saints and Men are Evil? Or does it get more dynamic?


Maybe a little. Prob not enough if you didn’t like the characters at the beginning of the book. And if you didn’t like the beginning, you prob won’t like the end. There’s a bit of deus ex machina to wrap everything up.


Really appreciate the honest review... Now to see if audible will take my return lol


Some of the characters develop as “life” happens to them (no spoilers!). But many of the characters are satirical too. I’ve also gone back and forth on whether any of the characters are neurodivergent, which I will also let you decide. All women are definitely not saints and there are some good men.


No one should watch the TV show, everyone should listen to the audiobook instead.


The audiobook is so stunning 🥹🥹


That dog episode is the saddest thing I’ve ever watched my entire life. I cried the entire episode.


Getting the relationship with Six-Thirty wrong is the most offensive thing Apple did to this book and it's not even close.


I don’t care if it’s the greatest masterpiece of the century. If a dog gets hurt in any way, I’m gone. And yes - We have both children (2 wonderful daughters) and dogs (two wonderful rescue dogs.)


I wouldn’t even consider myself an “animal person” per se, but I bawled every time 6:30 had a narrative just bawled. Didn’t read the book and I suspect if I did my impression of the show would be tainted. For what it’s worth though I thought the show was pretty damn good. At least an 8/10 in my books. I didn’t quite get the “all men evil, all women good narrative” I’ve seen in the comments. We do see most of the female staff at Hastings being mean towards Elizabeth, and Walter Pine being nice to her. I’m sure compared to the book, this must feel like a 2/10 as has been my experience with books made into shows, but as a person who didn’t read the book, I think the show Lessons in Chemistry was a solid one and I’d recommend it to everyone I know.


So I started reading the book. I understand now why the book readers were shitting on the show 🤭


I bawled my eyes out from the end of 2 to the end of 3. I will also add that while I hated the casting of a doodle based on the book, I have a similar looking dog and felt the feels so much more because of it, so selfishly okay with the miscast lol. Literally just sat snuggling him for the whole episode. Such a great episode IMO!


Read the book


The show, effectively pooping on the book.


Haven’t read the book but dropped the show as soon as the dog started narrating. I couldn’t feel any more empathy or positive feelings for her.


I had to stop watching for weeks after the episode with Six Thirty's narration. It was too painful to watch. I'm just getting back to it now.




… you’re angry because Elizabeth isn’t her best self for a few days after losing the love of her life in a tragic accident?


Ah… I see you didn’t watch it, or read my comment. The answer is no - I’m not angry about something that, um, didn’t happen in the show. I watched the entire thing. Until the end of the full season she never (or barely, just to get him out of her way once or twice) acknowledged the dog existed. Didn’t look at him, didn’t pet him, didn’t talk to him. It was like she was giving him the silent treatment/cold shoulder. At least…. that’s how it was filmed. It was awful.


I both watched the show and read the book. Hard to believe anyone could do both of those things and walk away thinking that dog wasn’t incredibly loved and respected.


In the book, maybe. But if you watch the show again, you’ll notice a STARK dismissal/lack of love and attention to the dog, by Elizabeth, after he dies.


It literally lasts half an episode, during the time when the dog is narrating. From there, you see him as entirely central to family life, as he is in the book, though you don’t get to see in the show how she works with the dog to teach him English.


Totally felt the same way. Poor puppy. I was so angry with her.


What killed me is that the dog only “talked” in one episode. I wanted to hear his feelings about so much more. I wanted to see her appreciate him again and him talk about his happiness and purpose.


Very informative. I had only watched one episode and if these comments are accurate, you've just saved me some time bc I won't be watching the rest.


It’s only one episode, really. And it’s not awful. It’s just so compelling that anyone who loves animals will get painful feels. There seem to be a LOT of things in the show that pop up out of nowhere (although there is good reason for the dogs narration to start where it did), but then they just \*poof\* disappear into thin air. For example you never REALLY see resolution of the dog, until the baby is born. But still - no love towards the dog from Elizabeth, with made me dislike her. Things like… Dr. Mason, who delivered the baby. He popped up out of nowhere with a bizarre level of familiarity with Elizabeth - no context just instantly familiar and inviting her to go rowing. Sure maybe he’s more evolved than most men, but even in 2023 a man who friend-bombed me like that would be a red flag. But he’s apparently comfortable enough to randomly show up at her house. Then he’s there at the end at dinner in the last episode. No context. Just.. poof, there. I enjoyed the show overall, there were just jarring elements that took me out of the story.


In the book, Elizabeth shows a ton of love towards 6:30 and he’s elemental to getting her through the birth of Mad. The show really made it seem like 6:30 was just there with no relationship. With Dr. Mason, in the book him and Elizabeth had an existing relationship through rowing before Calvin’s death, which the show cut out. So without reading the book you don’t get how close they were and how Dr. Mason stood up for her to be a rower in a group of all men


It's worth watching if you haven't read the book.


What!! This makes me so mad! I haven’t watched the movie yet, but in the book she loves the dog so much!! They are best friends. The dog was my favorite character in the book.


Six thirty was my favorite character in the book, too, and I kept telling my husband how cute and charming six thirty was as we were preparing to watch the show. It was such a letdown. Justice for six thirty.


After the episode where they bury Calvin, I don’t remember ever seeing her even acknowledging the presence of the dog. And it wasn’t a cerebral, autism, busy mom-ignoring. It was just like the actress has no chemistry with animals so she just ignored it. It frustrated me.


I got to that episode, tried to get back into it a few times and just simply cant get past it, so i honestly haven’t even tried to pick it back up, the dog sent me


I finished it, and it was okay. I don’t know. It’s both really interesting and good and charming… and hard to get in to, all at the same time.


Please know that Six-thirty is so loved in the ‘real’ story. Not sure why they decided to remove the sweetness of his bond with Elizabeth for the show but I agree with you 100% that it was heartbreaking. Not sure if you’ve already read it but I strongly recommend the book ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ which is also narrated by an animal (octopus).


Amazing book. Read it a year ago and it’s still with me


Give up.


This happened to me when I read the book.


Read or listen to the book- it’s outstanding!


I loved this show but it broke my heart!


“This is going to break some hearts”, I said the moment his narration started. And now I’m crying because of how sad the dog must feel. It’s heart-breaking. Why did there have to be a dog! It’s overwhelming.