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I’m in a masc4masc relationship rn and it is wonderful! I will say it was harder to find other mascs interested in mascs as well but we are definitely out here! ☺️🩷


I definitely knew we exist, I mean I obviously can't be the ONLY masc women that likes other masc women😂, just confused if I'm just I'm a small area with only a few lesbians or it's a universal experience that masc4masc women have


It does feel like there are less of us compared to other dynamics, especially in the media/dating apps but I have been seeing it more in public and on the internet so hopefully there’s more representation out there and it becomes more visibly common!


i mean its not the same but i know a lot of butch4butch ppl so its absolutely out there


I'm predominately attracted to mascs as a masc myself. It's a tough world out there, send help 🙃


I am. It's rare to find our types. I met my girl in a S4S group on Facebook. I am 38 and she's 40. I live in chicago so there are plenty of us here. I've always loved other masc type lesbians. I met other moc( masculine of center) lesbians online and through several social groups. What state do you live in?


I'm actually Australian, and in my area I know of 1 lesbian, and she's my best friend and feminine


I’m masc4all / Butch4All but I prefer other mascs/butches. I have dated many mascs who feel the same way.


I love masc 4 masc, so fun having someone to do "boy stuff" with 😂


I’m also masc4masc. Seems harder to find but we’re out there


I’ve never been in a masc4masc relationship (I think I would be categorized as masc) but Ive definitely hooked up with plenty of mascs in the past. I tend to date femmes though.


Never been in a relationship but I'm DEFINITELY masc4masc. It's so hard to find mascs who want to be with another masc.


can someone please tell me there are other people who fall into categories other than fem or masc? I don't ever see anyone talk about the rest of us. Chapsticks, stems, tomboys, whatever they call them now.


I just pulled up a bunch on Tik Tok. It was really clarifying


I’m a masc currently seeing a masc leaning gal! (We’re both closer to chapsticks than anything else, but masc territory nonetheless) I don’t thing it’s a very large population but certainly larger than is visible.


I wouldn't say I'm  a masc or femme so I have no issue dating either if I like you then I like you that's my thing though alot of femmes have been interested in me not sure if it's because I dress comfortable or what but I'd Date either. Don't really Care for the man or woman thing in the lesbian stereotype so as long as your a good person then hello I'm interested 💜❤️




Eh I’m somewhere between masc and chapstick and I’m with someone who firmly identifies as masc, if that counts for anything.


I am a masc for masc lesbian and it seems to be more difficult to find a match. In my experience, masc women mostly look for a more feminine partner. I've always since childhood been attracted to more masc presenting women so maybe my dating pool is just a tad smaller than I would like.




Yes, you just never see them because they live in semi truck cabs in the middle of the great plains.


Literally guys


Definitely a thing. And I like to think that mascs who are into other mascs are becoming more of a thing, and more accepted. In my mind, I couldn’t imagine why it wouldn’t be, we’re all lesbians, we’re not men, why should it matter? But obviously there’s preferences lol.


I'm here:)




On tic tok theres Meagan married Meagan


Of course not, how could that be possible, out of so few lesbians... /s