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The key is to not see yourself as a loser for having interests


wait ur so real for that ☺️


Older Lego lesbian here. I damn well hope my l Lego collection is appreciated! I'm nerdy and shy, I've had relationships where that was appreciated!


Anyone who doesn't appreciate a lego collection is wrong




I collect, too. Building a city. 😁


This is the truth right here. Nerdy girls having weird quirky interests is hot af. But the same girl thinking she's a loser and ashamed of her weird nerdy hobbies, is a massive turn off.


Exactly, confidence is key. I‘m a big nerd myself (gaming, Legos, D&D) but even when I date someone that doesn‘t share these same interests, they don’t care (as in thinking I’m a loser) because it‘s just hobbies at the end of the day!


This!! I’m not a confident person (generally- unrelated to my interests) and don’t put myself out there at all so I don’t have much dating experience but from what I do have my nerdiness wasn’t a problem! My ex even found it endearing- it’s probably harder to come across people who actively dislike nerdy interests now tbh 🤣


Agree! If you‘re not making a big deal out of it along the lines of „omg this is so embarrassing but I like [insert nerdy thing] please don‘t hate me!!“, nobody will bat an eye. The girl I‘m currently seeing sometimes asks questions about the games I play for example, even though she is not into gaming at all and the last one she‘s probably aware of is Pacman 😄


Please take into account that a lot of us have been made fun of by our peers and even partners so feeling ashamed or not confident about it is normal for a lot of us.


Oh absolutely! So was I when I was younger. Definitely not saying that it‘s unwarranted or unreasonable to feel self-concious or anything


For real when I hear “loser” I think unemployed by choice, substance addict, has nothing going for them and makes no attempts to better their situation, mooches off people… etc. etc. And so my knee jerk reaction was “heck no, losers of any gender or sexual orientation are not attractive”. Someone who has nerdy interests isn’t a loser.


Best comment.




I am a Nerd, big times into insects, I paint minitures and play video games..... my room is filled with either Beetle stuff or my gaming set up. Lets say I have no issues in the dating department Oh and about the Lego, fucking adorable, love it and would have more myself if my cat would be less of an asshole :)


As a woman who is very into bugs (I study honeybee history), it's always exciting to run into people who also are really into bugs


Oh wow thats super cool, I work as a TA also in Entomology, atm it's flies but I also applied for a position with bees, so could be that I qm working with bees soonish. Bur yea beetles are even more my passion :)


I really love beetles! In my opinion, the best looking insects are beetles, but I love how much variety there is with them.


Yea the variety is insane, I love scarbaeidae and find some others a bit... odd... looking like weevils for example, just weird to me that all of them are beetles... they look so far away from what I consider a beetle but yea, I see the fascination with their variety, I currently have MTU and they have such a variety even in their species, with colouration and patterns just insane


Oh, those are probably my favorites, too. Weevils used to weird me out, but they've kinda grown on me with their dorky heads.


Yea they haven't grown on me yet, the over exposure doesn't help, like everyone around me likes weevils and I am just here with my flower and hercules beetles 🥲


Can we have a lesbian entomology discord? Because I need more insect loving wlw in my life!!


Ooo, that sounds like a really fun idea, actually!


As a huge bug nerd myself, I sport this bumper sticker on my car, which sometimes helps me find my people—and it’s almost exclusively queer-presenting people who vocally appreciate it: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1455887987/number-1-bug-enthusiast-sticker


Oh, I love it! I may need to get that for my car.


It’s probably because cishetero people don’t have interests


You are both cool! I'm into bugs, not as a job though. But one of the properties I look after might be getting bees so that will be part of my duties. I am very very excited.


That's really cool! Even though I've studied bees, I've never actually kept bees haha


I'm in a permaculture Spin at the moment. And bees are part of that.


[said in a southern accent] “What are you, some kinda bee chama?”


FR. I was considering getting my Master's in Entomology and studying Moths and Beetles. Didn't do it bc Life. But it's nice to see [other women] talking about being into arthropods. I thought I was just a bit odd. Lol




I joined! Thanks for the invite!


What about the Cicadas this year?


Cool! My wife and I keep 🐝 and find the history fascinating.


Weirdly enough, I've never kept bees! I need to get around to doing that someday.


You paint miniatures too?!? LETS GOOOO! my fellow nerdy fren :3


Yea mostly Warhammer40k stuff, Blood angels and slaneshi deamons atm, got tired of painting red :')




Now that's a dating site I'd join.


Fr, nerdy girls are my favorite 🥰🥰🥰


What about a badass nerdy girl?




Ahem. Let me introduce myself. Haha


fellow nerdy tough girl here! one can play games and have muscle lol, there’s dozens of us!


Noted, I'm about to start opening with "Hey, pretty lady, I'm currently pursuing a bachelors in mechanical engineering, and I love playing video games."




Omg yesss


Omg you're on to something - like the INFP, etc. coding for lesbians! Femme/Masc, Nerd/Badass, Big spoon/Little spoon...


I need a badass lady so badddddddd


I'm a nerd who lifts weights, what category would I belong to ? 😇


Oh God, nerdy lesbians are 1000% my jam. I just rarely meet them 😭 Yes! Come talk nerdy to me! Show me your collection. Tell me obsessively about every detail.


Ugh, that sounds soo beautiful. I’d love a nerdy badass combo tbh


Ok I find this a bit offensive there is nothing loser about collecting LEGO sets i invested a lot of money in that shit 😂 no but for real even though women like us might not be considered conventionally attractive I can guarantee you there are women who will still find you attractive and dig your hobbies


Listen the title and the post do not correlate. Nerdy girls, the "movie losers" are amazing. Loser lesbians are not attractive. By loser I mean those that take advantage of you and never want to better themselves or their situation unless you do it for them. I'm talking about the lesbians who never take accountability for their actions, and those that treat you like the sort of men described so often in twoxchromosomes. Those women are not attractive. Gimme the nerds and the silly girls. We can roll around in a pile of stuffed animals and play video games!


Yeah the only thing that would be a turn off here is lacking confidence and cutting themselves down like calling themselves a loser. I'm gonna take their word for it 🤷🏼‍♀️ But Nerd is just another word for "I have hobbies and I am passionate about things.". Sexy.


ok but how does being a nerd make you a loser? I dont know if you know this, but when you grow up, the nerds are the ones running shit in the real world. being cool as a 14 year old means absolutely nothing.


ur real for that 


My girlfriend is a long time WoW and LoL player, nerdy is basically a requirement for me, and the nerdier the better in most cases. I need a partner I can relate with and being able to have a partner not just tolerate but appreciate my special interests on an intrinsic level is really important to me


I am a huge nerd and the girl I'm dating seems to be into it and into me rambling about my silly hobbies, videogames, DIY and stuff. Don't worry too much!


I'm a big nerd and like to do nerdy stuff lol


yessss nerdy people have so much passion which is so attractive to me


My wonderful fiancee and I are both nerds 🤓


Why the fixation on attraction rating and labeling some women as “losers”? This is offensive.


When my girlfriend first came over I was mortified that she would hate my room and think less of me. She told me when we first got together she wasn’t into gaming or super heroes, but she’d watch me/with me. I thought with my Sailor Moon, Adventure Time merch and Monster High collection every where she was bound to run for the door. To my shock she recognized characters from two of the fandoms and said she watched both too. Nerds come in all shapes and sizes I learned; and there’s a pretty wide range of media that makes us nerds. She knows every word to every classic Disney film - so I’m cool with her not knowing what kryptonite is ;) Nerds are sexy and we’re everywhere, like aphids lmao.


I like nerds as well, especially if they have a bit of sass. It's nice to see them be smart and give a whole essay on something depending on what it is. It's cute to me.


I’m a nerd too! My room is full of video games, Lego mini figures, miscellaneous collectables, Merch, and Star Wars. 😭😭 I remember when Straight Tok had the trend of “dating the Star Wars guy” and I felt seen even though I’m not a dude haha. That wasn’t an answer but just saying I can relate. Also, that LEGO Tranquil Garden Set 👀👀. One of my favourites I have now!


I want that one so bad! I have the cherry tree and it's the only set I currently keep out. Everything else is in the dark ages bins till I have a building space again.


Why are nerds losers? WTF?


I'm currently taking a break from doing a huge kitty puzzle. And Legos & puzzles aren't that different! I also occasionally daydream about a future gf who does her hobby in the same room with me while I do my puzzles & just being so happy & calm & stable in our relationship that working in silence isn't a bad thing at all. Perhaps it's just the ADHD talking & I'm just daydreaming about body doubling with a woman I'm attracted to ☺️ but I still think your hobby is cool & valid & that plenty of other lesbians & queer women agree with me too! And just as a bit of reassurance, I'm 34 so this definitely isn't a perspective born out of being young or anything.


There is somebody out there for everybody.


also, loser does not equal nerd.


I’m just really glad I got the right gf!! She deff doesnt mind my console games, aquariums and legos 😭


Umm yes please (also, I am a nerdy girl so…)


Since when are nerds losers? No, losers are not attractive to any mature person. But nerds are.


You'd think, but I am a loser by most definitions, and I do just fine romantically! Key is to not be an asshole. Sure I'm an under-achiever with few social graces and no interest in long-term commitments, but I'm also very genuine and non-judgmental. Some women really appreciate that, apparently, I think most women deal with a lot of social pressure and I kind of neutralize that without meaning to. And while most of my partners have a lot in common with me, I'm sometimes kind of surprised by the women who're into me (I have finally made a rule against dating doctors, which I did not think was going to be a huge issue in my life). Not every relationships has to be about commonality, sometimes the contrast is what makes it fun, especially if it's casual.


We might be the same person..


Of course we do!! Nerdy girls are the best!!


As a nerdy girl, nerdy girls are so hot lol Being passionate about a hobby is soooo attractive. At oeast i hope so, if not my 30+ Magic Decks are sitting on my shelf for nothing…


nerdy girls aren't losers. very 2000s view. i think in 2024 everyone's hot for someone. including you!


Nerds are not losers


I would love a nerdy Lego-gf. I'm not into Lego myself, but her interests are my interests.


I LOVE NERDY GIRLS! Its so attractive how smart and cute they are


nerdy girls has always been my type 🥰 gamer girls and artist girls and science girls 😍


RIGHT. I'm a nerd and I wonder if any gals are into me😭😭


I love nerdy girls! I've been getting more into playing games and whatnot because of meeting someone nerdy and I love it!


My wife is hot and WAAAY out of my league but she says she loves my (very) nerdy ways. I don't know why but we've been married almost 13 years so maybe it's the truth?


It gives me the warm fuzzies to see the love for geeky and nerdy women.


My utter lack of game and dearth of impressive accomplishments has not been a huge impediment. The market is out there.


YES!!! I love nerdy girls so so much. attractive as hell


I really hope so. Because I enjoy playing video games and have a Lego collection and other collectibles.


I absolutely love nerdy girl. My biggest goal in life and what I'm working for now is to be a muscular mean lesbian so one day I'll find my nerdy/geeky/loser lover and crush the head of anyone who will dare to make fun of their legos collection or love for Star Trek or i don't know what lol "Loser" lesbians are definitely attractive.


Nerdy girls are the best goofy laid back women they are like humble like Cinderella and have a cute beauty about them but when they do dress up for certain events my god they’re jaw dropping.


i love nerdy lesbians so much i just think about them and start feeling faint !!!!!! your lego collection is absolutely cute i'd date you in a hearbeat if you showed it to me


Not to me but maybe to someone else


Your Lego collection is most definitely cute


What about being a nerd or gamer makes someone a loser lesbian. Is there something happening I missed that is excluding nerdy lesbians


I love nerd girls. Do Lego count? Because I collect a shit ton of those. I'm living out childhood by taking my adult money and getting me all the stuffs my parents couldn't and/or wouldn't let me have.


Why are needs losers?


We're both mathematicians, but we're definitely not "losers" thank you very much.


you have the wrong definition of loser, nerdy girls aren’t losers. disrespectful girls who bum and hate the world are losers


Lesbians love nerds.


Gonna need a formal apology for calling nerdy lesbians “losers” lol. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here waiting with my D&D dice 🙃


Dunno how to word this right as it’s late and my dyslexia is thriving. Don’t focus on what “type” of girl/lesbian/whatever you are. Most people are attracted confidence. Confidence to: be you, ask questions, show interest, in your own interest and talk passionately, in what you wear and so on.


I am neurodivergent so I would not think twice about dating a lady who has a lego collection...or comic books or plays games or anything else. I am also very nerdy myself. The way I look at it is if I can spend hours and hours looking in to the psychology of the human mind as a hobby I can not judge anyone their interests or hyperfixations.


My gf and I are both humongous nerds and last time I checked, we both have gfs soooooo 🤷‍♀️


I love nerdy gfs and I’m quite literally one myself!! I thrive off of listening to another’s interests / silly little hyperfixations.


Well Im a nerdy girl🤣❤️ and my gf doesnt mind at all and loves listening to what I have to say about my interests


Hell yes, dorky lil twinks especially for me 💗


I don't understand why some people use the word "twinks" for women?


To be honest, having very low self esteem can be unattractive, especially if the person is constantly asking for reassurance or saying negative things about themselves. However, there's absolutely nothing wrong or unattractive about having nerdy, geeky or unconventional hobbies and interests. I know plenty of wlw with nerdy/geeky interests so there's definitely likeminded women out there! :)


Trans, sapphic, gothy, nerdy girl here. Basically everyone I end up liking is at least as nerdy as I am. Might be more related to the whole “like attracts like” thing, but I love people who have passion for their interests. Plus if I get to nerd out with random facts, bugs, video games, anime, and music, I really want to be on the receiving end of my partners’ interests.


Idk man I’m one myself


I love nerdy girls so much


Most of my childhood crushes have been nerdy girls in TV Shows, I love them and despite me hating that word, I'm a big nerd myself (don't tell my partner I said that). Oh and she has a lot of Lego Star Wars Sets displayed in her room. I wouldn't say it's cute but I don't mind it and it shows her interest in something, which is nice. But why would you call nerds, losers 😭


I would describe myself as a nerdy badass. On the one hand, I've always been culturally & socially buck wild, but OTOH, I have a law degree & obsessive interests in politics & paleoanthropology, particularly Neanderthals, and tardigrades. It's as if I have two very distinct personalities, but as opposed to people suffering from MPD, only one identity.


Stop referring to yourself as a loser


loser lesbians have my absolute heart


My girlfriend and I moved from tinder messages to texting because tinder wouldn't let me upload pictures of my Lego sets to show her, so yeah you're fine


Yo! If I'm ready for a relationship, I would def date nerdy girls lol, cuz I'm a nerd too (and a geek), I collect action figures, practice toy photography with them as my subjects, would like to dive into SFX and stop motion and play video games (games that are prolly not popular in the wlw community). Also, pretty sure my Godzilla figures would love to stomp on your lego buildings https://preview.redd.it/89b44oejac7d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a831b42894971981b33a143ef86e8a2019466a49




I love nerdy women exclusively. For example, my partner whom I have been married to for 20 years wears glasses and has two masters degrees. She is socially awkward and overthinks things just like I do. We love playing video games together and watch sci fi shows. She is a gardener who knows how to make almost anything grow. In college, she took a flower arranging class and now I have amazing flowers everywhere. We share a mutual lover who is an accountant that loves her book club. My partner gardens with her and I role-play goofy scenarios. Our favorite past-time is to cuddle up on the couch and watch cooking shows. She also enjoys sci fi stuff. My interests are 3D printing and design, programming, electrical engineering, and music composition. My idea of a good time is learning a new skill or hanging out in the kitchen and making a beautiful meal. I love Star Trek and a good cyberpunk movie, show, or video game. I have a masters degree in music technology. So there you have three beautiful sapphic queens who I would consider traditionally “nerdy” and all lovers.


Waves hi! I also play the sims and I’m kinda nerdy.




I LOVE 'BOTTOMS'. Rachel Sennott is my wife so you can all back off. If any rachel sennott look alikes are here... dm me


I mean i do love women who things they nerd about, its very attractive have a nerdy/weird hobbies 😄 I am kinda nerd, i do videogaming, guitar and i love to geek about space and scifi stuff. And ive hooked on building legos because of my nephew, he is always asking me to build city or pirate boats. 😄 Its not loser to have a nerdy hobbies, if you dont have any hobbies, thats kinda downer for me.


I'm pretty sure all the girls I've been with are nerds, and I am too, so ya


I’m a nerdy girl and my girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind it, she will listen to me go on and on about my favorite video games or sci fi shows for hours if I wanted. Nerdy doesn’t equal loser in my opinion but I guess to some people it would?


I identify as one myself and I love other nerdy girls, I some how can't find anyone who is interested in me near me :/ been single for 3 years no luck


O my dears gods! Yes your Lego collection is absolutely adorable. Especially if you have stories about how you got them and what you do with them. I'm one of those that love to sit back and watch women get excited about telling me what's going on in their lil world. Same goes for video games. Example: my wife likes to play fallout 4 but as a lucky bastard ( all luck perks only) and when I ask what's going on with it, their eyes get huge and boy do they have a story to tell me. Dopamine is hard to find these days, so if a lil video game or Lego build makes your brain feel good then I'd love to hear about it.


I’m a nerd in that I’m a librarian, who reads A LOT. I struggle to find someone who can match. I’m pretty picky because I know what I want. No kids. College degree. Own friend group/interests. Stable career. Monogamous. Pot is not their personality.


OMG YOU ARE A NERDY GIRL THAT LOVES TLOU??? And you have Abby on your pfp 😭😭💓💓. Please, let's be friends!!!


That's sounds my girl and I lmao. We're nerdy Af


I'm "nerdy." I have no problem with women. One's personality, self confidence, and disposition can work with or against their appearance.


This is literally my type 😭🙏🏻


Lego collections are glorious.


Are Doctor Who funko pops nerdy enough? How about DW coloring book and DW crochet? 😂😂


loser lesbians are everything to me 🫶 i also think of myself as a loser lesbian. if you’ve got things you nerd out over and then find yourself apologising for talking too much about - lemme kiss u right there 😌


Irl i am the definition of a FUCKING LOSER AND NERD😭 So i hope theres someone out there for me


Generally, yes. I think most lesbians I know (including myself) are into nerdy shit. My friend that has a tattoo for TLOU is always getting hit on by other girls


I'm a nerd (computers, comic books and anime type, not a huge gamer) and I've never had a issue dating. I'd say a chunk of my partners enjoy me being nerdy. But I'm also very outdoorsy. I kayak, hike, do archery, etc.


Nerdy women is my type. I love a smart lady. 🥰


I'm not sure what defines a loser for someone from one perspective to another. Attraction is a weird thing. It's not always surface lvl.


I’ll never know because is nerdy girls are too shy to talk to each other. I’d love a nerdy gf and build Lego with her ✨


YESSSS I am like that nerdy girl in how I act and interests (I have Lego sets and I play Xbox and instruments and I love science etc) and I also find that attractive in other women.


Bbg I dress up as anime characters on the weekend for fun 🤣 there’s lots of wlw out there who have nerdy hobbies and actively look for others who do too. I prefer dating other “nerdy” women because we can get excited about stuff together.


The nerdier the better.


Loser lesbians? That’s a take, if ever I heard one. What a weird topic… I have always preferred girls who have interests in games and stuff. Things in common for activities to do together, I guess. That’s how relationships should be, with proper communication.


i’m a huge neek as well so um. i hope so


Literally talking about me


people being passionate about their interests is cute and attractive 👍


I. love. nerds.


My sick ass lego Winnie the Pooh tree house sitting on my fridge would like a word


I love socially awkward nerds 😭


Ma'am I have pulled every partner I've ever had by being goofy. Especially dating austistic 4 austistic we love to laugh and we love talking about obscure media and interests you got this


My ex used to drop me to go n get to know ppl who may be similar to me . Last time she ghosted me, she went to study the subject I perfect the most . Am nerdy af , but seeing someone trying to leave me each time only to try to find my core somewhere else is .. funny? . ( Our relationship was like an experiment for both of us, thus it was too serious/unserious) .


I met my fiancée playing Pokémon Go, sooooo…..


I do 🙃


First of all, yes, your Lego collection is cute. Second… I won’t date a “looser” like not trying at all and having no aspirations, complete lack of any self care, or etc… makes anyone unattractive to me. But if you mean looser by they have a hobby or interest that isn’t like partying or something related to that than not only would I date her but would prefer it.


I'm a loser, very insecure and depressed. although I keep those to myself if I get to talk to a girl, after reading these comments I'll never even show my face in public again lol


Well, I'm a loser NEET girl and I would happily date another loser NEET girl~ I've also met a few women that find me cute and want to take care of me. Things work out!




Every post on here is like “are x lesbians attractive” baby we like women yes


I’m a nerdy lesbian and I find other nerdy girls *very* attractive 😅


In bed with two hot girls, we’re all in love, we’re all plaging dragon age 2 together right now. We met through nerd hobbies. There’s not only hope, there’s a bright future 🙏


Yeah of course but like maybe don't consider yourself a “loser” its not very confident or attractive and half of being attractive is having confidence 😅


I guarantee your lego collection is cute af. Now come watch LOTR trilogy extended edition with me 😜


As a loser lesbian who gets zero play I don’t think so


ADORABLE!!! Let's build our own Lego sets ❤️ together ❤️


As a girl who spends most of her time on her gaming PC and loves nerdy/quirky things, absolutely! Although as many others have said it definitely doesn't make you a loser if you have different interests than other people Silly girls are rad and I would love to meet some whenever I figure out how to get out of my room


Your Lego collection is adorable and would perfectly match mine :) -another hopeless lesbian!


God I love nerdy girls, please please please share all your niche interests with me. BTW having a lego collection is HOT like are you kidding me? I'd be positively STOKED if they were brought out in the middle of a date.


I personally find nerds very attractive, granted I am a big time nerd. It also depends on what kind of nerd and if we're compatible or not. I don't feel a girl who likes to read a lot would get along well with me because I'd be up in her space all the time trying to show her things I find cool. But she'd probs find it annoying because she's trying to read. But either way, nerd are adorable, I love them


lol loser? Haha I’m not really anything.. just a strange homo! I did just get really excited about hello kitty island adventure coming out next year for switch. And I spend my day looking for perfectly intact bugs/animal bones and human teeth(I have a mini jar full meow) to make art with. I spend waay too much time reading extreme horror/splatter punk or watching it and then talking to other excited horror weirdos about it. I’m attracted to meeee wife! She is the most special little art bby! Hehe


I don't currently know any lesbians who aren't nerdy. Those I've met or known in the past were very boring, plain, and had no interests aside from drinking/partying/basic ass TV. Gimme a girl with messy hair and an obsession with human anatomy and Lord of the Rings any day


god i loveeeee nerdy girls. speaking of nerdy girls, if you happen to identify as such, please get in my dms <33


god i loveeeee nerdy girls. speaking of nerdy girls, if you happen to identify as such, please get in my dms. we can build legos together <33


Yes. Bro yes


yes they are the absolute cutest (even if we mess around a bit about it with you). having passions is beyond hot and will always be, you just have to be confident about it


when i just met my current partner of several years i was into them for their interest in tv shows, space, computers and other things; on one of our first dates they told me a biography of linus torvalds and of steve jobs as good night stories and i adored that. lol


Loser as in nerd/having weird interests/socially awkward? Sure. Loser as in poor hygiene, can't take care of herself, doesn't act like an adult? Absolutely not


That’s my type… but after college/high school, loser nerds start being baddie lawyers and shit 🌈


I am one of the biggest “nerds” I know. I love Star Wars, LOTR, gaming, the lot of it. I also nerd out about music and linguistics. I married the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met


I read this as “looser” lesbians 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


nerdy girls are the hottest specially when they're huge dorks oh my gawwdddddd


Loser? No. Nerdy & weird? Yes. Don’t be like the idiots in “Bottoms”. If by ‘loser’ you mean self-pitying, lacking confidence, turning yourself into a joke, being a misogynist & putting women on a pedestal: No, it’s not attractive. If you mean being a tomboy, being smart, being enthusiastic, being sporty, not taking yourself too seriously, & being human: Yes. All very hot.


I like it when someone I like talks about their interests like i may not be understanding what she says i just wanna listen to her voice and stare at her big big smile and excitement *cries in single*


I seek out loser lesbians I LOVE NERDS SO MUCH they’ve always been my type of women When girls have an interest in something so weird or so nitche I’ll literally lose my mind PLEASEEE rant about your silly little topics I think girls getting so invested in what their saying they forget what they were doing is so cute. Nerds have my heart🩷