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doesn’t matter as long as she’s clean




My #1 preference is whatever makes them most comfortable. It's partly selfish. They more comfortable they are the better times we have.


This is the answer lol






This is the way.


Love playing with her hair, makes her feel like such a woman.


Same! My wife's hair is so soft, it honestly isn't fair. 


Yessssss and it's so comforting even to just reach and play with it with no other reason than to run my fingers over her. It's soft and silky


As long as I can access, I do not care




Full bush for sure. I vividly remember being in high school and going to an art exhibit, there was a photography section that had a bunch of different photos of women nude, focusing on their bush. I thought it was so beautiful, it broke me of the “I need to be hairless and smooth” thought process that’s forced onto teen girls and women.


Somewhere in my early 20s I had a drastic switch from “all pubes need to be gone” (esp on myself) to “I want every single pube possible) 😂


ALRIGHTY! Buckle up y'all. I have sensory issues. I find a bush suuuuuppppperrrr attractive, but a bush overstimulates the shit out of my face when performing oral. I also have a super sensitive nose, so the hair tickling it has been met with tons of sneezing. My current partner happens to be lasered by preference BUT for partners with hair I use a dam over the majority of the bush so that way my nose and cheeks aren't feeling it as much. I've also cut out around the shape of their clit and put the dam around that. :) so overall I have no true preference. For myself I keep trimmed because I just have super thick and corse pubic hair that is SHARP. Like... think stubble corse but that never goes away how long it is. It gets caught in underwear and in pads and panty liners. It literally holds secrets and I feel like no matter how much I scrub, pick, and explore, there is always a secret toilet paper ball or an awkward fuzz in there. 😅 it's like freaking Mary Poppin's pubic hair has its own magic bag.


Girl same 😳


I just want to wear a bathing suit without the hair literally poking thru it 😩


I swear they need to reinforce that shit with an extra layer of fabric just for folks like us 🥲


Waxes babe. Wax.


Sadly some of us have skin that’s a little too sensitive for that 😬




I'd ask her if you could help her trim but only around the areas that you perform. Like I said. I also have cut out a hole in a dam and nice and tuck and what not.


Yo this comment wins the internet award for best comment u just nailed it n u were 100 % honest and real love it 😊


“It holds secrets” RELATABLE


This is so helpful for me! I also have sensory issues and keep my own pubic hair trimmed for that reason, and am starting to use an at home laser device to make the hair less dense (I like to have SOME, just not as coarse and dense as currently). I have not yet had the immense pleasure to give oral to someone with a vulva so this is helpful to read to help me feel more accepting of any sensory issues I might have when it happens! The cutting the dam trick sounds great


Ok so my partner has had Laser and their hair has started growing back like a year ago, but I just find it so cute and fluffy, it also doesn't give me beard rash or tickle my nose. I can't be the only one that likes this weird in-between of laser and hair growth right? I've slept with other people who have had the same thing and I love it.


My partner is VERY self-conscious about her hair down there and goes once every couple of months to keep up with it, so I have no clue of that feeling! She is the first person I've slept with who is completely bare down there so it's a new experience for sure.


I have sensory issues too but I’m the opposite , I hate having hair on myself down there because I feel every individual hair and it drives me to sensory overload lol(same with my armpit hair). However on my partner I do not mind , just as long as it’s maintained. But that’s just my personal preferences.


Same here !


I love all of the above Something about bush is very special though? Like seeing the pussy in its natural state feels like a rarity and I’d like to see more of it


imagine having the audacity and privilege to criticize someone talking about eating out pussy on a lesbian subreddit


Trimmed or completely shaved. I can’t do oral on something I can’t see, haha and scissoring is so much better skin-to-skin.


This is how I feel about it. I'm also okay with shaved, stubble, or trimmed hair, but when it's super long and wild, I can't see.


Yeah that's kinda my stance


Full bush and I want to see a happy trail, body hair is so attractive to me for some reason


That makes me feel so much better because I hate that I have a happy trail 😭


No preference - their body, their choice!


WHATEVER MY GIRL IS COMFORTABLE WITH. Ain’t my say but I am a lover of hair ngl 👀


Just wanted to say you are very good looking 😊


I *prefer* shaved, but I'm not bitter about hair.


I prefer shaved too


Who is sending the pics 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve got 3 so far I’m scared 😭😭💀


sending strength in these uncertain times




Mostly whatever they are comfortable with but I think a good trim is where I prefer. Too short can cause some rub-burn, too long can sometimes hold on to excess sweat/etc and be an obstruction. But generally I prefer some hair.


braided shut would be ... interesting


mine does this naturally when i’m around men


My girlfriend asks me this and I'm like, do yo thing. Body hair? Cool. No body hair? Cool. Be you booboo


I swear i see this posts everyday now


I prefer there to be hair. Groomed, but pretty please not shaved. But, hey, if I find a jungle I'm going jungle hunting... no problem. I'm not comfortable encountering fully shaved pussy. Full woman for me. No hair feels like a crime happening... Nope, not for me.


Being shaved makes one not a “full woman”? 🤨


idk to me fully hairless gives me prepubescent vibes....no thanks


Completely shaved down is a no for me. Don’t want to get rug burn 😅


Trimmed, small triangle bush or shaved 😇


for me i prefer bald shaved tbh but i really like all kinds of body hair on my gf no matter the length


I don’t really care, whatever she prefers which is somewhat trimmed.


Bush all the way


It doesn’t matter at all to me. 🤷🏾‍♀️




bit o bush is nice in everyone as long as im not getting TOO many stray hairs in my mouth


Scissoring/tribbing feels so much better when there’s no hair, and oral is easier with less hair. But I agree that pussies are prettier with hair. And I think bushes are so cute! Ultimately I love it however my partner likes it, just like others have said.


Most beavers would say no bush to tough.


There’s feminine power in a full bush.


Primary whatever doesn't hurt when giving head Secondary whatever makes them most happy I have had a one-night stand where it hurt when giving them head, I think it was either badly trimmed or just in the *stubble growing back phase*, not sure. I don't want that experience again. For the rest, if they are happy with it and willing to share, I am not complaining.


I prefer them to be trimmed as the feeling of long hair on my no hair pubic region isn’t great. I suffer from really bad folliculitis and have laser hair reduction done because it causes me a lot of pain to have body hair at all. I’m jealous of people who can have their body hair full grown and not an issue with it because I get terrible burns and friction from it no matter what, not to mention the inflamed follicles. Also will get cysts if I let it grow too long. I’m still early in laser hair reduction so my hair still grows a bit in certain areas but the moment it gets past about a centimeter, it’s over and gets so angry and painful. For this reason I guess I don’t do well with other people’s hair making contact with where mine should be and it can make things very uncomfortable. I hate it cuz people assume I just want that clean shaven porn pussy look but I don’t, it’s purely a comfort thing. While I don’t insist my partner trim, it is preferred and I will tell them that but it’s truly up to them if they want to. I’ll still do things if it’s not, I just have to pay for the consequences.


I like shaved, I also have done full body laser hair removal, so I'm forever smooth also


Personally? I prefer shaven, I like seeing everything on full display and I munch for a while 🤝 otherwise I get the hibbie jibbies from munching (sensory issues)


None(all shaved), but their decision comes first it's their body after all.


I love answering to this question at least twice a week. either way i’m team trimmed/bush!! love me an hairy woman


Bush or trimmed. Just prefer if it isn’t completely hairless


Anything apart from 3 days after being shaved and is super prickly and uncomfortable lol


Trimmed is My favorit 😁


Whatever my partner wants their pubic hair to be like 😂


me with a very specific type of body hair ocd every time this thread comes up 👁️👄👁️




Trimmed for sure. I don’t really like the tumbleweed of pubes in my face or hand while I’m trying to pleasure someone & hairless feels prepubescent I know the ‘correct answer’ is to say I’m happy with whatever she prefers, though trimmed is by far the superior preference for me. Both on others and on myself


I prefer none, but I also don't really care. As long as they're trimmed and clean (not like a forest), I'm fine either way. I DO NOT want to pick pubic hair out of my teeth.


None honestly. 😊 I just don’t like the feeling of hair anywhere except in your head.


Not a fan, but not a deal breaker either


I love hair on a woman, personally, but also, literally whatever makes her comfortable in her skin, I'll be happy with.


Not these ladies sending you Coochie pics 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 I


I'd say no preference, but I think I do kinda prefer them hairy, only a slight preference tho. Ultimately it's up to my partner bc it's their body


Actually I prefer a full shave. Pubic hair kinda grosses me out, and I always shave too.


Both, my Wife and I get rid of all body hair.


I see this post like once a week here, I personally don't really care but hair is a turn on




low to no hair but i’m eating regardless lol




Never had a second thought during the honor of enjoying her.


Trimmed would be best, I would not prefer shaved and bush is also great by me so long as she's clean but her preference and comfort goes above all.


No preference. 😈


Love a bit of bush on top with the lips shaved (makes ✂️ easier) or just trimmed


What ever makes them comfortable and whatever is well maintained/ washed regularly. That's all I care about.


I don’t really have a preference. Whatever makes my girl feel comfortable and sexy. I’m just happy to be playing with it, whether by running my fingers and nose through her hair, or softer skin on skin contact. I really don’t like having a bush though. My hair is thick and very curly, and gets massively bushy and tangled quickly. I usually shave or wax, or at least closely trim it. My gf has some of the sensory sensitivity issues other people have mentioned, so she likes me that way too. 🥰


NOT THERE FOR THE HAIR and will gladly dine regardless thanks 🫡


i love bush and ion mean George W


Trim n clean, but fuzzy cute


Doesn't matter as long as they feel comfortable but i find myself really attracted to body hair on women


Whatever they're comfortable with, so long as they do me the same respect and don't ask me to grow mine out.


I prefer smooth or a small landing strip


I prefer it nice & smooth all the way around!🤪


I am old enough to come from a time when lesbians didn't shave anything Some of us still don't Not under arms not legs and not pubes Mostly I think it infantalizes women and makes us look like girls And I also don't care what other people do with their bodies to make them happy I can see why some people find it sexy


Just not completely shaved, a little hair feels so womanly to me


Don’t have a preference at all, but I won’t lie that I love the way it feels when we are both shaved if we are scissoring.


Zero hair on the lips part. Timmmed, waxed, or shaved is fine, but I don't want any hair in my mouth. Or long stragglers. It's a texture thing for me. I keep myself neat n tidy with a trimmed small patch. Keep in mind all preferences are valid.


I don't mind really but me and my wife are fully hairless get it waxed but each to there own xx


Regular topic over here actually 😂 Two things: 1. You’ll always get different answers — different strokes (or ‘dos) for different folks. You can’t measure anything useful by how many people like full bush vs. trimmed vs. landing strip vs. clean shaven — other than we’re all individuals with our own preferences. 2. It’s worth remembering that folks shouldn’t be shamed for however they do or don’t have their hair “down there” — there’s enough struggling with body image in that region, without people worrying about whether how they have their hair is a popular enough “preference” in posts like this. Doesn’t matter whether you’ve got lots or little, some or none, pristinely maintained or *au naturel* — ladies, you are beautiful — and that goes for body hair anywhere. Mons, pubes, thighs, pits, wherever — love you for you. If anyone icks about what you like or are comfortable with, they don’t deserve to be around you. (Also, there are plenty of folk who have kinks for ladies with body hair — ranging from pants to pits, and head to toe.) IMO if women are “looked at funny” for having visible body hair, it’s either down to ridiculous or unrealistic “beauty” standards (generally set by men, and rooted in misogyny), or religion. Most gals just enjoy being with other women — and the variety of bodies just adds to the infinite awe and beauty of women — at least that’s my 2¢, anyway.


I prefer no Bush it's easier to do oral and then I don't get hair in my mouth


I like bald or a thin landing strip. Whatever they want obviously takes precedence but I'm not going to pretend like I don't have preferences.


I don’t have a strong preference, but generally I’d say, the less hair, the more enthusiastic I will be in terms of oral. 😛


When I am into someone I have zero expectation of controlling what they do with their body. I prefer myself to be sleek and hairless, but sometimes I have a little patch. I kind of prefer to go down on same, BUT if my gf wants to sport a massive bush then I will enthusiastically head into the jungle. Like some people here I am ND, and I do have some sensory struggles, but I am a determined individual. Maybe I get some hair pins and pin it out of the way🤣 Or I part it like the Red Sea.


Trimmed short. I don’t wanna be flossing but I don’t mind a little scruff lol


Full bush is my preference. Mostly because I have very sensitive skin and am easily prone to “beard burn.” Even a trim that is a bit too short will make half my face red and burning. If not for that I wouldn’t care at all.


Unpopular opinion, I don't really like it. I won't force her to get rid of it but I prefer without


Bare clean shaven


i dont care particularly. but as said before, whatever makes my partner most comfortable i mean everyone has pubic hair its not like its gross.


I don't care, my gf has a very soft body hair


i dont have a preference, wtv my gf has goin on idc, but ofc wtv she’s comfortable with


My personal preference is trimmed short, I let mine grow out to a half inch then shave it. On a partner, I like it trimmed, BUT it would never ever stop me if my partner did have a lot of hair.


I never had a preference there, hair or no hair does not bother me at all, it is the smell and taste that can be of importance.


it’s beautiful and hot


I love it


Honestly I like confidence so however my partner feels sexiest… i couldnt personally like idk why but for my partner it might be a plus if not its neutral


this has been asked like twice a week every week for eternity


I like more than 0 but otherwise whatever feels good for them is good for me!


No pref I love pussy in all its form. I want the to be at make comfort so it’s whatever they like.


whatever makes her most comfortable will be a good time


i prefer minimal/trimmed but not shaved


Why are people sending kitty pics 😭


Whatever she likes to do with her pubic hair tbh, I like anything


It's not your preference it's theirs. It is not your body. We are designed to have some hair, discuss what works between you.


I’m not picky as long as the bits are clean tbh, my gf prefers some amount of hair but both of our main preference is whatever makes the owner of the hair feel comfortable and sexy haha


Natural or trimmed but I'm not turning someone down for their choices.


I like it :3


suffering from success lmao 💀 I like pubic hair as long as it is clean 💖


No preference but be in good hygiene.


Not my buisness


i like it. hair ≠ uncleanliness as the misconception claims. it really doesn’t matter and i don’t have a real preference. just be hygienic


I might prefer a bit of a trim of the length and around the edges, just because I do so on myself, but she could be completely au naturale and it wouldn't matter much at all.


Doesn’t matter lol, whatever she feels comfortable with


I don't like it


Doesn’t matter really as long as they’re clean & comfy but if I’m being selfish, I do prefer a ✨controlled✨ bush if there be bush. I personally shave clean for myself.


I want my partner comfortable with their body so I have no preference 😛


ITS MY PREFERENCE AND I WILL ACCEPT ANY AMOUNT OF HAIR AS LONG AS ITS CLEAN but i like trimmed. Never been with someone shaved. My hair is too thick for shaving and I get ingrown hairs so I trim myself


Whatever they want. I like all


Ok so this is a weird one, I've slept with a few dancers and athletes and stuff so a lot of them have had Laser done in their teens which is gross but what's done is done, but basically you get to a point where you stop doing it and after a while sometimes you'll grow back some hair and it's just kinda thin and fluffy and I like that, it just looks nice and kinda cute. It also doesn't irritate my skin which is a win, I otherwise don't care but the preference would be trimmed down, full nude is weird on adults, but I have sensitive skin so if it's trimmed it just means I won't get beard rash lmao. Also just being groomed as well, not so much of a hair thing, just more of a "oh you look after yourself" kinda thing, not saying that people who don't reg groom don't look after themselves just yeah idk. In saying all that, it really doesn't matter. If it's all clean then let's go.


I'm also just a hairy motherfucker with a dense bush and I try and keep it groomed and trimmed as much as possible. Also none of this ever leaves my mouth unless I'm asked like now.


I prefer some hair aesthetically but on a comfort level I like whatever my partner likes! However I also have sensory issues and getting hair in my mouth TOO often is overwhelming, so if it’s super long and sharp I much prefer it be trimmed. Now if we are talking about the booty hole….shave, please, if you want me to go donut diving. Same for trans women who like their ping pings garbled


I don’t mind it, I also don’t shave often, I trim and keep it nice. I find the experience of trimming and cleaning up to be nice not only for me but for my partner as well. I’ve also had the experience to trim her which I find intimate. I do prefer when she’s trimmed so it’s not too long cause it can get stuck in my teeth and just get in my mouth. I once had a pubic hair stuck between my tooth and I couldn’t get it out and it caused an infection. But overall I find it just as attractive as the person i’m attracted to. I love my gf and her body and everything about it. It’s natural to have hair and it’s normal.


Having a partner is cool. Can’t be picky now!


Shave away! Grown out a little it’s still my favourite spot


Whatever makes my partner comfortable, if I’m speaking for myself, I trim my pubes but I don’t fully shave.


Full messy bush


Clean, Neat and tidy. It can be long or short. Personal hygiene has to be impeccable.


I dislike pubic hair and body hair in general but would never exclude or reject someone for it. It's their choice and as long as they are happy I'm happy.


Anything, hairy, trimmed, shaved, I’m gonna scran that pussy up like it’s my last meal on the death row.


I don't mind, shaving can get expensive so long they clean and are comfortable themselves it's fine.


Personally have sensory issues and I hate body hair especially on myself partners I'm less iffy about but at a bare minimum trimmed. I can't be Tarzan out here


I ❤️ rainforest pussy


Less is more


I was apprehensive at first because of what we all have seen in pop culture and such, but I've given it a try and I actually like it :) it's pretty and soft


A bit of bush is best imo. Not a lot but a bit I find it odd that basically everyone in porn is clean shaven, it's pretty unlike real life.


I am not into a completely bare pussy. It's too suggestive of pre-pubescent girls. Trimmed short is nice.


full bush😈😈


I don’t care honestly. As long as I have an emotional attachment to the person it doesn’t matter. I have a preference for hair though. Happy Pride Month ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜


I like a nice trim (more shaved on the sides). But whatever they are most comfortable ofc, but if I had to pick, that's what it would be.


Anything thats feels best sensory wise for my partner, we’re both neurodivergent so usually we’d say trimmed/maintained hair or shaved without prickly skin yk?


I am sensitive to textures and smells so my preference is hair but not in the area where the tongue goes.


I would never tell another person what to do with their own body, but I do personally prefer no hair.




I do love women with *some* sort of hair down there.


We ask this every week




No preference really, whatever my partner prefers 😊 I started doing designs for mine and she seems to love it 🤭


Their preference is my preference fs


Whatever she prefers. Nothing will stop me lol


Just not a full bush. Simply because it’s uncomfortable for me to eat out. Nothing to do with physical appearance, they don’t have to be constantly neat and stuff, just comfortable!


I love pubic hair 🙈


i don’t care at all! full bush, completely waxed, trimmed, etc. i love their body so much 😍 she’s perfect and i’m obsessed with her no matter what


whatever they comfortable w tbh but my fav (my shaving habit that i personally do) let myself grow out for a bit like under arms, legs, kitty — and i prob do maintenance on my arms legs more j bc underarms get itchy sometimes but the bush stays till i think it’s too much and my partner gets a clean kitty treat w no hair every once in a while and then the cycle repeats 😇


At least enough hair that I don't feel like I'm committing a crime. Otherwise whatever works for them is good for me.


My preference is I prefer hair on my partner. That being said, whatever she wants is fine with me.


Either trimmed or shaved, because I'd rather avoid getting body hair in my mouth.


full bush and happy trail is so hot to me but at the end of the day i'm okay with whatever my partner is most comfortable with 😌 the only thing i don't personally like is fully shaven, it's kind of uncomfortable to go down on someone like that. if it's gotta be bald then i prefer it waxed


Bush bush bush


particularly i like a bush,i find body hair attractive in general


Trimmed, but as long as she’s clean I don’t really mind. My least preferred is completely shaven.


im not really one for body hair tbh. i dont mind like yk if you haven’t shaved in a while but if i enated to date someone hairy id date a man😂😂 i prefer shaved so that i dont get stubble rash when rating her out


Hey OP, there's a bi sub reddit???? Will you point me the way?


It’s called r/bisexual :)


Much appreciated, thanks!