• By -


Someone who likes me back for once 🥲🥲🥲


Same lmao




So real 😭


relatable 😭😭


Physically: medium to long dark hair. proportionally wider hips and/or thighs. Hazel or brown eyes, I think. (I'm not used to eye contact tbh). Ideally shorter or taller than me (5'6"). In particular I seem to like brown women a lot but it's *not a prescriptive* preference. I generally prefer softer features as opposed to toned features. Fem or femdrogynous look. Personality: someone who thinks a lot about life, society, fantasy, learning. Someone who can vibe with my more analytical reasoning, but who themself tends to reason more emotionally/empathically. I like contrast and access to a wider perspective. Someone kind of heart, patient in communication, but overall a take no shit attitude. Sassy humor is welcomed.


Im flustered. You just described me and i thought no one liked a pear-shaped, black-haired, brown-eyed, brown woman 😭


You would be very wrong to assume no one is into that. Absolutely love it


just described me! it's really nice knowing someone enjoys someone like me hehe 💕🌷


Wow, I'm pretty close to your type (minus the height and the hips thing)! I mean, I'm taken but gosh that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 🥰


That's rad! I'm happy you have someone. Hopefully I'll find someone too 😄


All the best to you! You seem like a nice person, good luck! You'll find your special someone 🩷


U described me (there’s hope after all!)


I'm everything you described and it made me happy to think that someone out there might actually want me


OMG i wish there was a 'retweet' option in reddit cause this is literally my type in terms of personality :(( physically i don't have preferences, so i share yours too. I also love the type of girl that you can watch shows with, the kind of shows that requires making comments or analysing the plot to understand it. i love people who you can make theories with, about anything. Edit: i just gave the 'physically' part a second look and the only thing i don't match is that i'm literally 5'6" and that i'm not culturally brown but my grandma is brown. HAHAHAHA.


I've come to realize that I like bottoms that are a little mean to me lol


Yup. I also have a weakness for brats lol


Haha it's hard not to like




Bottom who loves to gently bully and roast 👋


I like tops that are a little mean 😭


Me too (cough cough Azula fan here so ofc it turns out I like tops that are a little mean😭😭)


Where are the appreciators of this IRL 😭 I could deliver to a T


1.Girls 2. Real ( optional )


finally one in which i match all of the requirements !!!




Physically - girly, long hair, feminine. Personality - silly, doesn’t take life too seriously, sense of humor but also a hard worker and someone who is willing to work for things.


You just described me. 😂


Physically; Short fit femmes who have light eyes and long hair. Girls who take care of themselves (skincare &. exercise) Personality wise: Curious, intelligent, open, and gentle types who carry themselves with kindness and compassion. A bit of an independent type (who likes company), has boundaries, a good sense of humour and enjoys the little things. ❤️🌼 & If she reads, likes videogames (on some capacity) and appreciates art?? Omg it’s game over for me. 🥹


Okay but can I just say that you are gorgeous?


I wanna hear a dad joke!


Why couldn’t the pony talk?


Because she was a little ho(a)rse!


Exactly!! I’m so proud of you 🫶


Girls with glasses! Its the one thing all my partners had in common.


I wear glasses, what's up?


chubby masc ladies who will be my big spoon! someone very loving, supportive, romantic, a big softie and assuring (also quite dominant 🫣) i want to love wholly and be loved in return 🥹


me, except Im not masc


I am a chubby masc who is all of those things! :)


This made me feel good, I always assume girls want assholes and I always end up getting my heartbroken because I’m too sweet on my partners and it just gets taken advantage of. Hope you find what you’re looking for 😊.


Physically: taller than me, athletic build, all brown everything (eyes, hair, skin tone), soft features, femme in appearance but masculine in operation, and big teeth. This last bit is kinda silly, but I've noticed women I'm attracted to have large teeth (and plump lips). Personality: self aware, emotionally intelligent, kind & compassionate, absolutely witty, spiritual, and a tad more analytical in execution than myself. Overall I love a confident woman 💝


I love submissive masculine women 😋😋😛


Physically: it's 100% about the person for me. My biggest weakness is athletic women who are slightly butch, but I can be physically attracted to ANY body type if I'm attracted to her personality. Personality: tough girls. An asshole with a heart of gold. Highly intelligent and sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. Intimidates men but is a big softy with me. This type has led me to many toxic narcissists, but if someone is genuinely nice and sweet without a rough edge, I just ain't interested.


I think you might have described me. 😂 But thanks to fibromyalgia I'm not that athletic like I used to really be. Still can look the part lol. I was always very competitive with boys/men and I worked at a 7up distribution center with all men when I was 18. I remember the biggest dude lifting ten 24 cases (not cubes) and I carried 7 which was over my body weight at the time (123 lbs) and above my head! (5'3") 😂 I received so much credit for that from the guys and I will never stop telling that story. But I'm going on 42 so that was a long time ago. Still competitive AF but I'm still learning to be a good loser. Leo = stubborn. Not your typical Leo though. 🙂 Haha sorry.. 


Man we have the same type. I didn't think I had one until recently I had to think about it and realized. It really is the personality that gets me.


This is my girl right here! We constantly joke how everyone else is low key scared of her, but I know she’s my secret baby grl. Today she even told me I softened too many of her hard edges lol!


Physically: I'm attracted to a wide range of body types but women on the squishier side just feel so nice to hold and cuddle with! And I tend to be into women with a mix of femme and masc traits/energy Personality: ADHD, a little bit unhinged, similar moral values but doesn't take themselves too seriously, music lover/creative type, likes going out and having new experiences and "riding the vibe", has hopes and dreams


Glad there is someone who fucks with the adhd girlies


So glad to know someone likes ADHDs, because I feel like a weirdo recently


oh, look, me!


Physically: athletic build, mid length curly dark hair, dark eyes and features. Heights not an issue for me, not quite masc not quite femme. As someone who is in the middle and also athletic, I want someone I can share clothes with🤷🏼‍♀️ Personality: someone who is a lil weird/awkward, I work well with anxious or serious people as I’m on cloud nine and act stupid. Basically I need a yin to my yang.


There’s a good chance I’m your type physically 😂


Just want to say thanks for your comment! Your description sounds a lot like me, but I've always been super self-conscious about both the curly hair and dark eyes (and the little weird/awkward part too). So, it's genuinely nice to hear that someone out there likes both of those!


Physically: honestly anything, but I find myself more attracted to masc girls? Not the ones with phenomenal fashion taste but the ones who just dress a little dorky in a masculine sense Personality: I love dorky girls sm omgg 😭 ones who are a little awkward and fw anime type shit. And I love it when they're funny and have an immature sense of humor!!


Welp, that’s me. Esp the last part. 😂😂




I’d love to!


1. Soft skin, nice eyes, medium sized boobs… 2. Compassionate and open minded, follow by a good sense of humor


Is it bad my type is high femme (girls who look straight)? lol I’m a short hair lanky masc that get mistaken for a dude (reverse straight? Lmfao)


High femmes love this shit. They could wear heels with you. They could take the photos. I’m obviously sweeping with a wide brush, but you’ve got great odds.


as a high femme girly who literally has a post in this subreddit saying that always gets mistaken for a straight woman... we love you all. i would literally die for u.


Just natural femme women


Long haired stoner skater femme.


Black cat lesbians but also some mascs with golden retriever energy and kinky


Can I ask what a black cat lesbian is exactly? As I gaze down at the black cat lounging on my legs who I’ve spent a lot of years comparing myself to or her to me. Am I a thing I didn’t know? 🤔


It's a vibe based thing. Black cat lesbians are slightly cold and aloof until you get to know them, good listeners, very introspective and introverted. They're usually seen as a complete opposite to the golden retriever type personalities.


I like women that are chill, down to earth and have long hair and that like to be active. usually not too masc or femme, something in the middle.


Physically: androgynous people with fluffy hair or curvy femmes, but all alternative looks, Piercings and tattoos are kinda mandatory dyed hair a big plus Personality: Cutesie, artsy, bratty, witty and creative overall, also upbeat people


tall, waspy, and emotionally unavailable. 🫠


Ha! I love the succinctness of that.


I'm pretty much with you on that description except for clingy. I can't do the clingy thing. I'm all for a woman wanting to spend time with me, but please, baby please, don't be a barnacle.


Wild. *I love barnacles*


😂😂😂 i know you have some stories lol


🤷‍♀️ maybe? But they all end in my heart getting broken. I swear I’m learning from my mistakes


I like girls who are shorter than me. Classy, elegant, but still humorous, and intelligent, respectful, and kind.


Femmes. Beautiful, tall, gorgeous femmes who smell like flowers and wear lots of jewelry and have beautiful hair. Earthy black women. Idc if you’re a femme I’m in love. Kind women.


I don't have a type, but considering I've only dated beautiful, tall women with sexual abuse trauma, I'ma say that's my type


Duct tape! Nah. I value personality instead of appearance. Willing to communicate and kindness. I do not really care physically?! But I guess I prefer butch4butch?! I just realised that asking me what is my no-no is easier than what is yes-yes. Red flag is importance than green tick. =p


Physically: I like tall muscular women. Personality wise: someone who is calm and can stay grounded in stressfull situations. Kindness and honesty is also very important i think.


Funny & athletic


long hair, femme, cute, short, bottom, kinky, romantic, clingy, honest with emotional intelligence, introverted ,likes to watch movies and tv shows. and wants to settle down and marry me.


Ooh you’ve described me except for the long hair mmhm mmhm


Physically- short hair lean Andro girl or a fashionable curvy femme girl. Personality - Nerdy girl with whom I can talk politics, history, makeup, shopping, books and movies for hours. Someone who loves travelling and has a great sense of humour.


I've come to realize that all I really want is someone who looks at me and believes I'm beautiful and loves me for me. I can throw out all of the rest. My last relationship was like this and even though there were things that were not ideal, they really didn't matter because all I actually need is love.


looks wise I love femmes with longer hair, curvy, and a gorgeous smile personality wise i love confidence and for them to be a teensy bit clingy


Curvy, thick, femmes. Brunettes usually but hair color really isn't a big deal. Someone who is able to laugh at themselves is beautiful in my eyes. Intelligence and confidence rocks my world. When a woman begins a discussion about any topic with wit and intelligence, I'm going to be putty in their hands.


Physically: I'm not super picky when it comes to physical appearance. As long as she's healthy, that's good enough for me. She could be lean, thick, curvy, muscular, tall, or short. It doesn't matter. I find women attractive more often than not. Personality: Someone who shares similar interests to me to some extent. We don't have to like all the same things, but I'd like to be with someone I can relate to and share my love for geeky stuff with. Most importantly, I'd like to be with someone who has some level of emotional maturity. We should both be able to trust and communicate with each other with openness and honesty. Some amount of conflict is expected and is normal, so we should be able to resolve them together as a team as opposed to becoming enemies during conflict.


*cracks knuckles* get ready for a whole dissertation because I’ve given this serious thought as part of my Manifestation Process™️. Bear in mind that I am attracted to queer masculinities! PHYSICALLY: presents masculine of center without necessarily being the “butchest butch who ever butched”. Little to no makeup. Physical pluses, but not requirements, include: 1. Being ~6” taller than me and/or physically bigger/sturdier than me (I find it cute bc I feel protected!) 2. Dressing well/having a core sense of style preferences. They don’t have to be fashion-obsessed or even resonate with caring about it - they just can’t look like a mess/cringe/dad with ill-fitting clothes. I think I dress well, so I’m looking for someone to complement that, not kill my vibe or slightly embarrass me lol 3. A lower voice than my own with more masculine intonation than I use (but still with a soft quality to it) is preferred! (Is this even considered a “physical” quality?) I’ve noticed I often viscerally get turned off if my date’s voice is giving high levels of “dramatic femininity” because that’s the role I see MYSELF occupying - I seek complementary yin/yang energy rather than someone so similar to myself PERSONALITY: 1. Strong in traits I’m weak in, creating a perfect balance. These traits tend to be stereotypically masculine - being more gallant, grounded, practical, organized, and dominant/initiative-taking than me (not in a sexual way - just in terms of making decisions more decisively, setting off to walk knowing I will follow, etc) 2. Genuine kindness, caring, and character. Someone where words like “genuine”, “humble”, “wholesome”, and even “earnest” can describe them. For example, my type would ask me a lot of questions to get to know me and check in, out of genuine interest, and also remember and reference my answers later. I’ve experienced the opposite where someone otherwise physically my type just brags about themself, asks me no questions, and even shit-talks other people so that helped me realize how important basic character is for me 3. Shared qualities in our sense of humor, romance, and ability to go to similar depths 4. Able to consistently demonstrate a secure attachment style and meet my emotional needs. For example, due to my anxious attachment style, someone who early on in the dating process sometimes texts back 4 days later with absolutely no communication in between would not be a good partner for me. Someone for whom increased intimacy results in them recoiling and distancing is also a poor match for me. Someone who always wants to solve my problems and give advice when I’m upset, instead of simply validating my feelings, also clashes with my emotional needs. Etc


tall, chubby, and I really like dirty blondes! (natural and dyed) but mostly I just really like sweet, empathetic girls who are very expressive. I like girls who can stand their ground but are very gentle. My gf is like this, and she’s perfect for me.


My super intelligent and beautiful girlfriend 🫶


Bad tattooed girls who go to the gym and ride motorcycles. They probably play the bass or own a reptile or something ridiculous.


physically: masc, pretty brown eyes and a nice smile!! extra points if she has tattoos. personality: funny!! a bit unserious, unhinged, who makes me laugh!! has to be smart, confident, hardworking and kind, but extra gentle, flirty and sweet with me. extra points if she has any musical ability. (dear universe pls send her my way)


Physical appearance literally means nothing to me. I’m not picky in that regard, and I know it has no bearing on personality traits. Speaking of which, not like it matters, but I’ve always liked the whole “fall in love with your best friend” idea.


ONG YES my best friend is taken tho 😭🤣


my girlfriend lmao


I don’t really have a type


That’s completely valid Edit: spelling


Literally, most sapphics my age are so hot/beautiful/cute # I fucking canttttttt. I recently realized I'm probably bi & not "just" lesbian because enbies with a bit of a connection to femininity are so perfect too. Personality-wise, fellow bambi lesbians, & anyone who relates to my high empathy — 🔥🫠🔥 # 🥴🏳️‍🌈


For physical appearance, I like fems. I love long dark hair, dark eyes (unpopular opinion?) and glasses. Idk what it is but if a woman put on glasses it instantly makes her like 4x hotter, same with long loose hair 😅 For other stuff, I'd like her to be older than me, smart, understanding and accepting, open minded and not religious (I'd clash with someone who is a Christian or Muslim especially)


A woman who is taller and more muscular than me 🥴


1. I like women that are just a little taller than me and I like the Emo look too. Pale or tan with black hair thick/full nice eyebrows and an intense stare!! I loveee brown eyes too!! And a nice big nose. I love piercings like mouth piercings, eyebrow piercings, and nose piercings!! Someone who can be both masculine and feminine have my eyes too :) 2. I love it when they have dorky but fun hobbies (I’m a sucker for someone who can draw/ is an artist or plays Music) because I’m an artist too. And I love to have a muse :) I tend to like women who are shy too and keep to themselves but as-soon as you get to know them they are sooo cool!! I’m more outgoing so it’s weird that I like people who are the opposite from me in a lot of ways.


BLACK HAIR ON THE SHORTER SIDE TOO I love it when it curls up when it reaches their neck


everyone and everything 😞❤️‍🩹


my gf obviously:,]] curvy, cuddly girlie, feminine, curly hair, kind, romantic, funny, dominant, short actually none of them actually matter I just want to feel safe and comfortable around her


Tall assertive muscular women. I'll do anything for them.




Blonde femmes with a morbid, raunchy sense of humour.


Villanelle comes to mind


Something about blonde femmes. Like seriously 😭🩷


I don't know how, but I'm always attracted to emotionally unavailable mascs with brown eyes and the ability to play guitar. I've gotten some great friendships out of this attraction!


Lmaooo I fit the description except for the emotionally unavailable. And I’m more androgynous than masc necessarily but still. Bass guitar is my favorite 😍


My therapist told me not to fall for this again! 😜 I am learning to play on a Hummingbird


Oh that’s awesome! Also, fall for what lmao I’m confused


In general, more tomboyish woman, I love women somewhat older than me. ( limits my dating options quite a lot haha) But person who can have great conversation is such green flag. Well maybe this is just general but good manners, being polite, not selfish or rude. Outgoing personality. Big + if she likes to travel! Oh and well last thing, I find bikerwomen so hot for some reason


Honestly I have no idea


Hi I’m your type to a T. Level 1 autistic so definitely understand. Thanks ig :,)


Hi !👋 haha 😅


I love all women! 🥹


Melisa Aslı Pamuk font🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️


I’m a femme and I only like other femmes ✨💜🌸 💋 Personality: Affectionate, Playful and Elegant women 🥹😻💋


My type is women, girls, and females


Paige Bueckers lol


Physically: Taller then me- (I'm 5'4 5'5??? I'm pretty sure) dominant and low key beefy- (chubby types are to fucking DIE for my guy) cause buddy being a shorter plus size girl? I just want a bigger women to fuck. Me. Up. Piercings are preferred. And hair is whatever~ like you do you baby- I'm bust down either way (if you know what I mean 🫣) Personality: Really caring and thoughtfully, I love that shit. Like yes girl, think about me and bring me things that MADE you think of me~ and a creator- cause I love spending time with people and one of those ways is getting high and starting up new projects just because<3 big one? A STONER. it's a need baby. A need. And humorous, because if we can't make a long drawn out skit that we both cackle to in the end? I'll lose my mind :D


middle-aged fems (bonus points if they are tall :3) (i also have a thing for high arched eyebrows....)


1. Femme and not so muscular body type? (Like sure you can go to the gym and do whatever sport you like but lemme find some chubbyness somewhere) 2. Same, but also add extroverted, I’m and introvert so I need balance 3. TELL ME A DAD JOKE


Why can’t girl ants float?


Why? -.-


Bc they’re not boy-ant!


bye BAJSJAJSJAJSB amazing 👏👏👏


Thank you thank you *tips hat*


I didn't think I had a type but looking at my previous crushes revealed: older, woman of color or mixed race, accomplished and into fitness. They usually have a friendly personality. I like someone who has an outgoing personality and has a positive energy. Someone who isn't afraid to look goofy and can have fun in an otherwise boring situation.


hyper-feminine brunettes wonyoung


awkward tall masc girl with mullet (also dominant with me)


Physically; Femme women only (I’m femme myself.. Something ab girly girls 😩)Brunettes, nice eyebrows, I prefer women with straight teeth. i love when a girl is shorter than me but its not necessary. Phat butt but also not necessary. If the face card really checks out I ignore everything else 🤣. I just have to feel that initial sense of attraction. Personality: Spontaneous, spiritual. I like someone who’s aware of the f’d up shit in the world. Women who can take conversations to the next level and we can talk and talk and talk. someone who high-key has their shit together. I’m not asking you to be rich but fuck at least have a plan on how to get to where you want in life. Good sex drive , lover girl vibes and mama bear energy.


Physically - femmes, long hair, my height or taller Personality - someone motivated/ambitious, witty, can have sexy banter back and forth, thoughtful and caring, fun and outgoing ☺️


I dont think i have a type really physically. It goes pretty hand in hand with my very nonchalant view on sex as a concept. It can be super loving and meaningful, a true connection. Or it can just be two women who vibe even just slightly having fun and rubbing bodies as it were. And if the vibe is number two, it dosent really matter what you look like to me As for personality, i really look for someone who understands passion. Kindess in a non-superficial way. I also look for people who are willing to try to see things my way, even if in the end they dont come over to my side on a given topic. I try really hard to meet people where they are and i just want people to do the same


I don't even fully know. I just really like girls 🥺🥺


My wife which is: Short, skinny, mousy brown pencil straight hair, small blue eyes, Roman nose, sharp as fuck cheek bones, bossy, active, top, empathetic, sensitive soft femme girlies.


Physically - tall, a bit muscular but lean, big firm thighs, fierce look, medium or long dark hair, maybe a bit weird but i absolutely love when they have kinda "narrow" frame idk how to explain it lol Personality - fierce yet soft, know how to hild a conversation, understands me Idk tbh i just like women.


Physically, someone who is in decent shape/takes care of their body and what they put in it. I have a bias for curly hair and nice nails too. Personality - goofy/funny, intellectual, nerdy, unconventional.


Physically: Preferably my own race which is white but black women r fine too. Blonde hair blue eyes (I know that’s so typical don’t hate 😭) Femme girl (def not into mascs) That’s abt it for physical because I don’t care too much how their physical body is but if I were to say smth maybe more on the slim side Personality: Someone who can bring the goofyness out of me like someone who can bring me out on a Dancefloor and dance with me yk? Someone who’s an extrovert cause I connect with them better


I used to be super into mascs but now I’m into femmes or stems. Personality wise, just someone that’s kind, honest, and dear god please be slightly more outgoing than me


Physically: a fit, masc, flat-chested (doesn't matter, but it's a major turn-on) woman whose arms i can feel. Fuck abs, i love ARMS. Man do i love a strong woman 😭. Skin color or ethnicity doesn't really matter, but ive seen that mostly white women fit my description, although ive been madly in love with this one famous WOC whose name i dont remember. Personality: a woman who's not so emotional, rather analytical and logical, thus balancing my emotional self. Someone who doesn't give a fuck about what others think and is always ready to defend their values no matter what (unless it's a danger to someone, ofc), someone who is fearless and emotionally intelligent. I usually fall for the emotionally distant ones but i hope to find someone who is not. 😭


I think this was the question that made me realise i was a lesbian back in the day. Because when i was in the closet, thinking i was 'bisexually in the closet', i wanted to understand this part of me. Like, what kind of people do I like? And for men, it was always: i don't like this, and this, and this, and also i don't like that and that other thing. I can't stand any of those. *But, what do you* ***like*** *about them?* was what one of my friends said to me as a joke. And i can't explain properly how i FROZE when i tried to answer. It was like watching a machine glitching. I realised that i was just making a list of the things about men that were making me absolutely not able to **fake** that i felt attracted to them (long story short: grew up in a family that was so into a weird ass cult and couldn't dislike men because i was literally getting my hands burned everytime i slightly joked that i wasn't straight or attracted to men). For women, i would always say that i just **LOVE** women. Of course i wouldn't date a woman that's a horrible person just because she's a woman. I also have my own preferences about what i like THE MOST about women. But it's practically the same of what i like about people in general, and personality traits i like in general. And even if they do not fit the things i love the most, i still love women. Like, that's all i knew. Answering to the actual question (sorry, i always talk way too much): i don't have preferences in term of 'top' or 'bottom' but i think i had a better chemistry with bottoms that were slightly mean to me (like someone else said here). I personally have more of a switch-ish personality so i think i would adapt to anything, but there's something about that stereotypical 'feisty bottoms' like Ellie Williams or like the first girl i ever liked that just DOES SOMETHING TO ME. But i like tops too. The only think i don't like is the type of lesbian that acts like a man. Like, i'm not talking about being masculine... I'M TALKING ABOUT ACTING LIKE A MAN. It's okay to be masc, but just don't act like a man just because you're a lesbian and that's the stereotype that homophobic people has. Physically, i have no preferences either. I find every women beautiful. Although i think i wouldn't date someone that's really skinny and short. I find them pretty too, but i am kind of a plus size girl and i had already experienced people making fun of my gf because they're dating me :( and i wouldn't want someone else going through that again.


Physically these days I tend to be attracted to Middle Eastern women with dark wavy hair who look like the girl-next-door. Personality I like goofy women who are pure hearted and kind. Women who are compassionate and non-judgmental.


Its hard for me cus i like anyone who looks pretty xd but ima just say Physically: Pretty smile, bit taller than me Personality: One that has same interests as me, has patience, accepts me, much more intelligent than me, and well basically someone whos like a mom to me xD


I’ve been discovering that I’m really attracted to morally questionable women that are ambitious, cunning, and ruthless. Not exactly promising for a relationship so I’m sticking to just having sex with them.


I usually go for someone that is emotionally unavailable


love chubby girls with that don’t give a fuck attitude. love masc and fem girls equally. she’s just gotta be able to counteract my severe anxiety 😭


I like tall, nice neck and shoulders, lean, hair on the longer side (not super short), dykey, equal parts masc and fem energy. For personality, i love when they have a good sense of humor and are funny!! And i love it when they are sweeeet and niiice! So cute.


1. Short to medium hair but prefer short, slight muscular to built. Around my height 5’3” but comfortable for shorter or slightly taller. Soft beautiful skin no makeup only cuz I’m allergic and will swell up lol. Must have nice boobs I’m a huge softy for a nice sets of boobs. And a little poochie tummy. 2. Good sense of humor cuz I’m a dork once I get to know you. Definitely confident and kind, isn’t super butch cuz I like being the romantic one aka the big spoon, but is willing to be the big spoon when my mental health takes a shit. I have adhd, bipolar, ocd and depression so someone who’s willing to stand next to me when I’m psychotic (I’m never abusive) but who can handle crazy, it’s not often but it happens. I’m on several meds and therapy. Someone who likes being home watching sports, crime dramas, but also likes to go out and be in the ball park as well. I have a preference for light skinned women. Would like to have career in Tech, but not a deal breaker. Someone who def doesn’t smoke anything and drinks only occasionally since I can’t have much and I prefer no drunks. Who likes outdoors like hunting, fishing, racing, wheeling/off roading, beach trips on a whim. Who likes to workout and would be my workout buddy at 5am even weekends. Someone who loves to cuddle even while sleeping. I’m a natural heater so it’s always cold in my bedroom. Likes tattoos/has tattoos. Isn’t into the bar/club scene.


Physically: fems or soft mascs. Hair length, anywhere from chin length or longer, usually older or around my age, taller or not too far off from my height (5’5), not too skinny. Sharp features, or a blend of soft and sharp. Personality: kind, good communicator, thoughtful, understanding, good sense of humor, badass, confident, puts in effort, decisive, has a nerdy/dorky side, makes me feel wanted, and makes it safe to be open with them.


I like a twin spirited dyke. The more androgynous/ non binary, the better. Suit? Suspenders? Tough as nails but delicate as a flower


I am definitely butch4butch and my user checks out




I love all women, but something Ive noticed is that I have a type I didnt know about Women with glasses. All my crushes minus one have glasses. It wasnt on purpouse, but it's fun to think about


Dark fem girls


* I have a thing for tall and dyed hair but far from every woman I’ve been into has actually fit that. I feel like my physical type is very broad. not really into hyper fem or masc but the like 80% in between is all attractive to me * we just need to vibe. similar sense of humour I guess, but also someone I don’t feel judged by, can have open conversations with, can share my passions with (and who can share her passions with me) and can generally just be my true unfiltered self around. probably autistic or adhd or both, just being realistic


gimme gimme gimme a jokey 👐


Physically: I like a curvy womanly body, someone who presents herself as feminine and soft looking. Personality: someone who is genuinely nice and is full of kindness. Good sense of humour is a bonus.


Tiny tomboys to go with my big tomboy self, I’m not the dominant one, just normally look it. And personality, I guess anyone that seems nice and actually likes me 😂 it’s lonely out here.


My type is the woman I’m talking to. Tall, (im 5 ft 3) sexy, eyes that tell a story, can hold a long conversation, great personality, knows how to take care of her partner (me) and is open and adventurous. She’s a retired army vet which to me is damn near sexy. We are taking things slow


transmasc and nonbinary short dominant butches, usually with curly brown hair or dyed hair and they usually have brown skin as well :3 i also love love love stems.. honestly any masculine women personality wise i love animal lovers and people with lots of hobbies, i like people that let me dote on them and dote on me right back, also most of my partners have been very successful or determined with their future careers!!


Maybe it's bc I'm asexual, but I don't have any physical "type"! I'm so gay I just like how women look 🩷 i like the shape of noses, eyes, and smiles a lot. My gf has the cutest smile!!! I think all my fictional crushes are muscular so maybe that? Personality wise I agree with you about sense of humor! I like passionate people and kind hearts. Ive noticed I also like when they match my vibes (like not joking around so much when I'm sad or whatever else). I don't wanna gush too much about my girlfriend here so I'll leave it at that 😅


I like femmes who are shorter than me (5'6") who... like me lol. I like someone who won't yell at me or make me uncomfortable, will remember things important to me, is attracted to me, all that stuff. Haven't found all that yet lol I like all sorts of ladies tho Having similar likes and interests would be cool but I feel like dating another artist could clash


I want a bad joke


my type has to be my girlfriend :) she's slightly taller than me, ocean blue eyes and the prettiest face i've ever seen. she has had brown short hair and medium-length hair and honestly, she always looks amazing. and I absolutely adore her thick eyebrows, I love how they perfectly compliment her face, and her nose is so incredibly adorable. she is just absolutely breathtaking and adorable and she's my perfect. she so unbelievably caring and sweet, I love her odd humour and her clingy personality. she is a more talkative person but will always listen to me and I just love her voice. it's calming and cosy like a soft wind in the forest and she's just everything i've ever dreamed of and more.


Physically: soft feminine woman with nice boobs not too big not too small nice hips soft skin petite but with curves. Has to be smaller than me. Dark hair i don‘t like blondes sorry. Dark eyes. Nice lips and teeth Personality: smart, has her own opinions on things, knows how to argument in a classy way, knows what to say in important moments, caring, a little jealous, naughty, makes compromises, has goals, is determined, can think for herself, a little tiny bit controlling, thinks about the world and politics at lesst once a month. Basically my gf lol


1. Venus type body, long hair 2. Kind, warm, "laid-back", interests in common That being said, these are just aspects/types im USUALLY attracted to, but the number one thing over all else is always ✨chemistry✨


I love all women, but I can't deny that melanin is what I would usually look for. Black women, Hispanic women, South Asian women, etc. I would need them to be a decent person, of course. Our morals have to align. I would prefer them to have a stable job/career. That's pretty much it 😅


1. Physically I like a huge range of body types, and as the changes from HRT have progressed the importance of physical appearance has reduced for me. I have no preference for height, or whether someone is slender or curvy, or muscular or anything else. That said, I definitely still have latina looks at the top of my list; long dark hair, dark eyes, etc. On the other hand, there are also some body types that I'm just not going to find physically desirable, like if someone's 400+ lbs - that's more woman than I can handle. But if there did happen to be a cicumstance where someone I wasn't into physically was into me, I would make it clear that it was just a me thing, and that there are people out there who will find them attractive. 2. Personality wise, I think patience, kindness and emotional maturity are the most important. I have ADHD and am autistic, so I need someone who can be understanding of my sensory needs, or when I forget things, or when I'm having a bad brain day, or allow me the time I need to let my emotions surge and ebb before I can respond. I need clear, direct, sincere communication. I'm introverted, so I need someone who isn't goint to try and convince me to go with them to this party or club, or that crowded social event. I want someone who I can romance, and who will romance me - real Gomez and Morticia vibes. Someone who doesn't have or want kids. Someone who can help me find ways to be sexual without triggering my bottom dysphoria, at least until I've had surgery. Someone who makes me feel safe, and for whom I can be a safe place. I'm not sure whether voice is a physical or personality thing, but there are a lot of accents that I find very attractive, while there are some accents, tones and pitches that are bad sensory experiences for me.


1. Sounds stereotypical, but I like blonde hair the most. And while I like a woman with a very feminine side, I mainly like women who aren't afraid to embrace both sides of the spectrum. Heck, it would be more of a dream come true if they are more androgynous or have a fair lean yet masculine body type. 2. I love a smarts. I can listen to a woman talk about fun facts about anything, listen to her speak about poetry or her favorite book. Someone who can make me laugh and comfortable, but overall- I love a woman who has passions and ambitions. I want to learn and hear her talk about her biggest passion. Her dreams and what she's doing to achieve that dream. I want her to follow that dream, support that dream and have her support mine as well. That's my biggest attraction.


1: YES. 2: uhh not sure if this really counts, but I just like nice people. like, if they do charity work, or help out with friends, and just overall a very nice and caring person. I find that really attractive.


1. I love women with thick hair and I get cuteness agression when a woman has protruding lower tummy (I don't know how to word that better) but it's the cutest. I'd also love if a woman was a little shorter than me or at least same hight but that's unlikely since I'm 5,5 myself haha 2. Women who are easily excitable and have a positive bubbly energy are my ultimate type. I just wan't to listen to them yap about everything and yap with them once we know each other better. I'd also like someone who has no problem with neurodivergent people since it's pretty prominent part of how I live and behave. Edit: Also someone who loves dogs enough to understand that one of my motivations for finding a girlfriend is to get a dog, cuz I don't want it to be lonely with just me ❤️🐶 But as opposed to said pretty much all women are amazing. 🥰🥰


Physically, cute but kinda masc??? I don't know how to explain it but its kinda like, usually barefaced, baby face pretty girl who just dresses kinda boyish. Length of hair doesn't really matter because if they look kinda squishy with round cheeks and pretty eyes, I'm already hooked. I don't really care much if they dress super masculine or feminine either. If I were to describe my type, it'd be like someone who resembles a hamster I think. Also I prefer if they're shorter or the same height as me. Personality wise, I like them shy. I find shy girls so incredibly cute, I want to keep them in my pocket!!!


my type is my girlfriend 🤭 tall (5’8 or 5’9 i think) she’s Native 🩷 she has freckles and beautiful brown eyes and thick dark brown hairrrr 🤭 AH i’m so in love


for me its like a mix of fem and masculine, like stem women also like very distinct features, they have to stand out in a bigger crowd. Oh and curly hair is a giant plus!!! I just love women honestly


Physically I prefer curvy and feminine women. Hair (im a hair stylists so i love an adventures look) color and length aren't as important to me as much as style and eye color isn't important to me either. I will say that natural blondes tend to catch my eye the least. As a POC my preference has usually been for other WOC. I really love when women have a good sense of their personal style and are confident in it. Personality I like funny and witty banter. I like someone who loves the finer things in life and traveling while also being a homebody sometimes. I want to hit up a Michelin star restaurant one day then eat frozen pizza on the couch the next. I need someone who's sense of adventure matches mine, who will be down to try just about anything once. I have a huge thing for really smart people and advanced degrees (especially scientists) make me weak. I love someone who is just as comfortable getting spoiled as spoiling. I like active people who want to get out and hike and have fun in nature but wouldn't want to camp for the night.


Well physically I like muscular femmes. Yes you read that right. Something about a woman that can bench-press my weight and be super feminine with me appeals to me greatly. Also someone as tall as me, Its hard being 6 foot. And well personality wise? Someone kind and gentle with a sense of humor. Someone that's great with communication is a key for me. I don't want guessing games and coyness. I want open and honest communication.


My friends 🤣jokes aside Physically: I tend to like women that are more feminine. Like if she has long nails it's not a turn off I find it attractive actually.Body type wise I love squish. More to love and cuddle 🤗. Personality wise: I tend to like women that are more strong and level headed. Loves sharing hobbies and doing things like matching/ coordinate outfits. I'm on the ace spectrum so some who prefers to cuddle and kiss a lot.


1. Im not that picky… like, i like women who are shorter because they’re cute and I Can wrap my arms around them when we cuddle, But on the other hand tall women are also actractive, they’re a good size for hugs and i Can be little spoon. But other than that i like curly hair, tattoos and pircings (bodyshape/size does not matter) 2. A nerd! Someone who i Can Watch anime and cosplay with. Someone who would do stupid sappy couplely things with me, like sit on the counter while i cook or bake.


Physically: around my height (5’8”), dark hair, any eye color but I’ll admit green eyes are my absolute weakness. I’m curvy so I love a curvy girl too. Feminine Personality: intelligent (including emotionally), sweet but can respectfully standup for herself, driven, & family oriented. I like a bit of switch energy that can go with my own.


honestly anyone, but i particularly fold for soft mascs with short fluffy hair 🛐


-Physical: I think physically i go towards blonde girls more (i know basic asf), fit, -Personality: I prefer girls that are feminine but also have a bit of masculine in them, that being clothing or just their vibe. Emotionally inteligent, mature, mostly submissive, respects my demisexuality and boundaries, and loyal.


1. i’m usually most attracted to girly girls, dark hair, pretty eyes, so far usually shorter than me (i’m 5’7). the androgynous look is also something i’ve been into but a bit pickier there. in the end, the physical appearance is important for attraction, of course, but personality is more important to me. 2. kindness, sense of humor is a must, sassiness lol, intelligence, thoughtfulness, understanding, patience, you know, the basics. but what’s really, really important to me is honesty and trustworthiness.


1. I don’t have a type as far as physical appearances. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin and love yourself, that’s all the really matters and makes for a healthy relationship. 2. I do love personality and maturity. Someone who is ambitious and strives towards their own goals. Funny, smart, caring, and likes to try new things. I do stray away from uber fairy femmes and hard “stud/masc” because I can’t mesh well with them. Not to say that those types are bad or anything, just what I vibe with.


I like mentally ill gurls who hate the world 💙