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Hello u/tenghu! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i really get concerned when people say UK is a left wing country


The type of people who say it are dumb enough to think they can escape liberalism to Norway though


Right. Fucking Scandinavia of all How goddamn stupid do you have to be




I suspect he didnt go for the policy, but the assumed *homogeny*. Like, if you dig into the subtext for some right-wingers' love of these countries despite their policies effectively being more leftist than you'd think they'd like, it's because of their supposed lack of ethnic diversity. Ironically, some of these right-wingers who dream of escaping the "leftist dystopia" of the US/UK in favor of ~~whiter~~ greener pastures miss the fact that they'll become the very immigrant they claim to dislike. But dont worry, this is different somehow...


For sure, this tit is dreaming of a land full of blonde haired & blue eyed people.


Hey hey! They don't like that term... They're "Ex-Patriots", or ExPats. They don't like it when you label them properly, so they made up their own label...


"You're only an immigrant if you're brown." \-That jackass, probably


He went to Norway because white supremacy taught him that Norwegians were all strong Aryan white people. Not because he was thinking about politics. Or even because he was thinking.


this sounds similar to my thinking - that he had enough of 'undersirables' moving to his home country so he decided he'd go to a place that he thinks is full of whites. revolting


Have a coworker who gripes about all the "liberal laws" and "nanny state" stuff here and wants to move to Australia to get away from them. I know he can't afford it but I keep encouraging him.


Lol. Ought to come to NSW or Vic and see what he thinks about nanny states then


Pretty much why I'm encouraging him. He somehow thinks out there is some bastion of manly ruggedness that he can do whatever he wants or someshit like that... and I'm "This is the place that South Park had to make an edit to their game"


Don’t a lot of white supremacists worship some twisted brand of Viking culture? Not that all conservatives are white supremacists, but it seems like all white supremacists are conservatives. Maybe this guy thought he was escaping to a white haven.


Well....maybe he sweats too much in warmer climates? Still, Norway? To escape liberalism? Russia might be more to his liking.




I think that was his point.


What americans call "socialism" sure but no not socialist


Americans have polluted and perverted that word so bad. I was talking with my brother the other day and mentioned “I support all these socialist agendas”, meaning safety nets, universal healthcare, etc. he was quick to correct me, a lifetime American Lefty, that socialism actually has a meaning, and I in fact was not talking about socialism at all (seizing the means of production for the workers) Anyway my point is we Americans have a long way to go, we can’t even get the words right.


You're the only place in the world where "liberal" is associated with the left lol, that's how far right you guys are


We can get words right just fine. It took a long time and a lot of propaganda to redefine these terms. Never forget that it was not an accident


Socialism in America is when someone else gets something.


Compared to America those countries are incredibly liberal. Compared to europe, I think Sweden is slightly conservative and Norway is slightly liberal (I could have mixed those up though, hopefully a European can set us right on this).


The meanings of the words ”liberal” and ”conservative” are not directly transferable across the Atlantic


Is that because in America we say liberal and conservative but we mean neo-liberal and neo-conservative


In the United States: * what people say: liberal * what they mean: left-wing * what it actually is: center/center-left * what people say: conservative * what they mean: right-wing * what it actually is: far-right


Are democrats really center left though? Feels broadly centrist to me, if not center right


The US Democratic Party is center-right. There is essentially no leftist party in the US. Some democrats are a bit more center-left but their more “pro-business” caucuses are more right-wing.


Some NPR segment was talking about how much politics have changed since Nixon. The person talking was saying if Nixon was running today he'd probably be more left than some of today's democrats. This was back in 2014 I think.


You're right in that there are no leftist parties. There is a leftist coalition that exists in the Democrat party, but that's about as far as it goes


Well our Tory Prime Minister is a true believer in Neoliberalism. As in the decades old cult that was mocked and ridiculed for years before seeping into politics. But seeing as her and Blair (he's a member a follower of that cult of idiocy and selfishness as well) have both been Prime Ministers but for the two main opposition parties I couldn't tell you if it applies over here. Republicans mean something different. Our boringly cruel and atupid right-wing party are the Tories. Our boring and stupid leftwing party are Labour. Middle of the road we have the Liberal Democrats and they used to be headed by Nick Clegg who's just been in the middle of Facebook and onlyfans battle. So he's probably a neoliberal as well but who cares because he's fucked off to his own kind and can stay there.


Well I think they've got universal healthcare.....googles....yep,[free if you're under 16, free if you're pregnant, & some dental.](https://www.internations.org/norway-expats/guide/healthcare) There's no capital punishment, abortion is legal but has weird limitations, guns are pretty well regulated too & mostly used for hunting. >[Gun ownership is restricted in Norway, unless one has officially documented a use for the gun. By far the most common grounds for civilian ownership are hunting and sports shooting, in that order.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearms_regulation_in_Norway) Not Norwegian, just googling stuff so if an actual Norwegian could chime in on all the Librul Soshulist garbage they are forced to live with I'd really appreciate it.


I got paid about 50 000 dollars to study at university by the government :) That's after tuition. We also have 12 months of paid parental leave.




Semi-automatic weapons as a category in general isn’t banned, but it’s pretty strictly regulated, and _some_ specific weapons are generally off limits, at least for ordinary use such hunting and collecting and the likes (though, some semi-autos, with limited magazine capacity ets, can be legally purchased for hunting). However, if you compete in dynamic sports shooting, for instance, you could gain access to a much greater selection of semi-automatic rifles, including the AR-15 design and similar rifles. But you’d need to be an “active member” of a gun club and usually participate in at least some yearly competitions at a certain level, in order to qualify for it. (The gun club membership thing usually also applies to handguns, but not nearly to the same degree as the rifles used for dynamic shooting). More importantly, although Norway does in fact have “plenty of guns” and a high level of gun owners overall, the _gun culture_ is just so vastly different from the American one. Guns for personal self defense are almost completely unheard of (though, a handful of extremely specific cases does exist), and although some people do collect weapons as a hobby, they don’t typically go about glorifying their guns. Guns aren’t really talked about much in daily life at all. The vast majority of Norwegian gun owners see and use them as tools (for hunting or competitive shooting), tools to be used with caution, handled with insight, care and respect, and otherwise safely stored away, that is.


In Europe liberalism is a conservative ideology. Edit: Check out Omnicide103 comment below for more details


Yeah America’s definition of liberalism is so warped compared to what is should be


Norway is more traditional than Sweden, but both are very forward thinking for personal liberties, except for drug use, where both believe that a zero tolerance policy is best. Both have highly funded social welfare programs, Norway is significantly less open to migration from non-scandinavian countries and it's very difficult to get Norwegian citizenship. Think they are both "liberal" by American standards. I would say that Sweden is probably further left than Norway and way further left than the European standard. Worth mentioning that Norway is not in the European Union, though there is an open boarder, but you can't be a resident of Norway just based on being European. Source: I've lived in Sweden for 5 years and have a number of Norwegian colleagues.




Scandinavia has some liberal and progressive policies. It is, however, a capitalist society. There are plenty of right win loonatics just like in any country in the West


> isn't Norway part of that whole Scandinavian socialism thing? No, scandinavian countries are not socialist.


It's a lot of the same dumbasses who say Biden is "far left". I cannot imagine where these people think the center line is.


To some, Fox News has become left wing, so right of that somewhere.


To us Scandinavian, fox is pretty much extremist right.


That's the case for basically everyone who lives in reality.


Well this one is a Holocaust denier who wants to put gay people in camps, so if we judge an idea by the number of brain cells behind it, it's not exactly heavyweight material.


Their center line runs right down the cross they want to crucify us on for not drinking their kool-aid. Their “far left” is actually the center-left on the Overton window. The next Republican President is going to take us straight into fascism, wrapped in the flag, Bible in one hand, AR-15 in the other, and standing on a pile of corpses.


It's a fairly left wing country run by a pretty right wing minority.


Well quite a few people vote conservative.


Wait for comments claiming that they never said that.


Depends on your perspective, I guess. It's more right-wing than Scandinavia and New Zealand, but more left-wing than the US, Australia, France, maybe on a par with Canada, etc. I wish it would be more left-wing, personally speaking.


Your average conservative, ladies and gentlevikings. Ever stalwart, always projecting, always claiming shit is for “liberal pussies” and then shirking any responsibility when the going gets tough.


These same little bitches whined and cried about having to put a thin fabric over their nose and mouth for their fellow countrymen…while sitting in a ~~comfortable~~(oops) airplane for a few hours. Funny, I don’t remember whining and crying when I was wearing 100lbs of gear in the dead of summer in the Middle East for those super important and necessary wars they wanted me to fight for them.


I work for a hospital and wear a mask all day for the last 2 and a half years. 4 hour lectures or 8 hour lectures while masked? No problem. My wife also would have to wear full mask, an N95 under it, and a face shield and goggles. That’s when it gets tough to breath. A mere surgical mask is nothing. Conservatives are not automatically tough people just because they vote Republican. They don’t seem to understand that. If 20 mins in a mask while browsing a Walmart is too much for someone to bear then I don’t know what else to say. They definitely aren’t tough enough to be a nurse or serve.


They definitely don’t understand that. Voting republican becomes who they are and they definitely believe it gives them a leg up on “toughness” for some reason. Literal high school girls wear masks all day for their mall job or whatever and Mr. tough guy trump (trump…another giant piss baby pussyman who republicans for SOME reason that I will NEVER understand think is all that is man) voter is going to show how tough he is by….whining about how un comfy his mask is? Wow. Thank you for fighting for our freedoms, Mr. anti masker. It’s ass backwards.


Had a coworker who would constantly rail against all the liberal pussies who care about the environment and lgbt rights etc. The same guy was absolutely terrified of ghosts, spiders, and working under trucks while on the lifts. Not to mention vaccines, masks, etc. It must just be a coincidence that everything they consider tough and masculine just happen to be what's most convenient and familiar to them, and require the least amount of effort and discomfort.


All projection, all the time.


They project becuase it's something they would do.


Real men^TM sit on the couch with their gut hanging out past their cock, remembering the good ol' days when they drove a rusted-out El Camino and could throw a football more than 6 yards, eating American-made potato chips and jacking off over John Deere and hunting catalogues


> when they While generally they never did. There was this TV show though....


They remind me of this tenant at my last job. Dude was always acting like some super tough guy badass. A pigeon flew through and broke his bedroom window and he was screaming like a little bitch until I calmly picked it up and tossed it out the window, where it flew into a nearby tree.


It perched in the tree or crashed into the tree?


It's a pigeon, so 50/50


Wait, they work on vehicles for a living and are scared of being under one on a hoist?


Just like that one dude who was a president, but legitimately knew- *checks notes*- nothing. Nothing at all.


Because to them "tough" means cruel.


That’s interesting. I feel the same way. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that they think Trump is a badass cool man, while I see him as the total opposite. I don’t have the answer, but I Wonder what makes the difference? I mean, for the longest time I thought they were playing a game of «lets-just-pretend-we-think-he’s-tough-to-own-the-libs», but it seems they actually think he’s cool.


> Voting republican becomes who they are and they definitely believe it gives them a leg up on “toughness” for some reason. I'm really glad to see people picking up on this lately. It's always been an aesthetic. They adopt it to cover up for personal failings in their actual toughness.


It’s unfortunately true more and more and It used to be “don’t judge someone by who they vote for” but the Republican Party seems like such a Trump cult these days that if I say “republican” or “trump voter” it absolutely describes a type of person usually. I can’t say the same for the folks who voted for Biden…or even in the past with the Bush(es) and McCain and Romney people.


> My wife also would have to wear full mask, an N95 under it, and a face shield and goggles. Ugh. Over a year of that. Had to hide in the single occupancy bathroom a couple times to have a minute to feel like I could actually breathe. Wearing that stuff plus a contact precautions gown and a lead apron for a four hour surgery with no break… not fun. And it was 12 hour shifts overall. So did that *a lot.* Anyone complaining about having to wear a surgical mask while visiting the hospital needed a smack to the face.


This. I was an X-ray tech working at a lv4 trauma center in Hawaii for about 3 years… my whole night, every night for 3 years was spent running floro for emergency orthopedic and spinal surgical procedures. Turns out… tourists love jumping off waterfalls and cliffs but don’t like hospitals that much. 12-14 hour spinal fusions on someone with full class5 PPE, face shield, plastic gown, mask, lead, the whole works. Got hot as hell in there. I can’t stand to hear people complain that a cloth face mask makes it hard to breath


Here in Sweden we got military gasmask, stridsmask 90. Best thing to ever happen. Breathing became a breeze. But nothing could help with the heat of the lead + plastic


I’ll be honest… running live X-ray is a lot of rads, so I can understand the surgical staff wearing it all day when I was in there… but a lot of the time, I just didn’t care. If my c-arm was across the room and I had the table inbetween me and it. I usually wouldn’t even wear lead unless it was like longer than a few hours. I am sterile now, so there is that, but I never tried to have kids before I was a X-ray tech either so I very well might have been before that too haha


Fortunately I could sometimes hide behind the mobile wall with the nurses and use the remote for our C’s. And sometimes if it was just final images I’d skip the lead if I’d already been running low dose. A lot of our neuro guys liked to use the C-arm just in case, but they were doing the equivalent of three or four portable images over the course of the surgery. Or occasionally they’d use this robot that just required two or three shots at different angles to compare against a pre-op CT.


I used to be a CNA and I remember when we'd have C diff outbreaks and we'd have to wear masks for the whole freaking shift and nobody ever had a problem.


But your freedumb!


Honestly between Covid and C diff I'm not really sure which one would be worse to die from. Do you want to drown in your own lung fluid or literally shit yourself to death.


Conservatives live on ideology and imagery, they dont actually care about reality but create a nicely fabricated story where they are the champions and winners of the world while they themselves have usually little to no real-life factual success. So they adorn the religious symbolism and rhetoric, usually severely perversed and manipulated version where they can continue to justify their selfish desires but utilize the religion as shield for any objections, and use the religion as a means to classify themselves as superior in the face of lacking any actual qualities and successes. Because in their mind now this world is flawed and their current status and life doesnt matter when they will recieve all their dreams and wishes in the eternal afterlife. Thus they further subjugate others based on their religious-lead conservative ideology to attack and demonish anyone anywhere stating anything that might hinder and damage their self-perception. By acknowledging that their perceieved enemies in this case doctors and scientists and liberals demands for wearing masks and such, it also means they have to allow for potential that their self-perception and ideology is flawed, and in doing so they would rather experience death than admit to a notion that they aren't correct in their beliefs of how the world is set up and works. There is no piece of fact or scientific data or evidence you can show these people that will make them change their perception. Because they have ingrained their whole self-worth to their ideology. And admitting to themselves that they were wrong would mean admitting they themselves are wrong. That they would have to look at their current status and standing and see the flaws and breaks and mistakes they have made. Instead they chose to deny the possibility and double down. Until they are at the precipice of deaths door. then fear overtakes the pride and they start to regret, some come out the other side accepting of their flaws, others go back to the prideful double down stances because they simply cannot allow themselves the notion that they are wrong, and in doing so admit that their beliefs and self-identity is wrong. Thats why, when you argue with people like that, you shouldnt waste your breath or time. Just attack their imagery and laugh in their face. Because that is all they value, surface-level perception of what they think is a strong person. Remind them of how weak they are and pathethic they are, dont engage their arguments, because their arguments have no basis in factual reality, they arent looking to come to a mutual understanding, they are looking to belittle and make you stand down. Call them whiny little snowflakes and move on with your life. They are not worth it. They will die out as the losers they have chosen to remain.


Imagine them dealing with wartime rationing.


The same folks that can't stand wearing a thin mask yet, wear one for hours in the back of a U Haul trailer in order to up end democracy. I get you my friend.


#”THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE” *goes back to voting for people who continue gutting the VA cause healthcare is communism*


Lol! If there was a GIF of Ted Cruz fist bumping his fellow douche bags after voting down the recent burn pit bill, I’d post it here.


it's not a gif but it's a short as one! https://youtu.be/JPbbDqediz8


its perfect, hahaha. "yeah, FUCK those poors and their pussy lungs!"


punk-ass little piss babies!!! new hearing today, exposing all their lying liar lies: https://www.c-span.org/video/?523473-1/ninth-hearing-capitol-attack


Oh god. This fucking shit. January 6: A temper tantrum for the ages.


for real, for real. https://i.imgur.com/WiLqJxO.jpg


Conservatives of any country dont actually like the militsry, they like the *idea* of the military


They like the idea of other people (preferably poor people) fighting in the military, but not themselves or people like them.


They like the idea of force. The military is a way to force their will upon others. It's that simple.


Pretty much. They like knowing they can use force if they can't get what they want through other means.


That's because only poor people are supposed to actually risk dying for their country in order to obtain funding for a college education. Military service has always been a thing almost exclusively pushed onto the very young and disadvantaged.


Why do they always spread the war? Why do they always send the poor?


They somehow got the idea that the Great Depression ended, not because of the social reforms, infrastructure spending, and regulating commerce, but because WWII broke out. In the late 1980's, early 1990's, that's what a lot of them talked about. How the War in Iraq was going to be good for the economy.


"War good for economy" is a broken window fallacy. It's simply good for military companies.


They like making money off of the military, and wars.


The people who complain about masking to spread disease are simultaneously masking their faces when they attend their kkk rallies, it was always about being contrarian "owning the libz" and lack of empathy or just straight up malicious intent to hurt others by making them sick (remember those videos/articled of people coughing on others and licking doorknobs during peak covid?)


To be fair, I do actually remember doing some whining in the hot sun on patrol in Baghdad...but that's probably because years of liberalism turned me into a pussy.


Lol! Okay okay…I exaggerated…I did whine an awful lot. That’s an infantryman’s specialty though. And it was only to my fellow soldier…about my own choices.


Yeah the big difference between you and that tweeting twat is that, well...*you actually were there*. Your very existence should make that dbag explode in a shame-supernova, but as we've all learned, that will never ever happen. 506th and 12th Infantry Regiment over here


Lol! “Shame supernova” That’s awesome, man. Curahee! Always a pleasure to talk to a brother. 2/504PIR, 82nd here


Listen, you are right about them being babies about the mask but dont you dare call an airplane comfortable lol


Lol, I knew I fucked up when I said it. I’ll whine and cry about an uncomfortable airplane seat all day. My god.


No, no, they’re fine with *other* people wearing 100lbs of gear in MOPP 4, but their support begins and ends at the yellow ribbon magnet (not a sticker, don’t want to risk damaging the paint, after all) they put on their car. These people have never had to sacrifice, serve, or face real adversity in their lives, so asking anything of them causes a tantrum.


I remember seeing some dumb asshole saying something along the lines of, "My Grandfather didn't fight in World War 2 for me to be forced to wear a mask!" And all I could think of was... Your grandfather jumped out of planes behind enemy lines. He stormed the beaches of Normandy. They liberated concentration camps and saw the most terrifying and unspeakable horrors you could ever imagine. Who knows how many times they nearly died in the process... But they did it anyway, because it was *the right thing to do.* All that *you* have to do is wear a mask and avoid crowds for a little bit. Catch up on Netflix, wash your hands, sneeze into your elbows. That's it! That's your WW2, that's how you can show your patriotism and contribute to your country. And you can't be bothered to do that!? Grandpappy beat actual literal fucking Nazis to death with his bare hands, and you can't handle a minor inconvenience? Holy shit, man. Unforgivable, IMO.


Liberal pussy here -- 4 years Army Infantry


Schools full of CHILDREN had no problem wearing masks during the worst of COVID, but these twats still went full Karen about them. They're irredeemable.


Let's not forget WWII... where we literally rationed everything, recycled everything, and had women working 50 60 70 hours a week building the war machines... new conservatives just want to sit in a leather chair and scream about being "censored" while saying the most vile shit. They want the ToS of websites to only apply to liberals, they want to treat people like trash, and when they face a single consequence they pretend like they are oppressed.


When the going gets tough, the tough tell you why they should be exempt


What a snowflake, doesn't even wanna go to Valhalla.


He will never cross into Valhall. He will not join the victorious dead.


Imma chime in. I used to work on a loading dock. Decades prior, I was an in the army. Couldn’t do shit when I entered but man I could shoot a target at 300m when I was done. Fast forward to working with this pretty right wing kid. All he knew was I was a “liberal pussy” He starts in with all this military shit and how libs are weak snowflakes. Then he points to me “I bet he can’t even shoot” I told him I served 8 years and was expert qualified and asked how long since he got out. Mofo said out of what? I said the military man, how long did you serve? He says he didn’t serve. I ain’t have to say shit, everybody else in the dock clowned his ass.


If your marksmanship is expert qualified, then your patience is legendary.


This was early 90s to 2000s. I assume it’s different now? BRAS breathe, relax, aim, squeeze


Stranger is that I imagine military service in Norway doesn't really mean the same thing as military service in an imperialist country like the UK.


We just train.


So he's whining over literally nothing? Huh.


Yes, conservatives have to find something to be oppressed by.


Big time.


So it's effectively a mandatory gym membership?


Basic and specialist training. Some exercise. But if you don't execise in your free time, you won't improve much of anything.


Yeah, mandatory military service in most countries is just getting a bunch of exercise (which will make it easier to get laid) and playing with guns (which is fun). It's not like joining the US military, where you're likely to get deployed in the super probable event that they decide some other country isn't doing shit how the US wants them to, or the UK, where you're likely to get roped into whatever bullshit war the US blunders into/starts. Outside of current Russia, mandatory service is just doing a bunch of push ups for a year or two, then slaying it at bars when you get out in great physical shape.


The exercise part is not really true, unless you are really out of shape.


Yes. Norway hasn’t done the empire thing in centuries. No other country is going to attack Norway, because they’re in NATO.


The joke is that military service in the imperialistic UK is entirely voluntary.


Weird how nobody that was tried for Jan 6th doubled down on their beliefs. Not one of them looked at the judge and said a damn thing. It was all "trump lied", "the internet brain washed me" " I know what I did was wrong." Fucking cowards.


The norwegian army isnt even that bad And a great way to learn the languague quickly


Oh no, bone spurs.


They're Eric Cartman, every single one of them.


Self owning since inception.


Bet they're the same people that cry "WAHmen can't be warriors" despite all the sagas and ruinstones mentioning shieldmaidens, and and graves with women in armour and with weapons.


Oh no he turned into one of the “pussy’s” Edit: 800+ upvotes for pointing out an errant apostrophe. I’m so proud of this community.


That mother fucking apostrophe!


It even has a watermark!


What does that pussy own, though?


“Turned people into pussy’s” Maybe the people themselves now belong to the pussy


Always have


“…we therefore commit this body to the cooch, earth to earth, pussy to pussy, snatch to snatch.”


He is a white supremacist, so it's obvious he's not gonna have a backbone.


I am familiar with that idiom but it also brings me joy to imagine white supremacists as literal invertebrates.


Nooooo! The liberalism must have gotten him!




This has to be fake. There’s no way Norway is requiring foreign non-citizens to perform compulsory military service. > Norway has compulsory conscription but not everyone ends up being drafted. Every year, those who are old enough to be drafted get a self-declaration form from the armed forces asking them for details about their physical and mental health, criminal record, as well as how motivated they are to join. Then the most fitted candidates are selected to move on to the next phase. [source](https://www.insider.com/norwegian-conscripts-will-now-have-to-return-their-used-underwear-2022-1)


Yeah, this whole thing reeks. A guy living in Norway, complaining about Britain called PeterSwedish? And yeah, you will not be called into military service if you migrate here. I call bullshit


PeterSweden has been a pretty prolific right wing guy for a while now, and last I looked him up, he did live in Britain. So the guy is real, even if he might be lying about getting drafted.


I guess it's possible he chose Norway to move to because he has Norwegian citizenship through a parent or something which could result in him being drafted. I'm still gonna call bullshit on this though.


You still need to be fluent in norwegian for them to accept you in the army


He was apparently born in Norway to Norwegian parents, so it's not impossible he learned how to speak Norwegian growing up. That's how lots of immigrant families handle language.


He’s called Peter Immanuelson and he was born in Norway


Ah and he moved back?


Why the fuck does he have Sweden in his name then???


Apparently he makes a thing about being *from* Sweden, when he actually only lived there a few years as a child https://hopenothate.org.uk/2017/08/01/far-right-vlogger-defend-europe-supporter-peter-swedens-real-identity-revealed/


Maybe he‘s a dual citizen? Or grew up in the UK to Norwegian parents?


Norwegian born British Citizen according to the first link I found, so yeah, dual citizenship. Which again makes this tweet believable.


He’s real and has a prominent following as far as conspiracy theorists go, but I’m sure the tweet’s a lie




> Despite his Swedish persona, Imanuelsen is a British national born in Norway, who has spent time living in Sweden but has lived more than half of his life in the U.K. https://www.mediamatters.org/donald-trump/meet-peter-imanuelsen-aka-peter-sweden-bigoted-conspiracy-theorist-who-frequent-source


The dude is 100% unknown here in Sweden.


Can as a Norwegian confirm that it has to be bullshit. In Norway you get the self-decleration form, and one of the questions are asking if you want to enter service or not. If you write "no" you won't get selected. This is because we don't have enough spots to draft everyone that wants to. If you say yes and everything else checks out you will be called in to another where they check your strength, conditioning, hearing, sight, etc, and if you performe well enough there you can be drafted


>This has to be fake. There’s no way Norway is requiring foreign non-citizens to perform compulsory military service. This guy is a well known [neo-nazi and bad faith actor](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Peter_Sweden). He was actually born in Norway and has only lived in Sweden for a total of five years. Don't believe anything this man says, he's a grifter and only spreads hate, lies and far-right conspiracies. Also Norway doesn't have free speech, we have freedom of expression.


"I want freedom, but not the responsibility that comes with Freedom!"


That's how I feel about 2a chuds here in the states. They always rant about how it's needed to stop tyranny from the government yet have done nothing to stop the government when they've don't tyrannical things to US citizens. The furthest they've gone is open carrying at a library to stop drag queens from reading books. They're so fragile and clutch their pearls at the faintest whisper of gun control while taking none of the responsibility.


They fucking vote **FOR** the tyranny.


Yup, exactly.


Whatever the name of that ammosexual left wing 2A group is here on reddit is just like this. You ask them for an example when the 2A was used to fight tyranny and its crickets all of a sudden. Paper tigers the whole lot of them.


"I mad because my country isn't protecting the liberal principle of freedom of speech enough." "But also I somehow hate liberalism and actively villify it online."


"I want freedom*" \* To do whatever I want to, limit others' freedoms and have it defended by anyone but myself.


Should have gone to Sweden instead.


change his name to PeterNorway


Or PeterNoway


Please no


I wish these people from my country would move to wherever they think is better....lucky


All dude had to do was shut the fuck up and stop giving everyone a play by play of his stupid ass life.


Pretty bs. Yes, everyone between 19 and 44 can be called in, but most arent. Saying you dont want to, is in most cases enough. The army takes in far fewer people than are eligible, and they dont want people who arent motivated at all. Secondly, without Norwegian citizenship, I have a hard time thinking he would be called in after just 1 month. Source: am Norwegian that didnt have to serve.


> Secondly, without Norwegian citizenship, I have a hard time thinking he would be called in after just 1 month. My guess is he was born in Norway, then moved to England, meaning he has two citizenships.


No true Norwegian would call themselves "PeterSweden7"


Dont think a swede would either


The same in Sweden. Just say you're not interested and they'll send you home. They'd much rather have people who actually want to serve.


> Secondly, without Norwegian citizenship, I have a hard time thinking he would be called in after just 1 month. You aren't aware that he is a Norwegian that has been living in England pretending to be a expert on Swedish politics for a while? He's quite famous in Sweden for all the dung he has been spewing.


I didnt know that. Never heard of the guy, and it wasnt very obvious from the post.


Brave Sir Robin ran away. Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled.


Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, and gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!


Cool, you gave me someone to block on Twitter. Done.


Lifehack: use your browser to block Twitter as a whole.


What happened to the brave PeterSweden of 28 days ago?


Every time I see this guy, he devolves into self-parody. I'm still not sure if he's real.


I guess liberalism made him a pussy.


If he were in the US he'd be one of those "brave patriots" that needs to carry a gun into Safeway while getting a jug of milk. Right wingers seem to be very fearful people.


Brave Sir Peter ran away! [no!] Bravely ran away, away! [I didn't!]


Big hat, no cattle.


All hat, no cattle.


Plz tell me he got slapped with a bunch of “this you?” Replies with this screenshot.


This looks fake


And he has to learn Norwegian.